looks at them to check that you own them. I have my previous Windows on CDRomFrom: kensmith@green.rahul.net (Ken Smith)
Frithiof Andreas Jensen <frithiof.jensen@die_spammer_die.ericsson.com> wrote:
"Ken Smith" <kensmith@green.rahul.net> wrote
Dawd Dam Microsoft. The install for ME is really screwed up.
The entire "ME" is screwed - quite possibly the worst windows ever, the
pinnacle of DOS-based windows, written by the leftover programmers that the
XP team did not want!!! So, what do you expect?
The installer PGFs. Does anyone have any guess as to why?
Because it's crap too, because you ran it, But .... most probably because
you are not installing it on a *clean" drive - clean, as in New or Totally
wiped by another file system - i never bothered to understand *why* this
seems to be an issue; maybe windows finds bits of corruption on the disk,
recognises it as "self" and incorporates it!
It is an "upgrade"[1] version so I can't clean the drive and then install
unless I am willing to let it destroy the Win98 floppies. The Win98
system has saved my but in this case. I got Win98 running so I could get
on the network and copy in the backup.
Are you sure it would destroy the floppies, I dont' think so, I think it just
so it couldn't destroy that. If microsoft was going to destroy your floppies
I'm sure it would tell you first. And you could just make coppies of your
floppies anyway.
Have you looked at your bios settings. I've sometimes had to tell bios that itThere are 2 hard disks, by swapping cables, I can boot the Win98 disk.
Now it boots and is back to its flaky old self. Tomorrow, I will put the
lid back on the PC.
is not using a Plug and play aware operating system to get Me to run OK. In
this case the bios routines set the addresses and interrupts and not ME.
Good luck, I'm still running ME, with good results on 6 computers. The geat
thing is that no one is bothering to make new virus for it.