
On Monday, September 9, 2019 at 3:30:34 AM UTC+10, wrote:
On Sunday, September 8, 2019 at 9:19:05 AM UTC-4, Joseph Gwinn wrote:
On Sep 7, 2019, Rick C wrote
(in article<>):
On Saturday, September 7, 2019 at 8:50:48 PM UTC-4,
On Friday, September 6, 2019 at 3:21:30 PM UTC-4, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 6 Sep 2019 11:49:56 -0700 (PDT),
On Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at 4:28:57 PM UTC-4, Martin Brown wrote:
On 04/09/2019 17:51, wrote:
On Wed, 4 Sep 2019 17:14:45 +0100, Martin Brown
'''newspam'''> wrote:


Here's a simple test: if someone only harps on the costs of a thing or
only the 'benefits', you know you're getting an agenda and not an
objective discussion on the merits.

Like all James Arthur's simple tests, this is wrong.

Somebody only harping on about costs on the one hand, or benefits on the other, is reacting to context.

Objective discussion on merits is an ideal, but all discussions involve different parties creating the discussion, and some people - like James Arthur - get obsessed about costs, while others are more interested in benefits.

You do need to pay attention to the context.

On climate change, James Arthur sells the denialist line - anthropogenic climate change isn't happening, and if were it wouldn't matter, so the Koch brothers (and other people that James Arthur admires) should be allowed keep on making money out of the business of digging up as much fossil carbon as possible and selling it as fuel.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Monday, September 9, 2019 at 3:32:55 AM UTC+10, wrote:
On Sunday, September 8, 2019 at 10:41:25 AM UTC-4, wrote:
On Sun, 08 Sep 2019 09:18:56 -0400, Joseph Gwinn> wrote:

On Sep 7, 2019, Rick C wrote
(in article<>):

On Saturday, September 7, 2019 at 8:50:48 PM UTC-4,
On Friday, September 6, 2019 at 3:21:30 PM UTC-4, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 6 Sep 2019 11:49:56 -0700 (PDT),

On Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at 4:28:57 PM UTC-4, Martin Brown wrote:
On 04/09/2019 17:51, wrote:
On Wed, 4 Sep 2019 17:14:45 +0100, Martin Brown
'''newspam'''> wrote:

Although there is some excellent software about and best practice
improving gradually (though IMHO too slowly) there is far too much
of a
ship it and be damned macho business culture in shrink wrap softwa

Win10 updates that bricked certain brands of portable for example.

running some spice sims, breadboarding something to try an idea,
swapping parts to see what happens.

I find it very odd that he trusts Spice simulation predictions whe
the same time he rails incessantly against climate change simulati

That's conflating simulation and dissimulation.

One generally accurately agrees with empirical observation, the
other doesn't. One's based on accurate models of known physical
processes, the other isn't.

However much group-think rightly points out that all simulations are
equal, we mustn't forget that some simulations are more equal than
others. :)

Some sims are parts-per-million accurate. Some are absolute nonsense.
One trick lies in knowing which is which.

The climate models differ from balloon observations by a factor of
about three.


A factor of three error, all by itself, demonstrates that the
processes are neither well understood, nor accurately modeled.

James Arthur


This "fact-check" was a hoot. The last line gave it away: "as well as
rejecting the consensus of science when it comes to climate change". One
assumes that the failing sites mentioned in "We also rate them Mixed for
factual reporting due to the use of poor sources that have failed numerous
fact checks" were held to the same standard, and so on, layer by

In summary, this is circular: If you question climate change, your are wrong,
ipso facto.

So, if one is looking for a balanced consideration of the claims of climate
science, one should look elsewhere. This has nothing to do with the truth or
falsity of climate <anything>.

Joe Gwinn

mediabiasfactcheck should take a look at itself.

Perhaps they should call themselves ""

I'd suggest "I need to know what clueless right-wingers are lying about at the moment".

Donald Trump is a particularly clueless right-winger, and he has always had a peculiar enthusiasm for lying, so fact-checkers do spend a lot of time on his output.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Bill Sloman <> wrote in

Donald Trump is a particularly clueless right-winger, and he has
always had a peculiar enthusiasm for lying, so fact-checkers do
spend a lot of time on his output.


You spelled 'fecal spew' incorrectly.
On Mon, 9 Sep 2019 23:27:57 +0000 (UTC), wrote: wrote in

On Mon, 9 Sep 2019 11:14:59 +0000 (UTC), wrote:

Rick C <> wrote in news:4429ea65-

I guess AlwaysWrong isn't the only one who is wrong a lot.

Jackasses that use other jackass's jackassed monikers are wholly
wrong, jackass.

Non-jackasses/non-cowards use their real names.

Nice try. Just because you 'use your real name' in Usenet does not
exclude you from being on, or even driving the jackass hay ride.

You can try to exclude yourself by declaring yourself to be a 'non-
jackass', but that only serves to make you more of a jackass,

And it is not about cowardice either. Someone is not a coward
because they use a nym in Usenet.

Except that you are. For good reason.
On 9/5/19 9:49 PM, Michael Terrell wrote:
On Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 3:18:53 PM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:
On 9/5/19 2:53 PM, Michael Terrell wrote:
On Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 2:04:32 AM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:

For the tasks the kiddos were attempting to use the Mac Quadra-class
machines for at the time (mid 1990s) at ART COLLEGE e.g. standard
definition video editing they were sort of useless when they were new, too!

You set up the edits and and effects you wanted to apply, let the pizza
box crank overnight, and hope to God it hadn't crashed or locked up in
the morning.

A mid '80s Vital Industries 'Squeeze Zoom' video effects system did real time video effects with a Z80B and 768KB of RAM in broadcast quality System M color. The edit controllers for the Sony U-max (3/4") and the 2" Reel to Reel VTRs used 6502 processors. Those MAC computers were always crap, for real work. The Commodore Amiga with the external Video Toaster hardware was much better, and cheaper.

Budget, budget. small colleges weren't and still aren't drowning in
Federal funds. I think there might have been one Real Professional video
editing machine in the lab I don't recall. It might have cost 10 or 15
grand, new.

It's a tough swing to even have one because if you blow all the dough on
the film department's gear the comp sci and student library dept/e-mail
dept start bitchin' that they're still using 486DXes from '91 and what
the hell is going on?

So, the film department got all new equipment, every term? Or were they lucky to get some repairs on 40 year old cameras and film processing equipment?

I went to two schools at different times, a small private college and a
much larger state university a number of years later (2000s.) Because
the former was an arts school the AV department tended to not get
skimped too much, there was a lab full of fairly recent Macs which were
underpowered compared to what a movie or TV studio would have at the
time, but were not cheap either. So it was somewhere in-between. Not
every term, but re-fits did happen fairly regularly.

They started moving the Quadras out after I was there a couple semesters
and moving in some Power Macs as it was well-understood by that point
the mid-tier Quadra architecture was kind of a dud for real work.
situation was much better on the G3 and G4 class machines.

An Amiga with the Video Toaster was around $3,000. It didn't need all night to process video. A pair of U-matics and edit controller were about $5,000, including two 19 inch monitors. The CATV headend I maintained in the early '80s had a system from Panasonic. They pinched pennies tighter than any college.

The IT department at the small school made some questionable decisions
from time to time, maybe understandable for the era when New! Internet!
was on the scene, dot com era coming in and everything was in flux. They
were chasing the hottest new stuff hoping to be on the money buut...they
spent a bunch of dough on a couple BeBoxes for the lab, dual 166 MHz
PowerPC processors, pretty green light bars on the front that showed
processor usage.

It was a stunningly powerful machine by comparison with the other Macs
and PCs in the labs and could do some jaw-dropping stuff for the time
like run 30 standard definition videos at 30 FPS in windows on the
desktop simultaneously. However nobody really wrote any killer app
software for it, at least nothing anyone knew how to use. As I recall
they mostly sat unused blinking away on server-duty most of the time.

So what if old computers were used for Email servers? The secretaries had nice new computers at Microdyne, but Production was still using machines back to the XT. Some, because they were the only ones available, and others to support programming of obsolete PLA and very early EPROMS. I had to laugh at the Y2K 'expert' hired to make sure that every system was compatible. He was complaining that he couldn't get into the BIOS of a Zenith computer. I told him that it was a dedicated XT, with no real time clock. I had to laugh even harder when he said that we would have all new computers within a month. He was the same fool who ;upgraded' a Windows 2.0 system too Win 95 without asking. He wiped out all of the test software that would only run under 2.0, without making a backup. It took me almost a full week to rebuild the files from multiple, partial backups. The test software was written by Scientific-Atlanta, but they had disposed of all traces of the automated test system after they lost a patent infringement lawsuit, and contracted with us to build the est of the equipment they had contracts for. The settlement inculded them giving us all files, and the test system.
On 9/10/19 12:20 AM, bitrex wrote:
On 9/5/19 9:49 PM, Michael Terrell wrote:
On Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 3:18:53 PM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:
On 9/5/19 2:53 PM, Michael Terrell wrote:
On Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 2:04:32 AM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:

For the tasks the kiddos were attempting to use the Mac Quadra-class
machines for at the time (mid 1990s) at ART COLLEGE e.g. standard
definition video editing they were sort of useless when they were
new, too!

You set up the edits and and effects you wanted to apply, let the
box crank overnight, and hope to God it hadn't crashed or locked up in
the morning.

A mid '80s Vital Industries 'Squeeze Zoom' video effects system did
real time video effects with a Z80B and 768KB of RAM in broadcast
quality System M color. The edit controllers for the Sony U-max
(3/4") and the 2" Reel to Reel VTRs used 6502 processors. Those MAC
computers were always crap, for real work. The Commodore Amiga with
the external Video Toaster hardware was much better, and cheaper.

Budget, budget. small colleges weren't and still aren't drowning in
Federal funds. I think there might have been one Real Professional video
editing machine in the lab I don't recall. It might have cost 10 or 15
grand, new.

It's a tough swing to even have one because if you blow all the dough on
the film department's gear the comp sci and student library dept/e-mail
dept start bitchin' that they're still using 486DXes from '91 and what
the hell is going on?

So, the film department got all new equipment, every term? Or were
they lucky to get some repairs on 40 year old cameras and film
processing equipment?

There were lots of 40 year old 8mm cameras and black and white still
cameras of the same vintage still around even circa 1996. A lot of AV
and film professors preferred students start out that way and a lot of
students preferred it, too. Y'know, "artistic."

Art students as a general rule aren't gear-heads and aren't big into
keeping up much with the latest stuff. It wasn't uncommon for incoming
freshmen to bring Mac SEs from circa 1986 from home for use as their
dorm-room computer. in 1998.
On 9/5/19 9:49 PM, Michael Terrell wrote:
On Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 3:18:53 PM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:
On 9/5/19 2:53 PM, Michael Terrell wrote:
On Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 2:04:32 AM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:

For the tasks the kiddos were attempting to use the Mac Quadra-class
machines for at the time (mid 1990s) at ART COLLEGE e.g. standard
definition video editing they were sort of useless when they were new, too!

You set up the edits and and effects you wanted to apply, let the pizza
box crank overnight, and hope to God it hadn't crashed or locked up in
the morning.

A mid '80s Vital Industries 'Squeeze Zoom' video effects system did real time video effects with a Z80B and 768KB of RAM in broadcast quality System M color. The edit controllers for the Sony U-max (3/4") and the 2" Reel to Reel VTRs used 6502 processors. Those MAC computers were always crap, for real work. The Commodore Amiga with the external Video Toaster hardware was much better, and cheaper.

Budget, budget. small colleges weren't and still aren't drowning in
Federal funds. I think there might have been one Real Professional video
editing machine in the lab I don't recall. It might have cost 10 or 15
grand, new.

It's a tough swing to even have one because if you blow all the dough on
the film department's gear the comp sci and student library dept/e-mail
dept start bitchin' that they're still using 486DXes from '91 and what
the hell is going on?

So, the film department got all new equipment, every term? Or were they lucky to get some repairs on 40 year old cameras and film processing equipment?

There were lots of 40 year old 8mm cameras and black and white still
cameras of the same vintage still around even circa 1996. A lot of AV
and film professors preferred students start out that way and a lot of
students preferred it, too. Y'know, "artistic."
On 9/10/19 12:17 AM, bitrex wrote:

An Amiga with the Video Toaster was around $3,000. It didn't need all
night to process video. A pair of U-matics and edit controller were
about $5,000, including two 19 inch monitors. The CATV headend I
maintained in the early '80s had a system from Panasonic. They pinched
pennies tighter than any college.

A big portion of a fine arts "education" in the computer-age is getting
students accustomed to using the software that people in art production,
TV, film, and broadcast industry tend to use a lot at the time.

Not every student in their job (hopefully not serving fries) will get to
have a Video Toaster setup at their disposal but just like in EE there
are some standard software tools, often on Mac, that were and still are
common throughout the industry: Photoshop, Macromedia (now Adobe)
Director, 3D Studio, Maya, POV Ray, Premier, etc.
On Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 1:52:06 AM UTC-4, whit3rd wrote:
On Monday, September 9, 2019 at 10:39:31 AM UTC-7, John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 8 Sep 2019 18:53:04 -0700 (PDT), whit3rd <

Starting point for studying hurricanes: they spin counterclockwise in the US area.

Unless you are Al Gore.

So, your 'nightmare' prominently features a vice president from an earlier century?

Not Spiro Agnew or Dan Quayle !? That's just SO WEIRD!

Spiro Agnew, lol! That's just a funny name. A 'p', a 'g' and a 'w'. Very funny!!!


Rick C.

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On Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 3:52:06 PM UTC+10, whit3rd wrote:
On Monday, September 9, 2019 at 10:39:31 AM UTC-7, John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 8 Sep 2019 18:53:04 -0700 (PDT), whit3rd <

Starting point for studying hurricanes: they spin counterclockwise in the US area.

Unless you are Al Gore.

So, your 'nightmare' prominently features a vice president from an earlier century?

Not Spiro Agnew or Dan Quayle !? That's just SO WEIRD!

There's nothing weird about it. Al Gore got part of a Nobel Peace prize for his work on popularising anthropogenic climate change.

John Larkin thinks that climate change isn't real, and that everything that Al Gore talks about is a scam designed to extract money from tax-payers - in other words John is a gullible sucker for climate change denial propaganda.

It's a very unrealistic view of Al Gore, but John Larkin has some deeply unrealistic ideas.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Monday, September 9, 2019 at 10:39:31 AM UTC-7, John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 8 Sep 2019 18:53:04 -0700 (PDT), whit3rd <

Starting point for studying hurricanes: they spin counterclockwise in the US area.

Unless you are Al Gore.

So, your 'nightmare' prominently features a vice president from an earlier century?

Not Spiro Agnew or Dan Quayle !? That's just SO WEIRD! wrote in

And it is not about cowardice either. Someone is not a coward
because they use a nym in Usenet.

Except that you are.

Someone that uses a nym in Usenet... yes, I am. A coward... no, I
am not. Nice try though, punk.

You going around calling me one, however, is like an invitation to
prove otherwise. You are the kind of guy deserving of a big nose
breaking head butt, were we to meet.

And though you claim to be other than a coward, you sure would
sport a pussy response to that. Pussy is different than coward, and
Larkin, you are a pussy.

> For good reason.

And what would that be? To keep retarded fucks like you from
trying to cause problems for me with my employer, yada yada yada.
Fucktards like those in Usenet do not need to know who I am.

Fuck you, larkin. You are a pussy, boy

This group is for electonics design. So, you come and spout off
with photos of some of your stuff. What you do not do, however, is
spread knowledge. You are braggadocious, as opposed to instructive.
You have a particular flaw, which I cannot help you with. This group
is for the spread of knowledge, not your fucked in the head monikers,
or insulting, peanut gallery like twaddle.

Yeah, I want to tell jokers like you who I am... not.

Perhaps a good psychologist or Mr. Hill could help you there.
He writes instructive books. He has never been in this group
calling people names.

So, always wrong... That would be you.
On Mon, 9 Sep 2019 22:52:00 -0700 (PDT), whit3rd <>

On Monday, September 9, 2019 at 10:39:31 AM UTC-7, John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 8 Sep 2019 18:53:04 -0700 (PDT), whit3rd <

Starting point for studying hurricanes: they spin counterclockwise in the US area.

Unless you are Al Gore.

So, your 'nightmare' prominently features a vice president from an earlier century?

Not Spiro Agnew or Dan Quayle !? That's just SO WEIRD!
On Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 12:45:59 AM UTC+10, wrote:
On Tue, 10 Sep 2019 09:19:35 +0000 (UTC), wrote: wrote in

And it is not about cowardice either. Someone is not a coward
because they use a nym in Usenet.

Except that you are.

Someone that uses a nym in Usenet... yes, I am. A coward... no, I
am not. Nice try though, punk.

You going around calling me one, however, is like an invitation to
prove otherwise. You are the kind of guy deserving of a big nose
breaking head butt, were we to meet.

And though you claim to be other than a coward, you sure would
sport a pussy response to that. Pussy is different than coward, and
Larkin, you are a pussy.

For good reason.

And what would that be? To keep retarded fucks like you from
trying to cause problems for me with my employer, yada yada yada.
Fucktards like those in Usenet do not need to know who I am.

Fuck you, larkin. You are a pussy, boy

This group is for electronics design.

Actualy, for scientific electronic design.

> But you don't do electronic design.

None that John Larkin can follow.

The pattern is predictable: the nastiest, foulest, angriest, most
ranting and swearing people in SED are people who don't design

Of course John Larkin can be pretty obnoxious, and he doesn't design electronics either, though he thinks that the twiddling that he does do is a kind of design.

The pattern he thinks he sees is based on what he finds obnoxious - a less than fulsome admiration for John Larkin - and the kind of electronic design which he can follow, which isn't all that demanding.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Tue, 10 Sep 2019 09:19:35 +0000 (UTC), wrote: wrote in

And it is not about cowardice either. Someone is not a coward
because they use a nym in Usenet.

Except that you are.

Someone that uses a nym in Usenet... yes, I am. A coward... no, I
am not. Nice try though, punk.

You going around calling me one, however, is like an invitation to
prove otherwise. You are the kind of guy deserving of a big nose
breaking head butt, were we to meet.

And though you claim to be other than a coward, you sure would
sport a pussy response to that. Pussy is different than coward, and
Larkin, you are a pussy.

For good reason.

And what would that be? To keep retarded fucks like you from
trying to cause problems for me with my employer, yada yada yada.
Fucktards like those in Usenet do not need to know who I am.

Fuck you, larkin. You are a pussy, boy

This group is for electonics design.

But you don't do electronic design.

The pattern is predictable: the nastiest, foulest, angriest, most
ranting and swearing people in SED are people who don't design
On Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 12:49:20 AM UTC+10, wrote:
On Mon, 9 Sep 2019 22:52:00 -0700 (PDT), whit3rd <

On Monday, September 9, 2019 at 10:39:31 AM UTC-7, John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 8 Sep 2019 18:53:04 -0700 (PDT), whit3rd <

Starting point for studying hurricanes: they spin counterclockwise in the US area.

Unless you are Al Gore.

So, your 'nightmare' prominently features a vice president from an earlier century?

Not Spiro Agnew or Dan Quayle !? That's just SO WEIRD!

That's reading a lot into a cover design.

The artists that do the work aren't actually climate experts - the commission is to design something visually arresting, as opposed to creating a graphic illustration of some scientific point.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 7:49:20 AM UTC-7, wrote:
On Mon, 9 Sep 2019 22:52:00 -0700 (PDT), whit3rd <

So, your 'nightmare' prominently features a vice president from an earlier century?

Not Spiro Agnew or Dan Quayle !? That's just SO WEIRD!

Even Alben Barkley makes a better nightmare character than the distinguished Al Gore.
A criminal (Spiro) or absurdist (Dan) would spice up those dull dreams.
On Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 6:08:33 AM UTC+10, whit3rd wrote:
On Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 7:49:20 AM UTC-7, wrote:
On Mon, 9 Sep 2019 22:52:00 -0700 (PDT), whit3rd <

So, your 'nightmare' prominently features a vice president from an earlier century?

Not Spiro Agnew or Dan Quayle !? That's just SO WEIRD!

Even Alben Barkley makes a better nightmare character than the distinguished Al Gore.
A criminal (Spiro) or absurdist (Dan) would spice up those dull dreams.

For John Larkin, Al Gore is a criminal - or at least a con-artist - because he takes anthropogenic global warming seriously.

John Larkin has been conned by the climate change denialist propaganda machine and they have instilled some bizarre misapprehensions into whatever it is that John Larkin uses in place of a brain.

John Larkin did do a science degree, but at Tulane, and he didn't pay much attention to the science as such. Al Gore as an undergraduate got lectures from Roger Revelle, and does seem to have been paying attention.

Bill Sloman, Sydney wrote in

On Tue, 10 Sep 2019 09:19:35 +0000 (UTC), wrote: wrote in

And it is not about cowardice either. Someone is not a coward
because they use a nym in Usenet.

Except that you are.

Someone that uses a nym in Usenet... yes, I am. A coward...
no, I
am not. Nice try though, punk.

You going around calling me one, however, is like an invitation
prove otherwise. You are the kind of guy deserving of a big nose
breaking head butt, were we to meet.

And though you claim to be other than a coward, you sure would
sport a pussy response to that. Pussy is different than coward,
and Larkin, you are a pussy.

For good reason.

And what would that be? To keep retarded fucks like you from
trying to cause problems for me with my employer, yada yada yada.
Fucktards like those in Usenet do not need to know who I am.

Fuck you, larkin. You are a pussy, boy

This group is for electonics design.

But you don't do electronic design.

Sure I do. I told you so too. So you spouting off that I do not
is you fucking around with a Usenet news group and its participants.

The pattern is predictable:

No, Johnny, it is not. That is the point, numbskull.

the nastiest, foulest, angriest, most
ranting and swearing people in SED are people who don't design

You are carrying a pretty foul stench, bucko.
On Monday, 9 September 2019 15:33:18 UTC+1, wrote:
On Mon, 9 Sep 2019 11:14:59 +0000 (UTC), wrote:
Rick C <> wrote in news:4429ea65-f1cf-

I guess AlwaysWrong isn't the only one who is wrong a lot.

Jackasses that use other jackass's jackassed monikers are wholly
wrong, jackass.

Non-jackasses/non-cowards use their real names.

some do, some don't.


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