PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

TT wrote:

Bassett - you appear to have a problem - one second you are stating "WE
speak and spell correctly...." and in the next breath completely mangle
the English language. And I quote " Pity your total wrong....."
For goodness sake get it right. The correct statement is...... "Pity
you're ( short for YOU ARE) totally wrong".

Hint: Consider the alterative, that a certain mutt just maybe putting on a
bit of an act ;-)

Cheers TT
Rubbish, the bassett fool *really is* that stupid.

A bitter twisted thing he is.
"Mike Coatham" <> wrote in message
Bassett - you appear to have a problem - one second you are stating "WE
speak and spell correctly...." and in the next breath completely mangle
the English language. And I quote " Pity your total wrong....."
For goodness sake get it right. The correct statement is...... "Pity
you're ( short for YOU ARE) totally wrong".
I had to write it that way, the green light was flashing, to tell me my
computer was nearly out if Ink.
And the count down had started on the number of letters I had left.

PS, Love to Barbarrrrrrrrrrrrra
"clanker" <> wrote in message
TT wrote:

Bassett - you appear to have a problem - one second you are stating "WE
speak and spell correctly...." and in the next breath completely mangle
the English language. And I quote " Pity your total wrong....."
For goodness sake get it right. The correct statement is...... "Pity
you're ( short for YOU ARE) totally wrong".

Hint: Consider the alterative, that a certain mutt just maybe putting on
a bit of an act ;-)

Cheers TT

Rubbish, the bassett fool *really is* that stupid.

A bitter twisted thing he is.
Takes one to know one, "Blossum"
"Arny Krueger" <> wrote in message
"TT" <> wrote in message

Well it's nice to brag I have the big one ;-) Now tell
Arny that the population of WA is around 2,200,000.
That's 2 people per square mile :)

Alaska: population 670,053, size 570,380 square miles.
That's just a shade over 1 person per square mile.

Anywhere in this state you can wear a T shirt,t thongs and
shorts 365 days a year and it still has normal hours of
light and dark. Mind you it does get a little chilly in
some places in winter at night time ;-) Oh and I suggest in
summer a little bit of shade and some water ;-) BTW I like
my ice cubes in my drinks not on everything around me!

"Arny Krueger" <> wrote in message
"Keithr" <> wrote in message
Arny Krueger wrote:
"bassett" <> wrote in
message news:48b4f7c8$
Arny Krueger wrote:

Your so-called states are also very small in size
compaired (sic) to some places.

OK, Rhode Island is small compared to Antartica.

Alaska: : 656,425 square miles:

Texas: : 268,601 square miles:

France: 211,208 square miles

California: : 163,707 square miles:

Montana: : 147,046 square miles:

Germany 137,858 square miles

Norway 125,000 square miles

Western Australia 1,021,478 square miles

Yeah, but it is all grass.

Queensland 715,309 square miles

Yeah, but it is all grass or desert.

Northern Territory 502,902 square miles

Yeah, but it is all grass or desert.

South Australia 402,903 square miles

Yeah, but it is all grass or desert.

New South Wales 312,528 square miles

Yeah, but it is all grass or desert.

So there you have it - 2 states bigger than Alaska, 5
bigger than Texas.

What you don't seem to get is that Texas is a civilized,
productive state with a number of great cities and modern
infrastructure. Texas, just one state has a population of
23,507,783, while the whole of Australia has same-year
population of only 20,600,856. Texas, just one state has
a GSP of $771 billion dollars while all of Australia has
same-year GNP $544 billion dollars. Do the math - the
average Texan is almost 50% more productive than the
average aussie, which is one reason why we have less

Alaska is the only US state that compares to Australia for
absence of civilization. Unlike Australia we have 49 other
states that are definitely civilized. Well, 48 - Nevada
is pretty sparse. ;-)

but then, size isn't everything is it?

Exactly. Unlike underdeveloped spaces like Australia that
are mostly desert and grazing land, the US has plenty of
empty space, *and* lots of well-developed land populated
by a wealthy,highly productive people.
This is the typical introverted Yank crap that I am used to!
*IF* you had ever been to Oz you would see what a total ass
you are making of yourself.

Where as I have been to the US and I have seen New York,
Washington and Miami (and lots of Florida as well) and all
the data I have says Detroit is worse. You live in a shit
hole! I don't care what figures you throw around and I
don't care what statists you name the fact remains - you can
keep your city and your country!

Australians have a fantastic lifestyle and we live in a very
homogenous society with little regard to race or class and
we don't carry guns either.

Here is some more good advice Arny, actually take your head
out of your arse and smell the roses for a change! There is
a very big, wonderful world out there that has many, many
places better than the US. I have just come back from
Athens and Istanbul and would rather live in Istanbul that
any of the US cities I just named!

TT wrote:

Here is some more good advice Arny, actually take your head
out of your arse and smell the roses for a change! There is
a very big, wonderful world out there that has many, many
places better than the US. I have just come back from
Athens and Istanbul and would rather live in Istanbul that
any of the US cities I just named!
I could fancy Hong Kong.

"David L. Jones" wrote:

Eeyore wrote:

I could fancy Hong Kong.

Yikes, Hong Kong?
On a world trip a few years back Hong Kong was my *least* favourite
city, absolute bottom of the list.
Out of the city it got better though.
What didn't you like about it ?

Ya can't beat Sydney of course :p
Probably too hot for me.

"David L. Jones" wrote:
On Aug 29, 12:31 pm, Eeyore <
TT wrote:
Here is some more good advice Arny, actually take your head
out of your arse and smell the roses for a change! There is
a very big, wonderful world out there that has many, many
places better than the US. I have just come back from
Athens and Istanbul and would rather live in Istanbul that
any of the US cities I just named!

I don't know why the yanks haven't invaded Canada yet, MUCH better
lifestyle north of the border!

If it's so much better, why do I se so many Ontario license plates in

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
"Eeyore" <> wrote in
TT wrote:

Here is some more good advice Arny, actually take your
out of your arse and smell the roses for a change! There
a very big, wonderful world out there that has many, many
places better than the US. I have just come back from
Athens and Istanbul and would rather live in Istanbul
any of the US cities I just named!

I could fancy Hong Kong.

I love it exactly where I am and would not swap it for
anywhere. Some parts of Queensland and NSW come close but I
really hate crowds. BTW A bit of a culture shock while I
was in Istanbul. The official census says it has about 17
million people but I was told they estimate that due to
illegals there is about another 20% more! That is the whole
population of Oz in one city!!!!!!

Cheers TT
"David L. Jones" <> wrote in message
Ya can't beat Sydney of course :p

Of course you can - it's called Perth (or any of its
satellite cities) ;-)

Besides Dave you have Philthy as a neighbour and that's
enough to anyone off :))

Cheers TT
"TT" <> wrote in message
"Arny Krueger" <> wrote in message
"TT" <> wrote in message

Well it's nice to brag I have the big one ;-) Now tell
Arny that the population of WA is around 2,200,000. That's 2 people per
square mile :)

Alaska: population 670,053, size 570,380 square miles. That's just a
shade over 1 person per square mile.

Anywhere in this state you can wear a T shirt,t thongs and shorts 365 days
a year and it still has normal hours of light and dark. Mind you it does
get a little chilly in some places in winter at night time ;-) Oh and I
suggest in summer a little bit of shade and some water ;-) BTW I like my
ice cubes in my drinks not on everything around me!

Try wearing a "T" shirt in your southern states with "I,m a Gin jockey"
printed on the thing, and see
how long you last.
Did anyone see the "Top Gear'' program where they visited the South, and got
chased by "home'' boys with guns. Talk about "deliverance" mentality

On Aug 29, 12:31 pm, Eeyore <>
TT wrote:
Here is some more good advice Arny, actually take your head
out of your arse and smell the roses for a change! There is
a very big, wonderful world out there that has many, many
places better than the US. I have just come back from
Athens and Istanbul and would rather live in Istanbul that
any of the US cities I just named!
I don't know why the yanks haven't invaded Canada yet, MUCH better
lifestyle north of the border!

I could fancy Hong Kong.
Yikes, Hong Kong?
On a world trip a few years back Hong Kong was my *least* favourite
city, absolute bottom of the list.
Out of the city it got better though.

Ya can't beat Sydney of course :p

TT wrote:
"Keithr" <> wrote in message

The question is whether that is an advantantage or a disadvantage. I lived
in Carnarvon in the 60s it was a long lonely drive to Perth. Then again
flying from LA to Boston, you pass over a lot of uninhabited country. Like
us, the yanks tend to cluster into the more desirable real estate.


Perth has 1.5mil people in about 200ml*2 so there is another 700K in the
next million! So the trend is here as well ;-)

BTW I do sympathise with you being in Carnarvon in the sixties. So you were
either an Aboriginal field officer or a tech at the tracking station? I
would bet the later.

Cheers TT
Yes I was a trackie there for just over a year. A great place if you
like isolation and being bossed around by Wilson Tuckey who owned the
Port Hotel and was the Shire Chairman. I think that it was summed up by
the couple that parked along side me at the jetty on day, the wife took
a look and said "You mean we drove 600 bloody miles for this?".

I left there for a job at the Uni of WA at Nedlands, unfortunately that
didn't last long as it soon became obvious that there was something of a
gap between what they paid me and a living wage in Perth at the time
(and there were artistic differences with the professor). So it was back
to being a trackie, 2 years in Woomera, got me a near new car and the
deposit for a house. Another 3.5 years as a trackie in Canberra where I
(literally) taught myself to fix computers and I have been in the
computer industry ever since.
"David L. Jones" wrote:
They got sucked in by the whole Miami Vice thing perhaps? :-

My first visit to the US was flying into Miami. Boy, what a hole,
couldn't wait to get out of there. The worst city I visited in the US
by far.
I thought I flew into the wrong country, with all the airport signs in

Orlando, now there there was a much nicer place. Still pales compared
to Canada though, sorry.

If those are the only places you've seen, you still haven't been to
the real Florida. I haven't been to Orlando in seven years, or more.
It is better than it used to be, since the navy closed their base. That
got rid of the hookers and con men. As far as Miami? That is too far
from reality for me to ever visit. I know a lot of people who moved
north to get away from the Cubans, Haitians and other illegal aliens in
Miami. I live two hours north of Orlando in a quiet suburb, and plan on
staying her till I die. Most tourist traps attract criminals, and don't
reflect the real area. Sometimes a mile or two ant it is a completely
different world.

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
"David L. Jones" wrote:
On Aug 29, 5:26 pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <
"David L. Jones" wrote:

They got sucked in by the whole Miami Vice thing perhaps? :-

My first visit to the US was flying into Miami. Boy, what a hole,
couldn't wait to get out of there. The worst city I visited in the US
by far.
I thought I flew into the wrong country, with all the airport signs in

Orlando, now there there was a much nicer place. Still pales compared
to Canada though, sorry.

If those are the only places you've seen, you still haven't been to
the real Florida. I haven't been to Orlando in seven years, or more.
It is better than it used to be, since the navy closed their base. That
got rid of the hookers and con men. As far as Miami? That is too far
from reality for me to ever visit. I know a lot of people who moved
north to get away from the Cubans, Haitians and other illegal aliens in
Miami. I live two hours north of Orlando in a quiet suburb, and plan on
staying her till I die. Most tourist traps attract criminals, and don't
reflect the real area. Sometimes a mile or two ant it is a completely
different world.

Sure, I agree.
But I don't think it's necessarily unfair to judge a region by it's
major city(s). At least not from a visiting tourist point of view.

Most foreign tourists seem to like flashing lights and tacky
surroundings, so they can go home and tell their friends, "You won't
believe how bat that place was!" It's still funny to see someone with
six or more cameras hanging from their necks, while wearing a loud
Hawaiian shirt, jabbering 90 miles an hour, while pointing at everything
in sight. :)

You don't get people flocking out of say Sydney or Perth and
surrounding CBD's to get away from anything or anyone (the usual crowd
thing excepted).

I'm sure there are much better places in Florida, and I did really
like Orlando. I was told by a local limo guy that they have recently
spent big in recent time to spruce the place up. I was not

Miami though remains a hole, and every yank I spoke to about it
agreed :-

It's full of the ex New Yorkers, who were removed to clean up New
York City. Most of them never drove a car before they moved south, and
it shows.

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
On Aug 29, 2:30 pm, Eeyore <>
"David L. Jones" wrote:
Eeyore wrote:

I could fancy Hong Kong.

Yikes, Hong Kong?
On a world trip a few years back Hong Kong was my *least* favourite
city, absolute bottom of the list.
Out of the city it got better though.

What didn't you like about it ?
Dirty (nothing on NY though), run-down (again, nothing on NY), not
many places to "escape" to for a quiet sit, not much to see or do IMO,
people not very friendly, plus the shopping was very expensive.
Basically nothing going for it at all.
Lantau island was nicer.
The new international airport is impressive.

On Aug 29, 3:17 pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <>
"David L. Jones" wrote:

On Aug 29, 12:31 pm, Eeyore <
TT wrote:
Here is some more good advice Arny, actually take your head
out of your arse and smell the roses for a change! There is
a very big, wonderful world out there that has many, many
places better than the US. I have just come back from
Athens and Istanbul and would rather live in Istanbul that
any of the US cities I just named!

I don't know why the yanks haven't invaded Canada yet, MUCH better
lifestyle north of the border!

If it's so much better, why do I se so many Ontario license plates in
They got sucked in by the whole Miami Vice thing perhaps? :->

My first visit to the US was flying into Miami. Boy, what a hole,
couldn't wait to get out of there. The worst city I visited in the US
by far.
I thought I flew into the wrong country, with all the airport signs in

Orlando, now there there was a much nicer place. Still pales compared
to Canada though, sorry.

On Aug 29, 3:27 pm, "TT" <> wrote:
"David L. Jones" <> wrote in

Ya can't beat Sydney of course :p

Of course you can - it's called Perth (or any of its
satellite cities) ;-)
I visited Perth for the first time last month, and I've got to say
it's very nice indeed. My second favourite city in Oz.


Besides Dave you have Philthy as a neighbour and that's
enough to anyone off :))
There is a good 25km or so between us, so not too bad.
Sydney unfortunately gets a bad wrap on here for that alone!

On Aug 29, 5:26 pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <>
"David L. Jones" wrote:

They got sucked in by the whole Miami Vice thing perhaps? :-

My first visit to the US was flying into Miami. Boy, what a hole,
couldn't wait to get out of there. The worst city I visited in the US
by far.
I thought I flew into the wrong country, with all the airport signs in

Orlando, now there there was a much nicer place. Still pales compared
to Canada though, sorry.

If those are the only places you've seen, you still haven't been to
the real Florida. I haven't been to Orlando in seven years, or more.
It is better than it used to be, since the navy closed their base. That
got rid of the hookers and con men. As far as Miami? That is too far
from reality for me to ever visit. I know a lot of people who moved
north to get away from the Cubans, Haitians and other illegal aliens in
Miami. I live two hours north of Orlando in a quiet suburb, and plan on
staying her till I die. Most tourist traps attract criminals, and don't
reflect the real area. Sometimes a mile or two ant it is a completely
different world.
Sure, I agree.
But I don't think it's necessarily unfair to judge a region by it's
major city(s). At least not from a visiting tourist point of view.

You don't get people flocking out of say Sydney or Perth and
surrounding CBD's to get away from anything or anyone (the usual crowd
thing excepted).

I'm sure there are much better places in Florida, and I did really
like Orlando. I was told by a local limo guy that they have recently
spent big in recent time to spruce the place up. I was not

Miami though remains a hole, and every yank I spoke to about it
agreed :->

"Keithr" <> wrote in message
Arny Krueger wrote:

What you don't seem to get is that Texas is a civilized,
productive state with a number of great cities and
modern infrastructure. Texas, just one state has a
population of 23,507,783, while the whole of Australia
has same-year population of only 20,600,856. Texas,
just one state has a GSP of $771 billion dollars while
all of Australia has same-year GNP $544 billion dollars.
Do the math - the average Texan is almost 50% more
productive than the average aussie, which is one reason
why we have less wasteland.

If we accept you figures, which I don't have time to
check, it would imply that the average Texan produces $32,531 per year
and the average Australian $26,408 per year. I.e. the
average Australian produces 81% of a Texan.
IOW, Australians are slackers compared to the Texans. BTW, Texas is not our
most productive state.

And extremely poor people living off the minimum wage
with no health cover.
Simply not true.

Since there is government assistance to the poor in all states, many are
living without earning any wage at all.

Secondly, there is health coverage for the poor. It just isn't at the same
level as is available via private insurance.

Like most Americans you confuse quantity with quality
lets look at The Economist's 2008 top 10 list of most
livable cities
"The Economist" - published in London, England no wonder the list is highly
tilted towards cities in the Commonwealth.

You don't know what an unbiased source is, do you Keith?

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