"Tom Del Rosso" <> wrote in
Sure they are. Just like antique collectors and stamp collectors
and coin collectors and nike shoe collectors and thimble collectors
or old bicycle collectors.
With 331 million folks here, I think your statistics are guessed at
to put it simply. Perhaps folks like you represent "a very large
group". But there is a foul odor in this group... could be you.
Likely the shit on your shoes from the last TrumpTard rally you
attended. There are more gun collectors in this country than there
are retarded Trump rally attendees. Draw up some fake stat numbers
from that, TrumpTurd.
bitrex wrote:
If my neighbor is stockpiling guns, and I'm not, and constantly
talking like they want to use 'em, then I must assume they're
planning an attack. I would be a fool to assume otherwise.
I would reach the same conclusion.
And that's exactly what right-wing gun nuts tend to do.
But no, they don't talk like they want to use them.
Nor are gun "collectors" even a very large group.
Sure they are. Just like antique collectors and stamp collectors
and coin collectors and nike shoe collectors and thimble collectors
or old bicycle collectors.
With 331 million folks here, I think your statistics are guessed at
to put it simply. Perhaps folks like you represent "a very large
group". But there is a foul odor in this group... could be you.
Likely the shit on your shoes from the last TrumpTard rally you
attended. There are more gun collectors in this country than there
are retarded Trump rally attendees. Draw up some fake stat numbers
from that, TrumpTurd.