Jan Panteltje <> wrote in
No state will ever "succeed" from the US. Not permitted. It is a
union of states, and no, we would not ever allow one to declare
itself as its own country. Too much shit hits the fan in such a
case, so it will NEVER (be allowed to) happen.
On a sunny day (Fri, 2 Aug 2019 19:22:04 -0700 (PDT)) it happened wrote in>:
On Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 12:22:56 PM UTC-4, Jan Panteltje
I was reading today that in California now if you want to run
for Precedent eeeh president you HAVE to show the taxes over the
last few years.
That won't stand. The Constitution sets the requirements for
president, and California is not allowed to change or add new
I dunno about all those 'merrican lawsuits,
but it was signed into law by the demoncratetic governor.
The previous governor did not want to sigh it.
it is all over the news:
Are you saying somebody running for Precedent will fight it in
court? California will then likely declare independence
Shortly after followed by Texas, and a few more states.
No state will ever "succeed" from the US. Not permitted. It is a
union of states, and no, we would not ever allow one to declare
itself as its own country. Too much shit hits the fan in such a
case, so it will NEVER (be allowed to) happen.