PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

geo wrote:
"Davo" <> wrote in message


I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user friendly tutorials,


weblinks, and local private tutors (Melbourne Australia) in the


language C. The two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much activity. Any
information or advice will be much appreciated.





But read them both for a couple of weeks before you post any questions,

Gary B-)

Armful of chairs: Something some people would not know
whether you were up them with or not
- Barry Humphries
Not helpfull information.

"Gary R. Schmidt" <> wrote in message
geo wrote:
"Davo" <> wrote in message


I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user friendly tutorials,


weblinks, and local private tutors (Melbourne Australia) in the


language C. The two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much activity. Any
information or advice will be much appreciated.





But read them both for a couple of weeks before you post any questions,

Gary B-)


Armful of chairs: Something some people would not know
whether you were up them with or not
- Barry Humphries
Gary R. Schmidt wrote:
geo wrote:

"Davo" <> wrote in message


I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user friendly tutorials,


weblinks, and local private tutors (Melbourne Australia) in the


language C. The two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much activity. Any
information or advice will be much appreciated.





But read them both for a couple of weeks before you post any questions,

Gary B-)
The above is just a sample of the reception you can expect on
comp.lang.c - a nasty bunch of creeps if there ever was one.
comp.arch.embedded is much nicer.

Joe Legris
you can download a free C,C++ Compiler from
and they have a Email group as well

"Davo" <> wrote in message
: Hello,
: I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user friendly tutorials,
: weblinks, and local private tutors (Melbourne Australia) in the
: language C. The two news groups athome.aus.programming and
: athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much activity. Any
: information or advice will be much appreciated.
: Regards
: Dave
CyBorg 0091 wrote:
Not helpfull information.
Not unless you are the sort who doesn't tend to search a group or look for a
FAQ before asking the same question thats asked day in day out.

It's the sort of group that may not appreciate that type of question - if
you piss poeple off they may not be incliced to help.

Therefore I suggest that that information was a helpful hint on how to
behave in those groups which are probably less tolerant of that type of

I'm not just a number. To many, I;m known as a String...
"Davo" <> wrote in message news:<3f433abc$0$10359$>...

I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user friendly tutorials, good
weblinks, and local private tutors (Melbourne Australia) in the programming
language C. The two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much activity. Any
information or advice will be much appreciated.


Australians are dumb idiots so it is a good idea not to look locally
for information/technology after all Australia has never been on the
for-front of anything.

I assume you are fairly new to programming to ask,and also consider
other factors you are looking for which no-one can ever teach you.
These are why I list the following free resources written by people
who wish to help with that problem no-body else can help with.

Bye one C book and you will get the idea(if you wonder why I say this
you may understand once you have done so)

Also Visit Bruce's site however you possibly
already have and download his "Thinking in C++" Series,although not C
it teaches you allot and has some of the "productive" styles you talk

Also visit ibiblio and download the "HowTo Think Like a Computer
Scientist" series of Books(great Idea to read these before Bruce's
As a quite competent programmer I found these book unreal,making
Bruce's books more like a Project management thinking system of
guidelines for that really big project.

Also for more information visit and have a read of "Linux
Device Drivers"
This book is based on C but more so describes its title but allot can
be learned which again was the idea of the book.

From my personal advise programming is more about your approach to
coding in general,so really there is no such thing as learning one
lang. once you learn the "Thinking" part all lang's just become a
challenge which are fun to play with,which you can implement when you
Many fail to see this when reading the books I mentioned above,they
want all the work done for them(they are obviously the ones that write
FAQ's and troll through groups and live off the education system.)

The things that no-one can ever teach you are C keywords,operators,and
implementing uncommon libs which many books do try to teach you.
A book may be able to drill these operators and keywords into you head
but that is no good unless you have a structured self driven
proceedure to working with equations and common problems,which in the
end is a full understanding of exactly what you are working with.

Im not telling you,I have just slowly learned that this is the best
approach unless you are 10 years old and information is just a part of
life and you know no different.

-Take notes(pen and papper?)
-Know what you have at hand
-draw conculsions from your notes
-understand the current problem
"CyBorg 0091" <> wrote:
Not helpfull information.
Actually, that is *extremely* helpful information.

Let me amplify it a little...

"Gary R. Schmidt" <> wrote:
geo wrote:
"Davo" <> wrote:
I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user
friendly tutorials, good weblinks, and local private tutors
(Melbourne Australia) in the programming language C. The
two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much
activity. Any information or advice will be much
But read them both for a couple of weeks before you post any questions,
The comp.lang.c newsgroup is frequented by a large group of
*exceedingly* experienced people. They are experienced not only
in C programming, but in Usenet use and abuse. They are, as a
group, just about the most anal retentive bunch of die hard do
it right or else bunch of pedantic experts available on the net.

And there *is* good cause for it. The group would be useless if
it were allowed to degenerate into the morass of slop that most
of Usenet has become. (Not to say that they don't ever go
overboard, because they do! Often... :) Whatever, the whole
point of posting there is to get someone to pick your code to
pieces and tell you everything that is wrong with it. And they
will too.

Put it this way... Dennis Ritchie had the audacity to post a
somewhat off topic article (about the _history_ of the C
programming language, not about using it) to comp.lang.c a
couple years ago, and Richard Heathfield had the brass to post a
reply that simply said "Yeah, but what's your C question?"

If they'll give DMR (who invented C) a hard time, just think
what they'll do to *you*, if you don't follow the rules!

Read the group and be *well* aware of how to ask appropriate
questions, be aware of what is not appropriate, and be aware of
how to format your articles. Do read the FAQ and do *not* post
questions that are answered in the FAQ or in the appropriate man
page unless you have read those and do not understand them (and
do make that clear in the article).

Probably the best way to make use of comp.lang.c is via google.
Pay particular attention to Larry Kirby, Chris Torek, Doug Gywn,
Richard Heathfield, Steve Summit, Dan Pop, and Clive Feather.
(And my apologies to half a dozen others that belong in the
list too.)

Floyd L. Davidson <>
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)
"Davo" <> wrote in message news:<3f433abc$0$10359$>...

I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user friendly tutorials, good
weblinks, and local private tutors (Melbourne Australia) in the programming
language C. The two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much activity. Any
information or advice will be much appreciated.


news:comp.lang.c is about C; you could also check out "Standard C":
and I'm sure there are others.

Good Luck! (welcome to the zoo! ;-} )
On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 14:54:47 GMT, the renowned "CyBorg 0091"
<> wrote:

Not helpfull information.
comp.lang.c is just about useless for a beginner unless your sole
interest is in rigid conformance to the ISO/ANSI standard. It's not
about programming or algorithms or for discussion of compiler quirks
*at all*.

If you're really interested in the language as defined in the
standard, you can get the same information, minus the attitude (which
can be devastating for newcomers who have yet to grow a skin) by
picking up a copy (PDF if you like) of the ISO/IEC 9899:1999 standard.
It's not very expensive.

Also look for lists devoted to the compiler(s) you are interested in.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward" Info for manufacturers:
Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers:
In article <3f433abc$0$10359$>,
"Davo" <> wrote:


I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user friendly tutorials, good
weblinks, and local private tutors (Melbourne Australia) in the programming
language C. The two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much activity. Any
information or advice will be much appreciated.
There is a book for wide-eyed mortals such as yourself. It is a book of
wonders, marvels, and incredibly dense, yet inestimably valuable,
information on the C language. This book is not exactly cheap, with a
price tag (when I bought mine) in the US$35-40 range for less than 300
pages. But while not cheap, it is worth ten, nay, a hundred times its
own weight in gold for the knowledge it will impart to a seeker after
knowledge of the C language. The name of this wondrous tome is "The C
Programming Language, Second Edition", and it was written by the two
people to whom the entire world owes a debt of gratitude for the very
existence of the language: Brian W. Kernighan, and Dennis M. Ritchie.

Published by Prentice Hall of Englewood Cliffs, NJ, (With a branch
office in Sydney) it wears an ISBN number of 0-13-110362-8, and was in
its tenth printing when I got my copy back in 1992.

Before taking even a fraction of a tiny baby step further on your
journey towards knowledge, *FIND YOURSELF A COPY OF THIS BOOK!* Doing so
is "step 2" in the recipe for learning C. Step 1 is, of course,
realizing that you want to try to learn C in the first place.

*EVERY* C book, tutorial, pamphlet, website, or college course ever
published/taught by anyone with even the slightest amount of competence
will eventually refer you back to "K&R", as this book is commonly known.
Short of going to the ANSI/IEEE standard, there is no more definitive
work on the language, and no more authoritative information source than
the very creators of the language you're trying to learn.

Again I say *GET A COPY OF THIS BOOK*! The C programming language simply
cannot be learned even halfway effectively without it.

If you're able to find a spiral-bound copy of it, that's the one you
want. More likely, you'll be forced to settle for the more
"conventionally" (Paperback/hardcover) bound type. Go for the paperback
version if it's available - Not only is it going to be somewhat less
financially draining, it's MUCH more user-friendly when you're trying to
key in an example, or follow along with an analysis of "this construct
does that task" with pen and paper. Do not fear for durability - I've
been using mine heavily for 10+ years, and so far, the most "wear" it
exhibits is the peanut-butter smear on pages 248 and 249.

Advice Part 2:
*NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES* allow your copy of this book to fall
into another "computer geek"'s custody, no matter how temporary that
custody is intended to be. You will never see it again... It's not that
they'll "steal" it... It's just that the book has that sort of
"magnetism" to it. Non-computer-geeks will be automatically repelled by
its aura, so it can safely be left in the care of mundanes, but those
who are computer savvy are immune to this effect, and will in fact
probably attempt to give it a new home - namely, next to THEIR computer
instead of YOURS! :)

Don Bruder - <--- Preferred Email - unmunged, SpamAssassinated
Hate SPAM? See <> for some seriously great info.
I will choose a path that's clear: I will choose Free Will! - N. Peart
Fly trap info pages: <>
Spehro Pefhany <> wrote:
On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 14:54:47 GMT, the renowned "CyBorg 0091"> wrote:

Not helpfull information.

comp.lang.c is just about useless for a beginner unless your sole
interest is in rigid conformance to the ISO/ANSI standard. It's not
But of course every beginner *should* be exceedingly interested
in exactly what "rigid conformance to the ISO/ANSI standard" is,
and hence comp.lang.c is a wonderful source of extremely good
information. Google is a beginner's friend... (and an old
timer's best friend).

about programming or algorithms or for discussion of compiler quirks
*at all*.
It doesn't teach beginners to use editors, how to sit correctly
in a chair, or how to build a house to put their computer in
either. Is that wrong?

If you're really interested in the language as defined in the
standard, you can get the same information, minus the attitude (which
can be devastating for newcomers who have yet to grow a skin) by
picking up a copy (PDF if you like) of the ISO/IEC 9899:1999 standard.
It's not very expensive.
It's $18, last I knew. But the understanding that Chris Torek
or Larry Kirby are willing to provide for free, is priceless.

Also look for lists devoted to the compiler(s) you are interested in.
Next to c.l.c, the next most useful newsgroup would be one devoted
to the particular platform (that is, a C implementation on a given
computer), though in some cases just a programming group for the
OS will do. Examples are, for Linux, the various comp.os.linux.*
groups, and more generally for a unix OSs, comp.unix.programmer.
There are similar groups for Mac's, Windows, etc.

Floyd L. Davidson <>
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)
Hi,I have some PDF format book ,if you want to teach yourself and need
this books ,I can send to you.These books help a lot .


"Davo" <> wrote in message news:<3f433abc$0$10359$>...

I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user friendly tutorials, good
weblinks, and local private tutors (Melbourne Australia) in the programming
language C. The two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much activity. Any
information or advice will be much appreciated.


On 20 Aug 2003 10:19:54 -0800, the renowned Floyd Davidson
<> wrote:

Spehro Pefhany <> wrote:
On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 14:54:47 GMT, the renowned "CyBorg 0091"> wrote:

Not helpfull information.

comp.lang.c is just about useless for a beginner unless your sole
interest is in rigid conformance to the ISO/ANSI standard. It's not

But of course every beginner *should* be exceedingly interested
in exactly what "rigid conformance to the ISO/ANSI standard" is,
and hence comp.lang.c is a wonderful source of extremely good
information. Google is a beginner's friend... (and an old
timer's best friend).

about programming or algorithms or for discussion of compiler quirks
*at all*.

It doesn't teach beginners to use editors, how to sit correctly
in a chair, or how to build a house to put their computer in
either. Is that wrong?
Certainly not, but he asked about C programming, not writing portable
C code or inserting AGP cards into the appropriate orifice. I'm
thinking Knuth or something from O'Reilly rather than ISO/IEC
9899:1999. This may be a matter of which learning method works better
for the person- not everyone learns best starting with BNF notation
descriptions of the grammar. I like to see lots of examples as well.

If you're really interested in the language as defined in the
standard, you can get the same information, minus the attitude (which
can be devastating for newcomers who have yet to grow a skin) by
picking up a copy (PDF if you like) of the ISO/IEC 9899:1999 standard.
It's not very expensive.

It's $18, last I knew. But the understanding that Chris Torek
or Larry Kirby are willing to provide for free, is priceless.
I agree. IIRC, Richard Heathfield has been quite helpful to me on a
couple of occasions. It's the inquiries that start "how do I print" or
"how do I use the timer" and stuff like that that really are
inappropriate for that ng. Unfortunately, I/O seems to be where
beginners tend to have their first serious questions.

Also look for lists devoted to the compiler(s) you are interested in.

Next to c.l.c, the next most useful newsgroup would be one devoted
to the particular platform (that is, a C implementation on a given
computer), though in some cases just a programming group for the
OS will do. Examples are, for Linux, the various comp.os.linux.*
groups, and more generally for a unix OSs, comp.unix.programmer.
There are similar groups for Mac's, Windows, etc.
For a lot of embedded compilers, there don't seem to be many
newsgroups, other than comp.arch.embedded, but there are many active
mailing lists.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward" Info for manufacturers:
Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers:
On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 17:31:26 GMT, the renowned Don Bruder
<> wrote:

<good advice snipped>

Make sure to get the *second* edition as Don says, the language has
changed a lot since the first edition was published.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward" Info for manufacturers:
Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers: news server

Mostly centered on Borland products like Borland C++ builder, but a
number of general C++ groups as well.

Besides, Borland C++ 5.0 is free.

On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 19:09:14 +1000, "Davo" <>


I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user friendly tutorials, good
weblinks, and local private tutors (Melbourne Australia) in the programming
language C. The two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much activity. Any
information or advice will be much appreciated.


now you are really screwed
On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 19:09:14 +1000, "Davo" <>


I am looking for active newsgroups,
comp.lang.c was a bloody marvellous group when I was reading it 10
years ago. Some *very* knowledgeable and helpful people on it indeed
and their expertise wasn't in any way confined to computer matters;
some genuine polymaths among 'em. I've no idea what it's like these
days but wouldn't hesitate to suggest you take a look and see for
yourself. Hopefully you won't be disappointed.

"I believe history will be kind to me, since I intend
to write it." - Winston Churchill
"Ben Thomas" <nospam@die.spammers.die> wrote

Can anyone tell me how to translate the power of a light globe into
amount of power used in an hour?
Let's say I've got a 240 volt, 100 watt, light bulb, does that mean it
uses 100 watts per hour? If it was a 12 volt, 55 watt, globe, would I
have to convert something to 240 V first?

**** You are looking for Watt Hours,that is Watts consumed multiplied by
Hours used.In your first case if you use the 100 Watt bulb for one hour
,your electricity meter will register the usage of 100 Watt Hours (or
point one Kilowatt Hours in metering terms).
In the second case you will have to allow for the efficiency of the
device that is converting the 240 Volts to 12 Volts.Allow about 60% for
a transformer fed lamp.55 Watts then becomes about 77 Watts,follow the
same rule as above to calculate kWHrs.
For switchmode power supplies associated with computers,allow about 50%
efficiency due to low power factor.

Brian Goldsmith.
On 21 Aug 2003 01:57:49 GMT, "Fat Crack Ho"
<> wrote:

I'm trying to hook up an LCD to PORTD of a mega8. The micro seems to lock up.
I used AVR studio to step the program through and the simulator stalled on the


lcd_init uses R26 and R27. I viewed these registers in AVR studio and initially
they were not 0x00.

Any ideas?
Not really, but LCDs often have a "BUSY" line which
can cause issues. On some Hitachi LCD controllers it's
on data bit 7, IIRC.

Mike Harding

The first question I had about programming I took to a C++ newsgroup
which was "why do I need to compile programs?"
It was simply as question,I asked without doing any research and I think I
got it into C++.moderated some how.(they make money from your posts,watch
I came back in a day when I had a rough Idea of why I had to compile
because nobody had answered and posted a reply of my current conclusions
about this,which was just good enough to get some of the users to say a few
words of which they told me that I should bye a book and others said about
compilers as this thread has done.
Also others said I should do a course etc which all of this just meant to me
that they did not want to help at all with basic information about
programming arch,what,when,how,why,where.
Really dumb questions I guess but important.
Bit like buying a Rotary engine and needing the internals explained for
research purposes so you can drive the engine right.

My second question to a news group was asked about 3 months later when I had
understood why programming works(all learned from internet of course,no
buying books,or courses) the basic layout etc. in learn.c++

I asked "What is the best compiler and platform to program on/with?"

Out of the 20 trolled replies of get a book,go away,bye a compiler,go to
school,read the FAQ,I got one suggestion that M$ VC++ is well documented.

To this day I have never posted in any group asking for help other than not
computer orientated stuff,I have never read a FAQ and never known anyone
that has,but one thing they did teach me that I did not know till 6 months
later was that buying one book is so much help,because it taught me nobody
can teach or help you to program.

I think you need to have big geeky glasses to use these groups or be
designing compilers etc.

"Joseph Legris" <> wrote in message
Gary R. Schmidt wrote:
geo wrote:

"Davo" <> wrote in message


I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user friendly


weblinks, and local private tutors (Melbourne Australia) in the


language C. The two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much activity. Any
information or advice will be much appreciated.





But read them both for a couple of weeks before you post any questions,

Gary B-)

The above is just a sample of the reception you can expect on
comp.lang.c - a nasty bunch of creeps if there ever was one.
comp.arch.embedded is much nicer.

Joe Legris
Its your word against mine,and what makes you think yours is right?
Your opinion!
My opinion was that is was useless information and would I state my opinion
without thinking it was right.?

Not every one in this world has a dependency on medical
insurance,governments and irrelevant hyraces in which majority has
That means smart people work alone,without pimping..and will take you for
who you are,dumb,smart,idiot and adapt a reception to suit you and teach you
more than you currently know.
This means that trolling the same information without thought to a new
attack is just plain idiotic when you never bothered to know exactly who you
where dealing with,but just thought well everyone is a dick.

In other words your opinion means nothing to me just as my opinion means
nothing to you.

"Floyd Davidson" <> wrote in message
"CyBorg 0091" <> wrote:
Not helpfull information.

Actually, that is *extremely* helpful information.

Let me amplify it a little...

"Gary R. Schmidt" <> wrote:
geo wrote:
"Davo" <> wrote:
I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user
friendly tutorials, good weblinks, and local private tutors
(Melbourne Australia) in the programming language C. The
two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much
activity. Any information or advice will be much
But read them both for a couple of weeks before you post any questions,

The comp.lang.c newsgroup is frequented by a large group of
*exceedingly* experienced people. They are experienced not only
in C programming, but in Usenet use and abuse. They are, as a
group, just about the most anal retentive bunch of die hard do
it right or else bunch of pedantic experts available on the net.

And there *is* good cause for it. The group would be useless if
it were allowed to degenerate into the morass of slop that most
of Usenet has become. (Not to say that they don't ever go
overboard, because they do! Often... :) Whatever, the whole
point of posting there is to get someone to pick your code to
pieces and tell you everything that is wrong with it. And they
will too.

Put it this way... Dennis Ritchie had the audacity to post a
somewhat off topic article (about the _history_ of the C
programming language, not about using it) to comp.lang.c a
couple years ago, and Richard Heathfield had the brass to post a
reply that simply said "Yeah, but what's your C question?"

If they'll give DMR (who invented C) a hard time, just think
what they'll do to *you*, if you don't follow the rules!

Read the group and be *well* aware of how to ask appropriate
questions, be aware of what is not appropriate, and be aware of
how to format your articles. Do read the FAQ and do *not* post
questions that are answered in the FAQ or in the appropriate man
page unless you have read those and do not understand them (and
do make that clear in the article).

Probably the best way to make use of comp.lang.c is via google.
Pay particular attention to Larry Kirby, Chris Torek, Doug Gywn,
Richard Heathfield, Steve Summit, Dan Pop, and Clive Feather.
(And my apologies to half a dozen others that belong in the
list too.)

Floyd L. Davidson <
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)

Welcome to

