Op amps problem Gain Calculation

On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 08:22:43 -0800, GuitarPsych <none@test.com>

I must be asking this question in a way that is throwing people off,
because there seems to be a lot of resistance to actually answer the
Weird, Isn't it?

If you can post a schematic somewhere I'll give you a hand.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
Jasen Betts wrote:
On 2006-03-16, Daniel <dxmm@nospam.albury.net.au> wrote:
Gareth, any chance you can reduce the size of the circuit Diagram?
Trying to work out what's going on, when you can only see about one
sixth of the circuit at a time, is pretty difficult. Printing it out is
worse yet.

I see you're using linux, install xzgv and use that to view the pic, press z
to zoom out.

Thank you, Jasen, I'll give it a go, but am a newbie to Linux so still

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Thank you!
It is the FZ-1A listed on this diagram.


John Fields wrote:
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 08:22:43 -0800, GuitarPsych <none@test.com

I must be asking this question in a way that is throwing people off,
because there seems to be a lot of resistance to actually answer the

Weird, Isn't it?

If you can post a schematic somewhere I'll give you a hand.
"quietguy" <quietguy@REMOVE-TO-REPLYconfidential-counselling.com> wrote in
message news:4418C059.192544F@REMOVE-TO-REPLYconfidential-counselling.com...
Quite a few years ago one of the Oz electronic mags described a project
sounds similar to what you describe - it wouldn't ahve run directly off
mains though.

Unfortunately I can't remember all the details - but I think it was some
of coil in a form like the thing you throw quoits onto, and it would
suspend a
ring of aluminium in the air - "defying gravity". If you applied a pulse
the coil it would shoot the ring vertically into the air as I recall.

Possibly Electronics Australia, R,TV&Hobbies perhaps.


Richard Harris wrote:

So everyone agree this floating coil of wire sounds like bull shit then?

A book "Propulsion Without Wheels ((memory may have failed me) by Laithwaite
(UK) described the construction of several levitation devices. They work -to
some extent (short distances ) and a practical (?) approach has been used in
"Mag-Lev" trains.


Don Kelly @shawcross.ca
remove the X to answer
Hello Joe,

On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:51:22 GMT, perkowski1@optonline.net (Perkowski)

Anyone know where I can find a company that makes them?

Need small electronic circuit w/speaker to be used in toy figurine?

What did you want the electronic circuit to do?

What dimensions must everything fit in?

* * *

Temecula CA.USA
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 17:34:25 -0800, GuitarPsych <none@test.com>

Thank you!
It is the FZ-1A listed on this diagram.
OK, It looks like you can just go ahead and connect the battery and
adjust the 50k pot (shown as R6 on the attached simulation) to get
the output you need, but you might have to short out the 2.2k and
remove the 22k resistors shown on your schematic in order to keep
the second transistor from going into saturation.

I couldn't find a germanium PNP spice model, so I went ahead and
used silicon just to see what would happen, and it looks like if you
can get the base of the second transistor biased close enough to
ground, you can get it to work. The thing hardly draws any current,
so the 9V battery ought to last a while, but when it starts getting
weak you can get sone extra life out of it by adjusting the pot
again, as required...

If you want to fool around with it you can download the simulator


and here's the circuit file:

Version 4
SHEET 1 952 680
WIRE -544 304 -544 -32
WIRE -544 544 -544 384
WIRE -400 304 -400 224
WIRE -400 544 -544 544
WIRE -400 544 -400 384
WIRE -400 592 -400 544
WIRE -304 224 -400 224
WIRE -192 224 -224 224
WIRE -96 224 -128 224
WIRE -96 352 -96 224
WIRE -96 544 -400 544
WIRE -96 544 -96 432
WIRE -32 224 -96 224
WIRE 32 -32 -544 -32
WIRE 32 176 32 -32
WIRE 32 288 32 272
WIRE 32 352 32 288
WIRE 32 544 -96 544
WIRE 32 544 32 432
WIRE 112 288 32 288
WIRE 192 -32 32 -32
WIRE 192 32 192 -32
WIRE 192 288 176 288
WIRE 192 288 192 112
WIRE 224 288 192 288
WIRE 224 352 224 288
WIRE 224 544 32 544
WIRE 224 544 224 432
WIRE 272 288 224 288
WIRE 336 -32 192 -32
WIRE 336 32 336 -32
WIRE 336 208 336 112
WIRE 336 240 336 208
WIRE 336 544 224 544
WIRE 336 544 336 336
WIRE 384 208 336 208
WIRE 496 208 448 208
WIRE 496 352 496 208
WIRE 496 544 336 544
WIRE 496 544 496 432
WIRE 624 208 496 208
WIRE 688 -32 336 -32
WIRE 688 16 688 -32
WIRE 688 128 688 96
WIRE 688 160 688 128
WIRE 688 544 496 544
WIRE 688 544 688 256
WIRE 752 128 688 128
WIRE 864 128 816 128
WIRE 864 288 864 128
WIRE 864 432 864 368
WIRE 864 544 688 544
WIRE 864 544 864 512
FLAG -400 592 0
SYMBOL pnp -32 176 R0
WINDOW 0 51 33 Left 0
WINDOW 3 48 63 Left 0
SYMATTR Value 2N5087
SYMBOL res 16 336 R0
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL cap 176 272 R90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 1e-6
SYMBOL pnp 272 240 R0
SYMATTR Value 2N5087
SYMBOL res 320 16 R0
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL res -112 336 R0
SYMATTR Value 1e6
SYMBOL cap -128 208 R90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value .01e-6
SYMBOL res -208 208 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 100k
SYMBOL voltage -400 288 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value SINE(0 1 1000)
SYMBOL res 176 16 R0
SYMATTR Value 470k
SYMBOL res 208 336 R0
SYMATTR Value 50k
SYMBOL cap 448 192 R90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 1e-6
SYMBOL res 480 336 R0
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL pnp 624 160 R0
WINDOW 0 43 34 Left 0
WINDOW 3 57 63 Left 0
SYMATTR Value 2N5087
SYMBOL res 848 272 R0
SYMATTR Value 22k
SYMBOL res 848 416 R0
SYMATTR Value 22k
SYMBOL cap 816 112 R90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value .0033e-6
SYMBOL res 672 0 R0
SYMATTR InstName R10
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL voltage -544 400 R180
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
TEXT -578 616 Left 0 !.tran .1

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:26:43 -0500, "Eric Larson" <elarson83@cox.net>

Check out this link to see what I'm talking about:

Oh, that's a horse of a different color.

Are you intent on getting information / data across the divide or
power, or both?

Say you had a 4-20 ma industrial control sensor that had to transmit
info to the other side of a sealed glass block. You might put a cup
core on both sides of the glass, excite the one outside the glass with
a square wave. It's opposite number is on the inside of the chamber
and connected to a sensor. The 4-20 sensor is connected to the full
wave rectified and filtered cup core coil on it's side of the glass.
As long as the gap remains constant that might be all you'd need . . .
measure the current used by the square wave driver and massage it to
replicate the 4-20.

You mention a voltage level. Power across the divide . . . That is
usually done using two halves of a ferrite cup-core and a high
frequency drive square wave. The distance is critical to both the
voltage and current in that scheme so if the distance will vary the
power transfer efficiency will vary too.

Basically just a transformer with a gap in the magnetic circuit.
Bigger cores work better over larger gaps.

They use something like that on a prototype electric car - the coil
with pole pieces is excited at a high frequency and slipped into an
opening in the body of the vehicle that contains a pair of cup cores
with windings that pick up the AC signal and use it to charge the
batteries (a consumer safe way to transmit power in any environmental


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"erlo" <no@domain.no> wrote in message
Inside the device there is (was) an IC with a coil glued on top.
After a trip (or two) from the table to the floor, the coil is
broken off. Does anyone know the type/manufacturer of the arrangement?
The casing of the IC broke when the coil broke off.

Think you might need to give us part numbers/photos to find it.

GuitarPsych wrote:
I can't seem to figure out what software to download
there are many options yet none clearly say "circuit simulator".
You're looking for a SPICE package:
Linear Technology's Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis
(LTspice) aka "SwitcherCAD III".
(Direct link) http://ltspice.linear.com/software/swcadiii.exe
Re: Your posting style:
The gold standard is
to leave the name of the person to whom you are responding
and just enough of the previous post to give "context"
which reminds the next reader/responder
what the last part of the thread mentioned.

Your new text goes BELOW that.
(Note how I did it.)
better u use a step-down/buck DC-DC convetor which will give u a nice
1.5v from a 9V battery.

U might be doing this to have longer life of battery.

if u r using 9V - 1.5V linear voltage regulator you will waste a large
amout of power.

So go for switching regulator.
they price less then 1$.
On 2006-03-25, Harmonica Lover <Yumpin_Yimminie@yahoo.com> wrote:
Do capacitors collect energy and store it until an external event
causes them to discharge. Or are their capacitors that will collect
energy and store it until the capacitor hits some peak level and
discharge on it's own.

Specifically. I'm curious if a simple circuit can be designed where
energy is obtained from a solar cell. The capacitor stores the energy
until it reaches the point that it is full, and then discharges the
energy which can run a very small motor like a beeper motor for a small
time like a second or two.
Something that's sensitive to the voltage in the capacitor and capable of
switching the load on at an apropriate level would be needed.

I've seen PUTs (programmable unijunction transistors) used for this
task but I don't understand their application myself.

On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 14:30:48 -0500, "Eric Larson" <elarson83@cox.net>

eeing as I am not a full fledged EE I was hoping to find a schematic or
tutorial with an example of this sort of device that I could use as a spring
board. I could spent months trying to figure out the math involved on my
own. I want to communicate and transfer power across an air gap less than a
half inch. I would like to keep the size of the inductors down to at least
1" in diameter. The power transfer would be to change either a capacitor
array or a battery. I'm looking for a device powered in the 12V to 24V range
for now.

Damn, thought I posted a rely days ago

There's no way that I know of that you can do what you want. A small
gap in a magnetic circuit is a big change in energy transfer. The
magnetic field decreases with the QUBE of the distance.

Want enough energy to charge a battery across 1/2" with a one inch
core and it may take a kilowatt or two to get a fraction of a watt

Likewise capacitance transfer won't work - even assuming your space is
a good dielectric.

That leaves radiation - light, IR, microwave etc. - assuming the space
between the transmitter and receiver can pass the energy.

Sound energy?

Post what you are trying to do maybe there's another way.

There is a design for a auto battery charger . . . a coil / core with
a diameter of about 5" is excited with a high frequency and is slipped
into a notch to charge the vehicle. Inside the vehicle are a pair of
coils and cores that are on opposite sides of the exciter coil. They
use a 5" coil/core with a high frequency power driver to transfer
energy across a 1/8" space on either side of the coil.


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Chris Stephens wrote:
Our aim is to make it the premier site for Embedded Engineers
The way he plans to do it is to spam Usenet into oblivion.

Ever notice how his post is always the OP?
That's because he only shows up on Usenet
when he has something he wants to sell
--and notice that doesn't actually PARTICAPATE
in any of the groups he spams.

To mask his obvious spamming, he MULTI-POSTS it
--or he's just too stupid to figure out cross-posting.

What a loser.
On 2006-03-31, John Fields <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:
On 31 Mar 2006 03:48:53 GMT, TheExpert@ExpertHumor.com (Expert
Humor) wrote:

Our politicians loved talking about it this week,
but they won't do anything about it. Get the details
from The Expert:


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it's not playing favourites.

often better results are had by complaining to the complaints address
listed in the message headers, just one email can silence or cause a
major attitude adjustment in a disruptive poster.

On Fri, 31 Mar 2006 21:18:58 -0000, Jasen Betts <jasen@free.net.nz>

often better results are had by complaining to the complaints address
listed in the message headers, just one email can silence or cause a
major attitude adjustment in a disruptive poster.
I know the avenues available, Jasen, and I'll handle it in the way
_I_ want to.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
"nikhilele" <ele.nikhil@gmail.com> wrote in message
better u use a step-down/buck DC-DC convetor which will give u a nice
1.5v from a 9V battery.

U might be doing this to have longer life of battery.

if u r using 9V - 1.5V linear voltage regulator you will waste a large
amout of power.

So go for switching regulator.
they price less then 1$.

got a source for these?
They are only directly related if you are using speed control on tape or
Both are independent for any other use. It is very easy to sped up a
song while keeping the pitch the same or to vary the pitch at the same
speed setting. If it wasn't over half of today's "artists" would be out
of work due to singing off key and off tempo.
Steve W.

"Mr Guy" <mr_guy99493@yahoo.com> wrote in message
i would like to change both the pitch and the speed, as theyre
directly related.
i am interested in this so that i could buy some cheap discmans, and
have a control to speed them up or slow them down, so that i can match
the tempo of different songs.
I know i could do this by computers, but would rather do it this way.

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On Wed, 7 Jun 2006 14:09:19 -0400, "Steve W." <Dugdug56@what.com>

They are only directly related if you are using speed control on tape or
Both are independent for any other use. It is very easy to sped up a
song while keeping the pitch the same or to vary the pitch at the same
speed setting. If it wasn't over half of today's "artists" would be out
of work due to singing off key and off tempo.
Would you elaborate on how easy it is to accomplish, please?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
Variable clock speed controls during either playback or recording allows
the speed of conversion to be altered to control tempo. To vary pitch
you need to play with the audio waveform in real-time. Frequency
conversion up/down allows the pitch to be altered. Use both and you can
have Frank singing My Way in Mickey's voice with the song playing at the
original speed. Or you can have Franks voice stretching the song out a
couple minutes. Take a loot at a modern mixer panel and you will find
lot's of toys to "shape" the tone and tempo of the inputs and allow
everything to work.

Even a SoundBlaster card has the parts and software to handle it. Take a
look at the environmental sound adjustments sometime.

Steve W.

"John Fields" <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in message
On Wed, 7 Jun 2006 14:09:19 -0400, "Steve W." <Dugdug56@what.com

They are only directly related if you are using speed control on tape
Both are independent for any other use. It is very easy to sped up a
song while keeping the pitch the same or to vary the pitch at the
speed setting. If it wasn't over half of today's "artists" would be
of work due to singing off key and off tempo.

Would you elaborate on how easy it is to accomplish, please?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer

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On Wed, 7 Jun 2006 21:37:07 -0400, "Steve W." <Dugdug56@what.com>

Variable clock speed controls during either playback or recording allows
the speed of conversion to be altered to control tempo. To vary pitch
you need to play with the audio waveform in real-time. Frequency
conversion up/down allows the pitch to be altered. Use both and you can
have Frank singing My Way in Mickey's voice with the song playing at the
original speed. Or you can have Franks voice stretching the song out a
couple minutes. Take a loot at a modern mixer panel and you will find
lot's of toys to "shape" the tone and tempo of the inputs and allow
everything to work.

Even a SoundBlaster card has the parts and software to handle it. Take a
look at the environmental sound adjustments sometime.

Let's say that I wanted to take a recording of Nancy Sinatra's
rendition of "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'" and make it sound
like her dad sang it.

How would I go about doing that?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer

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