On 8/24/2020 2:44 PM, Don Y wrote:
 When I did keto, I weighed and logged everything I ate, I did blood
measurements of Glucose and ketones at least daily.
It worked well for weight loss.
For me it\'s not easy to get all the vitamins and minerals, so I did take
a supplement. I used \"Cronometer\" to keep track of nutrients.
I also walk, a little over 3 miles, occasionally 4. When I walk 4 miles,
that loop includes a Publix super market where they have the
large scales in the lobby and I weigh myself. I used to walk 5 miles,
but it just took to long. I was going to Planet Fitness but then covid.
I\'m 65 and trying to stay mobile until I\'m in the ground.
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On 8/24/2020 10:32 AM, amdx wrote:
On 8/23/2020 9:56 PM, Don Y wrote:
Yeah, that\'s the downside to \"cooking ahead\". It\'s TOO easy to
overindulge! I can eat several steaks or slices of meatloaf at a
time as the effort has already been expended in making them! Eating
is considerably easier!!
I\'ve limited the pieces I eat to one a day or less.
\"Willpower\"! :> I bake a lot (but don\'t eat \"sweets\" -- other than ice
cream). So, I am often baking for friends\'/neighbors\' birthdays,
One of my neighbors (diabetic) rations *4* cookies a day. Of course, he
probably shouldn\'t be eating ANY, but...
My other half complained that my \"steak servings\" were too large (8 oz?).
So, I started cutting them in half before freezing. Now find myself
eating two at a time -- so what\'s the logic in that?? :
The meatloaf is REALLY very tastey (even folks who claim to HATE meatloaf
ask for seconds!). And, coupled with the fact that I tend to \"forget
to eat\",
it\'s easy to find myself unsated by just one slice.
(While cooking them, I have rationalized that the \"ends\" are too
to freeze -- so, MUST be eaten promptly! That gives me four slices right
off the bat! Plus all of the parts that break off as I try to shuttle
slices into their plastic bags... I\'d estimate I eat 6 or 7 slices
each time I make the things!)
I went on a keto diet back in Feb, and lost about 24 lbs.
Congratulations! Losing weight is annoying; it\'s one of those assymetric
activities:Â losing takes far more time/effort than (re)gaining! Sort of
like stocks -- you can lose it a lot faster than recovering it!
My Blood tests were excellent, doc said keep doing the same.
Doctors have lost much credibility with me.
Mine told me \"exercise 30 minutes a day, three times a week\".
I replied, \"I do 56 minutes at a time\"
-- tiny pause --
\"Yeah, but how often?\"
\"5 days/week\"
\"What do you do?\"
(notice he\'s still trying to find something WRONG with my exercising
at almost TWICE the level he recommended not 15 seconds earlier!!)
\"I walk\"
\"Yeah, but how fast do you walk?\"
(again, still looking to find fault!)
\"4 MPH -- 3.8 miles in 56 minutes (average walking speed is 3MPH)\"
\"So, how far do you walk?\"
\"19 miles/week\"
-- longer pause --
\"Well, it would be nice if you could do *20*!\"
[WTF? Does he even remember his earlier recommendation??]
Mouth agape, I stared at him until he got embarassed as he mentally
reviewed our conversation.
I didn\'t, it lasted about 9 weeks. In the 4-1/2 months since I
stopped keto,
I have gained 9 lbs, so I\'m trimming intake and plan on getting back
to my keto low.
Having my other half home so much means we tend to have more
\"together meals\"... which means a significant increase in calories.
Coupled with NOT being keen on walking in 108-115F humid weather,
my weight is starting the journey back upward! <frown
Good luck! I found just \"counting calories\" (not literally but,
rather, taking note of how much you\'re eating) and daily weighings
is the best way to maintain -- assuming I have a means of
exercising! (I\'m not keen on buying a treadmill or other
silly piece of boring equipment)
 When I did keto, I weighed and logged everything I ate, I did blood
measurements of Glucose and ketones at least daily.
It worked well for weight loss.
For me it\'s not easy to get all the vitamins and minerals, so I did take
a supplement. I used \"Cronometer\" to keep track of nutrients.
I also walk, a little over 3 miles, occasionally 4. When I walk 4 miles,
that loop includes a Publix super market where they have the
large scales in the lobby and I weigh myself. I used to walk 5 miles,
but it just took to long. I was going to Planet Fitness but then covid.
I\'m 65 and trying to stay mobile until I\'m in the ground.
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