[OT] Photos from Brother Bush's Rape Room

In article <bj30a0h06eft0bdnnrnglb0jl7i1u2tmnd@4ax.com>,
Savage John Fields <jfields@austininstruments.com> blathers:
On Mon, 10 May 2004 23:02:47 GMT, "Tom Del Rosso"
tdnews01@att.net.invalid> wrote:

In news:Fajmc.28720$Ia6.4539796@attbi_s03,
Scott Stephens typed:


In the heading: "US based Jewish pornographers".

This new set of pictures may be real, but that kind of puts the source
into question.

Well, of course the _pictures_ are real, but it's not hard to dress up
a bunch of folks to look like GIs and a few women to pretend they're
_not_ whores and stage the whole thing, then put the pictures into
circulation and let the cards fall where they may...

The good thing is that the perpetrators will be prosecuted, but the
Islamists will NOT be condemned for the beheadings. There are
misguided people who prefer the death of Americans over the
ludicrious embarassment of anyone else.

Imagine having your head sawed off, while still alive? That is torture.
That is murder.

The perps of the hazing incedent will be punished, while the perps of
the beheading will likely be applauded. If you don't condemn the evil
Islamists (it was Al Queda) as loudly as you have whined about the
beheading, then YOU are the problem. That would make YOU the savage.

Scott Stephens <scottxs@comcast.net> wrote in message news:<zm9oc.27672$iF6.2845737@attbi_s02>...
Bill Sloman wrote:

So we are to forgive the Republican administration, who invaded Irak
for reasons that turn out to be have been inadequate,

Hussein never complied with the terms of the cease-fire from the first
gulf war HE STARTED.
So what.

He had it coming, he needed to get it, sooner or
later, one way or another.
A little later, with a proper UN-mandated coalition, would have been a
lot better. You are now trying to get the UN-mandate after the event,
and in the meantime the Irakis have made up their minds that you are
occupiers, rather than liberators.

You can't have Stalinists dominating the
middle-east oil producers to fund nuclear weapon programs.
You were happy enough with him when he was invading Iran, and weren't
too worried about a real nuclear weapons program, as opposed to the
fake some Nigerian forgers dreamt up for you when you decided that you
did want to invade.

with an army
that turns out to have been inadequate, because the previous
(Democratic-minority) administration hadn't spent even more money on
an already over-sized military, presumably because they weren't
contemplating any foolish military adventures.

My preference would have been to set up 7-11 style arms-marts, and
rent-an-air strike service for the various tribes and militias that were
friendly to us.
That was pretty much what you were offering via the no-fly zones all
through the period from when you threw Saddam out of Kuwait to the
point where you invaded. It didn't have the effect you wanted then -
what makes you think that it would work now.

I suspect that's what is going to happen, after a lot more futile
attempts at forcing packs of nasty natives to be civil.
Not so much futile, as self-sabotaged. Your cute techniques for
softening up prisoners before interogation weren't calculated to make
you seem lovable.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
In article <7c584d27.0405111733.177c8235@posting.google.com>,
bill.sloman@ieee.org (Bill Sloman) writes:
Scott Stephens <scottxs@comcast.net> wrote in message news:<zm9oc.27672$iF6.2845737@attbi_s02>...
Bill Sloman wrote:

So we are to forgive the Republican administration, who invaded Irak
for reasons that turn out to be have been inadequate,

Hussein never complied with the terms of the cease-fire from the first
gulf war HE STARTED.

So what.

He had it coming, he needed to get it, sooner or
later, one way or another.

A little later, with a proper UN-mandated coalition, would have been a
lot better.

No UN mandate would have happened due to the graft and
corruption. If the UN had any sense of right and wrong, and
a true concern about the Iraqi people, they would have
gladly attempted to help subsequently (rather than the half
hearted cut and run behaviors.) One very major problem with
the UN and some of the corrupt old-European countries (those
who keep too many secrets, and cannot sustain exposure of their
corruption) is that there is little transparency
and the safety and security of the American people cannot
be trusted to such a corrupt organization. The historical
safekeeping provided to old-Europe by the US is obviously
never going to be reciprocal, and the US population now
fully understands that.

As it is, the door has been open to the UN, and the UN
has only modestly helpful to the Iraqi people or it's significant
funding source. As soon as the Islamists and/or Fedayeen
Saddam purposfully target the UN people (note that there is
almost no way to disarm that country), then the UN shows weakness
and cuts and run.

It is proven that the UN has NO staying power in Iraq, especially
when they are desperately needed by the Iraqi people.

I can agree that it would have been better if Saddam wasn't paying
off major political and economic figures in France, Russia the UN
itself and probably Germany. This would have made it much more
likely for a positive vote to start a more aggressive search
for WMDs along with a regime change for liberation. (We even
had a dose of corruption along those lines, where the Clinton
pardoned friend Marc Rich was apparently also profiteering from
the UN scam.)

Frankly, without the graft and financial corruption in the UN
programs, it MIGHT have been less likely to surmise (by the
various intelligence agencies in the world, including France,
US, Germany, UK, etc) that Saddam didn't have WMDs... Or did
he? There certainly was ALOT of money floating around, certainly
enough to purchase some serious weapons or weapons programs.

I am sure that the information from the various European and
intelligence organizations and the weakened CIA were more than
enough to make it probable that Saddam had the weapons, and
even if one or two had 'questioned' the existance, the stakes
were too high. One warning: anyone understanding the American
psyche, if there are any more serious attacks against the US -- the
result will make the most leftist idiot in Europe wish for the
good old early days of George W. Bush. The rules that the US
usually follows result from the struggle not being immediately
life and death, and the gloves will come off. USers don't respond
like the Spanish, but the Americans understand the nuances of
the Islamist power play games. (One attack against America
will elicit an election mandate for Bush...)

By avoiding support of the US, this further causes the Americans
to trust the UN less and less. In a strange way, the UN is playing
into the hands of Bush for the election. A few carefully worded
campaign commericals will cinche the election, but it will only work
if the old-Europeans keep showing their lack of trustworthiness.

On Tue, 11 May 2004 12:33:04 -0500, John Fields
<jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Tue, 11 May 2004 00:21:34 -0300, YD <yd.techHAT@techie.com> wrote:

On Mon, 10 May 2004 15:33:49 -0500, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Mon, 10 May 2004 20:59:05 +0200, Ralph Christopher
ralphc@snafu.de> wrote:

We have seen it happening.

We all have. You _allowed_ it to happen.

Oh, come off it. Those who did allow it to happen are all dead or very
close to by now. Are you on about the sins of the fathers or

I'm not, but Ralph sure seems to be carrying a shitload of guilt
because his grandfather was a Nazi... Or something he's not happy
I do wish people would leave off being apologetic, it just opens them
up to usenet bullies. So you knew his grandfather? Damn, you're old.

Not all Germans were Nazi, in case you didn't know already. And anyone
would be unhappy about your crappy attitudes. In fact, I think it's
you being unhappy about something, go figure.

Times change you know.

Yeah and, hopefully and if we're careful, history won't repeat itself.

History will repeat itself and the way things are going you and your
kind will have a lot to do with the world going down the drain.
Hopefully reason will prevail.

I'm just about to class you with JSD, RSW and FB. Lighten up and try
to sound at least half-way reasonable at times.

- YD.
Remove HAT if replying by mail.
On Tue, 11 May 2004 19:41:45 +0000 (UTC), toor@iquest.net (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

In article <lcg0a0dbu3n1no0qaaof4j0jab28dsgctq@4ax.com>,
YD <yd.techHAT@techie.com> writes:

Even better: force him to read all the political rants in sed, with
special attention to the writings by Fred Bloggs, John Dyson and Steve

Remember: it is good that CBS news gave two weeks to the lea<*BLAH!!!*

Thank you for proving my point. What in hell does the above relate to?
Hey, how about a date with Lyndie England? You might end up enjoying

- YD.

Remove HAT if replying by mail.
On Tue, 11 May 2004 23:07:09 +0000 (UTC), toor@iquest.net (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

In article <fkg2a0tcs8jchbv3pkn7kaibvfg68n7ph4@4ax.com>,
Hateful John Fields <jfields@austininstruments.com> whined and profaned:
On Tue, 11 May 2004 19:45:21 +0000 (UTC), toor@iquest.net (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

Information travels much faster in the rest of the world than the
official channels in the US military. This needs to be resolved.

Fuck you, Dyson, and your self-important pronouncements.

You seem to have troubles in expressing yourself without using
profane language... Are you just so overcome by hate (the left
tends to have that problem :-(.)
JF a leftist??? Next you'll claim he's pals with RSW. Go take a break,

- YD.

Remove HAT if replying by mail.
John S. Dyson wrote:

No UN mandate would have happened due to the graft and
I forgot to say that, that the UN is 10X worse than the Chicago city

And they're pretty bad. Every year, one or two get sent upstream.

One very major problem with
the UN and some of the corrupt old-European countries (those
who keep too many secrets, and cannot sustain exposure of their
corruption) is that there is little transparency
and the safety and security of the American people cannot
be trusted to such a corrupt organization.
F' the UN. The John Birch'ers have it right. Lets pull out and tell them
to go to hell.

The historical
safekeeping provided to old-Europe by the US is obviously
never going to be reciprocal, and the US population now
fully understands that.
But not Clinton and the Boleshevic traitors that are selling American
fools poison.

then the UN shows weakness and cuts and run.
When haven't they? No bribes, no excuses, no motivation!



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In article <c7rmja$2grf$3@news.iquest.net>,
toor@iquest.net (John S. Dyson) writes:
In article <bj30a0h06eft0bdnnrnglb0jl7i1u2tmnd@4ax.com>,
Savage John Fields <jfields@austininstruments.com> blathers:
On Mon, 10 May 2004 23:02:47 GMT, "Tom Del Rosso"
tdnews01@att.net.invalid> wrote:

In news:Fajmc.28720$Ia6.4539796@attbi_s03,
Scott Stephens typed:


In the heading: "US based Jewish pornographers".

This new set of pictures may be real, but that kind of puts the source
into question.

Well, of course the _pictures_ are real, but it's not hard to dress up
a bunch of folks to look like GIs and a few women to pretend they're
_not_ whores and stage the whole thing, then put the pictures into
circulation and let the cards fall where they may...

The good thing is that the perpetrators will be prosecuted, but the
Islamists will NOT be condemned for the beheadings. There are
misguided people who prefer the death of Americans over the
ludicrious embarassment of anyone else.

Imagine having your head sawed off, while still alive? That is torture.
That is murder.
Double quoted section corrected:
The perps of the hazing incedent will be punished, while the perps of
the beheading will likely be applauded. If you don't condemn the evil
Islamists (it was Al Queda) as loudly as you have whined about the
beheading, then YOU are the problem. That would make YOU the savage.

The perps of the hazing incedent will be punished, while the perps of
the beheading will likely be applauded. If you don't condemn the evil
Islamists (it was Al Queda) as loudly as you have whined about the
childish and stupid hazing, then YOU are the problem. That would
make YOU the savage. If you can be outraged by essentially a hazing
incedent (however wrong/disgusting it was), and make lots of noise, and
complain, then it would only be honest to be even more outraged and very
loudly express outrage against the snuff tape as produced by the
Islamists for the enjoyment of their allies... (Note that I have heard few
pro-American people show enjoyment about the attrocious hazing incedents,
but it is okay to enjoy the murder of a non-combatant, idealistic,
24yr old young man???)


It is amazing that the outrage against the grizzly, painful, 12th century,
evil snuff-tape murder of Nicholas hasn't been nearly as severe as the
astounding outrage about the ludicriously stupid, childish, insulting
and damaging hazing incedents. Those who complained loudly about
the hazing incedents and haven't complained about the grizzly, bloody
murder against Nicolas show their own true evil intent. Those who
are working to further inflame the situation, knowing that further
Americans will die, are only trying to benefit their ratings at
the expense of lives (and note, that the legal process isn't significantly
affected by the detailed exposure of inflammatory and idiotic behavior --
while the disgusting ratings profiteers could be humane and wait until the
situation dies down.)

It is an evil (secular and religious sense) person who complains loudly
about the hazing behavior, while is relatively modest and quiet about the
grizzly murder. Given further releases of inflammatory
information by CBS and others, then their further 'scoops' will
probably cost more American lives for the benefit of ratings. Even
the most vehement, crazed, anti-Bush person has to see the purely
selfish behavior of those who have unnecessarily released the
inflammatory pictures (while they COULD have released the info
without being inflammatory.)

On Tue, 11 May 2004 19:57:41 +0100, Paul Burridge wrote:

On Tue, 11 May 2004 12:25:37 -0500, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

The cruelest form of punishment (and my personal favorite) is the one
inflicted on the Martians at the end of "MARS ATTACKS!"

The military suddenly notice the aliens have no skulls and simply
whack their exposed brains with baseball bats? Is that the film?
can't remember, but I think it was bad music that destroyed them.
Best Regards,
On Wed, 12 May 2004 04:32:28 -0400, Active8 <reply2group@ndbbm.net>

On Tue, 11 May 2004 19:57:41 +0100, Paul Burridge wrote:

On Tue, 11 May 2004 12:25:37 -0500, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

The cruelest form of punishment (and my personal favorite) is the one
inflicted on the Martians at the end of "MARS ATTACKS!"

The military suddenly notice the aliens have no skulls and simply
whack their exposed brains with baseball bats? Is that the film?

can't remember, but I think it was bad music that destroyed them.
Oh. 'Gangsta Rap'? Great film anyway.


"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
"Scott Stephens" <scottxs@comcast.net> wrote in message
Bill Sloman wrote:

So we are to forgive the Republican administration, who invaded Irak
for reasons that turn out to be have been inadequate,

Hussein never complied with the terms of the cease-fire from the first
gulf war HE STARTED. He had it coming, he needed to get it, sooner or
later, one way or another. You can't have Stalinists dominating the
middle-east oil producers to fund nuclear weapon programs.
Yeah, so they got him. Mission accomplished. So howcome American
troops are still killing people? What's the new mission? What is
_really_ Bush's goal?

Why is everybody afraid to ask these questions?

On Tue, 11 May 2004 23:03:04 +0000 (UTC), toor@iquest.net (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

I am sure that
Nicholas Berg is happy to have been beheaded alive and slowly in order
to support the leftist CBS scoop :-(.
I'm pretty sure _he_ wasn't, but it certainly seems like you are, what
with all the mileage you've been able to suck out of it...

John Fields
toor@iquest.net (John S. Dyson) wrote in message news:<c7ra1k$2d3f$1@news.iquest.net>...
In article <7c584d27.0405110246.55d8d6db@posting.google.com>,
bill.sloman@ieee.org (Bill Sloman) writes:
toor@iquest.net (John S. Dyson) wrote in message news:<c7f3g7$1r7g$1@news.iquest.net>...
In article <409a13a1$0$20748$626a14ce@news.free.fr>,
Gilbert Mouget <prenom.nom@free.fr.invalid> writes:
In article <Fajmc.28720$Ia6.4539796@attbi_s03>,
dated Thu, 06 May 2004 04:29:25 GMT,
Scott Stephens, <scottxs@comcast.net> says...

snipped more or less rational, if uninspired, content

If you want to blame the cause of the understaffing of the
military in general (and don't assume that we have enough people
without a lot of pain to staff up Iraq very much more than it already
is), then let's look for the reasons why the military was understaffed
and the reasons why the intelligence organizations had been so
incompetent in dealing with the situation. (Hint: it takes more
than three years to build up the military and intelligence services,
but it only takes a few idiotic downsizing decisions at high levels.)

So we are to forgive the Republican administration, who invaded Irak
for reasons that turn out to be have been inadequate,

All French/German/British/American intelligence almost PROVED the WMDs.
Love that "almost". There weren't any WMD's, and Dubbya was reduced to
using the forged documents from Nigeria (which he should have known to
be forged) to sex-up the (very) potential threat that Saddam Hussien
would eventually develop a nuclear capability.

Too bad that we needed to depend upon foreign sources because partially
of the vast Clinton downsizing.
If Dubbya had listened to the people he had left, rather than
instructing them to make a case for invading Irak, he would have got
the message - his attitude to intelligence advice seems to be the same
as his attitude to scientific advice, which is to say he cherry-picks
it for support for what he wants to do, rather than listening to it
for advice on what he ought to do.

with an army
that turns out to have been inadequate,

Far from inadequate, simply we have to follow unfair rules against
the US.
If you'd paid any attention to the Geneva conventions, you might not
have driven an initially more or less acquiescent population into
armed revolt. Remember, you are being embarassed by the photos that
have now surface in the press, while the Iraki attitudes are being
formed by word-of-mouth communication between the prisonsers and ther
relatives and friends.

The U.S. occupation forces seem to have inspired much more energetic
insurrections than the other national groups, which seems likely to
reflect the U.S. forces lack of expereince with coping with foreign

Remember the FACT that CBS deferring the broadcast of
the pictures had given Nicholas Berg a few more weeks to live.
Why do you think that? If the people that killed him had been upset by
word-of-mouth reports, rather than photos they had seen in the press,
then your FACT would become another one of your fallacious
suppositions. Since what we are talking about is an Al Q'iada
publicity stunt, the beheading itself is the real message, and the
declared reason merely an after-the-fact justification.

If they would have described the content, instead of showing the
pictures (while still informing the literate people), then Berg
might still be alive.
Fat chance.

Alas, the Al Queda, whether they are in
Indian/Pakistan/US or Iraq, they tend to behead people... Look
at history.
It is a theatrical gesture. Bad dramatists love killing their
characters - nothing is quite so effective in gripping the attention
of the audience.

because the previous
(Democratic-minority) administration hadn't spent even more money on
an already over-sized military,

Actually, it was more the intelligence agency downsizing that seems
to have mostly increased the probability of this issue. There was
certainly an issue of depending upon reservists (because of the military
being overly downsized), but they weren't the instigators of the abuse.
There was definitely an issue of a Brigadier General who seeemed
Since your administration doesn't seem to listen to the intelligence
agencies that it has, blaming their down-sizing for the present mess
does seem somewhat inappropriate. Rumsfeld's cavalier attitude to the
Geneva conventions percolated down through the military structure
seems to be at least as much of a problem as any shortage of
appropriately trained personnel.

Yes, downsizing was most of the problem, and loss of a certain
military structure due to incompetency and hatred of the military
over the last 8yr presidency.
You can't describe your military as being "down-sized" when you are
spending as much on it as the total expended on their militaries by
next ten countries down the ranking order. If the Democratic
administration had hated the military, they would have had every
excuse to cut it back to historically normal levels (equal to the
total spent by the next two countries in the ranking order).

presumably because they weren't
contemplating any foolish military adventures.

No foolish military adventures so far -- otherwise Korea would
have been attacked (per the leftists taunting to be insane
while negotiations are still productive!!!) With Iraq, we
also got two for one (Libya), who probably had some of Saddam's
materials in their grasp.
Attacking North Korea certainly would have been an exceedingly foolish
military adventure, not least because they actually do have weapons of
mass destruction. Your occupation of Irak with an army that cleary
isn't competent to maintain order is of a lower order of foolishness,
but remains obviously foolish.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
Tom Del Rosso wrote:
In the heading: "US based Jewish pornographers".

This new set of pictures may be real, but that kind of puts the source
into question.
Those are clearly not Americans- too ethnically homogenous- not USA
issue desert fatigues and not USA issue gas mask- also even a cursory
morphological analysis reveals those mongoloids to be of eastern
Euro-pee-on extraction - probably Russians or Serbs. This Stephen's
nutcase is clearly overcome by the male penis and forcible
domination/violence/ death combination- a swirl of hormonal opiate
responses sends the moron into a euphoria- he should check into a
combination treatment of castration, prozac, and lobotomy...
On Tue, 11 May 2004 23:07:09 +0000 (UTC), toor@iquest.net (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

In article <fkg2a0tcs8jchbv3pkn7kaibvfg68n7ph4@4ax.com>,
Hateful John Fields <jfields@austininstruments.com> whined and profaned:
On Tue, 11 May 2004 19:45:21 +0000 (UTC), toor@iquest.net (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

Information travels much faster in the rest of the world than the
official channels in the US military. This needs to be resolved.

Fuck you, Dyson, and your self-important pronouncements.

Not self-important, but repeating some info from the testimony
today. No big deal, but I know that you have hate in your too-small
heart. The info is public domain, and available for you to review.
(I am sure that transcripts are available online somewhere.)

You seem to have troubles in expressing yourself without using
profane language... Are you just so overcome by hate (the left
tends to have that problem :-(.)
I like to use profanity when I confront blockheads like you because
it's the only way to get your attention. Like a mule and a 2X4...

Seems to have worked, but now you seem to still be muddled about who's
on what side.

John Fields
toor@iquest.net (John S. Dyson) wrote in message news:<c7s6h5$2lli$1@news.iquest.net>...
In article <7c584d27.0405111733.177c8235@posting.google.com>,
bill.sloman@ieee.org (Bill Sloman) writes:
Scott Stephens <scottxs@comcast.net> wrote in message news:<zm9oc.27672$iF6.2845737@attbi_s02>...
Bill Sloman wrote:

So we are to forgive the Republican administration, who invaded Irak
for reasons that turn out to be have been inadequate,

Hussein never complied with the terms of the cease-fire from the first
gulf war HE STARTED.

So what.

He had it coming, he needed to get it, sooner or
later, one way or another.

A little later, with a proper UN-mandated coalition, would have been a
lot better.

No UN mandate would have happened due to the graft and
On the contrary, the only thing that blocked the UN mandate was that
the U.S. wasn't prepared to spend the time and money on the graft and
corruption required to get such a mandate - that's how you got your
mandate for the first Gulf War, and it was time and money well-spent.
Your current administration was simply too gung-ho to worry about the
problems of holding down Irak once they had invaded it - one more
example of their short-sighted attitudes.

<snipped the rest of the rubbish>

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
On Tue, 11 May 2004 23:11:38 +0000 (UTC), toor@iquest.net (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

In article <bj30a0h06eft0bdnnrnglb0jl7i1u2tmnd@4ax.com>,
Savage John Fields <jfields@austininstruments.com> blathers:
On Mon, 10 May 2004 23:02:47 GMT, "Tom Del Rosso"
tdnews01@att.net.invalid> wrote:

In news:Fajmc.28720$Ia6.4539796@attbi_s03,
Scott Stephens typed:


In the heading: "US based Jewish pornographers".

This new set of pictures may be real, but that kind of puts the source
into question.

Well, of course the _pictures_ are real, but it's not hard to dress up
a bunch of folks to look like GIs and a few women to pretend they're
_not_ whores and stage the whole thing, then put the pictures into
circulation and let the cards fall where they may...

The good thing is that the perpetrators will be prosecuted, but the
Islamists will NOT be condemned for the beheadings.
So... Your _real_ agenda is finally revealed!

Why is it a good thing that they WON'T be condemned?

I'm shocked!
That was a stupid statement to make, even considering that it came
from you.

misguided people who prefer the death of Americans over the
ludicrious embarassment of anyone else.

Imagine having your head sawed off, while still alive? That is torture.
That is murder.
You prove, once again, that you have a remarkable grasp of the

Torture, BTW, is also having to read the way you mangle the language;

The perps of the hazing incedent will be punished, while the perps of
the beheading will likely be applauded.
By their own, of course, and you also seem to be enjoying using it to
rail on, ad nauseam.

If you don't condemn the evil
Islamists (it was Al Queda) as loudly as you have whined about the
beheading, then YOU are the problem. That would make YOU the savage.
That statement makes NO sense. I think a little remedial writing
should be in order if you want to to keep your foot out of your mouth.

John Fields
toor@iquest.net (John S. Dyson) wrote in message news:<c7ragh$2d3f$3@news.iquest.net>...
In article <guv0a0lcf4f6djs6jk7rd64m1drbc4v2s3@4ax.com>,
Paul Burridge <pb@notthisbit.osiris1.co.uk> writes:
On Mon, 10 May 2004 18:28:47 -0500, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Mon, 10 May 2004 23:02:47 GMT, "Tom Del Rosso"
tdnews01@att.net.invalid> wrote:

In news:Fajmc.28720$Ia6.4539796@attbi_s03,
Scott Stephens typed:


In the heading: "US based Jewish pornographers".

This new set of pictures may be real, but that kind of puts the source
into question.

Well, of course the _pictures_ are real, but it's not hard to dress up
a bunch of folks to look like GIs and a few women to pretend they're
_not_ whores and stage the whole thing, then put the pictures into
circulation and let the cards fall where they may...

Not sure if the word is out yet, but the pictures purporting to be of
the British Army abusing prisoners have now been officially confirmed
as fakes - as many of us had suspected all along from the
discrepancies in them. I only hope they'll track down the hoaxers and
deal with them suitably harshly - they've caused untold damage already
and the Arabs will just assume the finding of falsity is a cover-up.

Even the legit exposure of the pictures taken by the out-of-control
unit have allegedly caused the death of Nicholas Berg. (Well, Al Queda
doesnt' behead people just based upon pictures.)
Al Q'iada - like every other terrorist organisation - kills people
whenever they want to attract public attention - I'm sure that they
would have liked to kill more than one American, but presumably that
one was all that was available at the time. If the prisoner abuse
photos hadn't been big in the press at the time, they would probably
had found sound other "justification" for their attention-grabbing

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
Bill Sloman wrote:
Why do you think that? If the people that killed him had been upset by
word-of-mouth reports, rather than photos they had seen in the press,
then your FACT would become another one of your fallacious
suppositions. Since what we are talking about is an Al Q'iada
publicity stunt, the beheading itself is the real message, and the
declared reason merely an after-the-fact justification.
This problem with all these killings and kidnappings is the result of
asinine Rumsfeld mentality of thinking he can commercialize everything-
including the work of re-building a basic infra-structure in a deadly
war zone. Well- he's wrong about that! These civilian idiots are being
lured into Iraq by BIG salaries- any kind of engineer can earn $250K
base salary with an additional per diem- tax free- are you still looking
for work?- well there you go. The Iraqi insurgents have succeeded in
turning the situation around so that far more people are turning these
job offers down than are accepting them, and this *may* teach Rumsfeld a
lesson- the private sector talks up a storm about their capabilities
when times are easy with no apparent life threatening dangers- but the
worthless mercenary TRASH turn and run when the going gets tough. The US
military cannot protect these people- they are on their own- and not
doing too well.
On Wed, 12 May 2004 04:32:28 -0400, Active8 <reply2group@ndbbm.net>

On Tue, 11 May 2004 19:57:41 +0100, Paul Burridge wrote:

On Tue, 11 May 2004 12:25:37 -0500, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

The cruelest form of punishment (and my personal favorite) is the one
inflicted on the Martians at the end of "MARS ATTACKS!"

The military suddenly notice the aliens have no skulls and simply
whack their exposed brains with baseball bats? Is that the film?

can't remember, but I think it was bad music that destroyed them.

I forget exactly how the first instance happened, but one of the
Martians heard the yodeling part of Eddy Arnold's "Cattle Call" and
his head blew up. Then the military got out sound trucks and started
playing it as loud as they could, everywhere, and the rest of the
Martians started dropping like flies as their heads exploded and
splashed their brains all over the insides of their helmets. Saucers
even fell out of the sky because of the music... :)

John Fields

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