two bob
Get big stock of SPRING water, oats, pulses, a full bag of onions &
& potatoes and gas to cook it ... also get some good stock of Olive Oil,
fruits of all kind to keep you for at least one month supply.
Nope. While you will be begging at the local soup kitchen for a morsel
of snail or frog or some other disgusting meal, I've stocked up with
a huge freezer full of turkey, pork, an entire side of beef, chicken,
lamb, a fridge full of beer, wine and sprits of various types.
Exchange all that food with a few snags for the barbie and you can fit more
beer in that fridge
The barbecue is all set to go (Gas, so no problem with any fire bans).
While I'm chomping down on some of the best barbecue recipes I've ever
tried, I'll think of you, freezing outside the soup kitchen. For
about 2 seconds. Then I'll laugh.
Find out about Australia's most dangerous Doomsday Cult:
"You can't fool me, it's turtles all the way down."