Op amps problem Gain Calculation

On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 09:42:58 -0500, Henry wrote:

In researching different microcontrollers on different sites, one made the
staement that their microcontroller can be re-programmed up to about 1000
times. Sounds like alot at first, but it you are trying 10-20 programs a day
(experiments from a book with your own variations, etc) then that does not
give one more than several months of use until the microcontroller might
need replacing. I have seen this mention of 1000 reprogramings on only one
site. Is this as limit of this specific microcontroller, or are all
microcontrollers like this and simply dont mention it? I understand that
flash memory has a limited number of rewrites. There are articles about how
digital camera flash memory cards can be (re-)used about 10,000 times.
Although some manufactures say that their cards can be re-used one million

I am considering getting the Basic Stamp "board of education" kit. It seems
pretty complete, kit wise, and seems well documented.
Some of these links might help:


Another thing you could do is write your firmware better, so you don't
have to take so many debug cycles. :)

Have Fun!
"Rich Grise" <richgrise@example.net> wrote in message
On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 09:42:58 -0500, Henry wrote:

In researching different microcontrollers on different sites, one made
staement that their microcontroller can be re-programmed up to about
times. Sounds like alot at first, but it you are trying 10-20 programs a
(experiments from a book with your own variations, etc) then that does
give one more than several months of use until the microcontroller might
need replacing. I have seen this mention of 1000 reprogramings on only
site. Is this as limit of this specific microcontroller, or are all
microcontrollers like this and simply dont mention it? I understand that
flash memory has a limited number of rewrites. There are articles about
digital camera flash memory cards can be (re-)used about 10,000 times.
Although some manufactures say that their cards can be re-used one

I am considering getting the Basic Stamp "board of education" kit. It
pretty complete, kit wise, and seems well documented.

Some of these links might help:


Another thing you could do is write your firmware better, so you don't
have to take so many debug cycles. :)

Have Fun!
I propose that just answering with a Google search be a new net-etiquette
rule. First Google searches tend to be filled with a list of sites where one
site is just a copy of another (sometimes exact copy) over and over again.
And if its bad information, you simply get the same bad information repeated
over and over. And there are lots of information that simply is not on
Google. Its also just obnoxious.

Ussually I ignore such Google search "answers". But out of curiosity I took
a chance. Sure enough, the links added nothing to what I already know from
my own searches and even what I stated in my question. Again, this is why I
tend to ignore such replies and will continue to do so in the future.

"Henry" <henrytj@pghmail.com> wrote in message
In researching different microcontrollers on different sites, one made the
staement that their microcontroller can be re-programmed up to about 1000
times. Sounds like alot at first, but it you are trying 10-20 programs a
(experiments from a book with your own variations, etc) then that does not
give one more than several months of use until the microcontroller might
need replacing. I have seen this mention of 1000 reprogramings on only one
site. Is this as limit of this specific microcontroller, or are all
microcontrollers like this and simply dont mention it? I understand that
flash memory has a limited number of rewrites. There are articles about
digital camera flash memory cards can be (re-)used about 10,000 times.
Although some manufactures say that their cards can be re-used one million

I am considering getting the Basic Stamp "board of education" kit. It
pretty complete, kit wise, and seems well documented.

There are no rules.
You need to refer to detailed data sheets for each device you are interested


Brian Gregory. (In the UK)
To email me remove the letter vee.
On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 15:58:56 -0500, Henry wrote:
"Rich Grise" <richgrise@example.net> wrote in message

Some of these links might help:


Another thing you could do is write your firmware better, so you don't
have to take so many debug cycles. :)
I propose that just answering with a Google search be a new net-etiquette
rule. First Google searches tend to be filled with a list of sites where one
site is just a copy of another (sometimes exact copy) over and over again.
And if its bad information, you simply get the same bad information repeated
over and over. And there are lots of information that simply is not on
Google. Its also just obnoxious.

No, what's obnoxious is googlegroupies waltzing into the newsgroup (which
existed a long time before google was even a gleam in what's-his-name's
eye), demanding answers to questions that could have already been answered
if the kiddie had bothered to check the left side of google first.

If you're too lazy/stubborn to even do that minuscule amount of research,
then you simply don't deserve that kind of hand-holding from people who do
know their elbow from a hole in the ground.

"Brian Gregory [UK]" <ng@bgdsv.co.uk> wrote in message
"Henry" <henrytj@pghmail.com> wrote in message
In researching different microcontrollers on different sites, one made
staement that their microcontroller can be re-programmed up to about
times. Sounds like alot at first, but it you are trying 10-20 programs a
(experiments from a book with your own variations, etc) then that does
give one more than several months of use until the microcontroller might
need replacing. I have seen this mention of 1000 reprogramings on only
site. Is this as limit of this specific microcontroller, or are all
microcontrollers like this and simply dont mention it? I understand that
flash memory has a limited number of rewrites. There are articles about
digital camera flash memory cards can be (re-)used about 10,000 times.
Although some manufactures say that their cards can be re-used one

I am considering getting the Basic Stamp "board of education" kit. It
pretty complete, kit wise, and seems well documented.


There are no rules.
You need to refer to detailed data sheets for each device you are


Brian Gregory. (In the UK)
To email me remove the letter vee.
Is that information in the datasheets?

For example, when I downloaded the datasheets for the HT12E/D encoder and
decoders (that someone here suggested for me one photo related project)
there was no mention of how long it took the devices to operate. So after
the waste of a purchase it turns out that the decoder's delay (about 1/10
sec) to decode made it useless for me intended purpose. I had previously
sent the company a question and got no reply.

Decades ago there was much more curtsy and expertise in getting questions
answered from manufactures. Even the old SN7400 series chips had switching
speeds listed (usually in the tens of ns.) But now it seems that there is a
"buy it and try it, if it doesn't work, tough luck" attitude in the world.

Here is some information I got from an old friend that now works at a
robotics lab. I asked my question in other places.

I don't program, so I don't use these. Older small robot projects used the
basic stamp; they are apparently simple to program but not very fast. PIC
controllers are used in several of my more complex robots, but I hear
grumbling every time some grad student needs to write code that talks to
them. (Admittedly, if they are writing code at that level, it *isn't* what
they are doing research on, it is just to get the robots to work; the
students I work with are doing research on planners, not actuators.)

Now that has some useful, real experience, type information that you dont
find on manufacturers web sites.

"JeffM" <jeffm_@email.com> wrote in message
deadcarnahans wrote:
Decide which voltage flash unit you would like to use first.
Then go from there.

Looking at your lack of context over several posts,
I would have sworn you were a newbie posting from Google Groups
--nope--you're just a newbie who is otherwise unschooled.

Not at all. Just a person who is doing too many projects than I have time
and resources for.

I'm not sure what micro controller u are using but did u consider a

proteus can simulate sevrol diferint pic microcontrolers and no limite on
rewrights, lol

it should be able to do realtime for all but the most complex designs


I hope this is usfull

"Henry" <henrytj@pghmail.com> wrote in message
In researching different microcontrollers on different sites, one made the
staement that their microcontroller can be re-programmed up to about 1000
times. Sounds like alot at first, but it you are trying 10-20 programs a
(experiments from a book with your own variations, etc) then that does not
give one more than several months of use until the microcontroller might
need replacing. I have seen this mention of 1000 reprogramings on only one
site. Is this as limit of this specific microcontroller, or are all
microcontrollers like this and simply dont mention it? I understand that
flash memory has a limited number of rewrites. There are articles about
digital camera flash memory cards can be (re-)used about 10,000 times.
Although some manufactures say that their cards can be re-used one million

I am considering getting the Basic Stamp "board of education" kit. It
pretty complete, kit wise, and seems well documented.

I suppose you could reverse engineer from a schematic an old 8088 or
8086 based pc compatible machine and actually burn the eeprom and build
one that would work.

If you are talking about anything current technology, you simply do not
have the equipment or technology to build one that will work. Unless
you have a few million to spend on the layout equipment, board
fabrication, surface mount solder, etc....
<dkuhajda@locl.net> schreef in bericht
I suppose you could reverse engineer from a schematic an old 8088 or
8086 based pc compatible machine and actually burn the eeprom and build
one that would work.

If you are talking about anything current technology, you simply do not
have the equipment or technology to build one that will work. Unless
you have a few million to spend on the layout equipment, board
fabrication, surface mount solder, etc....
You can simply use any free Board-edittors and there are company's that make
PCB's by postorder or through the internet.
The SMD part's can also be soldered with a good solder station (OKI/JBC).
I work in the assambly industrie and with rework / prototyping I place
everything by hand. The fine-pitch IC's are soldered by hand while 0805 and
0403 is placed by hand and reflowed (but it can be done by hand).

"John Fields" <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in message
Thinking about it a little bit more, if you were to replace the
fixed 1 megohm timing resistor with a pot and you adjusted it to
make the first five minute timing interval accurate, then all of the
other intervals would also be closer to what you're looking for.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
I have ultimate admiration for anyone who can come up with something like
that on the spare of the moment. Personally I'd take the 'easy' route and go
with a www.picaxe.co.uk picaxe micropro - so easy to use its untrue. I was
introduced to them by someone on here too.

On Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:08:41 +0000 (UTC), "Coyoteboy"
<coyoteboyuk@hotmail.com> wrote:

"John Fields" <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in message
Thinking about it a little bit more, if you were to replace the
fixed 1 megohm timing resistor with a pot and you adjusted it to
make the first five minute timing interval accurate, then all of the
other intervals would also be closer to what you're looking for.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer

I have ultimate admiration for anyone who can come up with something like
that on the spare of the moment. Personally I'd take the 'easy' route and go
with a www.picaxe.co.uk picaxe micropro - so easy to use its untrue. I was
introduced to them by someone on here too.

No offense, but it's the 'spur' of the moment. :)

Also, take a look at the difference in price between my way and the
high way. ;)

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
I am always looking for new software. I'm not planning on making money
off this, so if there is a good free or inexpensive package available
that would be great.

Justin West wrote:
if there is a good free or inexpensive package available
that would be great.
For starters, your Usenet technique needs improvement.
There is no reason that someone posting From Google Groups
can't be indistinquishable from someone using a real newsreader.
An open source package that has been around for a while
(built on/for Linux and whose versions are ported to other platforms

One of its developers showing off about its capabilities:

A very serious user of gEDA:
Another open source package--that has been causing big ripples

An early review of KiCAD (by the gEDA guys, oddly enough):'t-build-nicely+scriptable
A VERY affordable payware app that has raised some eyebrows recently:
A payware package that is very popular because of its pricing
and its VERY useable demo:

A very serious user and advocate of EAGLE:
Lots of advocacy/critiques of many ECAD packages--enough to make your
head explode
(This is one of the most-discussed topics by nerds on Usenet):
(The last link is about Terry Pinnell's comprehensive list of ECADs
and points to even more threads on this topic.)
my pdf that covers everything you should need to know
www.synios.com/PCBProduction.pdf (sorry its a bit large)
Richard Harris
The words **ridiculously HUGE** spring to mind.
Yours[1]: 20 pages, 9.2MB [2]

That of David L. Jones (linked in the 1st response in this thread):
25 pages, 385kB (apparantly all the artwork is vector-based)

Mike Harrison's "Making PCBs" page:
[1] You really should have someone proofread that thing for you.
The use of ExpressPCB
(which, in production, would bind you to a single vendor)
is a real turn-off.

[2] Lots of bitmaps.
...David L. Jones...25 pages, 385kB
Mike Harrison's "Making PCBs" page ~160kB

if you think 10MB is HUGE...
Richard Harris

My examples show that for a simple DOCUMENT it **is** HUGE.
Besides bandwidth, I also value my hard drive space.
...you must be living in the past

YOU are the one lining in the past,
where clumbsy doc preparation was accepted.
On Mon, 06 Mar 2006 09:02:16 GMT, Pat Kennedy
<1kennedyp@verizon.net> wrote:

John Fields <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in

On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 19:49:53 GMT, "amatuer_tabalnac"
estee@chalice.org> wrote:

whine, snivel, moan --- yeah, right. The post self-cancelled when it
woke up one day and realized how stupid it was, they can do that, you

I'll be waiting for the day you wake up and suddenly disappear, then.

Gee.....I was just browsing for some interesting circut designs and it seem
like it is mostly morons arguing with each other here!
Not to mention the cretins whore ply to nearly year-old posts.

Why don't you guys
just e-mail your insults to each other and leave the group for what it was
We all use the group the way we want to, and one of those uses is
flaming each other in public, which is ever so much more fun than
doing it privately. You just did it by not emailing me with your
"moron" flame, you hypocrite, so who are you to pass judgement?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
Alexander wrote:
"Richard Harris" <none@none.com> schreef in bericht
The United Kingdom, we have 240V 50HZ AC here.
Well all appliances are listed over here as 240V AC...

"Alexander" <electricdummy@hotmail.com> wrote in message
"Richard Harris" <none@none.com> schreef in bericht
Hi, this is a little long.
I was watching a TV program about UFO's as there was nothing else
TV, it
was very comical and amusing but then there was a 30 second clip
some guy
that explained something and then showed an experiment. It got my
and curiosity, would like to know if anyone has any information
about what
is described below and if its true or not, as they say you cant
everything you see on TV.

The guy showed a device which was simply a circular coil of wire
around about 240 times at a diameter of 4 inches, it had no core,
just taped
into a circle. It was not insulated either, not sure what gage
it was,
anyway, the two ends of the coil was attached to a US style mains
plug, the
guy plugged this into a US mains outlet which I believe is 110V
AC, and
the coil of wire levitated in the air, there was no metal core or
it was not electromagnetism holding the coil in the air, but it
in the air! Now the only thing I would expect the coil to do
be to
generate a load of heat and a magnetic field. Is this for real?
what is going on?

I did not want to try this, for a number of reasons, one I have
two my fuse box would most likely trip soon as the device is

I did try google for information on this and came up with nothing
like it.


It looks to me that there was some metal in the coil and it was
up by magnetism.
Where do you live with 240VAC??? I think it should be 230VAC
for now I don't know a country with 240VAC.


I thought it was 230VAC.
Australia also uses 240VAC 50Hz.

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On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 16:14:00 +0000 (UTC), "Richard Harris"
<none@none.com> wrote:

Hi, this is a little long.
I was watching a TV program about UFO's as there was nothing else on TV, it
was very comical and amusing but then there was a 30 second clip of some guy
that explained something and then showed an experiment. It got my attention
and curiosity, would like to know if anyone has any information about what
is described below and if its true or not, as they say you cant believe
everything you see on TV.

The guy showed a device which was simply a circular coil of wire wraped
around about 240 times at a diameter of 4 inches, it had no core, just taped
into a circle. It was not insulated either, not sure what gage wire it was,
anyway, the two ends of the coil was attached to a US style mains plug, the
guy plugged this into a US mains outlet which I believe is 110V 60HZ AC, and
the coil of wire levitated in the air, there was no metal core or anything,
it was not electromagnetism holding the coil in the air, but it just floats
in the air! Now the only thing I would expect the coil to do would be to
generate a load of heat and a magnetic field. Is this for real? Any idea
what is going on?

I did not want to try this, for a number of reasons, one I have 240V supply,
two my fuse box would most likely trip soon as the device is plugged in.

I did try google for information on this and came up with nothing like it.

A coil of wire with a strong enough magnetic field should levitate if
it were above a non-magnetic conductive plate, by inducing a counter
magnetic field in the plate - but it sure wouldn't be very stable and
would eat a lot of energy.

When "proving" the existence of UFOs, smoke and mirrors are essential
equipment to have on hand. Perhaps it was rigged?

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I am relatively new to PIC programming
If you are going to be messing with PICs,
you need to investigate this mailing list.[1]

The archive is a useful resource so you won't have to ask questions
that have been posed a billion times before.
[1] The 1st thing you'll learn is that the 16F84 is obsolete.

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