On Wed, 24 Dec 2003 01:24:56 -0800, Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, Dark
Remover" <alondra101@hotmail.com> said...
history of the railroads and came up with a fair amount of
political BS, some stock scams, and abuse of government help.
It's the difference between producing values and producing BS to
justify a meaningless existance. Like Gore claiming to have created
the internet.
Remover" <alondra101@hotmail.com> said...
Heh, heh... I wouldn't either. I've been skimming over some of theIn article <MPG.1a529197cac2b6ac989739@news.west.earthlink.net>,
mTHISREMOVEcolasono@earthlink.net mentioned...
On Tue, 23 Dec 2003 14:47:27 -0800, rphenry@home.com said...
"Active8" <mTHISREMOVEcolasono@earthlink.net,invalid> wrote in message
I can't remember the man's name that built the only US railroad
from money he raised himself. no govt money involved. It was the
only railroad in the country to ever show a profit.
Do you have a reference to this amazing fact?
It was in a book called "The Book". It's not here. Google Neotech
or try it as a domain name. The book is partly hogwash, but someone
I talked to had heard of this guy. The RR was built across the
north part of the country and may have crossed into Canada. I tried
google on John Hill, and didn't find anything obvious. Not being
sure of his name, I don't know.
Do you know of any Federally subsidized businesses that *do* turn a
I heard on the news that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are now in the
spotlight. Turns out that with all the billions the gummint pours
into them, they don't do much at all to lower the interest rate for
the borrowers. I don't know much about this stuff, but after all the
medicare fraud and other such abuses, I can't say I'd expect much
more. >:-(
history of the railroads and came up with a fair amount of
political BS, some stock scams, and abuse of government help.
It's the difference between producing values and producing BS to
justify a meaningless existance. Like Gore claiming to have created
the internet.
As for railroads, you come to LA and you see places like Huntington
Beach and Huntington Park named after Collis Huntington, the railroad
tycoon. http://www.huntington.tierranet.com/bios/collis.htm which is
a decidedly favorably biased account. Then there were other accounts.
And then there's Baldwin Hills, etc., named after "Lucky" Baldwin.