OT: If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?...

On 10/09/2023 22:43, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 14:23:47 -0700, T <T@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 9/10/23 13:44, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

Who do you think? Why is it that this kind
of propaganda is now being pushed? And
why are you assisting the propaganda?

What propaganda is that? Even Henry Kissinger said there\'d have to be
some Ukraine territory given up for a peace deal and he said it some
time ago, too.

There wont be, though.
Kissinger is well past his sell by date.

Microsoft : the best reason to go to Linux that ever existed.
On 11/09/2023 03:03, rbowman wrote:
On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 15:28:26 -0700, T wrote:

There will be peace just as soon as the Russians are removed from
Ukraine\'s territory. That it is currently in progress and is why the
sudden propaganda about the Ukrainian\'s not wanting peace.

In progress? The spring counteroffensive was a bust and October is coming.
The rain in Ukraine falls mainly on the plain and turns it into a sea of
mud. The winter comes and turns it into a sea of frozen mud. Maybe next
year in Jerusalem.

The Russians are claiming another Challenger 2. There is enough propaganda
to go around on both sides but I\'ll apply a variation of Occam\'s Razor.
Which has more effect Russia falsely claiming another tank kill or the
Western media refusing to say the invincible Challenger is all too
vincible? 2 down, 12 to go.

There is nothing magic about a challenger 2

The war is progressing. Ukraine is gaining ground. Russia are losing
materiel and manpower.

Russian propagandists of all flavours are claiming that Russia must end
up with something for its pain.

Anyone who has followed the war closely at all levels knows that nothing
Russia says or promises is worth jack shit.

Anyone who has dealt with a psycopath knows that they do not follow
reasonable standards of behaviour. As soon as you give an inch, they
will demand the whole nine yards.

Russia is a psycopath. There can be no \'negotiated peace\'.. Only
complete defeat at a military level and the threat of invasion.

Peaceniks are scared Russia would use the nuclear option. Russia knows
that if they did, NATO would be in Moscow within a week.

Microsoft : the best reason to go to Linux that ever existed.
On 10/09/2023 22:46, Colin Bignell wrote:
On 10/09/2023 21:44, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

You would need to read the terms of the peace treaty to know that and it
doesn\'t exist yet.
There will be no peace treaty. Only Russia wants one, because it is
being destroyed.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as
foolish, and by the rulers as useful.

(Seneca the Younger, 65 AD)
On 11/09/2023 00:55, Cursitor Doom wrote:
> Sensible, civilised people seek peaceful solutions.

Which is exactly right, and shows why Russia can never be considered
either civilised or sensible.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as
foolish, and by the rulers as useful.

(Seneca the Younger, 65 AD)
That would be down to negotiation, after all that is one of the things they
want. Remember they already annexed the Crimea, admittedly they have stopped
the ethnic Russians from fighting the Ukrainians there, but at what cost?
Its always the same when more than one country were joined as in USSR and
some people from one side joined the other side and peace was kept by the
strong leader, but the old problems still exist of settlements in each
others land. They have been fighting over this in the Middle East for years,
after all.


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\"Commander Kinsey\" <CK1@nospam.com> wrote in message
> If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?
On 10/09/2023 22:43, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 14:23:47 -0700, T <T@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 9/10/23 13:44, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

Who do you think? Why is it that this kind
of propaganda is now being pushed? And
why are you assisting the propaganda?

What propaganda is that? Even Henry Kissinger said there\'d have to be
some Ukraine territory given up for a peace deal and he said it some
time ago, too.

They already gave up Crimea the last time Russia invaded. That is more
than enough. They can\'t keep giving up land each time Russia invades -
it becomes a no-loss scenario for Russia then.
On 11/09/2023 09:21, The Natural Philosopher wrote:

Peaceniks are scared Russia would use the nuclear option. Russia knows
that if they did, NATO would be in Moscow within a week.

And what good would that do them there would be no New York or London or
indeed most cities , or even a Moscow to be in if it all went KABLOOIE,
MAD still exists.

I lived through the Cuban missile crisis (admittedly considering my age
I was probably more concerned about biscuits) and the cold war.
\"When the wind blows\" and \"Threads\" and ... .I don\'t mind admitting the
thought of all out Nuclear war(is there any other kind?) scares the ****
out of me (especially living so close to Rosyth[1], and maybe 80 miles
from Faslane[2].).

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosyth_Dockyard
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMNB_Clyde
On 11/09/2023 12:13, Colin Bignell wrote:
On 11/09/2023 03:36, rbowman wrote:

Had the US sat out WWII

That might have been difficult to do, given that Germany declared war on
the USA after their allies, Japan, attacked Pearl Harbour.

That is quite often forgotten, the USA did not join WWII out of \'the
goodness of their hearts\', they were forced to join by Germany declaring
war on them.
On 11/09/2023 12:36, soup wrote:
On 11/09/2023 12:13, Colin Bignell wrote:
On 11/09/2023 03:36, rbowman wrote:

Had the US sat out WWII

That might have been difficult to do, given that Germany declared war
on the USA after their allies, Japan, attacked Pearl Harbour.

That is quite often forgotten, the USA did not join WWII out of \'the
goodness of their hearts\', they were forced to join by Germany declaring
war on them.

Along with the fact that the Boston Tea Party was prompted by the
British government *reducing* the tax on tea. The tea smugglers got
quite unhappy at that.

Colin Bignell
On 11/9/2023 6:44 am, Commander Kinsey wrote:
> If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

Ukraine will be unlikely to agree to any peace deal whilst ever any of
Ukraine territory remains occupied by Russia and that includes territory
illegally annexed in 2014.


Nothing astonishes Noddy so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(with apologies to Ralph Waldo Emerson)
On 11/9/2023 8:01 am, Bob F wrote:
On 9/10/2023 2:46 PM, Colin Bignell wrote:
On 10/09/2023 21:44, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

You would need to read the terms of the peace treaty to know that and
it doesn\'t exist yet.

But then, when Ukraine turned over their nuclear weapons, they were
promised that Russia would defend them.

So, how good will the next treaty with Russia be?

Ukraine, and the rest of the world, will never trust Russia ever again.


Nothing astonishes Noddy so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(with apologies to Ralph Waldo Emerson)
On 11/9/2023 8:28 am, T wrote:
On 9/10/23 14:43, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 14:23:47 -0700, T <T@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 9/10/23 13:44, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

Who do you think?  Why is it that this kind
of propaganda is now being pushed?  And
why are you assisting the propaganda?

What propaganda is that?

Have you been following the endless thread about
the Ukrainians not wanting peace?  It started
out with Russian propaganda.

Even Henry Kissinger said there\'d have to be
some Ukraine territory given up for a peace deal and he said it some
time ago, too.

Kissinger is a blow hard.  And has screwed up a
lot of things.

True dat!
There will be peace just as soon as the Russians are
removed from Ukraine\'s territory.  That it is currently

That\'s pretty much how I see it!

in progress and is why the sudden propaganda about the
Ukrainian\'s not wanting peace.


Nothing astonishes Noddy so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(with apologies to Ralph Waldo Emerson)
On 11/9/2023 8:45 am, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 23:01:45 +0100, Bob F <bobnospam@gmail.com> wrote:

On 9/10/2023 2:46 PM, Colin Bignell wrote:
On 10/09/2023 21:44, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

You would need to read the terms of the peace treaty to know that and it
doesn\'t exist yet.

But then, when Ukraine turned over their nuclear weapons, they were
promised that Russia would defend them.

So, how good will the next treaty with Russia be?

They can fight to the end for all I care, as long as they stop taking
our taxes without our permission to arm them.

We need to either pull out and let it finish quickly with less bloodshed

Your father should have done that 9 months before you were born.

on both sides, or go for an all out big fucking explosion and destroy

What we have at the moment is akin to you seeing two people fighting in
the street, and you handing one of them a sharp stick every so often.
Either leave them be, or give one a gun, or beat the living daylights
out of one.


Nothing astonishes Noddy so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(with apologies to Ralph Waldo Emerson)
On 11/9/2023 12:42 pm, T wrote:
On 9/10/23 19:03, rbowman wrote:
In progress? The spring counteroffensive was a bust and October is

The \"Bust\" is propaganda.  the Ukrainians are
slowly making progress.  It is just not the
instant blitzkrieg some were hoping for.
The Russians are getting their asses handed
to them.

And the \"mud\" will freeze.  And I bet
when still muddy, the Ukrainians will
use it to their advantage.  And the
Russians will cope by sending more of
their children into the meat grinder

And they are already running out of children, demographic collapse and
all that!


Nothing astonishes Noddy so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(with apologies to Ralph Waldo Emerson)
On 11/9/2023 4:51 pm, rbowman wrote:
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 04:36:33 +0100, Commander Kinsey wrote:

In the further adventures of Boris and Natashya they headed to Kiev
with the goof gas gun.

Glad to see you spelt it right.

It is Kiev and the Ukraine. Oder auf Deutsch

\"Weil der Luftraum über der Ukraine nach wie vor gesperrt ist, war
Baerbock in der Nacht wie bei hochrangigen Politikerinnenbesuchen üblich
im Sonderzug von Polen aus in die Hauptstadt Kiew gefahren.\"

Der Ukraine und Kiew.


The Germans do get creative with the comedians name: Wolodymyr Selenskyj

The W substitution is obvious but I don\'t know about the terminal \'j\'.

Depends on how you pronounce the J. Think of the Dutch name \"Jos\" as the
perfect example.


Nothing astonishes Noddy so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(with apologies to Ralph Waldo Emerson)
On 11/9/2023 6:21 pm, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
On 11/09/2023 03:03, rbowman wrote:
On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 15:28:26 -0700, T wrote:

There will be peace just as soon as the Russians are removed from
Ukraine\'s territory.  That it is currently in progress and is why the
sudden propaganda about the Ukrainian\'s not wanting peace.

In progress? The spring counteroffensive was a bust and October is
The rain in Ukraine falls mainly on the plain and turns it into a sea of
mud. The winter comes and turns it into a sea of frozen mud. Maybe next
year in Jerusalem.

The Russians are claiming another Challenger 2. There is enough
to go around on both sides but I\'ll apply a variation of Occam\'s Razor.
Which has more effect Russia falsely claiming another tank kill or the
Western media refusing to say the invincible Challenger is all too
vincible?  2 down, 12 to go.

There is nothing magic about a challenger 2

The war is progressing. Ukraine is gaining ground. Russia are losing
materiel and manpower.

Russian propagandists of all flavours are claiming that Russia must end
up with something for its pain.

And they will - a country with a devastated economy that no one trusts.
Anyone who has followed the war closely at all levels knows that nothing
Russia says or promises is worth jack shit.

Judge Russia by its friends - hmmm - China, N Korea, Iran ...
Anyone who has dealt with a psycopath knows that they do not follow
reasonable standards of behaviour. As soon as you give an inch, they
will demand the whole nine yards.

Russia is a psycopath. There can be no \'negotiated peace\'.. Only
complete defeat at a military level and the threat of invasion.

Peaceniks are scared Russia would use the nuclear option. Russia knows
that if they did, NATO would be in Moscow within a week.
Less than a week. Didn\'t take Yevgeny Prigozhin long to get up that
highway from 900 kilometres away. Pity he hesitated - and lost.


Nothing astonishes Noddy so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(with apologies to Ralph Waldo Emerson)
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 10:41:55 +0100, Brainless & Daft, the TV-watching and
pity-baiting senile \"blind\" mole, blathered again:

That would be down to negotiation, after all that is one of the things they
want. Remember they already annexed the Crimea, admittedly they have stopped
the ethnic Russians from fighting the Ukrainians there, but at what cost?
Its always the same when more than one country were joined as in USSR and
some people from one side joined the other side and peace was kept by the
strong leader, but the old problems still exist of settlements in each
others land. They have been fighting over this in the Middle East for years,
after all.
Brainless & Daft

Yep, YOU disgusting pity-baiting \"blind\" mole were still missing on the long
list of disgusting troll-feeding senile assholes in this thread! Where have
you been so long? You are usually among the first to feed the clinically
insane trolling attention whore.
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 21:47:49 +1000, Xeno, another brainless, troll-feeding,
senile Australian idiot, blathered:

Ukraine will be unlikely to agree to any peace deal whilst ever any of
Ukraine territory remains occupied by Russia and that includes territory
illegally annexed in 2014.

WTF has all this sick shit got to do with the three ngs you sick idiotic
troll-feeding senile assholes keep crossposting it to?
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 21:51:52 +1000, Xeno, another brainless, troll-feeding,
senile Australian idiot, blathered:

> Your father should have done that 9 months before you were born.

Senile assholes still don\'t get what\'s going on here! What a bunch of fucked
up useless troll-feeding senile shitheads! <tsk>

More of Birdbrain Macaw\'s (now \"Commander Kinsey\" LOL) strange world he\'s
living in:
\"Criminals should be tortured for the amusement of the rest of us.\"
MID: <op.ybcca2s886ebyl@red.lan>
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 14:24:49 +0200, Peeler <trolltrap@valid.invalid>

On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 21:47:49 +1000, Xeno, another brainless, troll-feeding,
senile Australian idiot, blathered:

Ukraine will be unlikely to agree to any peace deal whilst ever any of
Ukraine territory remains occupied by Russia and that includes territory
illegally annexed in 2014.

WTF has all this sick shit got to do with the three ngs you sick idiotic
troll-feeding senile assholes keep crossposting it to?

It\'s easy to post about. Electronics is hard.

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