PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

On Stardate Thu, 23 May 2002 08:22:12 +1000, Richard Lindner
<> applied digits to the keyboard and routed the
information from some kind of brain (presumably), thusly:

Has anyone in Australia succeeded in activating Caller ID on a USR
Sportster Flash modem?? (firmware 12.10, 4/28/98). Although the modem
acknowledges AT#CID=0, 1 & 2 instructions, I have been unsuccessful in
reading any caller info from it.

A Google search turns up mixed reports regarding this matter - any first
hand advice would be appreciated.


Richard Lindner +61 (0)419 556 560
What a long, strange trip it's been
Foley U. Matthews. there | I believe in : Paying NO voluntary taxes, i.e.
are no e's in my true email | Lotteries, Gambling... The Executive Producer
Visit the Ellen Foley Info | is to blame!... and perhaps, Love (is/can be) | "Fully expecting to be Hurt!"
On Stardate Wed, 22 May 2002 23:50:20 GMT, (Franc
Zabkar) applied digits to the keyboard and routed the information from
some kind of brain (presumably), thusly:

On Thu, 23 May 2002 08:22:12 +1000, Richard Lindner> put finger to keyboard and composed:

Has anyone in Australia succeeded in activating Caller ID on a USR
Sportster Flash modem?? (firmware 12.10, 4/28/98). Although the modem
acknowledges AT#CID=0, 1 & 2 instructions, I have been unsuccessful in
reading any caller info from it.

No first hand advice, but have you seen this caller ID FAQ:

It suggests that for some modems you may need to switch to voice mode,
eg AT#CLS=8 or similar.

BTW, is your modem configured for the correct country code?

-- Franc Zabkar

Please remove the 'g' from my address when replying by email.
Foley U. Matthews. there | I believe in : Paying NO voluntary taxes, i.e.
are no e's in my true email | Lotteries, Gambling... The Executive Producer
Visit the Ellen Foley Info | is to blame!... and perhaps, Love (is/can be) | "Fully expecting to be Hurt!"
"Foley U. Matthews" <pteybiesla@biegeponed.ceom> wrote in message
On Stardate Wed, 22 May 2002 23:50:20 GMT, (Franc
Zabkar) applied digits to the keyboard and routed the information from
some kind of brain (presumably), thusly:

On Thu, 23 May 2002 08:22:12 +1000, Richard Lindner> put finger to keyboard and composed:

Has anyone in Australia succeeded in activating Caller ID on a USR
Sportster Flash modem?? (firmware 12.10, 4/28/98). Although the modem
acknowledges AT#CID=0, 1 & 2 instructions, I have been unsuccessful in
reading any caller info from it.

No first hand advice, but have you seen this caller ID FAQ:

It suggests that for some modems you may need to switch to voice mode,
eg AT#CLS=8 or similar.

BTW, is your modem configured for the correct country code?

-- Franc Zabkar

Please remove the 'g' from my address when replying by email.

Foley U. Matthews. there | I believe in : Paying NO voluntary taxes,
are no e's in my true email | Lotteries, Gambling... The Executive
Visit the Ellen Foley Info | is to blame!... and perhaps, Love (is/can
be) | "Fully expecting to be Hurt!"
Your replies are really hard to read, as you have the > symbol in your own
text, so there is no difference b/t your reply and the original Post.
Is there a way you can change that?
Cheers Allan
Your replies are really hard to read, as you have the > symbol in your own
text, so there is no difference b/t your reply and the original Post.
Is there a way you can change that?
Cheers Allan

It looks like he is quoting the whole text and adding nothing
tubes and numistro a 5 volt elcotr display amazing


"Foley U. Matthews" <pteybiesla@biegeponed.ceom> wrote in message
On Stardate Fri, 22 Feb 2002 09:07:05 +1100, Heath Young> applied digits to the keyboard and routed
the information from some kind of brain (presumably), thusly:

Adelaide Valve sales.(Shop?) IIRC. They ahve a web address I can't
remember. Use search engine.

Heath Young

rarsin wrote:

As the subject line says - needed for a clock project.

Foley U. Matthews. there | I believe in : Paying NO voluntary taxes,
are no e's in my true email | Lotteries, Gambling... The Executive
Visit the Ellen Foley Info | is to blame!... and perhaps, Love (is/can
be) | "Fully expecting to be Hurt!"
Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:
Evolution is the creed of imbeciles, who like that Darwin Filth
beuuuulieved in Glaciations & Uniformism !
Creationists are miracle prone, but have something common to the
Evolutionists, and this precisely their propensity to believe in miracles !
The miracle of the Gros Boum ( Big Bang ) , the miracle of beuuulieving
things started from nothing and kept filling some type of infinite Universe
since Zillions of yearzzz ...speeding, the further we look , at near the
speed of light !!!
Perhaps you could actually ASK evolutionists what they believe, rather
than making this absurd claim.

There is an inherent difference between evolution and big bang theory -
that's why they are two different theories.

I am an evolutionist, but I consider the big bang as preposterous as
"god created the universe". I'm a believer in the infinite universe
(infinite in space, and in time). Not to mention that your knowledge of
big bang theory is very lacking (I've learnt about it at university -
can you make the same claim - having learnt about it?).

Let me give you a couple of questions. If you can answer them, I will
accept that you know enough about big bang theory to comment.
1. According to mainstream big bang theory, what caused the big bang
(and yes, there is a cause in the mainstream theory)?
2. From what was the big bang theory originally created - Quantum
mechanics, Special Relativity, General Relativity, Newtonian Mechanics,
nuclear physics, or astronomical observation?

If you can answer these two simple questions, I will accept that you
know enough about big bang theory to be able to comment. If you cannot,
then you will have been exposed as a hack.

By the way, what are "Glaciations & Uniformism"? I've never heard those
two terms (in this context) before.

Pauvres & Infantilles Crétins scientifiques
Try English, next time. I ran this through Babelfish, and got "Poor and
childish scientific cretins". Well, that certainly describes you - when
it comes to science, you are a child and a cretin. Try learning about
these theories before trying to declaim their absurdity.

The miracles of Sci0000nce on the one hand and the miracles of the Biball
fraud on the other hand !!!
Too bad that you clearly show a lack of understanding of scientific
theories. You cannot comment productively on something that you do not

L'esprit infantille de l'Humanité dans toute sa splendeur !
The childish mind of Humanity in all its splendor !
Yes, you are being very childish, using such stupid spellings as
"Sci0000nce", "Biball", and "yearzzz", and simultaneously offending
both 'fundie' christians and atheists. If you cannot spell the words,
consult your french-english dictionary. You cannot expect people to
take your ideas seriously if you cannot remain mature and polite in
your pontifications.

I would say that the Creationists are still one pace ahead of the other
Dudes masquerading as Geologists, this is their questioning of the Time
Column, and proving it is false then , and further still they right
understanding that life ( from the Atoms to the Galaxy ) is not due to
halfhazard construction !
You clearly have no understanding of evolutionary theory. Evolution
says nothing about randomness or haphazard (you spelled it wrong)
construction. Let me give you a simple example of the concept of
evolution in economics:

Think about a well-known computer software company. I'm going to use
Microsoft as an example. Now, consider ALL computer software companies
that have existed (since the birth of the computer). Why do not all of
those companies exist today? Why are some completely dead, others are
global and dominant, while others have been bought out by larger
companies? It's the EVOLUTION of the 'marketplace'. The weakest
companies die out, the medium strength ones tend to survive, but not
grow, while the strongest grow and buy out smaller ones. Microsoft is a
perfect example of the strong - they buy out companies regularly, and
they grow into more areas (like console gaming)

Now lets look at another aspect of evolution as it appears in
economics. Consider Google. Google was a new 'breed' of computer
company, starting out small. It was small but very strong, and it
evolved its practices to increase its strength. It was originally a
simple search engine. Then it introduced discreet advertising to
generate revenue. It expanded, forming new services, like Gmail, Google
News, Google Groups, etc. It is now in a position to threaten
Microsoft's position because it is a large company that evolved from a
small company.

Lets consider some other aspects:
Order from chaos - Evolution involves organisms becoming more ordered
and organised with time. This occurs due to simple "rules" that apply
naturally. A good comparison is the cellular automata names "Conway's
game of Life". In the game of life, you have a large 2d grid of
squares, each in one of two states - on or off (or "living or dead").
Now take a time step according to the following rule - each square that
is on or "living" will remain on if there are exactly two squares
adjacent (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) to the square in
question that are on. Each square that has precisely three active
squares adjacent to it will be on, irrespective of whether it was on
before the time step. This system, although very simplistic, produces
amazingly complex and ordered behaviour from an initially random
distribution of on and off squares.
Changing environment changes evolution path - Consider the (computer)
gaming industry. Start in the 1980s, with the creation of the NES and
the Sega Master System. (note: some specific details are likely to be
inaccurate, but the basic idea remains). These grew from a stagnation
in the gaming industry. They each had their strengths and weaknesses,
as did Sega and Nintendo. After about five years, the environment had
changed sufficiently, with the creation of better hardware. Sega and
Nintendo introduced new consoles (SNES and Mega Drive/Genesis). Another
five years passed, and the two gaming giants created new systems once
again (Dreamcast and N64). By this time, CDs had been invented, and
Sony had developed an attachment for the SNES that allowed CDs to be
played. However, Sony decided to form their own gaming system from the
attachment instead, and the Playstation was born (from Nintendo's
SNES). Suddenly, the entire environment changed. Nintendo was strong
enough to survive the change. Sega was not - Sega died as a console
manufacturer. Sony became the "king of the hill", with Nintendo keeping
up, but in a weaker position. (at this point, the dreamcast was the
most powerful, but didn't have the qualities necessary for survival).
Competition causes evolution - DVDs were then invented, and Sony
created their PS2, Nintendo created their Gamecube, and another big
company (much like Sony) entered the fray - Microsoft. Nintendo
continued to survive by remaining innovative, and evolving to stay in
the market. Microsoft's Xbox did well, but not enough to topple the
king, and Sony's PS2 reigned for another five years, through dazzling
marketing and variety. (Sony was the WEAKEST of the systems,
power-wise, but had the qualities that made it not only survive, but
flourish in the new environment - MS had the most powerful system).
Each of the companies needed to evolve to remain viable in the
three-way environment. Nintendo evolved by being innovative (wireless
controller, new controllers (eg/ Bongos), new gaming genres (eg/
pikmin)) and cheap. Sony evolved by adapting to new technology (DVD
playing, 'dual shock', eyetoy), marketing, and generating large
third-party support. Microsoft were newcomers, and were starting their
evolutionary process by being created.

Evolution, in the simplest sense, occurs all around us all of the time.
Viruses evolve, as do insects (look at cases of insecticide-resistant
bugs). Companies evolve, people evolve, stories evolve, computers
evolve, theories evolve.

Try actually learning about a theory before trying to sound intelligent
while discussing it. Ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power.
Any attack that you (as an ignorant on this topic) can throw at
Evolution, Evolutionists can counter using knowledge and logical

Gould was further an imbecile, and the way he died indicates it ! Indeed he
died relatively young and of easy controlled type of disease ( cancer) Hence
someone who is not even able to master the basic Laws of Life, has indeed
not understood a thing in the whole construction of it.
You think cancer is easily controlled? You are not just ignorant - you
are insane. Besides which, I wasn't aware that any of the laws of life
mentioned cancer. I guess I'll have to read your "Laws of Life" 'bible'
and find out how death from a terminal illness is considered an
indication of imbecility. Besides which, you'll have to be more
specific - which "Gould" are you talking about - there have been a
number of famous Goulds.

I personally believe Humanity and its abode the Earth is akin to a piggery !
The louder they squeal _ and particularly those Universilities brainwashed
scientists _ the more they have a chance to be heard ! ... and this is
indeed the name of the game for all those Goys ( no chosen race anymore
since 2 centuries ) ; to be heard, to be known, to be praised, to leave
their worthless name & worthless work to posterity ( which never cares ) and
cark it in the belief they reached the ultimate in modernity & knowledge.
The reality is indeed quite different with a complete inversion of such, as
demonstrated by the UPL ( Universal Pressure Law )
What, exactly, are "Universilities"? And upon what evidence do you
claim that scientists as a whole are brainwashed? Each and every
scientist has their own view of the world, molded by evidence presented
to them - just like you. Difference is, they use logic and reason,
whereas you use ignorance and stupidity.

You honestly believe that the UPL is accurate? Please provide me with
mathematical predictions made by the UPL, and evidence that agrees with
such predictions. Please provide me with an example upon which the UPL
predicts something different from conventional physics, and evidence
supporting the distinction. Please provide me with experimental
evidence disproving conventional gravitation.

....What? You mean you don't have any? BIG SURPRISE.

... and as said that Great Frenchman, Monsieur Le Comte Denis de St Germain
Rien gardait l'équilibre et servait de soutien
The Void was keeping Equilibrium and sustaining all
Couldn't have been all that great, since I've never heard of him, and
neither has anyone I know. I did a quick search, as SURPRISE, SURPRISE,
I can only find cases where you quote him. Does he even exist?

Que du Zénith au Nadir le Nom du Grand Tout soit glorifié.
Que la Connaissance soit exaltée dans ses intussusceptions inscrutables
Uhhh - this is an australian NG (except the singapore one, which is
singaporean). In Australia, we speak English. As far as I know, the
singaporeans do not speak french, either.

Maybe you could talk in the language suitable for the audience?
Otherwise, you are just blustering on to hear yourself speak.

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
Oh, OK, I'll forgive you, but just this once!

Think, don't emote.

(note: Google Groups restricts to five crossposts, so I eliminated, and aus.rail (seems too far OT for those NGs)
Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:
Evolution is the creed of imbeciles, who like that Darwin Filth
beuuuulieved in Glaciations & Uniformism !
Creationists are miracle prone, but have something common to the
Evolutionists, and this precisely their propensity to believe in miracles !
The miracle of the Gros Boum ( Big Bang ) , the miracle of beuuulieving
things started from nothing and kept filling some type of infinite Universe
since Zillions of yearzzz ...speeding, the further we look , at near the
speed of light !!!
Pauvres & Infantilles Crétins scientifiques

The miracles of Sci0000nce on the one hand and the miracles of the Biball
fraud on the other hand !!!
L'esprit infantille de l'Humanité dans toute sa splendeur !
The childish mind of Humanity in all its splendor !

I would say that the Creationists are still one pace ahead of the other
Dudes masquerading as Geologists, this is their questioning of the Time
Column, and proving it is false then , and further still they right
understanding that life ( from the Atoms to the Galaxy ) is not due to
halfhazard construction !

Gould was further an imbecile, and the way he died indicates it ! Indeed he
died relatively young and of easy controlled type of disease ( cancer) Hence
someone who is not even able to master the basic Laws of Life, has indeed
not understood a thing in the whole construction of it.

I personally believe Humanity and its abode the Earth is akin to a piggery !
The louder they squeal _ and particularly those Universilities brainwashed
scientists _ the more they have a chance to be heard ! ... and this is
indeed the name of the game for all those Goys ( no chosen race anymore
since 2 centuries ) ; to be heard, to be known, to be praised, to leave
their worthless name & worthless work to posterity ( which never cares ) and
cark it in the belief they reached the ultimate in modernity & knowledge.
The reality is indeed quite different with a complete inversion of such, as
demonstrated by the UPL ( Universal Pressure Law )

... and as said that Great Frenchman, Monsieur Le Comte Denis de St Germain
Rien gardait l'équilibre et servait de soutien
The Void was keeping Equilibrium and sustaining all

Que du Zénith au Nadir le Nom du Grand Tout soit glorifié.
Que la Connaissance soit exaltée dans ses intussusceptions inscrutables

I *believe* you are a large pile of merde!
It is truly reassuring that you founded the TREU Geology, and that
anyone who for any reason thinks differently to you is WONG. I assume
that you think they are Chinese.
Please start taking your medicine again, so that we might have some
peace from your "treuths"....

On 11 Dec 2005 03:39:25 -0800, "Jean-Paul Turcaud" <>

Not all French boys are as smart as me and not all are as dumb, but
what I say is true because I am the founder of the treu Geology,
everyone who says anything different to my sayings is WONG! I say
again, if you say anything which I don't agree to it is WONG! Therefore
I will not look at any of your posts because they are WONG!
Bob Parker wrote:
It is truly reassuring that you founded the TREU Geology, and that
anyone who for any reason thinks differently to you is WONG. I assume
that you think they are Chinese.
Please start taking your medicine again, so that we might have some
peace from your "treuths"....
On 11 Dec 2005 03:39:25 -0800, "Jean-Paul Turcaud" <

Not all French boys are as smart as me and not all are as dumb, but
what I say is true because I am the founder of the treu Geology,
everyone who says anything different to my sayings is WONG! I say
again, if you say anything which I don't agree to it is WONG! Therefore
I will not look at any of your posts because they are WONG!
Just thought I'd let you know - that wasn't from the REAL Jean-Paul
Turcaud. It was a great imitation, though. Took a moment for me to
realise it wasn't him, despite the "True fake geology" bit at the end.

Had my hopes up for a second - I thought that JPT was just doing a
massive hoax with his UPL crap. It scares me that he's serious.
Did anyone ever told you, Anglesow, that you were a worthless little swine
filth ....just like your Der Cochon mate.

Qui s'assemble se ressemble. or birds of one feather flock together.

Being Australia greatest and only alive now Mining Pioneer, is a worthless
situation and dishonourable at that.
I have indeed written previously something like :
"Australia Mining Pioneer, the ultimate shame"

Of course I am a failure according to your Toads' standards of Thieves,
Liars and Criminals.
Discovering & unearthing indeed the Great Sandy Desert Richness for your
Land of Bastards has been the failure of my life indeed, and being a French
migrant in your Hell gave me little chance of receiving Gratitude &
Recognition from your kind of Gutless, Coward & Hardened Criminals.

I have some reason for pride though :
1) You did not discover, Bastards, the 3 other large shows which I have
discovered ( out of 22 in all) . In all justice I have to say that one was
the re-discovery of the fabulous Rooney Show, hence full credit has to be
granted to that exceptional gallant man
( By the way some WA Mining Prospector wrote to me recently from the LOB
then, and proposed to me that I should give him that show " On a Trust basis
" , and simply because he was curious to know where it was. The money aspect
of it was completely out of his concern, probably since anyway it does not
amount to more than 250 Billions dollars too as Telfer.
Have a guess what I replied !
Well as a nobleman unlike you Anglesow Villain, I replied :" It is where it
is, good luck Mate !" .

2) I managed to pull alive out of your Hell, and considering the will to
kill me on the part of the Mining Criminals, this is not a small achievement
3) I have discovered the fraud of all the Geological Theories and made
myself a True Geologist. A self made man indeed.
4) I have 2 very intelligent children, both engineers and both who will
never set foot in the Land of Bastards !
5) I have rightly anticipated the devastating 9.2 Sydney Quake on New Year
Eve, and will not shed a tear over the carnage
6) I will have great pleasure learning of worthless honour or token of
recognition bestowed by your Political Criminals to Official Mining
Pioneers & Frauds of Tyrwhitt, Thomson, Searls, Koehn, Borner; Barr,
Atkinson etc There won't be any jealousy on my part since I want nothing
from your kind of australian Filth & australian manure ... and it is fit
indeed that Liar & thieves of your kind reward & recognise the like of you
i.e. the Criminal Frauds ! ... and of course Honour as well the successful
Mining Criminals of Newmont Newcrest & BHP. All those are models according
to your standards of Bastards !

As for me with my life is nearly gone, but I will assure you that I will
hate you all Bastards until my last breath
.... and don't ever come near me fucken Sons of Bitch of australians

Jean-Paul Turcaud
True Geologist
Founder of the True Geology

Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer and Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia

* The "Golden Rule" or true story of the Discovery of the Telfer Mine
Author Bob Sheppard President of the APLA (Australian Prospectors' Union) ,

* As well as Dr Don Findlay's Geological Site

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~

"Wally AngleseaT" <> a écrit dans
le message de news:
snipped the pig's rant
"Anthony Horan" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 00:05:03 +0100, Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:

5) I have rightly anticipated the devastating 9.2 Sydney Quake on New
Eve, and will not shed a tear over the carnage

And I'm sure given your excellent track record at predicting these, Sydney
is quaking )pun intended) in its collective boots. After all, they
don't remember your post to sci.geo.earthquakes of June 13th, 2000...

"For example you are completely unable to anticipate the terrible Sydney
earthquake coming at the time of the SOG. I see it as a very SOGGY SOG
indeed with a repliqua to which I estimate being a major earthquake - 8 on
Richter scale - generating a tidal wave of some 40m high coming in at
between 200 & 300Km/hour and going probably 50 Km inland. I am the only
one presently to warn people in time and this will probably save 1 000
000 lives. You don't probably know it, but Sydney is a major earthquake
line and we are coming to a solar max right at the time of the SOG + many
other things I know about."

Guess they dodged THAT bullet, hmmm?

(SOG here refers of course to the Sydney Olympic Games)
G'day Dorks !

The Sydney Quake of the SOG time was rightly anticipated, and although I am
very sorry to say it did reach the expected value of 9.2, it was still
recorded at 4.8 and exactly 60 miles out at sea ! ... in a fault which was
until I indicated it, completely ignored of the NSW & Federal Geological

We are in a complete new set up now, with not only one but 3 faults madly
active .. but neither the CSIRO nor your Governments care about that, since
they are unable to take the necessary steps to protect their own
population.... by fear of upsetting the festive season business !
See ?
.... you are all on your own !

If you were reading my latest warning post, you would be able to know now
these faults exact locations, due East from Cremorne Pt indeed. You have
to be careful & reading with attention what I say, since this is very
important both for you on an individual basis, but as well for one of the
largest city of the LOB ....and I mean precisely for the people living
there, since the city itself will be soon a vast field of ruins ! Just like
Lisbon after the 1st of November 1755 terrific Quake ....and we will be with
that announced wondrous 9.2 Sydney Quake exactly 250 years and 2 month
away. Get that story straight from History, and you will know what you can

Just keep on laughing at and mocking the Australia Mining Pioneer which I
happen to be unfortunately, the BIG ONE is due soon and you'll be at the
first lodges to watch it. Further this is a well deserved Collective
Punishment for some definitive Collective Crimes, so please don't bother me
with you squealing and your whining now & afterwards. I have done what I
should not have done by warning you of the coming Doom, but I did so out of
humanity to an Antipodean Rabble which did not deserve it indeed. I should
kick myself for it, for being in fact your only resource and your best
friend indeed !


So, please don't push me too much around, since I have gone beyond the bond
of duty ! ...
You take heed of what I have told you, Bastards, or you don't !
.... at this point in time this is equilateral to me ... although it will
still please me if some intelligent soul might survive by moving to Cudal or
short of that to the Blue Mountains, while the Pacific Ocean lays its
Shroud of Death over a whole region thriving & throbbing with life the
minute before !

... I hope as a final note that those who will survive thanks to me, will
have NO gratitude NOR recognition in the best LOB tradition, since indeed I
want nothing from your kind and for ever !

No regards

Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
True Geologist
Founder of the True Geology

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~

"-= Spudley =-" <-= Spudley> a écrit dans le message de
news: HXunf.19178$
Anthony Horan wrote:
On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 00:05:03 +0100, Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:

snipped the bragging Toads' rants
On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 19:50:14 +1100, glenfield_signaller wrote:

Which, of course, you cross posted. Now be a good little idiot and fuck
off. Ta.
["Followup-To:" header set to aus.electronics.]
On 2005-12-13, Jean-Paul Turcaud <> wrote:

The Sydney Quake of the SOG time was rightly anticipated, and although I am
very sorry to say it did reach the expected value of 9.2, it was still
recorded at 4.8 and exactly 60 miles out at sea ! ... in a fault which was
until I indicated it, completely ignored of the NSW & Federal Geological
only 4 million times less energetic, how do yo do it?

going on past preformance the coming tsunami will be 40mm high, sounds about

On Wed, 14 Dec 2005 20:34:06 GMT, "Trevor Wilson"
<> wrote:

posted. Mr Goldsmith is, therefore, an idiot.
It does not take a genuis to work that one out.
"The Real Andy" <will_get_back_to_you_on_This@> wrote in message
On Wed, 14 Dec 2005 20:34:06 GMT, "Trevor Wilson"> wrote:

posted. Mr Goldsmith is, therefore, an idiot.

It does not take a genuis to work that one out.

Trevor Wilson
"Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> wrote in message
You are correct Sir, it will happen but NOT in the USA, which will be
spared thanks to the Mid Atlantic Ridge on the Eastern side, and the
swarm of small Quakes releasing the strain on the West Coast.
The United States will be spared ALSO AND MAINLY AT THAT, thanks to to
personal request to the Almighty Creator in souvenir of their most Gallant
defence of France during the last two World Wars. I have indeed personaly
But Jean-Paul,
What if there was somebody else in the world, who had equal sway with the
great celtic god as yourself, and this other person persuaded him to not
cause catastrophe for Australia. Perhaps this person wants catastrophe
against another country other than Australia.
What if there were many people in this world who had sway with the great
celtic god, who persuaded catastrophe against every other country?
What then, huh?

that anticipated catastrophe towards some
wortless country of the South Hemisphere, namely Australia, guilty of a
established Collective Crime it is not even able to admit nor atone
and hence condamned to the Cosmic Consequences of it in the form of a
necessary Collective Punishment.

As a result that super earthquake as you call it it, will acheive two
things at once :
1) Protect my US friends in
2) Punish my Australian Enemies ....and Enemies at large indeed of
Decency, Fair Play ... and in fact of all moral values cherished in all
other parts of the world

The only thing I have been able to do to sway the Divine Sword of Eternal
Immanent Justice, for that debased Country run by Criminals, hooked on
Criminal Values, Admirative of Successive Political & Mining/ Financial
Criminals, seeing Crimes indeed as a normal way of life and success, IS TO
WARN IN TIME those very few people able of any decency of the coming
catastrophe on the Eastern Border of Australia ! .... I have told them to
move away from the sea shore all along the NSW, QLD and VIC coast as from
Xmas time, and reach at least the 150 ft AMSL and 20 miles away mark
that period extending over the New Years ' Eve !
But what if they moved 20 miles and the tsunami went 21 miles inland, huh?
What if they moved 20 miles inland between xmas and new years and the
tsunami hit on 2nd January, huh?

There are so many holes in your theory, and I'm afraid to say it needs a
I'm surprised that Sunny hasn't pulled you up on this one.

And finally, how do you know the sydney quake will be 9.2?
I don't think the world has ever had an earthquake of such magnitude ...the
most they seem to fall at is around 6 or 7. You do realise that each
magnitude is 10 times more severe than the one before?
And you do realise that earthquakes can be artificially generated by Tesla
techniques, don't you?
There was a good article on that topic in one of the Nexus issues. Maybe a
search of their website will bring it up.


I could not do less than protect America, our Centuries long friend , and
if the anticipated 9.2 Sydney Quake with its consecutive 3 Tsunami waves (
each over 100 ft each ) will be a disaster...and bring over 500 000
victims, the bright side of it the fact is that the same thing in the US
would have laminated over 25 millions innocent lives. .... an in any case
I have said above this is Divine Justice at work applied to stiff necked
Antipodean Criminals of a Convict Colony who understand only two things :
the Whip and the Bludgeon !!!

... therefore they will have no reasons, religious or legal, to complain

With best regards

*************Sous l'Instillation de la Supčme Volonté qui fait mouvoir la
cellule dans l'Aether*************

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
True Geologist
Founder of the True Geology

Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer and Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia

* The "Golden Rule" or true story of the Discovery of the Telfer Mine
Author Bob Sheppard President of the APLA (Australian Prospectors' Union) ,

* As well as Dr Don Findlay's Geological Site

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~

"Oliver Wen" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
A very big earthquake will happen very soon. I dreamed of it and in my
dreams I can see the future. It will happen in the next 3 weeks.
Probably in the USA.

I think I will die.
"Carole" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

But Jean-Paul,
What if there was somebody else in the world, who had equal sway with the
great celtic god as yourself, and this other person persuaded him to not
cause catastrophe for Australia. Perhaps this person wants catastrophe
against another country other than Australia.
What if there were many people in this world who had sway with the great
celtic god, who persuaded catastrophe against every other country?
What then, huh?
You know such catastrophe is anticipated by many people in the world, and
some of those are still living now.
Would you selfishly then balance 500 000 Australians lives, against 25
millions of Americans ?
That would be in my opinion, a most selfish attitude indeed !
.... especially that all Americans are my personal friends, and none of
all Australians are.

.... as for the celtic god which you write on purpose with a minuscule (
lower case), this does not affect me in fact.
Indeed the name of the Creator Of All is unknown, but from a few.
Using the celtic god concept was a way to protect that knowledge, while
expressing some of the Laws of Nature in relation to the fact that there is
No immunity,
No impunityn
No Forgiiving
Nor Forgiveness
Further a colletive Punishment in return for a Collective Crime....and we
are refering to a well documented Collective Crime caried out in your Land
& over 35 years with outmost cruelty.
This has to be paid and the type of reckonning is at hand.

Just keep away from Australia Eastern border during the fatal time. ....
that 's the best I can do for you all ! . .

that anticipated catastrophe towards some
wortless country of the South Hemisphere, namely Australia, guilty of a


Immanent Justice, for that debased Country run by Criminals, hooked on
Criminal Values, Admirative of Successive Political & Mining/ Financial
Criminals, seeing Crimes indeed as a normal way of life and success, IS
WARN IN TIME those very few people able of any decency of the coming
catastrophe on the Eastern Border of Australia ! .... I have told them to
move away from the sea shore all along the NSW, QLD and VIC coast as from
Xmas time, and reach at least the 150 ft AMSL and 20 miles away mark
that period extending over the New Years ' Eve !

But what if they moved 20 miles and the tsunami went 21 miles inland, huh?
What if they moved 20 miles inland between xmas and new years and the
tsunami hit on 2nd January, huh?

There are so many holes in your theory, and I'm afraid to say it needs a
I'm surprised that Sunny hasn't pulled you up on this one.

And finally, how do you know the sydney quake will be 9.2?
I don't think the world has ever had an earthquake of such magnitude
most they seem to fall at is around 6 or 7. You do realise that each
magnitude is 10 times more severe than the one before?
And you do realise that earthquakes can be artificially generated by Tesla
techniques, don't you?
There was a good article on that topic in one of the Nexus issues. Maybe a
search of their website will bring it up.
The last Sumatra quake was requalified at 9.2, and by compulsing the USGS
site, you will see all the events reaching that magnitude in the past (
plus some estimaton on Historic ones before the Richter Open Scale came to
be ), and the largest recorded since 1900 was a 9.5 mag in Chile 1960 / 05/

1960 May 22 19:11:14 UTC
Magnitude 9.5

The Largest Earthquake in the World

More than 2,000 killed, 3,000 injured, 2,000,000 homeless, and $550 million
damage in southern Chile; tsunami caused 61 deaths, $75 million damage in
Hawaii; 138 deaths and $50 million damage in Japan; 32 dead and missing in
the Philippines; and $500,000 damage to the west coast of the United States


Yes, a logarithmic scale is used to measure Quakes magnitude... 20 miles
inland will be okay for the coming 9.2 Sydney Quake, as long as one is above
the 150ft AMSL lower limit. Do you understand ?

How do I know the Sydney Quake will reach 9.2 ?

Well you have at present 3 very active faults due East of Sydney, about
which the CSIRO does not want to say a word,

You are on a longitude which corresponds to the maximum strain on the Crust
following the late Sumatra Quake ... and something somehow has to give up !

Last but not least you haven't had any major volcanic activity is the zone,
which would be the safety valve to release you from the expected

Of course you might ask me why it is so, and why the volcanoes in New
Guinea; Indonesia, NZ, are not relieving the pressure which is building (
due to accelerated Earth Expansion incidentally ) I will reply quickly that
the volcanoes are not able to do so now but only of blowing up with most
terrific consequences to the whole World then. ( like 3 days of darkness and
the eradication of 50% of the whole population through famines & plagues ) ,
and this is due to the increasingly Global Warming effect !!!

.....but then going deeper would involve learing the whole True Geology, and
especially its basis tenets which is the UPL or Universal Pressure Law !

In the meantime, please keep away from Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle etc
spend you festive season at Cudal since of all the places, that one will be
safe ! ... and finally ponder on the fact that some in those WA & Federal
Whorehouses, in the Mining Criminals concerns etc who believe to be above
all Laws of Divine Justice will meet their Maker soon ... and if not, some
of their dastarly relatives will do so very soon indeed



I could not do less than protect America, our Centuries long friend ,
if the anticipated 9.2 Sydney Quake with its consecutive 3 Tsunami waves
each over 100 ft each ) will be a disaster...and bring over 500 000
victims, the bright side of it the fact is that the same thing in the US
would have laminated over 25 millions innocent lives. .... an in any case
I have said above this is Divine Justice at work applied to stiff necked
Antipodean Criminals of a Convict Colony who understand only two things :
the Whip and the Bludgeon !!!

... therefore they will have no reasons, religious or legal, to complain

With best regards

*Sous l'Instillation de la Supčme Volonté qui fait mouvoir la cellule
dans l'Aether*

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
True Geologist
Founder of the True Geology

Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer and Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia

* The "Golden Rule" or true story of the Discovery of the Telfer Mine
Author Bob Sheppard President of the APLA (Australian Prospectors'
Union) ,

* As well as Dr Don Findlay's Geological Site

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~

"Oliver Wen" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
A very big earthquake will happen very soon. I dreamed of it and in my
dreams I can see the future. It will happen in the next 3 weeks.
Probably in the USA.

I think I will die.
"Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> wrote in message
"Carole" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

But Jean-Paul,
What if there was somebody else in the world, who had equal sway with
great celtic god as yourself, and this other person persuaded him to not
cause catastrophe for Australia. Perhaps this person wants catastrophe
against another country other than Australia.
What if there were many people in this world who had sway with the great
celtic god, who persuaded catastrophe against every other country?
What then, huh?
Regarding your title to this thread, you do realise that dreams are a lot of
rubbish mostly, don't you?

You know such catastrophe is anticipated by many people in the world, and
some of those are still living now.
Would you believe you are the only one I have heard with the prediction for
an earthquake and subsequent tsunami on the east coast of Australia? But I
have heard predictions for the west coast of US having a giant earthquake.

Would you selfishly then balance 500 000 Australians lives, against 25
millions of Americans ?
Are you suggesting that the location of the 9.2 predicted earthquake can be
predetermined, and that you just give your request to the great celtic god
and he obeys?

That would be in my opinion, a most selfish attitude indeed !
.... especially that all Americans are my personal friends, and none of
all Australians are.
Your attitude that no Australians are your friends is offensive.
And I find your blanket generalisation that all Australians are filth and
all Americans are angels to be irrational.
I'll have to get Sunny on to you about this one.

... as for the celtic god which you write on purpose with a minuscule (
lower case), this does not affect me in fact.
You write EVERYTHING in uppercase - what does it matter if I use lc for
great celtic god, who you haven't even proved exists. If there is a god he
is the god of everybody, not the jews, the muslims, christians or celts.

Indeed the name of the Creator Of All is unknown, but from a few.
Using the celtic god concept was a way to protect that knowledge, while
expressing some of the Laws of Nature in relation to the fact that there
No immunity,
No impunityn
No Forgiiving
Nor Forgiveness
Yes, well I can see a certain logic behind laws that must have their
However, your attitude becomes tiring, you seem to be totally eaten up with
retribution, revenge, and vengence.

Perhaps you are in danger of becoming bitter and twisted in your old age.
You often talk about being at the end of your life.
Perhaps if you were to take a more conciliatory tone, your improved outlook
might extend your lifespan.
However, I wouldn't want to try to influence you on this, feel free to lay
down and die whenever you wish.

It would be more constructive to try and help humanity instead of
continually threatening with violent catastrophe. After all, I don't think
people take your threats too seriously, but they might. But your tone does
get a bit wearing after a while. There are people who feel sorry for what
happened to you in the GSD and are prepared to listen to your theories about
this and that, and figure out where you're coming from, but this constant
harping on about disasters and how you will enjoy watching them unfold, is
rather nasty.

Further a colletive Punishment in return for a Collective Crime....and we
are refering to a well documented Collective Crime caried out in your
& over 35 years with outmost cruelty.
This has to be paid and the type of reckonning is at hand.
Yes, one crime of millions that have occurred throughout the world from time
immemorial. What makes your crime the ONE GREAT UNFORGIVABLE CRIME. Other
people have had their homes destroyed, their wealth stripped, their health
destroyed, the sanity taken, their identities stolen etc. Yet your crime, as
criminal as deceitful event as any I'll admit, is not the only one that has
ever occurred. If every person that had ever had a crime committed against
them took vengence on the world with some bloody catastrophe, the world
would be blown to smithers.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

Just keep away from Australia Eastern border during the fatal time. ....
that 's the best I can do for you all ! . .

that anticipated catastrophe towards some
wortless country of the South Hemisphere, namely Australia, guilty of a


Immanent Justice, for that debased Country run by Criminals, hooked
Criminal Values, Admirative of Successive Political & Mining/ Financial
Criminals, seeing Crimes indeed as a normal way of life and success, IS
WARN IN TIME those very few people able of any decency of the coming
catastrophe on the Eastern Border of Australia ! .... I have told them
move away from the sea shore all along the NSW, QLD and VIC coast as
Xmas time, and reach at least the 150 ft AMSL and 20 miles away mark
that period extending over the New Years ' Eve !

But what if they moved 20 miles and the tsunami went 21 miles inland,
What if they moved 20 miles inland between xmas and new years and the
tsunami hit on 2nd January, huh?

There are so many holes in your theory, and I'm afraid to say it needs a
I'm surprised that Sunny hasn't pulled you up on this one.

And finally, how do you know the sydney quake will be 9.2?
I don't think the world has ever had an earthquake of such magnitude
most they seem to fall at is around 6 or 7. You do realise that each
magnitude is 10 times more severe than the one before?
And you do realise that earthquakes can be artificially generated by
techniques, don't you?
There was a good article on that topic in one of the Nexus issues. Maybe
search of their website will bring it up.

The last Sumatra quake was requalified at 9.2, and by compulsing the USGS
site, you will see all the events reaching that magnitude in the past (
plus some estimaton on Historic ones before the Richter Open Scale came to
be ), and the largest recorded since 1900 was a 9.5 mag in Chile 1960 /

1960 May 22 19:11:14 UTC
Magnitude 9.5

The Largest Earthquake in the World

More than 2,000 killed, 3,000 injured, 2,000,000 homeless, and $550
damage in southern Chile; tsunami caused 61 deaths, $75 million damage in
Hawaii; 138 deaths and $50 million damage in Japan; 32 dead and missing in
the Philippines; and $500,000 damage to the west coast of the United


Yes, a logarithmic scale is used to measure Quakes magnitude... 20 miles
inland will be okay for the coming 9.2 Sydney Quake, as long as one is
the 150ft AMSL lower limit. Do you understand ?
No, I'm an Australian and all Australians are IQ below 50.

How do I know the Sydney Quake will reach 9.2 ?

Well you have at present 3 very active faults due East of Sydney, about
which the CSIRO does not want to say a word,
How do you know this?

You are on a longitude which corresponds to the maximum strain on the
following the late Sumatra Quake ... and something somehow has to give up

Do you know that there are man-made earthquakes using Tesla technology?

Last but not least you haven't had any major volcanic activity is the
which would be the safety valve to release you from the expected

Of course you might ask me why it is so, and why the volcanoes in New
Guinea; Indonesia, NZ, are not relieving the pressure which is building (
due to accelerated Earth Expansion incidentally ) I will reply quickly
the volcanoes are not able to do so now but only of blowing up with most
terrific consequences to the whole World then. ( like 3 days of darkness
the eradication of 50% of the whole population through famines & plagues )
and this is due to the increasingly Global Warming effect !!!
Ahh, doom and gloom. Maybe its true and maybe not.
You may or may not be the most knowledgeable person in the world on geology.
This is an unknown.
However, I suspect there are people in this world who know a lot more than
you would imagine.
I also think they have the ability to control earthquakes - either suppress
or trigger them off.
This technology has been around for a while and while it is kept from public
knowledge - there are stories about suppressed Tesla earthquake technology
and I would find it very difficult to believe that all Tesla's notes that
were confiscated over 90 years ago, haven't been worked on fanatically by
the power elite since that time.

So if any earthquake happens it will be no doubt by man made design, and not
the great celtic god, oops I should have said GREAT CELTIC GOD.

....but then going deeper would involve learing the whole True Geology,
especially its basis tenets which is the UPL or Universal Pressure Law !

In the meantime, please keep away from Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle etc
spend you festive season at Cudal since of all the places, that one will
safe ! ... and finally ponder on the fact that some in those WA & Federal
Whorehouses, in the Mining Criminals concerns etc who believe to be above
all Laws of Divine Justice will meet their Maker soon ... and if not,
of their dastarly relatives will do so very soon indeed
We've all got to go some time and while we're here, let's try and make it a
positive experience, huh?




I could not do less than protect America, our Centuries long friend ,
if the anticipated 9.2 Sydney Quake with its consecutive 3 Tsunami
each over 100 ft each ) will be a disaster...and bring over 500 000
victims, the bright side of it the fact is that the same thing in the
would have laminated over 25 millions innocent lives. .... an in any
I have said above this is Divine Justice at work applied to stiff
Antipodean Criminals of a Convict Colony who understand only two things
the Whip and the Bludgeon !!!

... therefore they will have no reasons, religious or legal, to

With best regards

*Sous l'Instillation de la Supčme Volonté qui fait mouvoir la cellule
dans l'Aether*

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
True Geologist
Founder of the True Geology

Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer and Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia

* The "Golden Rule" or true story of the Discovery of the Telfer Mine
Author Bob Sheppard President of the APLA (Australian Prospectors'
Union) ,

* As well as Dr Don Findlay's Geological Site

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~

"Oliver Wen" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
A very big earthquake will happen very soon. I dreamed of it and in my
dreams I can see the future. It will happen in the next 3 weeks.
Probably in the USA.

I think I will die.
"Chris McDonald" <> wrote in message
"Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> writes:

As a result that super earthquake as you call it it, will acheive two
things at once :
1) Protect my US friends in
2) Punish my Australian Enemies ....and Enemies at large indeed of
Decency, Fair Play ... and in fact of all moral values cherished in all
other parts of the world

If the role of the mythical earthquake is to punish your enemies,
why is it striking the east, and not west, coast of Australia?
Good point Chris.
I'll look forward to reading a reply to that one.



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