PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

"Spehro Pefhany" <> wrote in message

Certainly not, but he asked about C programming, not writing portable
C code or inserting AGP cards into the appropriate orifice. I'm
thinking Knuth or something from O'Reilly rather than ISO/IEC
9899:1999. This may be a matter of which learning method works better
for the person- not everyone learns best starting with BNF notation
descriptions of the grammar. I like to see lots of examples as well.
I reckon ol' Kernigan and Ritchie is the go. You know, that little white
book called 'Programming Ansi C' or something like that, the book that every
uni students uses. That is that little AU$100 book that is worth every cent,
especially if you borrow someone elses copy and never return it ;-)
"Brian Goldsmith" <

**** You are looking for Watt Hours,that is Watts consumed multiplied by
Hours used.In your first case if you use the 100 Watt bulb for one hour
,your electricity meter will register the usage of 100 Watt Hours (or
point one Kilowatt Hours in metering terms).

In the second case you will have to allow for the efficiency of the
device that is converting the 240 Volts to 12 Volts.
Allow about 60% for a transformer fed lamp.

** Huh ? Since when are lamp transformers only 60 % efficient ??

More like 90 % for a 50VA tranny and even better for larger ones.

For switchmode power supplies associated with computers,allow about 50%
efficiency due to low power factor.

** The "power factor" is not relevant - that depends on the current
waveform distortion.

The power consumpton of a SMPS is the output power plus any heat losses
in watts.

A typical SMPS has 85 % or more overall efficiency.

............... Phil
Sorry if this aspect has been already covered, I haven't bothered to go
through the entire thread. But has cross posting suddenly become
Davo <> wrote in message

I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user friendly tutorials,
weblinks, and local private tutors (Melbourne Australia) in the
language C. The two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much activity. Any
information or advice will be much appreciated.


bruce varley wrote:
Sorry if this aspect has been already covered, I haven't bothered to go
through the entire thread. But has cross posting suddenly become
Davo <> wrote in message

I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user friendly tutorials,
weblinks, and local private tutors (Melbourne Australia) in the
language C. The two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much activity. Any
information or advice will be much appreciated.





For general programming questions, independent of language,
consider comp.lang.fortran most of the posters there
are quite reasonable about material that is not "bulls-eye"
on topic but related. And some of them even know something
about C as well.
CyBorg 0091 wrote:
Not helpfull information.


Armful of chairs: Something some people would not know
whether you were up them with or not
- Barry Humphries
C orientated group? I'm yet to know. The site is helpful, thanks John. Your
reply was one line, but the most influential one for me. (Apologies to
electronics newsgroups - had to start somewhere)

"Floyd Davidson" <> wrote in message
"Gary R. Schmidt" <> wrote:
CyBorg 0091 wrote:
Not helpfull information.


Plonk him and you'll miss some really good humor though. His
last two articles in this thread were indeed hilarious.

Floyd L. Davidson <
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)
straight away, i'd like to inform you that MHz doesn't meen all that much,
its how the unit performs vs how much it costs you.

I personally like AMD for computing becuase they are more efficient at the
job. there was a whole argument about AMD being hotter to run than intel,
but that hasn't been the case in the last year and a half. both chips
generate 60 - 80 watts of heat.

you could pick us an asus motherboard -a7n266-m (i think) all in one board
with G-force 2 graphics for ~ $135, an AMD ATHLON 2000+ CPU for ~ $140 and
a stick of 256 MB PC 2700 (333MHZ) DDR Ram for $90 so for

$370, you have video, ram, cpu, heatsink (these are a new design that are
dead quiet) sound, network card, motherboard, 2 ide, 1 floppy, all
connectors, 6 USB capable. just add CASE ($45) HDD ($100) CD Rom ($45)
Floppy Drive ($20) and you have the whole box

Burner for $95, 17" monitor for $195, Keyboard, mouse, speakers $35 ,
Windows XP Home OEM $185

roughly $990 for a FULL System with plenty of horsies and if the 3D sucks a
bit down the track, install an AGP Card and thats it.

Seriously, AMD is the best way to go, i run 2 (XP2200 and Duron 750) and on
the XP 2200, there is nothing i can't do on it.
Mike Harding wrote:
Going to buy a new motherboard and CPU to upgrade my PC
on Sunday from a swap meet. Can anyone advise what are the
current buzz words to look out for in the motherboard world.
ie. what should I buy in the 1.5GHz(ish) area?

Thanks in advance
Mike Harding

Have a look at Tom's Hardware Guide.


Have a look at

Llew Griffiths

Llew Griffiths & Associates Pty Limited
Embedded Controller Design Consultants
Melbourne, Australia
The reply address is a black hole for spam

"Fat Crack Ho" <> wrote in message
I'm trying to hook up an LCD to PORTD of a mega8. The micro seems to lock
I used AVR studio to step the program through and the simulator stalled on


lcd_init uses R26 and R27. I viewed these registers in AVR studio and
they were not 0x00.

Any ideas?

On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 12:00:04 +1000, Mike Harding wrote:

Going to buy a new motherboard and CPU to upgrade my PC
on Sunday from a swap meet. Can anyone advise what are the
current buzz words to look out for in the motherboard world.
ie. what should I buy in the 1.5GHz(ish) area?

Thanks in advance
Mike Harding
An Athlon 1800+ will compare to the Intels 1.8Ghz and it runs at 1.53Ghz.
You should be able to pick one up for around $100.
As for the motherboard. An Asus A7V8X or something is reasonably priced
or a Gigabyte 7VA is also a good choice at around $100. If I was buying a
board, I'd get a Gigabyte 7VA.


Floyd Davidson wrote:
"Gary R. Schmidt" <> wrote:

CyBorg 0091 wrote:

Not helpfull information.


Plonk him and you'll miss some really good humor though. His
last two articles in this thread were indeed hilarious.

Not likely. He's just another newbie who thinks that because he knows a
bit about peecees he knows it all. They stopped being funny for me back
in the 1990s, now I just see them as the pathetic lusers they are.

Gary B-)

Armful of chairs: Something some people would not know
whether you were up them with or not
- Barry Humphries
<> wrote in message
bruce varley wrote:

Sorry if this aspect has been already covered, I haven't bothered to go
through the entire thread. But has cross posting suddenly become
Davo <> wrote in message

I am looking for active newsgroups, productive user friendly tutorials,
weblinks, and local private tutors (Melbourne Australia) in the
language C. The two news groups athome.aus.programming and
athome.aus.programming.c++ dont seem to have much activity. Any
information or advice will be much appreciated.




alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++ is a lot better for a beginner.
A lot friendlier and more tolerant.
I'd rate it as one of the better groups.
Covers both c and c++, so you need to say which you are using,
uually with [c] or [c++] in the tile of your post.

"Just Allan" <> wrote

My WES catalog is an older version... Could someone please look up
the part # (and price) for me?

It's Sanyo VCR video head. VCR is model # VHR-VK210A. Oh - both
"genuine" and the cheapie details, would be appreciated...

**** Why,just so you can save the cost of a phone call to WES?
Brian Goldsmith.
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 23:03:28 +1000, Just Allan
<> put finger to keyboard and composed:

My WES catalog is an older version... Could someone please look up
the part # (and price) for me?

It's Sanyo VCR video head. VCR is model # VHR-VK210A. Oh - both
"genuine" and the cheapie details, would be appreciated...

There is no listing for that model in the April 2003 catalogue.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.
what is the number on the head I will see if I can x-ref it
"Just Allan" <> wrote in message
My WES catalog is an older version... Could someone please look up
the part # (and price) for me?

It's Sanyo VCR video head. VCR is model # VHR-VK210A. Oh - both
"genuine" and the cheapie details, would be appreciated...

So what do Epson think about a third party supplier copying their packaging???
are you trying to collect junk mail, for goodness sake change you visible
Email address or you will get heaps of useless junk mail.

<> wrote in message
: Unable to get a service manual..
: Need setting instruction to do with th 4 preset pots per channel, 2 are
: marked bias, and the other 2 are marked cold/hot and cold earth.
: Having off set voltages with one channel and the quiescent current are not
: same.
: Have cleaned up the corrosive glue problem that was affecting one channel.
: Thanks..
You legend!

Thanks for that. Yes I overlooked the fact that default clock is the
internal RC osc & had to set the appropriate fuse.

Thankyou sooo much

"Alan" <> wrote in message
Have you set your lock bits to use the right oscillator. Perhaps you
are using the internal RC oscillator instead of an external crystal?
Don't know how you do that in AVR Studio as I use Bascom itself to
programme the chips.

Also did you set up Bascom for the right oscillator frequency you are
using and the "Compiler --> Communications" for the right baud rate
for your serial port?


On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 14:16:58 +1000, "James Horne"> wrote:

Hopefully someone will be able to help me here...

I am having difficulty utilising the UART on PortD of the ATmega32.
Previously I have been using 8515 & 8535s with no difficulty. I am using
STK500 programmer and loading a Bascom-AVR compiled code using AVR

Using simple PRINT statements I recieve garbage on the output, using
hyperterminal etc.

What am I doing wrong?...any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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