PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

"Australia Mining Pioneer & Founder of the True Geology" <>
wrote in message

Brits are a obnoxious up their ass bunch. Fuck them all I say.
On May 7, 11:07 pm, "Sekula" <> wrote:
"Australia Mining Pioneer & Founder of the True Geology" <
wrote in

Brits are a obnoxious up their ass bunch. Fuck them all I say.
I read hoe the leader of the BNP polled very badly , seems they have
not got the numbers they hoped for

Rod Speed wrote:
Immortalist wrote:

Tablet computers aren’t new. Windows notebook PCs with stylus-
controlled touchscreens have been around for years, but the market
remains a very small niche. The iPad, a tablet lacking many functions
of these bigger, better spec’d machines, has probably sold more units
in its first month (one million of them) than tablets have sold ever.

Yeah, its one hell of a commentary on how the market works in many ways.
I've got an ancient IBM tablet which I bought at a computer show some
years ago as a curio. It has a 486 processor, a B/W LCD screen with a
Wacom touch panel. I think that it dates from the late 90s.

Something similar but quite different happened with the iphone.
There were a number of Windows CE devices like the HP Journada that
pre-dated the iPhone and ipod touch but did a very similar job.

Very limited phone in many ways, the OS isnt even multitasking,
but it generated one hell of a response from those who write apps.

It does have a very decent user interface in some areas,
particularly the touch screen and a couple of very innovative
ideas like with pinching and zooming etc, but didnt even have
some very basic stuff like cut and paste for a long time.

The market didnt care and bought hordes of them anyway.

The response from computer makers has been more of the same
old junk, hoping people will buy anything they call a tablet or a slate.

Thats not surprising given that they need to make a quick response.

They won’t. The public is sick of babysitting their computers.

Yes, but that doesnt mean that they will get what they want.

Its a hell of a lot harder to do than it is to say.
I was offered a couple of devices similar to the iPad in Hong Kong
recently. One was a Windows mobile based unit looking very similar to
the iPad, the seller started off asking $HK2800 ($400) and ended up
chasing me down the road yelling "$1900" ($270). I knocked it back due
to the probable lack of software. The other was an Intel Atom based
machine running Linux, but it had a resistive touch screen, nasty (the
seller was demoing it using a chopstick as a stylus)

They want a gadget they don’t have to think about,

Yes, but again, its a hell of a lot harder to do than it is to say,
particularly with something the user can load hordes of apps onto.

something they aren’t scared of using.

Its not scared so much as they want something effortless
to use. And there is a real sense in which the ipod UI provides
that, even tho it can be more difficult to use than it first looks,
particularly the ITunes UI on the PC to load it etc.

Doesnt matter tho, by the time they notice that,
they've bought it and wont be tossing it in the bin.

Manufacturers need to make a tablet that competes with
the iPad not just in terms of hardware, but also concept.

And it isnt that hard to improve on it too, particularly with multitasking.

Here’s how to make one.

Fraid not.


Hardware is almost irrelevant, on the outside at least.

No it isnt. It does need to be very readable and to have a decent
touch system that works well over time. Without that, its fucked.

The iPad is a slab of aluminum and glass with
an absolute minimum of ports and buttons.

There is a hell of a lot more to the hardware than that.

Rivals counter this by promising USB ports, SD
card slots and the like. The problem? Compatibility.

Not necessarily a problem, plenty of smart phones handle that fine.

If you include just one standard USB port, people expect it to
behave like one, and they’ll plug in printers, mice and everything else.

Have fun explaining why they dont with smart phones which have a USB port.

This requires drivers,

Not necessarily, and it isnt that hard to load those
automatically with a device that has net access anyway.

which in turn adds complexity

No it does not with a device that has net access already.

and eats into precious flash-memory space

There is no shortage of flash memory space.

(a recent Epson printer driver update for the Mac was almost 1 GB in size).

Stupid example.

The solution: Lightweight, low-powered hardware, designed not to
run a full desktop OS but instead a purpose-made, tablet-friendly OS.

Have fun explaining the latest smart phones that run Linux fine.

And plenty of GPSs etc do too.

It should be thought of as a big cellphone,

Its more of a reduced functionality PC.

designed for battery life and ease of use. It should
be designed, most importantly, around software.

All modern hardware always is.


A tablet needs its own operating system.

Nope. The Ipad uses the same OS as the iphone and the ipod.

This is an opportunity for companies to throw out legacy
support for every previous iteration of their software
(we’re looking at you, Windows registry) and start over.

Thats what Apple did with the iphone. They even stupidly threw out mulitasking.

It would in fact be better to start with Linux instead with something as complex as an OS.
there are quite a few chinese iphone clones running around windows
mobile, you can get them for not much more than $100.

Start with a blank, ahem, slate and build from there. Forget
about mouse and keyboard-based metaphors and start over.

Yes. But you dont need to start with a brand new OS to do
that, most GPSs etc have gone that route with Linux instead.

Design an OS that makes it easy to do what people actually want to do with a tablet.

Makes more sense to add that functionality to Linux.

Most importantly, do not mistake this for a computer.

Mindlessly silly, thats exactly what it is, albeit a reduced functionality one.

You already sell computers.

But none with anything like that sort of user interface except with the iphone.

Let the people who say the lack of a Unix terminal is a
“deal-breaker” buy one of those, and then ignore them.

HP gets this.

We'll see...

It bought Palm because it sees the end of the PC market.

Like hell it does. It actually sees a real market in that segment.

PCs aren’t going anywhere soon,

They dont need to.

but like the laptop overtook the desktop, the
tablet will be most people’s main computing tool.

Pig arse it will, particularly for those who use the keyboard for entry much.

Building a tablet OS from scratch will take years if done properly.

Which is why it makes a hell of a lot more sense to start with Linux.

Palm’s WebOS is ready to be blown up into tablet form now,

And Linux is even better for that.

and if HP can manage the hardware side properly, it
could have a true iPad rival up and running this year.

Bet it doesnt. Just like there arent any real competitors
for the iphone yet, or even for the ipod either.

Better still, it will own the hardware and the software instead
of selling just another Windows PC, and competing only on price.

That isnt what happens when the OS is Linux.


The success of Apple’s App Store isn’t about the sheer numbers.


Most of the apps out there are junk. The thing that
makes it work is the ease and safety of installation.

Its more complicated than that.

Mac and iPhone developer Fraser Speirs puts it like this:
“iPhone OS is the first mass-market operating system
where consumers are no longer afraid to install software
on their computers.”

Thats been true with desktops for a long time now.

Daring Fireball’s John Gruber puts it more
succinctly, saying that “the best way to think
of iPhone OS devices [is as] app consoles.”

Thats been true for decades now.

You see an app you like, you click it and you’re done. Payments
are invisible, no application will infect or damage your machine
and, if you don’t like the app, when you delete it it’s entirely gone.
The suggestions that Apple should let users install apps from
anywhere ignores this fact: The App Store is so successful because
it is closed. Don’t agree? How’s the Android Marketplace doing?

Beating Apple

Apple has invented a device that normal people will use and enjoy


and has shown us the future of computing.

Nope. Its never done that.
They said that about the Mac, and it did indeed influence the market,
but never took it over.

But there are some obvious areas where competitors can beat it.

We'll see...

Censorship, for one. The App Store needs to be closed to work,
but rejecting applications based on their content is wrong. The
lack of clear guidelines for developers leads to more homogeneous
applications, because programmers are scared to put a lot of time into
an app that pushes the envelope if it may never make it into the store.

And remember, you don’t have to beat the iPad to win here. You just need
to make something better than a personal computer. How hard can that be?

Fucking hard, you watch.
keithr wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Immortalist wrote

Tablet computers aren’t new. Windows notebook PCs with stylus-
controlled touchscreens have been around for years, but the market
remains a very small niche. The iPad, a tablet lacking many functions of these bigger, better spec’d machines, has
probably sold more units in its first month (one million of them) than tablets have sold ever.

Yeah, its one hell of a commentary on how the market works in many ways.

I've got an ancient IBM tablet which I bought at a computer show some years ago as a curio. It has a 486 processor, a
B/W LCD screen with a Wacom touch panel. I think that it dates from the late 90s.

Something similar but quite different happened with the iphone.

There were a number of Windows CE devices like the HP Journada that pre-dated the iPhone and ipod touch but did a very
similar job.
And then the iphone sold more than all the rest of those combined, in spades.

Very limited phone in many ways, the OS isnt even multitasking,
but it generated one hell of a response from those who write apps.

It does have a very decent user interface in some areas,
particularly the touch screen and a couple of very innovative
ideas like with pinching and zooming etc, but didnt even have
some very basic stuff like cut and paste for a long time.

The market didnt care and bought hordes of them anyway.

The response from computer makers has been more of the same
old junk, hoping people will buy anything they call a tablet or a slate.

Thats not surprising given that they need to make a quick response.

They won’t. The public is sick of babysitting their computers.

Yes, but that doesnt mean that they will get what they want.

Its a hell of a lot harder to do than it is to say.

I was offered a couple of devices similar to the iPad in Hong Kong
recently. One was a Windows mobile based unit looking very similar to the iPad, the seller started off asking $HK2800
($400) and ended up chasing me down the road yelling "$1900" ($270). I knocked it back due to the probable lack of
software. The other was an Intel Atom based machine running Linux, but it had a resistive touch screen, nasty (the
seller was demoing it using a chopstick as a stylus)

They want a gadget they don’t have to think about,

Yes, but again, its a hell of a lot harder to do than it is to say,
particularly with something the user can load hordes of apps onto.

something they aren’t scared of using.

Its not scared so much as they want something effortless
to use. And there is a real sense in which the ipod UI provides
that, even tho it can be more difficult to use than it first looks,
particularly the ITunes UI on the PC to load it etc.

Doesnt matter tho, by the time they notice that,
they've bought it and wont be tossing it in the bin.

Manufacturers need to make a tablet that competes with
the iPad not just in terms of hardware, but also concept.

And it isnt that hard to improve on it too, particularly with multitasking.

Here’s how to make one.

Fraid not.


Hardware is almost irrelevant, on the outside at least.

No it isnt. It does need to be very readable and to have a decent
touch system that works well over time. Without that, its fucked.

The iPad is a slab of aluminum and glass with
an absolute minimum of ports and buttons.

There is a hell of a lot more to the hardware than that.

Rivals counter this by promising USB ports, SD
card slots and the like. The problem? Compatibility.

Not necessarily a problem, plenty of smart phones handle that fine.

If you include just one standard USB port, people expect it to behave like one, and they’ll plug in printers, mice
and everything else.

Have fun explaining why they dont with smart phones which have a USB port.

This requires drivers,

Not necessarily, and it isnt that hard to load those
automatically with a device that has net access anyway.

which in turn adds complexity

No it does not with a device that has net access already.

and eats into precious flash-memory space

There is no shortage of flash memory space.

(a recent Epson printer driver update for the Mac was almost 1 GB in size).

Stupid example.

The solution: Lightweight, low-powered hardware, designed not to
run a full desktop OS but instead a purpose-made, tablet-friendly OS.

Have fun explaining the latest smart phones that run Linux fine.

And plenty of GPSs etc do too.

It should be thought of as a big cellphone,

Its more of a reduced functionality PC.

designed for battery life and ease of use. It should
be designed, most importantly, around software.

All modern hardware always is.


A tablet needs its own operating system.

Nope. The Ipad uses the same OS as the iphone and the ipod.

This is an opportunity for companies to throw out legacy
support for every previous iteration of their software
(we’re looking at you, Windows registry) and start over.

Thats what Apple did with the iphone. They even stupidly threw out mulitasking.

It would in fact be better to start with Linux instead with something as complex as an OS.

there are quite a few chinese iphone clones running around windows mobile, you can get them for not much more than
Sure, but they aint a patch on a real iphone.

Even the majors like Nokia and HTC etc havent done that well.

Start with a blank, ahem, slate and build from there. Forget
about mouse and keyboard-based metaphors and start over.

Yes. But you dont need to start with a brand new OS to do
that, most GPSs etc have gone that route with Linux instead.

Design an OS that makes it easy to do what people actually want to do with a tablet.

Makes more sense to add that functionality to Linux.

Most importantly, do not mistake this for a computer.

Mindlessly silly, thats exactly what it is, albeit a reduced functionality one.

You already sell computers.

But none with anything like that sort of user interface except with the iphone.

Let the people who say the lack of a Unix terminal is a
“deal-breaker” buy one of those, and then ignore them.

HP gets this.

We'll see...

It bought Palm because it sees the end of the PC market.

Like hell it does. It actually sees a real market in that segment.

PCs aren’t going anywhere soon,

They dont need to.

but like the laptop overtook the desktop, the
tablet will be most people’s main computing tool.

Pig arse it will, particularly for those who use the keyboard for entry much.

Building a tablet OS from scratch will take years if done properly.

Which is why it makes a hell of a lot more sense to start with Linux.

Palm’s WebOS is ready to be blown up into tablet form now,

And Linux is even better for that.

and if HP can manage the hardware side properly, it
could have a true iPad rival up and running this year.

Bet it doesnt. Just like there arent any real competitors
for the iphone yet, or even for the ipod either.

Better still, it will own the hardware and the software instead
of selling just another Windows PC, and competing only on price.

That isnt what happens when the OS is Linux.


The success of Apple’s App Store isn’t about the sheer numbers.


Most of the apps out there are junk. The thing that
makes it work is the ease and safety of installation.

Its more complicated than that.

Mac and iPhone developer Fraser Speirs puts it like this:
“iPhone OS is the first mass-market operating system
where consumers are no longer afraid to install software
on their computers.”

Thats been true with desktops for a long time now.

Daring Fireball’s John Gruber puts it more
succinctly, saying that “the best way to think
of iPhone OS devices [is as] app consoles.”

Thats been true for decades now.

You see an app you like, you click it and you’re done. Payments
are invisible, no application will infect or damage your machine
and, if you don’t like the app, when you delete it it’s entirely gone. The suggestions that Apple should let users
install apps from
anywhere ignores this fact: The App Store is so successful because
it is closed. Don’t agree? How’s the Android Marketplace doing?

Beating Apple

Apple has invented a device that normal people will use and enjoy


and has shown us the future of computing.

Nope. Its never done that.

They said that about the Mac, and it did indeed influence the market, but never took it over.
And it never did show us the future of computing either.

But there are some obvious areas where competitors can beat it.

We'll see...

Censorship, for one. The App Store needs to be closed to work,
but rejecting applications based on their content is wrong. The
lack of clear guidelines for developers leads to more homogeneous
applications, because programmers are scared to put a lot of time into an app that pushes the envelope if it may
never make it into the store.

And remember, you don’t have to beat the iPad to win here. You just need to make something better than a personal
computer. How hard can that be?

Fucking hard, you watch.
On May 8, 12:25 am, kangarooistan <> wrote:
On May 7, 11:07 pm, "Sekula" <> wrote:

"Australia Mining Pioneer & Founder of the True Geology" <
wrote in

Brits are a obnoxious up their ass bunch. Fuck them all I say.

I read hoe the leader of the BNP polled very badly , seems they have
not got the numbers they hoped for

I was shocked that so many poms voted for that Brown - after all he
and his gang have done to smash the UK.
Especially after that Digital Economy bill, and the police state that
has been set up over there in recent years.

This shows that there is little hope for that country, citizens who
support pure evil deserve exactly what is coming to them.
In the past I could understand people's ignorance, but in the internet
age, it is rapidly becoming as such that there is no excuse anymore
for such ignorance.

maybe all those with brains worked all this out and left. This would
explain everything.
Appendix 3

( and legal owners hence of the Telfer Mine)

Glen Kingsford BAILEY
7 Karrinyup Road, TRIG W.A 10.1064

William Hugh Granville BRIDGER
Britain Street, COMO W.A .8333

Ronald William BROWN
31 Holman Street, MELVILLE W.A 3.6111

Tribradden Station GERALDTON W.A .8333

Eric Malcolm Lloyd FITZGERALD
71 Mount Street, PERTH W.A 13.4907

Padbury Station Via MEEKATHARRA W.A 13.4907

James Gordon HAY
Padbury Station Via MEEKATHARRA WA .4166

Gordon Eric KEEN
Brown street, BENCUBBIN W.A 2.0000

35 Mcleod Road, APPLECROSS W.A 5.0694

Malcolm James McCUSKER
1 Hamer Avenue, WEMBLEY DOWN W.A 3.6111

8 Robin Street, MOUNT LAWLEY W.A 3.6111

Robert Francis NAUGHTON
44 Donegal Road, FLOREAT PARK W.A 8.4034

Bernard Morgan O'DRISCOLL
26 Fletching Street, BALGA W.A 4.0000

Walter John PACKARD

Padbury Station Via MEEKATHARRA W.A .6944

Frazer Road, APPLECROSS W.A .8333

Leslie Arthur SHUBERT
164 Lockhart Street, COMO W.A 18.8564

William Alfred ISON SMITH
29 Bridgeway Avenue, FERNDALE W.A 4.0277



This list has been sent to West Australia Premier the Right Hon Colin
Barnett yesterday as well as parcel containing the microfilms of the
Day Dawn & Narla Companies Directors ' reports till liquidation.
( Both the Mining Criminals & the WA Government ignored I had these
microfilms) The other legal owners of Telfer Mine are the Boral
Shareholders whose subsidiary Narla was in full control of the Telfer
mine gossan anticline & dike. Boral directors pocketed 5 millions
dollars in cash to scuttle their own company Narla and that money was
tucked away in NZ account. ref CIB information given in confidence to
Attorney General Evans & one of the reason for the demanded Royal
Inquiry) '

As all know there is a Royal Inquiry which was demanded & still
pending in the West Australia Parliament regarding the multi Trillions
dollars Telfer Mine Swindle & the very smart way the Newmont /
Newcrest Mining Criminals acted in a conspiracy with the West
Australia Mines Department to foil any attempt at holding that Royal
Inquiry into the Criminal Endeavours. The Right Hon. Colin Barnett
should have the microfilms + some devastating documents written by the
Newmont / Newcrest Head Criminal at the time, Searls, which matched
to some of the Day Dawn & Narla Smoke screen companies ' report are
completely devastating.
Any interested party may contact me direct to receive the complete
file, which is going to fall on the WA Premier 's desk on the 27th of
this very month
( montjoie at sfr dot fr) I will reply

Probably that some of the ladies & gentlemen noted on that list are
now on tight situation, while in fact the legal owner of one of the
World largest Copper/Gold mine & Australia 's largest ( 2400 km˛)
The WA Premier will take in days to come the right decision if either
the Royal Inquiry demanded is activated or at least a Parliamentary
Commission with justicial power is convene to bring the Mining
Criminals on their knees. Of course the Minister For Mines, the Hon.
Norman Moore is giving all his support to the Premier so that Natural
Justice be enforced

Jean-Paul Turcaud
Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer Mine (Australia largest Copper &
Gold Mine)
Nifty (Cu) & Kintyre (U, Th) Mines, all in the Great Sandy Desert
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Founder of the True Geology

~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One Never Forgiven ~

for background info.
"True Geology" Foundation Document
"Turcaud Bath" as a free gift to Suffering Humanity
Jean-Paul Turcaud
Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer Mine (Australia largest Copper &
Gold Mine)
Nifty (Cu) & Kintyre (U, Th) Mines, all in the Great Sandy Desert
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Founder of the True Geology

~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One Never Forgiven ~

for background info.
"True Geology" Foundation Document
"Turcaud Bath" as a free gift to Suffering Humanity
Appendix 3

( and legal owners hence of the Telfer Mine)

Glen Kingsford BAILEY
7 Karrinyup Road, TRIG W.A 10.1064

William Hugh Granville BRIDGER
Britain Street, COMO W.A .8333

Ronald William BROWN
31 Holman Street, MELVILLE W.A 3.6111

Tribradden Station GERALDTON W.A .8333

Eric Malcolm Lloyd FITZGERALD
71 Mount Street, PERTH W.A 13.4907

Padbury Station Via MEEKATHARRA W.A 13.4907

James Gordon HAY
Padbury Station Via MEEKATHARRA WA .4166

Gordon Eric KEEN
Brown street, BENCUBBIN W.A 2.0000

35 Mcleod Road, APPLECROSS W.A 5.0694

Malcolm James McCUSKER
1 Hamer Avenue, WEMBLEY DOWN W.A 3.6111

8 Robin Street, MOUNT LAWLEY W.A 3.6111

Robert Francis NAUGHTON
44 Donegal Road, FLOREAT PARK W.A 8.4034

Bernard Morgan O'DRISCOLL
26 Fletching Street, BALGA W.A 4.0000

Walter John PACKARD

Padbury Station Via MEEKATHARRA W.A .6944

Frazer Road, APPLECROSS W.A .8333

Leslie Arthur SHUBERT
164 Lockhart Street, COMO W.A 18.8564

William Alfred ISON SMITH
29 Bridgeway Avenue, FERNDALE W.A 4.0277



This list has been sent to West Australia Premier the Right Hon Colin
Barnett yesterday as well as parcel containing the microfilms of the
Day Dawn & Narla Companies Directors ' reports till liquidation.
( Both the Mining Criminals & the WA Government ignored I had these
microfilms) The other legal owners of Telfer Mine are the Boral
Shareholders whose subsidiary Narla was in full control of the Telfer
mine gossan anticline & dike. Boral directors pocketed 5 millions
dollars in cash to scuttle their own company Narla and that money was
tucked away in NZ account. ref CIB information given in confidence to
Attorney General Evans & one of the reason for the demanded Royal
Inquiry) '

As all know there is a Royal Inquiry which was demanded & still
pending in the West Australia Parliament regarding the multi Trillions
dollars Telfer Mine Swindle & the very smart way the Newmont /
Newcrest Mining Criminals acted in a conspiracy with the West
Australia Mines Department to foil any attempt at holding that Royal
Inquiry into the Criminal Endeavours. The Right Hon. Colin Barnett
should have the microfilms + some devastating documents written by the
Newmont / Newcrest Head Criminal at the time, Searls, which matched
to some of the Day Dawn & Narla Smoke screen companies ' report are
completely devastating.
Any interested party may contact me direct to receive the complete
file, which is going to fall on the WA Premier 's desk on the 27th of
this very month
( montjoie at sfr dot fr) I will reply

Probably that some of the ladies & gentlemen noted on that list are
now on tight situation, while in fact the legal owner of one of the
World largest Copper/Gold mine & Australia 's largest ( 2400 km˛)
The WA Premier will take in days to come the right decision if either
the Royal Inquiry demanded is activated or at least a Parliamentary
Commission with justicial power is convene to bring the Mining
Criminals on their knees. Of course the Minister For Mines, the Hon.
Norman Moore is giving all his support to the Premier so that Natural
Justice be enforced

Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer Mine (Australia largest Copper &
Gold Mine)
Nifty (Cu) & Kintyre (U, Th) Mines, all in the Great Sandy Desert
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Founder of the True Geology

~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One Never Forgiven ~

for background info.
"True Geology" Foundation Document
"Turcaud Bath" as a free gift to Suffering Humanity
On Wed, 26 May 2010 02:45:03 -0700 (PDT), "Australia Mining Pioneer &
Founder of the True Geology" <> wrote:

Appendix 3

( and legal owners hence of the Telfer Mine)
Illegal to post such things with peoples addresses and what they own.

Glen Kingsford BAILEY
7 Karrinyup Road, TRIG W.A 10.1064

William Hugh Granville BRIDGER
Britain Street, COMO W.A .8333

Ronald William BROWN
31 Holman Street, MELVILLE W.A 3.6111

Tribradden Station GERALDTON W.A .8333

Eric Malcolm Lloyd FITZGERALD
71 Mount Street, PERTH W.A 13.4907

Padbury Station Via MEEKATHARRA W.A 13.4907

James Gordon HAY
Padbury Station Via MEEKATHARRA WA .4166

Gordon Eric KEEN
Brown street, BENCUBBIN W.A 2.0000

35 Mcleod Road, APPLECROSS W.A 5.0694

Malcolm James McCUSKER
1 Hamer Avenue, WEMBLEY DOWN W.A 3.6111

8 Robin Street, MOUNT LAWLEY W.A 3.6111

Robert Francis NAUGHTON
44 Donegal Road, FLOREAT PARK W.A 8.4034

Bernard Morgan O'DRISCOLL
26 Fletching Street, BALGA W.A 4.0000

Walter John PACKARD

Padbury Station Via MEEKATHARRA W.A .6944

Frazer Road, APPLECROSS W.A .8333

Leslie Arthur SHUBERT
164 Lockhart Street, COMO W.A 18.8564

William Alfred ISON SMITH
29 Bridgeway Avenue, FERNDALE W.A 4.0277



This list has been sent to West Australia Premier the Right Hon Colin
Barnett yesterday as well as parcel containing the microfilms of the
Day Dawn & Narla Companies Directors ' reports till liquidation.
( Both the Mining Criminals & the WA Government ignored I had these
microfilms) The other legal owners of Telfer Mine are the Boral
Shareholders whose subsidiary Narla was in full control of the Telfer
mine gossan anticline & dike. Boral directors pocketed 5 millions
dollars in cash to scuttle their own company Narla and that money was
tucked away in NZ account. ref CIB information given in confidence to
Attorney General Evans & one of the reason for the demanded Royal
Inquiry) '

As all know there is a Royal Inquiry which was demanded & still
pending in the West Australia Parliament regarding the multi Trillions
dollars Telfer Mine Swindle & the very smart way the Newmont /
Newcrest Mining Criminals acted in a conspiracy with the West
Australia Mines Department to foil any attempt at holding that Royal
Inquiry into the Criminal Endeavours. The Right Hon. Colin Barnett
should have the microfilms + some devastating documents written by the
Newmont / Newcrest Head Criminal at the time, Searls, which matched
to some of the Day Dawn & Narla Smoke screen companies ' report are
completely devastating.
Any interested party may contact me direct to receive the complete
file, which is going to fall on the WA Premier 's desk on the 27th of
this very month
( montjoie at sfr dot fr) I will reply

Probably that some of the ladies & gentlemen noted on that list are
now on tight situation, while in fact the legal owner of one of the
World largest Copper/Gold mine & Australia 's largest ( 2400 km=B2)
The WA Premier will take in days to come the right decision if either
the Royal Inquiry demanded is activated or at least a Parliamentary
Commission with justicial power is convene to bring the Mining
Criminals on their knees. Of course the Minister For Mines, the Hon.
Norman Moore is giving all his support to the Premier so that Natural
Justice be enforced

Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer Mine (Australia largest Copper &
Gold Mine)
Nifty (Cu) & Kintyre (U, Th) Mines, all in the Great Sandy Desert
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Founder of the True Geology

~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One Never Forgiven ~

for background info.
"True Geology" Foundation Document
"Turcaud Bath" as a free gift to Suffering Humanity
Appendix 2

A parallel being established between Newmont President Searls 'letter
of February 22, 1978, sent to Mr Ian Jones, Secretary of the A.W.U,
Telfer Branch, where on the "Summary of the Turcaud- Parallel Range
dispute" paragraph n°4 Searls says :

Quote: Dr Tyrwhitt in company of Thomson, made the first visit to the
area by a Newmont employee in April 1972. At the time, Tyrwhitt
confirmed, the stratigraphic controls of mineralisation and took
samples, which subsequently indicated significant gold mineralisation

While on Narla report of the Directors of 1972 can be read:
Quote: Paterson Range A group of 21 claims were pegged on an anomalous
zone in the Paterson Range situated approximately 100 miles south east
of Marble Bar. Subsequent to 30th of June, 1972, eight percussion
holes totalling 1,035 feet and four costeans were developed. Assay
results showed that surface mineralisation did not persist below the
surface. As there was no indication of an economic prospect Narla
withdrew from further involvement in the exploration programme.

Of course no mention to Jones is made by Searls of both the Koehn
report & the Narla smoke-screen company, as for the Day Dawn
shareholders they should be pleased in learning that they were
compensated for their exploration cost, that is 2 days field trip by
Koehn to & fro Telfer Mine Dome following data provided to Day Dawn &
Thomson by my consultants Berven & Schiller. Extremely interesting
information in that letter by Searls, as proof of the most vicious
way Newmont / Newcrest has been twisting History, and still do now.

For clarity I am also including what appears on
Appendix 1,
,but the demonstration of the cover up & criminal proceeding is
appearing there by easily matching the contradictory documents, since
unfortunately for the Newmont / Newcrest Mining Criminals there is NO
perfect crime, although I have to admit they tried hard to achieve
such commendable goal.
(by their standards indeed)

Newmont President Searls 'letter of February 22, 1978, sent to Mr Ian
Jones, Secretary of the A.W.U, Telfer Branch, where on the "Summary of
the Turcaud- Parallel Range dispute" paragraph n°3 Searls says:
Newmont approached Day Dawn Minerals and agreed to acquire all data
they had on the area for a sum of money, which sum, equated to their
cost of exploration of the area, was soon thereafter paid.

Interesting also in relation to Koehn 's report is again Newmont
President Searls 'letter of February 22, 1978, sent to Mr Ian Jones,
Secretary of the A.W.U, Telfer Branch, where on the "Summary of the
Turcaud- Parallel Range dispute" paragraph n°2 Searls says
On April 4, 1972, Mr Ronald Thomson joined Newmont on a contract as
Resident Geologist in Kalgoorlie. Shortly thereafter, he brought to
Newmont's attention a copper/gold prospect
( § please note copper/gold prospect as Turcaud promoted it)
…in a then undisclosed remote location
( § not so remote for a well-debased Australian Mining Pioneer)
…He showed Dr Tyrwhitt assay results indicating a strong gold
mineralisation associated with quartz veining in a Proterozoic
sedimentary sequence.
(§ hence nothing to do with the Zambian copper belt bullshit, but
rather with the Utah Kennecot copper mine sandstone like environment,
since as Searls ignore no visible gold at Telfer)
… Thomson declined to any further information pending Newmont reaching
an arrangement with Day Dawn minerals, for whom Thomson had been
working on contract at the time he obtained the samples and assays


Copyright Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology

La Rochelle 19 May 2010
David L. Jones wrote:
I couldn't help myself, I just found this so hilarious!

(less than 1 minute video for those with short attention spans)

If you want to get picky about ergonomics, why not point out the problem
in the Rigol scopes, where when you push any of the upper buttons (
Measure, Acquire, Storage, etc ) the scope slides across the bench or
falls over backwards unless you hold it.

My old ( and much bigger and heavier ) scopes never did this.

But the Rigol still has better performance for its price by several
orders of magnitude. I'm not complaining.


Adrian Jansen adrianjansen at internode dot on dot net
Note reply address is invalid, convert address above to machine form.
"Adrian Jansen"
If you want to get picky about ergonomics, why not point out the problem
in the Rigol scopes, where when you push any of the upper buttons (
Measure, Acquire, Storage, etc ) the scope slides across the bench or
falls over backwards unless you hold it.
** Hold it ???

Just gotta rest your fingertips on the top while pressing with the thumb to
achieve that.

..... Phil
Adrian Jansen wrote:
David L. Jones wrote:
I couldn't help myself, I just found this so hilarious!

(less than 1 minute video for those with short attention spans)


If you want to get picky about ergonomics
I don't think I'm being picky at all. It's my job to review these meters and
I found a poor design aspect that others meters do not exhibit.

why not point out the
problem in the Rigol scopes, where when you push any of the upper
buttons ( Measure, Acquire, Storage, etc ) the scope slides across
the bench or falls over backwards unless you hold it.
That's only an issue on the laminated type bench tops, and not nearly as bad
as you describe for me. You must be heavy handed or have a teflon bench top
or something!
I find it even less of a problem with the tilt feet extended (more weight on
the big back rubber feet). Not that's it a problem for me at all, I can push
the buttons and not have it move at all on any of my surfaces. But yes, the
laminated type is the worst.
No issues at all on my wooden bench top or glass desk, I'd have to put like
kg's of force or something to move it.

Check out my Electronics Engineering Video Blog & Podcast:
On Jun 4, 7:01 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <> wrote:

Understand? Or shall we begin discussing your wife's mental illness? Up to
you. Start acting like a reasonable human or act like a fuckwit.

I'd like to know what those dickheads on aus.electronics think of
their "long standing and highly respected" poster making comments like

On Jun 4, 8:41 am, Adrian Jansen <> wrote:
David L. Jones wrote:
I couldn't help myself, I just found this so hilarious!

(less than 1 minute video for those with short attention spans)


If you want to get picky about ergonomics, why not point out the problem
in the Rigol scopes, where when you push any of the upper buttons (
Measure, Acquire, Storage, etc ) the scope slides across the bench or
falls over backwards unless you hold it.

My old ( and much bigger and heavier ) scopes never did this.

But the Rigol still has better performance for its price by several
orders of magnitude.  I'm not complaining.


Adrian Jansen           adrianjansen at internode dot on dot net
Note reply address is invalid, convert address above to machine form.

Haven't had that problem.

Sometimes the cat tries to sleep lying on top of it, and has managed
to switch it on though via the top button.
Not really a design fault of the Rigol though.

That never happened with the old tektronics 150mhz analog though :).
It is heavy and does NOT move.
"John-Melb" <> wrote in message
Actually Chris, Trevor has some mates over on aus.electronics.

They consider him a "long standing and highly valued poster", or
something like that.

They also don't have a problem with Trevor posting his anti-gun and
anti-gun owner word vomit in their little corner of Usenet, but appear
to get very upset when any alternative viewpoint appears.
Perhaps they are concerned about receiving abusive and threatening posts
from him, as I did? I would imagine that the threat of 'assault', even via
the usernet, is a real concern to most reasonable people.

He's some of what he said to me,

"Understand? Or shall we begin discussing your wife's mental illness? Up to
you. Start acting like a reasonable human or act like a fuckwit." or

"I tolerate a fair bit of abuse, before I hit back. Make no mistake: When I
hit back, I hit back hard. You acted like a fuckwit. I treated you as you
deserve to be treated."

Clearly, they are not comments made be "a reasonable human".

On Jun 4, 7:01 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <> wrote:

Understand? Or shall we begin discussing your wife's mental illness? Up to
you. Start acting like a reasonable human or act like a fuckwit.
You need help, Trevor, or at least some social etiquette lessons. How about
you play the ball instead of the person all the time.

Your old man needed to give you some hard kicks up the clacker to incite you
to develop some sense, no good hitting you around the head to introduce
social mores into your brain, he would have been hitting the wrong place.
Amigo wrote:
On Jun 4, 7:01 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <> wrote:

Understand? Or shall we begin discussing your wife's mental illness?
Up to you. Start acting like a reasonable human or act like a

You need help, Trevor,
**Nope. Chris's wife does.

or at least some social etiquette lessons.

**Read Chris's comments, you idiot. How do you expect me to respond to a
continual barrage of lies and insults? Be specific in your answer.

about you play the ball instead of the person all the time.
**I did, you idiot.

Your old man needed to give you some hard kicks up the clacker to
incite you to develop some sense, no good hitting you around the head
to introduce social mores into your brain, he would have been hitting
the wrong place.
**Of course. You believe that violence solves all problems. Typical.

Trevor Wilson
Actually Chris, Trevor has some mates over on aus.electronics.

They consider him a "long standing and highly valued poster", or
something like that.

They also don't have a problem with Trevor posting his anti-gun and
anti-gun owner word vomit in their little corner of Usenet, but appear
to get very upset when any alternative viewpoint appears.

Oh, and I think Keith's a mate of Trevor's too.

Welcome to

