PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

"The Doctor" <> wrote in message
news:Xns9B2334C93F08docwhoATbigpondDOTne@ wrote in

Is this not overkill??? Get an older CD ROM drive that
automagically plays the CD and has it's own volume control. Heck some
even have skip forward and reverse. 12 volts and a case you are all

Yeah but the ones that I have don't automagically play the CD.
Do you know how to make them do that? These ones don't even have play
How To Make The Adaptation

To be used as CD player, the CD-ROM drive doesn't need to be connected to
the computer. This way, it is possible to easily transform a CD-ROM drive
into a Car CD player. Sounds crazy? Not so. With this tutorial you will be
able to have a CD player in your car without spending almost anything.

The CD-ROM drive to be use may be of any type, from the first models ("1x")
until the most modern ones ("60x"). The only prerequisite is that the drive
needs to have is an earphone plug and volume control. And practically all
CD-ROM drives have that.

There are two great advantages in transforming a CD-ROM drive into a Car CD
player. First, who will want to break your car window to take CD-ROM drive?
And, secondly, since any type of CD-ROM drive can be used, you may take an
old drive that is just dusting away in your house (for instance, a 2x drive
from an old 386 computer), which brings the cost down to almost nothing.

To install a CD-ROM drive in the car, you will need a female power plug, to
be used to fit into CD-ROM drive power plug (that plug can be cut from an
old power supply) and a voltage regulating integrated circuit called 7805,
that may be easily found at electronic parts stores. You will also have to
buy a heat dissipator for the 7805 (sold at the same store).

The car battery is a 12 V one, but the CD-ROM drive needs two voltages to
work: 12 V and 5 V. The 7805 circuit is able to convert a 12 V voltage into
5 V (its pin 1 is for the input, its pin 2 is the grounding, and its pin 3
is the 5 V exit). Figure 1 shows the plan for the connection. The grounding
pin should be connected to the wires of the plug grounding and the negative
pole of the car battery, what is done by simply connecting that pin to the
metallic body of the car.

All you have to do is to make the connections shown in the above schematics
(don't forget to isolate all connections with insulating tape) and you are
set: you will have a CD-ROM drive working as CD player in your car.

The audio output will be made using the earphone plug. To listen to a CD,
you will have to use earphones. To have the sound come through the speakers
of the car, you will have to buy an amplifier with RCA inputs and a stereo
P2 (mini jack) x stereo RCA cable (the same type of cable used to connect
Discman units to amplifiers). The stereo P2 plug (also known as mini jack),
which is the one used for the earphones, should be fit at the earphone
output of the CD-ROM drive, while the RCA plugs should be fit at the input
of the amplifier. The volume control will be made using the volume control
in the CD-ROM drive.

A last warning: in most CD-ROM drives, the reproduction button (play) and
the advance button (skip) are on the same key. In other words, to skip a
track, all you have to do is to press the play button.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can the CD-ROM drive in use as a car CD player reproduce MP3 files?

No. If not connected to a computer, the CD-ROM drive will only work to play
audio CDs. Music CDs in the MP3 format are recorded in the CD-ROM format. To
read it, the unit forcibly needs to be connected to a computer. MP3 songs
are not played by the CD-ROM drive, but rather by the sound card of the
computer, and the machine processor is responsible for transforming the MP3
format into an audio format. Car CD players that play MP3 have a dedicated
processor capable of reading the CD-ROM format and of converting MP3 files
into audio ones. Since the common CD-ROM drive doesn't have such processor,
it can not play MP3 files.

Can the same adaptation be made so CDs may be played in a domestic sound

Yes. To do so, the sound system must have an auxiliary input channel.
However, to prevent the sound from getting distorted, you will have to use
the audio output at the back of the CD-ROM drive and nor the earphone
output, as mentioned last week. To do this, you will have to take the audio
output cable from the CD-ROM drive and solder two RCA plugs - a black or
white one (left channel) and a red or yellow one (right channel) - at the
end that should be connected to the sound card of the computer. If you don't
know how to do that, contact an electronics technician. To feed the CD-ROM
drive you may use a power source from an old PC. One important detail: AT
power sources have an on-off switch, but the ATX ones don't. If you will use
an ATX power source, you will have to make a pin-14 connection (green wire),
from the main plug of the source to any black wire to turn it on.

Won't the CD oscillate too much?

That will depend on the unit used (its manufacturer and model). Of course
you cannot expect a CD-ROM drive to have the same stability of a car CD
player. Remember that our tip is to assemble a car CD player spending
nothing (or almost nothing). If you used our tip it is because you are
possibly not willing to buy a car CD player.

Why should the connection between the CD-ROM unit and the amplifier be made
using the ear phone output and not the one at the back of the unit?

That is because car amplifiers don't usually have volume control. If you use
the output at the back of the CD-ROM drive - which doesn't have volume
control either - the sound from the amplifier will always be at its loudest.
We believe that this is not convenient. If you should use the output at the
back of the CD-ROM drive only if you are to connect it to a pre-amplifier,
equalizer, mixer, or home sound system, since they have volume control.

"Clubsprint" <> wrote in message
There are two great advantages in transforming a CD-ROM drive into a Car
And a HUGE disadvantage of no anti-skip buffering considering car CD players
WITH built in radio, amplifier, full user controls and display, can be had
for about $50 or so new, and even less second hand. Better looks and easier
mounting is also a bonus.

"Mr.T" <MrT@home> wrote in message
"Clubsprint" <> wrote in message
There are two great advantages in transforming a CD-ROM drive into a Car

And a HUGE disadvantage of no anti-skip buffering considering car CD
WITH built in radio, amplifier, full user controls and display, can be had
for about $50 or so new, and even less second hand. Better looks and
mounting is also a bonus.

Yeah well really why would you bother, you can pick up a DVD\CD\MP3\DIVX
from your supermarket for less than $50. Car audio, $200 buys the most
amazing car CD\MP3
players with around 30w RMS (Thats so much). They've even got remotes.
Excellent A/V gear is so affordable these days. Of course building your own
stuff is much more fun
but beyond the abilities or willing effort of most. I like making things,
it's as much about the process
and sense of acheivment as it is about the finished product.
"Clubsprint" <> wrote in

Yeah well really why would you bother, you can pick up a
DVD\CD\MP3\DIVX player
from your supermarket for less than $50. Car audio, $200 buys the most
amazing car CD\MP3
players with around 30w RMS (Thats so much). They've even got remotes.
Excellent A/V gear is so affordable these days. Of course building
your own stuff is much more fun
but beyond the abilities or willing effort of most. I like making
things, it's as much about the process
and sense of acheivment as it is about the finished product.
You would bother because you don't have to add to our stockpile of

BTW, given the rapidly dropping dollar. How much longer will we still have
cheap imports?
"The Doctor" <> wrote in message
BTW, given the rapidly dropping dollar. How much longer will we still have
cheap imports?
Given all the imported items that didn't come down in price as the dollar
rose, they shouldn't go up as the dollar falls.
(And pigs might fly :)

"The Doctor" <> wrote in message
You would bother because you don't have to add to our stockpile of
No I wouldn't, there are far more important things to worry about.

and sense of acheivment as it is about the finished product.

You would bother because you don't have to add to our stockpile of
There is that. My work are sending all their old PC's and etc to a PC
Apparently breaks them down and recycles most them, Metals, Glass, Plastics.
I suppose the need is now being driven so the Tech is appearing.
"Clubsprint" <> wrote in

and sense of acheivment as it is about the finished product.

You would bother because you don't have to add to our stockpile of

There is that. My work are sending all their old PC's and etc to a PC
Apparently breaks them down and recycles most them, Metals, Glass,
Plastics. I suppose the need is now being driven so the Tech is
Thanks for that. Do any computer store now provide recycling services?
Where do I find them?
T.S.10.05.2008."Lisäydinvoimaloiden rakentamisella ei ole tulevissa Euroopan
ilmastotalkoissamme MITÄÄN merkitystä!"... .. Anteeksi nyt varmaan on
sattunut maamme kivimmanluokan ydinlobbareillemme kirjoitusvirhe..Vaan eikö
mitä, "ei mitään merkitystä!" Turun-Sanoman pääkirjoituksesta vihon
viimeiseksi luulisi löytyvän tuollaista sanomaa. Vasta parisen kuukautta
sitten kun TVO/Posiva YVA-kokouksissa kun olimme saaneet suut silmät täyteen
vakuutuksia, että maahamme on saatava hyvissä ajoin ennen vuoden vaihdetta
käyntiin vähintään kolme, ellei peräti enemmän ydinvoimalahankkeita,
nimenomaan ilmaston talkoitamme varten! Huikeaa muutosta ilmassa, vallan
vallatonta muuten.

Vain muutama päivä sitten maatamme suorastaan järisyttänyt YLE:n gallub kun
esitteli maassamme olevan vähintään 2/3 ydinvastarinnan. Jo sen julkaisu
enteili muutosten jykevyyttä aiemmista 80% ydinmyönnöistä olevan vailla
vertaa. Huikein viesti oli siinä, että tuskin 4% suomalaisista oli edellä
kerrotun TVO/Posivan triplavoimalan takana! On sanomatta selvää, että tätä
taustatuin masinoitua ydinalasajomenttaliteettia on osattu odotella jo vapun
Heiniluoman NATO-vastakommentista asti. Koska NATO-jäsenyyden
viivästymisestä seuraa Pertti Simolan TVO:n YVA 4 kokouslausunnon
alasajoennakointeja. Suomen ydinaikeiten tielle oli jo kasaantunut rajua
vastustusta. Myös EU:n vaatimat 38<50% vuoden 2050 uudisenergtiatavoitteet
osaltaan olivat nakertamassa ydinimpperialismin perussavijalkaa.

KTM Pekkarisen jatkoa gallubista ei tarvinnut kauoja odotella. Ei tullut 3
uutta ydinvoimalahanketta tälle vuodelle, ei edes ensi vuodelle. Hauskasti
ydinvisiot sai yks kaks mitään taustoittamatta 2v aikaviiveet tuosta vaan!
Myrtyneiden ydinherraskaisten shokkia, pälyileviä ja hämmästyneitä,
suorastaan kauhistuneita kommenttejaan siitä, että mites kuitataan
vuosittainen peräti +10% ydinsähkötarpeemme jatkovuosina saa vain silkkaa
torua julkisuuden selkosilta nyt. Tulee eittämättä mieleen, enemmän kuin
paljon on maailmalta täytynyt tulla Suomen megamuutoksen takaamiseksi!
Ilmasto kun oli se viimeinen keppihevonen ydinvoiman suomalaisuuden,
työpaikkojen luonnin, halpuusilluusiuoiden ja jopa Cernin viimevuotisen
polttoainejatkuvuusennakointien kadottua totaaliseen laserjalostuksen 90%
saannin romahdettua 11%. Nyt alkaa selkeästi ydinaavikoitumisen luomat
ionosfäärituhot, Itämerikuolemat kampamaneetteineen mehiläiskatoineen
kaikkineen kasaamaan tulisia hiiliä ydinalasajon kansainväliseen
kiihdyttämiseen. Maailman uraanivarojen loppuiminen energiapositiivisenä ei
jätä myös selittelyille sijaa. Yhtä kaikki ydinalan alasajo ALKOI! Joko
mukana menee vain se, tai sitä käyttävä ihmiskunta on luonnon selkeä ja
kiistaton Einsteinin ennakoima FAKTA!
YLE Ykkösdogumentissa 25.05 kyseltiin niitä mekanismeja joilla nimenomaan
Suomessa ulkomaalaisorjatyövoimaamme systemaattisesti riistetään. Ohjelmassa
paheksittiin rajusti maamme ulkomaalaistyöpaikkoja, joissa työväestään ei
vaivauduttu maksamaan edes lakisääteisiä eläkkeitä, veroja ALVV maksuja ja
vastaavia SOTUJA. TVO:n mm. OL-3 työmaasta ei ole ikinä veroja siis annettu
Suomeen, koska TVO on tunnetusti laittoman veronkiertomekanismin
alkuunpanijana kunnostautunut maassamme.

Puhelinsoitossa kyseltiin esimerkkinä räikeimpiä tapahtumia ja seurattiin
myös Rakennusliiton ratsauksia työmaille. Eräs härskein esimerkki tuli
kuinkas muuten TVO:n OL-3 työmaalta. Kerrottiin miten rajattoman röyhkeästi
TVO:n parakkikylän riistokoneisto kuppaa mm. puolalaisorjiltaan vain noin
12m2 kokoisista kopperoistaan uskomattoman suuria jopa 30 000 vuosivuokria!
Eli siitä nälkäpalkasta, jota ydinyhtiön palkkaorjatr saavat saa hädin
tuskin koirankopperon ja katon päänsä päälle pois pakkasista ja sateista!

Ilmankos ohjelma kanavoi esityksiinsä mietelmän Suomen ydinimpperialismin
nykyrappiosta aika jopa rahlaavaan näyttävästi. Oli uskomatonta seurata
miten äärimmäisen tuhoisa mekanismi tämä on jo maasamme. Päivän selvää,
ettei tulevat ydintyömaat voi olla kuin entistä pahempia. Kiitos
TVO/Posiva/Fortumin/Arevan näitä saamme nähdä kenties massoittan myös
vuosikymmenet eteenpäin, jollei tälle röyhkeydelle saada kaivattua suitsea.
AussieCro wrote:

"David Barnett" <> wrote in message
My post on the Tin Man. and so I quote this small snippet from it:

Tin Man "was an oasis in the desert of this "silly season"; I'm finding
that Channel 9 is offering nothing, apart from the cricket. At least
Channel 7 has Eli Stone, Holby Blue, The Unit, Prison Break & Dirty Sexy
Money whilst Channel 10 has "In Plain Sight".
David Barnett

And all of it is absolute rubbish. I have given up on our TV programs
news. Our programs are so limited, frustrating, infantile & boring and
mostly ethnocentric Cricket-Aussy Rules Football or Rugby to much of it.
Since I have installed large satellite dish I no longer bother
watching or
listening to our media.
The most interesting satellite programs ( and there are several
hundred free
to air) are beamed from China CCTV 9 in English, CCTV F in French, world
news on the hour including local news that is significant & what is not
significant is not worth watching even on our local news programs.
Also China is producing some very serious movies much superior to
Bollywood and on the average more artistically creative than Hollywood.

Then there is CCTV Music channel with nonstop concerts from all around
the world.

I don't understand our people buying into FoxTEL at $39 per months
when there are hundreds of channels out there free to air.

Aussies wake up!

I have the satellite dish installed on the roof that the now defunct pay
tv service Galaxy supplied. Could it be used if connected to an
appropriate receiver?



"Rudds awkward, folksy addresses to troops in Afghanistan denigrated
their intelligence and the reason why they're there"

"Thank you Mr.Howard and Mr. Costello for the Christmas present Mr. Rudd sent me"

-media comments
"blofelds_cat" <> wrote in message
AussieCro wrote:

"David Barnett" <> wrote in message
My post on the Tin Man. and so I quote this small snippet from it:

Tin Man "was an oasis in the desert of this "silly season"; I'm finding
that Channel 9 is offering nothing, apart from the cricket. At least
Channel 7 has Eli Stone, Holby Blue, The Unit, Prison Break & Dirty Sexy
Money whilst Channel 10 has "In Plain Sight".
David Barnett

And all of it is absolute rubbish. I have given up on our TV programs
news. Our programs are so limited, frustrating, infantile & boring and
mostly ethnocentric Cricket-Aussy Rules Football or Rugby to much of it.
Since I have installed large satellite dish I no longer bother watching
listening to our media.
The most interesting satellite programs ( and there are several hundred
to air) are beamed from China CCTV 9 in English, CCTV F in French, world
news on the hour including local news that is significant & what is not
significant is not worth watching even on our local news programs.
Also China is producing some very serious movies much superior to
Bollywood and on the average more artistically creative than Hollywood.

Then there is CCTV Music channel with nonstop concerts from all around
the world.

I don't understand our people buying into FoxTEL at $39 per months when
there are hundreds of channels out there free to air.
Aussies wake up!

I have the satellite dish installed on the roof that the now defunct pay
tv service Galaxy supplied. Could it be used if connected to an
appropriate receiver?
Yes. You will not be able to pick up many satellites if your satelite dish
is fixed which I think it is.
Will need a receiver like "Strong".
You can get someone to advise you how and who to setup and tune to pick up
satellites depending to what you prefer to watch.
I am not to sure that the satellite dish you have could be motorised.
My dish is motorised so I can pick all the sitelites at 120 degrees west to
east picking up hundersd of TV stations.

Good Luck




"Rudds awkward, folksy addresses to troops in Afghanistan denigrated
their intelligence and the reason why they're there"

"Thank you Mr.Howard and Mr. Costello for the Christmas present Mr. Rudd
sent me"

-media comments
Anonymous wrote:
"Sylvia Else" <> wrote in message news:495d8a3b$0$18714$
My Daikin airconditioner failed to work when required last night.

Since I'm not about to pay a $88 callout fee and $88 per hour for some
technician to replace a fuse, I took the cover off the external unit for
a look see.

Unfortunately, the fuses are intact, and there's nothing obviously wrong
with the the circuit board, other than that it appears completely dead.
It has an array of diagnostic diodes, or which one is meant to be
flashing continously. There's a chart on an internal plastic cover that
appears to be telling me that the board is faulty. My guess is that when
the technician arrives he's going to tell me it needs replacing.

Now, I've said that there's nothing obviously wrong with it. That's
perhaps overstating it. Here's a picture of part of it

Note the obvious corrosion of the circuit tracks. The circuit board is
inside the unit's box, but is otherwise totally unprotected from the
elements and wildlife. Insects can crawl around the board, doing what
insects do, and evidently have. I removed a dead spider and some of its
web. There was also quite a lot of dirt before I blew it away.

Now, this air conditioner has worked without fault for eight years or
so, but it hasn't really been used that much - no more than a couple of
weeks per year maximum. The state of the board may or may not be the
cause of the failure, but surely a circuit board stuck outside should be
better protected than this.

So, before you buy a Daikin (or any other brand, I suppose) find out
whether the circuit board is just expected to fend for itself in the
outside world.


There is a nice and knowledgable electronics guy in aus.electronics
thay may be alble to help out with the circuit board.

His name is Phill Allison.

Oh a funny bastard (thats tard)
On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 05:51:36 +0100 (CET), Anonymous <>

"Sylvia Else" <> wrote in message news:495d8a3b$0$18714$
My Daikin airconditioner failed to work when required last night.


If you haven't already, email or write to Daikin Australia. Point out
that you thought the circuit board would be in a sealed container to
protect it from damp etc as you have said, and ask what they can do
about it. They might come to the party and charge nothing, or at least
cover the cost of the tech's time to replace it.
"Sylvia Else" <> wrote in message news:495d8a3b$0$18714$
My Daikin airconditioner failed to work when required last night.

Since I'm not about to pay a $88 callout fee and $88 per hour for some
technician to replace a fuse, I took the cover off the external unit for
a look see.

Unfortunately, the fuses are intact, and there's nothing obviously wrong
with the the circuit board, other than that it appears completely dead.
It has an array of diagnostic diodes, or which one is meant to be
flashing continously. There's a chart on an internal plastic cover that
appears to be telling me that the board is faulty. My guess is that when
the technician arrives he's going to tell me it needs replacing.

Now, I've said that there's nothing obviously wrong with it. That's
perhaps overstating it. Here's a picture of part of it

Note the obvious corrosion of the circuit tracks. The circuit board is
inside the unit's box, but is otherwise totally unprotected from the
elements and wildlife. Insects can crawl around the board, doing what
insects do, and evidently have. I removed a dead spider and some of its
web. There was also quite a lot of dirt before I blew it away.

Now, this air conditioner has worked without fault for eight years or
so, but it hasn't really been used that much - no more than a couple of
weeks per year maximum. The state of the board may or may not be the
cause of the failure, but surely a circuit board stuck outside should be
better protected than this.

So, before you buy a Daikin (or any other brand, I suppose) find out
whether the circuit board is just expected to fend for itself in the
outside world.


There is a nice and knowledgable electronics guy in aus.electronics
thay may be alble to help out with the circuit board.

His name is Phill Allison.
On 4/01/2009 17:08 Sylvia Else wrote:

Anyone know the resistance of a small spider before it dies from shock?
You might find it on the web ...
"Bob Parker"

On 4/01/2009 17:08 Sylvia Else wrote:

Anyone know the resistance of a small spider before it dies from shock?

You might find it on the web ...

** Cobblers ......

......... Phil
On 2009-01-04, Phil Allison <> wrote:
"Bob Parker"

On 4/01/2009 17:08 Sylvia Else wrote:

Anyone know the resistance of a small spider before it dies from shock?

You might find it on the web ...

** Cobblers ......
If you find the spider there you should'a looked before you sat.
Sylvia Else wrote:
Sir John Howard wrote:
I was reluctantly dragged into the digital TV era only last year when
my old CRT TV went on the fritz.

(Having been stung as an early adopter on many other occasions, I
thought I'd wait, as I suspected it was all just another fad!)

Anyway, it was good that I waited as I got a very nice LG with built
in tuner and hard disk with all the latest fad gadgets (no warm
leatherette but time shift, PiP, etc.) for under $2,000.

The TV itself is quite nice although it does get a little hot near its

Anyway, while there's no more ghosting (and I can't really tell much
difference between HD and standard digital), I have noticed an
annoying problem with free to air reception.

If you were getting ghosting before, it sounds like your antenna is not
all that it should be.
I get ghosting because I'm in Wollstonecraft. Lots of signal reflection. The
added aerial for the Wollongong retransmitter works well but it looks like its
not needed for the local digital signals any more.

Digital eleminates the visual disturbance, but
the effect is still there in the signal, waiting to cause trouble.
Since signal reflection doesn't seem to affect digital signals, what would cause
helicopters passing overhead to interfere?

"The Labour Party is corrupt beyond redemption!"
- Labour hasbeen Mark Latham in a moment of honest clarity.
"Sir John Howard"
If you were getting ghosting before, it sounds like your antenna is not
all that it should be.

I get ghosting because I'm in Wollstonecraft. Lots of signal reflection.

** Be one of the worst TV reception areas in Sydney.

Those near the water need a bout 100m high mast to get a direct line of

Digital eleminates the visual disturbance, but the effect is still there
in the signal, waiting to cause trouble.

Since signal reflection doesn't seem to affect digital signals,

** Nonsense - it does.

The DTV signal format is almost immune to moderate ghosting effects - but
severe ghosting will still mangle it.

what would cause helicopters passing overhead to interfere?

** Two things - severe ghosting & severe and rapid signal level
modulation, you can see the latter on the on screen bar graph that most DTV
tuners provide.

An overhead chopper ( in the right spot) could easily be a stronger signal
source for your antenna than the TV transmitter - acting like a wobbly,
rotating mirror in the sky for VHF and UHF energy. Mangles anything.

Everything to do with TV reception directly relates to the particular
geographic location, installation and type of antenna in use. Means that
reception problems can normally only be fixed by on-site inspection and
assessment by an experienced antenna tech - then some experiments to see
what works.

The latter is especially true in problem locations like yours.


Once you have a decent signal available on all channels, annoying glitches
from light switches etc will likely disappear.

Unfortunately, DTV is *not immune* to electrical impulse noise caused by
arcing switches.

...... Phil

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