need a cheap student edition FPGA wrote:

The key phrase in the LRM is "as if ... the data were in a
s_vpi_vecval structure (See 27.14, Figure 179)." If you
look at that structure definition, you will see that the fields
are defined in the order aval then bval. Simulator B is
not compliant with the standard.
Sure, but there are no rules in the C language which defines how the
structure is mapped in memory...

I dont know which one is your actual code. but the first one dosent
include the clock in any block and in the second you dont get twin edge
clock triggered flops in fpga.
The defparams were my first guess also. And in this case,
there is no point in using defparams, since it is easy to do
the much cleaner overrides on the instantiation. However,
there is a slight error in Jim's example: he used the name
of the instance instead of the name of the parameter in the
override. It should be

reg_fd #(.width(1), .ainit_val(0),...)
simple_reg (.clk(c)... wrote:
Hi all,
I am currently implementing a module which has large number of
registers(the datapath is heavily pipelined and lotsa registers). To
reduce the area of the design , I have replaced many of the internal
registers ,with FFs without a RESET pin.
So now all the internal register dont get cleared (reset) while
applying an external reset. they just keep on shifting unknown value,
until the actual data fills in the pipeline. this is perfectly
acceptable for me except for the initial X's I see in waveform, till
the actual data reaches to the point.

I save around 10-15% area by this way. (in a total size of ~90K).
My module is part of a ~1.5Mgates asic.

I want to ask you people , whether this method of reducing area will
cause any problems(in the design flow) considering the total system.

please giveme ur valuable suggestions.

thanks a lot
Deepu John
One problem can occur with back annotated gate sims. It is possible to
create logic that works but cannot be simulated unless you have a way
to initialize registers to a known value. (Anything but X).

But as you noticed it can be costly to put a reset on every flop in the
design. Not only is there an area cost but you have to route that reset
around the entire chip and meet setup/hold timing on every flop.

I like the idea of multicycle resets where you are required to hold a reset
for X number of cycles. Then as long as you can reset everything by cycle
X then everything will work.

John Eaton
For simulation probleme you could put a value to your signal when you
declare it

signal temp : std_logic :='0';
like that it will have an initial value different from X at start but will
not be synthetized


"J o h n _ E a t o n (at) hp . com (no spaces)" <"J o h n _ E a t o n (at)
hp . com (no spaces)"> a écrit dans le message de news:
42263428$ wrote:
Hi all,
I am currently implementing a module which has large number of
registers(the datapath is heavily pipelined and lotsa registers). To
reduce the area of the design , I have replaced many of the internal
registers ,with FFs without a RESET pin.
So now all the internal register dont get cleared (reset) while
applying an external reset. they just keep on shifting unknown value,
until the actual data fills in the pipeline. this is perfectly
acceptable for me except for the initial X's I see in waveform, till
the actual data reaches to the point.

I save around 10-15% area by this way. (in a total size of ~90K).
My module is part of a ~1.5Mgates asic.

I want to ask you people , whether this method of reducing area will
cause any problems(in the design flow) considering the total system.

please giveme ur valuable suggestions.

thanks a lot
Deepu John

One problem can occur with back annotated gate sims. It is possible to
create logic that works but cannot be simulated unless you have a way
to initialize registers to a known value. (Anything but X).

But as you noticed it can be costly to put a reset on every flop in the
design. Not only is there an area cost but you have to route that reset
around the entire chip and meet setup/hold timing on every flop.

I like the idea of multicycle resets where you are required to hold a
for X number of cycles. Then as long as you can reset everything by cycle
X then everything will work.

John Eaton
"KCL" <> wrote in message
For simulation probleme you could put a value to your signal when you
declare it

signal temp : std_logic :='0';
like that it will have an initial value different from X at start but will
not be synthetized
Perhaps that works easily with VHDL, but many Verilog synthesis tools
may reject the equivalent:

reg q;

initial q = 1'b0; // for simulation-only!

(or for a more modern Verilog-2001 tool)

reg q = 1'b0;
Hi, wrote:
reduce the area of the design , I have replaced many of the internal
registers ,with FFs without a RESET pin.
I want to ask you people , whether this method of reducing area will
cause any problems(in the design flow) considering the total system.
If you insert these FF in a scan chain, you could not reset them.
I was told that this will be not acceptable for the ASIC vendor. Maybe you
should check the needs of your vendor.

bye Thomas

Emailantworten bitte an thomas[at]obige_domain.
Usenet_10 ist für Viren und Spam reserviert
Without thorough inspection of the code, try to make all the
assignments non-blocking. wrote:

Hi all,
I am currently implementing a module which has large number of
registers(the datapath is heavily pipelined and lotsa registers). To
reduce the area of the design , I have replaced many of the internal
registers ,with FFs without a RESET pin.
So now all the internal register dont get cleared (reset) while
applying an external reset. they just keep on shifting unknown value,
until the actual data fills in the pipeline. this is perfectly
acceptable for me except for the initial X's I see in waveform, till
the actual data reaches to the point.

I save around 10-15% area by this way. (in a total size of ~90K).
My module is part of a ~1.5Mgates asic.

I want to ask you people , whether this method of reducing area will
cause any problems(in the design flow) considering the total system.

please giveme ur valuable suggestions.

thanks a lot
Deepu John

generally, it won't cause a problem except for with ASIC folks who don't
accept anything less than 100% reset. You can make the reset totally
invisible by a) making sure you break all internal loops by forcing a
reset on one element in the loop and holding that reset for enough
clocks to make the known data propagate all the way around the loop, and
b) putting reset on all the output registers that is applied immediately
and then held until good data propagates to the output register. The
output register reset can easily be accomplished by using a sync RS-FF
that is set by the reset input signal and then cleared by either a
delayed version of the input reset signal or using a counter that is
preset by the input reset signal and whose terminal count clears that
FF. Same is true for the loop resets.

--Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930 Fax 401/884-7950

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, 1759
Since you are new to Verilog, these kind of issues will be coming but
keep trying... :)

One thing to pay attention is Simulation-Synthesis mismatch. And it is
because of difference in Simulation tool behavior (which is software
approach) and Synthesis Tool behavior (which is hardware approach).
Both tool may interprete these construct differenently and hence, the
problem. On top of that there may be bunch of other problems.

Good news is that by changing coding style, these issues can be
avoided. Hence in industry, there are certain coding guidelines. Try
following guidelines -

1. Use only one kind of reset. In your code, you are using 2 kind of
resets, one is reset and other is start_pulse_enable.

2. In sequential blocks ( i.e. always @(posedge clock .......)),
always use non-blocking assignments.

3. In combinatorial blocks, use blocking assignment.

4. Never mix-match blocking and non-blocking.

5. Always have complete branches in if-elseif-else. I think you have
it, but review your code again to make sure.

After these changes, your simulation and synthesis will match. And
you'll be able to debug problem more easily.
The Verilog-2001 specification was unclear about genvars and
how they behaved. Stu's guidebook is clearly not quite accurate
either, since a genvar is not really a variable. It is a constant
any given instance of a generate-for block, and yet it seems to take
on different values in different instances. And there is the concept
of it stepping through values while creating those instances, like
a variable, but that only happens at some undefined time during

The Verilog-2005 LRM will fix some problems with generates, and
also clarify some things about them. One of them is what it means
when you reference a genvar inside a generate for. Each instance
of the named block inside a generate-for implicitly declares a
localparam with the same name as the genvar and a constant value
corresponding to the genvar value for that iteration. The references
to the genvar inside the named block inside the generate-for are
actually references to the implicit localparam. Each instance of the
loop body has its own instance of the localparam, so they are all
constant but have different values.

This is not just a formal way of explaining how genvars work. The
references really are treated as references to a localparam. If you
use VPI to access the genvar identifier used in an expression, it
should give you back a localparam. And more importantly for your
question, you can do anything with it that you could do with a
localparam. That includes taking a bit-select or part-select.
I feel you should write the condition as suppose I want c after a
followed by b: then property cafterab is always {a;b} |=> {c}. ie the
satisfying conditions should all be on the LHS and the condition being
checked should be on the RHS.
post this in verification guild site to get more feedback. wrote:

Hi all,
I'm new to Verilog and my question is as follows:
What is the difference between the following two lines of code -

1. if (wr_ptr == rd_ptr + 1) ....
if (wr_ptr == rd_ptr + 32'b1) !!!
If I'm correct, the RHS is extended to at least 32 bits (probably unsigned, I don't
have the code declaring the vectors).

2. if (wr_ptr == rd_ptr + 1'b1) ....
No size extension occurs.

So with 8 bits vectors, ff + 1 = 100 and ff + 1'b1 = 00
eva wrote:

There are simple designs that use T-flipflops to realize
Horrible practice :)
You have n-1 extra clock domains and the counter's bits toggle at different times !
It's viable only if you use this as a divider and use only the last bit, but even
then, this last bit is very much skewed from the clock signal. And you need to make
sure your synthesizer & tech mapper won't try to use (waste) global signals for these
intermediate clocks.
It's not really "asynchronous" (no clock), but it's almost as bad :)

Very high speed clock division is probably better done with a Johnson "counter" which
is fully synchronous and can run near the max toggle rate.

Bert wrote:
Thanks a lot for this answer I understand it now but it gets me to
think about the following:

When implementing a counter I write -

always @(posedge clk)
if (clk)
cnt <= cnt + 1;

Here it works fine even when I write < + 1 > instead of < + 1'b1
You might get warnings from synthesis, but it should work the
same either way. Many compilers will give a warning anyway,
because the sum will be one bit wider, even though verilog says
it shouldn't be (when the destination width is known).

Use whichever looks best.

-- glen wrote:

I'm trying deduce a rule that would correctly produce same behavior for
synthisis and simulation. Here is what I come up with. Please comment.

reg a,b,c,d,e,f,....;
always @(posedge clk)

Now is it true, so long as the "left hand sides" do not repeat like:
I would get correct and same behavior from both simulation and
You should also not change any variables used later in the same


-- glen
"glen herrmannsfeldt" <> wrote in message
news:d29vdv$ttq$ wrote:
< snip >

You should also not change any variables used later in the same


-- glen
Why not?
Blocking and non-blocking operators should both be synthesizeable.
Simulation and synthesis results should match.

It's *typical* for the designer to produce always blocks without the
blocking operator so everything has a previous-state/next-state relationship
at the clock edge. When blocking operators are used in this (@posedge clk)
blocks, the results tend not to be as expected, at least to the engineer
debugging the code later.

Simulation test benches are typically run sequentially which lend themselves
to blocking operators and time delays between some of those blocking
operators. If there's an always @posedge style construct in the testbench,
that should still use non-blocking operators if no time delays are
introduced. Blocking operators would fit right into those blocks if the
intent is to introduce a time-separated series of conditions after each

They both have their place.
Hi Paul,

LOTs of more or less wrong things has been said and published about NBAs & BAs.
People coming from VHDL will likely not be as confused.
In just a few words :

In RTL code :

NBAs are updated "later" like signals are in VHDL, and they share the same
assignement symbol "<=". They refer to the Q ouputs (or "old value) of your FFs in
clocked always.
NBAs are perfect to describe the behavior of nets, and avoid racing conditions.

BAs should be usually avoided (in clocked RTL) since they are updated "immediately".
In VHDL, they apply only to another type called "variable", with ":=".
VHDL variables are not visible outside the process (always block) in which they are
declared, so this avoid the Verilog "problems" related with BAs.

Use BAs in a clocked always when you need intermediate values to be used below in the
same always block, or to get to the "D" input of your flipflops.

In simulation code, VHDL variables and BAs are welcome since they simulate faster
(well usually).

Sorry it's quite terse, but I hope you'll get the idea.

Bert Cuzeau wrote:


I've have been reading about (non)blocking assignment. The following is
good explanations about their behaviors. However, I still don't
understand this:
why all the emphasis on "blocking assignment is for simulation" and
"non-blocking assignment is for synthesis"? What if the blocking
assignment behavior is what we want for both simulation and synthesis?
Do I not get the correct behavior if using blocking assignment after
synthesis from our chip or fpga? Thanks. wrote:

It actually evaluates to 32'h100, but as you say the important thing is
that it gets truncated back to 8 bits when it gets assigned back to cnt.
For all the tools I have used, the extra logic is removed.
That is, it doesn't synthesize a 32 bit adder even though the
logic asks for one. I can't guarantee that, though.

The case where you definitely need the bit length is in

assign x={ y, 4'b1010, z};

-- glen
People often *multiply* clocks by 2 using a delay element and an XOR
forceing every edge of an incoming clock to produce a pulse with a width
based on the delay element. Clock dividion needs storage elements whether
dedicated registers/latches or storage elements built from primitives.

"eva" <> wrote in message
> or in general, not using any FF's. Thanks in advance for any reponse!~

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