OT: Bush Thugs Rough Up Grieving Mother of KIA

Guy Macon wrote:
Kevin Aylward <salesEXTRACT@anasoft.co.uk> says...

"Understandings" is much better in my view. I *meant* what I said.
The theory gives *understandings* to what is going on,

You might wish to purchase a book on basic grammar and study the
topic of when to use the singular form and when to use the plural
You have a problem with many understandings? For example, there are two
ways to understand the lorentz equations, one way is using the axioms of
special relativity, the other is using the axioms of the lorentz ether
theory. There are completely different.

v. intr.

To have understanding, knowledge, or comprehension.

Therefore to have more than one understanding, one would presume one
needs an s on the end.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
I read in sci.electronics.design that Rich Grise <null@example.net>
wrote (in <%153d.868$2A1.413@trnddc08>) about 'Ping Kevin Aylward - re
your "scientific paper"', on Sun, 19 Sep 2004:

OK, so, what's the force that causes inanimate matter to spontaneously
reverse entropy and rearrange itself into living things?

Does your theory tell us how you can do that in the lab?
Spontaneous **local** entropy reversal is a primitive phenomenon. Ever
grown any crystals? They have much lower entropy than anything living.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited.
http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Also see http://www.isce.org.uk
"Paul Burridge" <pb@notthisbit.osiris1.co.uk> wrote in message
On Sat, 18 Sep 2004 20:29:33 GMT, donald@pearce.uk.com (Don Pearce)

It is not so much that his grammar was poor - there was no formal
grammar, or spelling for that matter, at that time. It was really not
until the time of Johnson that these things were formalised into what
we now recognise as English.

Exactly. Johnson made the first serious attempt to standardise the
spelling of English words. Shakespeare predated him by some 200 odd
years so was free to take whatever licence he wished with the
language. Happily for him and his legacy, it was a sublime
contribution indeed.

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
I remember having to recite Shakespeare as part of the English syllabus.
Thought at the time it was shite.
Still do :)
Rich Grise wrote:
On Saturday 18 September 2004 11:30 am, Kevin Aylward did deign to
grace us with the following:

Clarence wrote:
Yet I am not religious, at least not in any conventional way. And
your paper makes no sense to me at all.

That's a lacking on your part, not mine. There are some trivial
axioms, some trivial mathematics, like 1.01^1000 is a big number,
and the rest just falls out. Its so trivial, its unreal. Like, life
can be explained from just a simple principle of random generation,
selection and replication, that is, the Darwinian axioms, not
Kevin's axioms.

OK, so, what's the force that causes inanimate matter to spontaneously
reverse entropy and rearrange itself into living things?

Does your theory tell us how you can do that in the lab?
What part of, "its not my theory" do you still have trouble with?

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
John Woodgate wrote:
I read in sci.electronics.design that Kevin Aylward
salesEXTRACT@anasoft.co.uk> wrote (in
Op43d.26744$U04.15514@fe1.news.b lueyonder.co.uk>) about 'Ping Kevin
Aylward - re your "scientific paper"', on Sun, 19 Sep 2004:

But you wont understand it, as you don't have the physics background
to understand the principle, that if the positions and momentums of
all particle are known at one instant in time, all future behaviour
is uniquely determined.

You'll regret that statement,
Not at all.

I feel sure. Or is part of your stance
that chaos theory is completely incorrect?
Misunderstanding here. Chaos theory doesn't avoid classical mechanics in
the slightest. It just says that in *practise* we cant get enough
information, so that what information we do get is such that solutions
are so highly dependant on initial conditions, that practical
predictions are not possible.

If we had the exact information, predictions under classical mechanics
are still exact, even including chaos theory.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Ban wrote:
John Woodgate wrote:
Does any one remember the complaints I got in writing db instead of
Db, or was it DB, like who really cares a shit?

That's a bit different, IMHO. You can write your philosophical stuff
any way you want. People can choose whether to read and accept it. If
they find it confusing, well, either they overcome that or they give

But technical symbols are part of our specialist language, and if
they are not used correctly, our **language** degenerates into chaos.
That's much more significant. Obvious examples are '1 mF' - is that 1
millifarad (yes) or 1 microfarad (no)? - and 1 Pa - is that 1
pascal(yes) or 1 picoamp (no).

The correct form is lower-case 'd' for 'deci', being a multiplier
less than 1, and upper case 'B' for 'Bel' because it's derived from
the name of a person.

Might it be that Kevin is suffering from kind of a Dyslexia

and has
therefore problems remembering the right spelling? T
Poor spelling is a matter of poor memory, not Dyslexia. Its that simple.

I never cared much for spelling when I was young, nor for my times
table. That is, I am usually unable to do most typical x*y sums in my
head, as I literally cant remember the tables. However, even though I am
*not* an expert mathematician, I doubt if there is any plain EE graduate
in this group that has a handle on maths as I do, and demonstrated

Essentially, *all* of my English issues can be traced to bad memory, not
comprehension. Period. I understand why I am what I am more than
anybody. If I write a word like "personal" instead of "personnel" its
not because I don't understand the difference in meaning, its because I
don't remember which spelling is the correct one. I read it with the
*correct* meaning, always.

I have said it before, I am way above those that complain on these types
of issues, sure its arrogant but its the truth. The deal is that the
complainers are so full of themselves that they actually think that I
don't know the *meaning* difference between say "personal" an
"personnel". This is absurd. How can someone get to be so stupid in
*general* matters like this, yet still write 100,000 lines for a product
that actually works? Its simply not reasonable. These dudes are so naive
to think that they are so clever, to know the difference in meaning and
erroneously *presume* that I don't, that's why I am on a different
level. Its like they going "nah...nah...
nah.nah.nah...you don't what "personal" an "personnel" mean" Yeah..
right dude...dream on.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Kevin Aylward <salesEXTRACT@anasoft.co.uk> says...

Its not a matter of being ignorant of some langage matters, its about
not caring about dotting i's and xing t's. There's more important things
to be doing.
Dear Mr. Aylward;

We at sci.electronics.design thank you for your contribution,
and look forward to future ones you may submit. However, we
must regretfully inform you we can only accept contributions
written in a language. While English is preferred, any common
means of human dialogue will do. Among the hallmarks of an
acceptable language are sentences, punctuation, capitalization,
regular spacing, and discernable content. It is our fond hope
that your future contributions will demonstrate such traits.

Again, thank you for your enthusiasm. We appreciate the
time and effort you put into our community. Good day.

The Management
Frank Bemelman wrote:
"Terry Pinnell" <terrypinDELETE@THESEdial.pipex.com> schreef in
bericht news:223qk01a850fkcm948r4l1dd8mvrbq754q@4ax.com...

of record. It's as plain as day that you're dyslexic. So why not grin

No, he's not dyslectic. Even if you don't *know* how to spell, you
are not neccesairily dyslectic. Kev simply makes typo's. I bet he
doesn't read his posts before he hits the send button.
Almost. I skim them pretty fast. I have to. There are too many at the
moment. I had to make 15 replies, er..16 replies this morning:)

I have even been going though the prose on the other pages, but so far,
we have one dirty fork, that has resulted in mass murder.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 08:16:02 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"
<salesEXTRACT@anasoft.co.uk> wrote:

Maybe when someone actually makes an objective point on the *content*
they might be a different response.
Has it occured to you that your writing ability is so poor as to make
whatever content you're trying to get across incomprehensible? Would
you expect any of us to be able to formulate a critique for a book
printed in Russian? If we could work out WTF you're trying to say then
maybe we could rubbish the content as well as the style.

The only other observation I would make is that you repeatedly admit
that these theories are not your own so you're basically just
regurgitating the writings of others. Anyone who wants to get a handle
on evolution has only to read Dawkins or Darwin or Miller or whoever
for a crystal clear and exhaustive exposition of the Theory and its
corollaries. Your contribution to the subject adds *nothing* to the
sum total of human understanding so why you've gone to all the time
and trouble of trotting out all these pointless, long-winded essays of
yours is beyond me. Others have said it far better, far more
concisely, elsewhere.

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
Guy Macon wrote:
Kevin Aylward <salesEXTRACT@anasoft.co.uk> says...

Its not a matter of being ignorant of some langage matters, its about
not caring about dotting i's and xing t's. There's more important
things to be doing.

Dear Mr. Aylward;

We at sci.electronics.design thank you for your contribution,

Like, the group cares a shit about your delusions.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Rich Grise wrote:
On Friday 17 September 2004 08:16 pm, Fred Bloggs did deign to grace us with
the following:

Tom Seim wrote:

I read the article you reference. There isn't a single reference to
the U.S., let alone Bush!

Oookay- looks like you need a helping hand here- it goes like this:
dirty bomb->radioactive material->looted from power plant->power plant
in total chaos post-invasion Iraq-> no reasonable post invasion plans
for control of critical infrastructure->plan approved by Bush-> to
conduct war started by Bush on false premises.

All this dirty bomb hysteria ignores the important fact that for a
bomb to be a true "dirty bomb," the guy who assembles it will be dead
from radiation poisoning before he finishes, so there can never be
such a thing.

Well- standby then, the former Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear
Nonproliferation , Rose Gottemoller, has told Congress and the public
that we can expect one soon.
Product developer wrote:
mzenier@eskimo.com (Mark Zenier) wrote in message news:<cihqc2$cku$1@eskinews.eskimo.com>...

In article <414AD707.2080303@nospam.com>,
Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com> wrote:

And as for the so-called "forged" documents- let's just call them what
they are worst case scenario *historically accurate recreations*

I tend to think of them as some poison bait that Karl Rove & Co.
cooked up to discredit CBS. If they don't find out who the forger
is soon, that's a good indicator that they were a deliberate plant.

(As a hobby computer geek who spent many an idle moment trying to
figure out how to make a cheap computer terminal out of a typewriter
during the same time period, I have to agree that they were forged.
Typewritten letters just didn't look that good, even after daisy-wheel
word processors came into prevalence five or so years later).

Mark Zenier mzenier@eskimo.com Washington State resident

Now we have another member of the Rovaline Blogss Black Helicopter contigent.
And from which contingent do you emanate? The smug, ignorant,
overconfident incompetent contingent?
Nina wrote:
I would like to build a broad band frequency jammer for the FM
broadcast band. I have neighbors that like to play that damn music too
loud all day long. I figure if they turn it load and their station
goes off the air for a while they might get the message. ;-) :-D
If they keep the volume at a respectful level they will be allowed to
listen to their music as they wish as long as I don't have to listen
to it at uncomfortable levels.
I know this is entirely illegal and don't care about it. This is war
(!!!)and I plan on winning.
If you have plans for something that would help me achieve my goal I
would like to hear of it. My electronics skills are advanced (I've
used to build and design "bugs" for many years, I own a good equipped
lab, enough that I could build a project.
I have some experience with rf broadcast circuits.
The proximity of the offending radio's location to my house is quite
near so I don't believe a transmitter with an overly large
power...something between 3-5W
will be enough...LOL....
I'm "jamming" this neighbour with a 5W transmitter, but have to change
the frequency MANUALLY as soon as he changes the station, so I cannot
figure out how to do it automatically...
I'll be VERY THANKFUL for your help and ideas :)

I'm not being funny here, but have you tried asking them politely to
turn their music down? I used to have a similar problem with my
neighbours, and I found polite requests surprisingly effective. It may
be worth talking to other neighbours to see if they are also annoyed by
the load music as, obviously, the more people on your side the more
likely the noisy neighbours are to realise that they are in the wrong.

Another thing I would recommend is that you look up the appropriate
local laws. For example, here it in England it is an offence to cause a
"statutory noise nuisance", which is defined as any noise which causes
"unreasonable disturbance to the use and enjoyment of one's property".
Persistent offenders can be fined up to 5000 UKP (about $9000).

As others have said, deliberately jamming their radio could get you into
serious trouble, maybe even a few months in jail.


To reply to me directly:

Replace privacy.net with: totalise DOT co DOT uk and replace me with
Kevin Aylward <salesEXTRACT@anasoft.co.uk> says...

Like, the group cares a shit about your delusions.

********************** CUT HERE *****************************


(check all boxes that apply)


[ ] Clueless Newbie [ ] Lamer [ ] Flamer
[ ] Loser [ ] Spammer [ ] Troller
[ ] "Me too" er [ ] Pervert [ ] Geek
[ ] Freak [ ] Nerd [ ] Elvis
[ ] Racist [ ] Fed [ ] Freak
[ ] Fundamentalist [ ] Satanist [ ] Homeopath
[ ] Unbearably self-righteous person [ ] Shoko Asahara

I took exception to your recent:

[ ] Email
[ ] Post to ________ newsgroup
[ ] Broadcast
[ ] Letter
[ ] Book
[ ] Lecture
[ ] Phone call
[ ] Advertisement
[ ] Schematic
[ ] Telepathic message
[ ] Existence

It was (check all that apply):

[ ] Lame [ ] Stupid [ ] Abusive
[ ] Clueless [ ] Idiotic [ ] Brain-damaged
[ ] Imbecilic [ ] Arrogant [ ] Malevolent
[ ] Contemptible [ ] Libelous [ ] Ignorant
[ ] Stupid [ ] Fundamentalist [ ] Microsoftian
[ ] Boring [ ] Dim [ ] Cowardly
[ ] Deceitful [ ] Demented [ ] Self-righteous
[ ] Crazy [ ] Weird [ ] Hypocritical
[ ] Loathsome [ ] Satanic [ ] Despicable
[ ] Belligerent [ ] Mind-numbing [ ] Maladroit
[ ] Much longer than any worthwhile thought you may be capable of.

Your attention is drawn to the fact that:

[ ] You posted what should have been emailed.
[ ] You obviously don't know how to read your newsgroups line.
[ ] You are trying to make money on a non-commercial newsgroup.
[ ] You self-righteously impose your religious beliefs on others.
[ ] You self-righteously impose your racial beliefs on others.
[ ] You posted a binary in a non-binaries group.
[ ] You don't know which group to post in.
[ ] You posted something totally uninteresting.
[ ] You crossposted to *way* too many newsgroups.
[ ] I don't like your tone of voice.
[ ] What you posted has been done before.
[ ] Not only that, it was also done better the last time.
[ ] You quoted an *entire* post in your reply.
[ ] You started a long, stupid thread.
[ ] You continued spreading a long stupid thread.
[ ] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it.
[ ] You posted a followup to crossposted robot-generated spam.
[ ] You posted a "test" in a discussion group rather than in misc.test
[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message.
[ ] You posted low-IQ flamebait.
[ ] You posted a blatantly obvious troll.
[ ] You followed up to a blatantly obvious troll.
[ ] You said "me too" to something.
[ ] You make no sense.
[ ] Your sig/alias is dreadful.
[ ] You must live in a skinner box to be this clueless.
[ ] You posted a phone-sex ad.
[ ] You posted a stupid pyramid money making scheme.
[ ] You claimed a pyramid-scheme/chain letter for money was legal.
[ ] Your margin settings (or lack of) make your post unreadable. Each line just goes on and on, not stopping
at 75 characters, making it hard to read.
[ ] You posted in ELitE CaPitALs to look k0OL.
[ ] You posted a message in ALL CAPS, and you don't even own a TRS-80.
[ ] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of this newsgroup.
[ ] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of the Internet.
[ ] You are a loser.
[ ] This has been pointed out to you before.
[ ] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally
worthless that you are being flamed on general principles.

I recommend that you:

[ ] Get a clue.
[ ] Get a life.
[ ] Go away.
[ ] Grow up.
[ ] Never post again.
[ ] Read every newsgroup you crossposted to for a week.
[ ] stop reading Usenet news and get a life.
[ ] stop sending Email and get a life.
[ ] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it.
[ ] Have your medication adjusted.
[ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor.
[ ] find a volcano and throw yourself in.
[ ] get a gun and shoot yourself.
[ ] Actually post something relevant.
[ ] Read the FAQ.
[ ] stick to AOL chat rooms and come back when you've grown up.
[ ] Apologize to everybody in this newsgroup.
[ ] consume excrement.
[ ] consume excrement and thus expire.
[ ] Post your tests to misc.test.
[ ] Put your home phone number in your ads from now on.
[ ] Don't post until you have a vague idea what you're doing.

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

[ ] You need to seek psychiatric help
[ ] Take your gibberish somewhere else
[ ] *plonk*
[ ] Learn how to post or get off the Internet.
[ ] Most of the above
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Some of the above, not including All of the above
[X] You are so clueless that I didn't bother filling in this form.

*********************** CUT HERE *****************************
Paul Burridge wrote:
On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 08:24:11 +0100, John Woodgate
jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> wrote:

Terry, lay off! You don't realise it but you are asking Kevin to do
something as difficult as if you asked him to stop being dyslexic.

Unless you've experienced denial close-up, as I have (a close
relative was in denial about a drug-induced illusion for several
years), you cannot begin to understand the effects of attempts to
oppose it.

I know you mean well, John, but that thinking's out of date. Current
practice favours *challenging* the sufferer about their perceptions.
But it shouldn't be necessary with simple dyslexia, which most
sufferers are only too well aware of. That's why I see Kev's problem
as more of a cognitive disorder.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Ban wrote:
Kevin Aylward wrote:

Well stop posting on it then if it bothers you.

Kev, you managed to grow this thread to the longest one in 2 days,
Yes, quite an achievement. Rich G. started the complaint, and the ball
kept rolling on.

And despite other long threads, the subject stayed right on
spot, so to say. Hard work all that typing, isn't it?
Yes. I was flying like the clappers. As you will appreciate, from many
prior posts, it is relatively rare that I use derogatory terms, but twat
did seem to invoke a few more responses, as can be seen here.

And certainly you have had more people visiting your site than the
rest of the time, and some might have even gone through most of the
sciptures with or without grammatical errors.
Yep. Its s a principle that I hold dear. *All* news is good news.
Anything that gets you talked about is positive when your trying to sell
either yourself, or a product. One must get people to talk about you.
Even if its "bad", it don't matter. Like throwing T.Vs out of hotel
windows. The meme machine is set up to preferentially copy popular
traits, popular meaning most numerous, as popular traits are more likely
to have achieved their popularity by being maximal traits.

Hopefully also the
sales get boosted. :) You complain about the Anti-KA memes,
Yes, but this is only to keep the meme running.

Indeed, I have had around 4, somewhat controversial letters published in
Electronics World. Of course people are more like to respond to a
confrontational view, being in turn more confrontational, thereby
invoking a confrontational reply circle. Which gets me more mentions
related to my website. The magazine likes it as it boosts sales. No one
wants to read about the price of cheese.

but on
the other hand you got invited by Mr Woodgate for a good ale in some
pub, so that sounds like fun. I wish I were there and could join...

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Kevin Aylward wrote:

Ban wrote:
John Woodgate wrote:
Does any one remember the complaints I got in writing db instead of
Db, or was it DB, like who really cares a shit?

That's a bit different, IMHO. You can write your philosophical stuff
any way you want. People can choose whether to read and accept it. If
they find it confusing, well, either they overcome that or they give

But technical symbols are part of our specialist language, and if
they are not used correctly, our **language** degenerates into chaos.
That's much more significant. Obvious examples are '1 mF' - is that 1
millifarad (yes) or 1 microfarad (no)? - and 1 Pa - is that 1
pascal(yes) or 1 picoamp (no).

The correct form is lower-case 'd' for 'deci', being a multiplier
less than 1, and upper case 'B' for 'Bel' because it's derived from
the name of a person.

Might it be that Kevin is suffering from kind of a Dyslexia


and has
therefore problems remembering the right spelling? T

Poor spelling is a matter of poor memory, not Dyslexia. Its that simple.
That is why good old-fashioned 'spelling tests' of old that I was used to,
are the best way to ensure correctness in spelling.

Nor 'politically correct' now of course, so we are lumbered with ppl who
spell things wrong - with the possibility of mixing meaning.

"John Woodgate" <jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> wrote in message
I read in sci.electronics.design that Anton Erasmus
nobody@spam.prevent.net> wrote (in <1095625843.PBNtYrhtxUPoEYPCrc7oQw@t
eranews>) about 'Is termination needed for short and slow RS485?', on
Sun, 19 Sep 2004:

Just to give an idea of how noisy some environments can be: At a
shopping center with cable runs up to 500m, we have picked up noise
spikes over over 200V that lasted in the ms range. This was using good
quality twisted pair cable with a defined impedance. This was measured
directly over a 120 ohm termination resistor.

It can happen, but you have to be extremely careful how you do the
measurement. 'Balance' in balanced circuits means 'balanced impedances';
it has nothing to do with signal voltages. The line remains balanced (or
not) when no signal is present.

So, you need to make sure that the sending-end impedances from each
conductor to ground are closely equal and preferably low. At the
receiving end, the impedances to ground must also be closely equal, but
in the interests of signal transfer, especially at low frequencies, are
preferably not equally low. This is because the four impedances form a
balanced bridge and the error voltage due to the impedances not being
exactly equal, which is differential and becomes an inextricable part of
the signal if it's in-band, is smaller if the impedances at the sending
and receiving end are very different.

'Closely equal' can mean really close. To get 80 dB common-mode
rejection, the impedances have to match within 0.01%.

At higher frequencies, of course, the *differential* impedances at each
end may well need to match the line impedance.

Measuring such 'highly balanced' circuits requires extreme care,
otherwise the measuring instruments upset the balance and produce
seriously pessimistic results.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited.
http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Also see http://www.isce.org.uk

Wow! John, that's good info I haven't seen before. Thanks!

"Rich Grise" <null@example.net> wrote in message
On Saturday 18 September 2004 04:36 pm, Guy Macon
did deign to grace us with the following:

Paul Burridge <pb@notthisbit.osiris1.co.uk> says...

Winfield Hill <Winfield_member@newsguy.com> wrote:

Guy Macon wrote...

I once worked for a cheap engineer who only stocked
10/100/1K/10K/100K/1M resistors and 10pF/100pf/[...]/1mF/10mF
capacitors. Any other value would be made by grinding away
some of the component with a dremel tool and sealing the cut
with conformal coating.

I got out my calculator and showed him that he was paying more
in labor cost than he was saving in component costs, but like
many of those in management, he was ineducable. :(

That's got to be a troll.

Certainly if it was a manufacturing operation!

Just a crazy old coot running a three-man garage shop, losing money
and wondering why some kinds of resistors can't be adjusted with
a Dremel (hint: fine little helixes...)

To do this, you use a resistor of higher value, and file off
some of the ohms, right?


There used to be a good second-hand market for all those filed-off Ohms if
you could get them into a bucket and send back to the manufacturers. Usually
along with surplus half-waves collected from the half-wave rectifiers.....

John Larkin wrote:
-- snip --

But the eddies are short, milliseconds range, so we aren't crushed by
the drift. Whew. So I'm having a good day. And spoil it.

Just across the room is a megabuck superconductive magnet not being
used. I'm fascinated by eddy effects. If a nonferrous object were
dropped into the vertical magnet bore, how long would it take to fall
through? So I ask Tom if I can do it, and he says OK, so I climb the
aluminum ladder to the top and drop a quarter into the top of the
magnet. And I run down and crawl underneath to wait for it to fall out
the bottom.


About midway inside the magnet is a mounting flange slightly smaller
than a quarter. The quarter, as it falls, naturally turns sideways
(minimum eddy force direction) and gently lowers itself into the
flange. So now we have a useless megabuck superconductive magnet, and
pretty soon everybody at ****** will know that an idiot named Larkin
from Highland Technology dropped a quarter into it. This could be very
bad. Very.

But Tom remembers a grad school trick. He gets a stiff copper wire,
magically winds a bunch of Scotch tape on the end, sticky side out,
and fishes around in the bore for a while. It sticks! He has to pull
it up very slowly, because the eddy forces make it like the quarter is
being pulled up through taffy. Third try, it's out. I'm saved.

So the real question is, does anybody know a good source for
marble-sized aluminum spheres?


Small Parts (http://www.smallparts.com). US company, I don't know if
they'll ship to the UK (but probably will). They have an amazing
collection of balls (I'm resisting the urge for _real_ sophomoric humor
here, I hope you appreciate the effort).


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

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