MessageView 421F schematic

In article
<>, wrote:

What is everyone's favorite 'scope probes? We've gone through a
handfull of Oldacker & Cal Test probes, both keep getting intermittent
connections with the coax cable where it is crimped. Anyone had
better luck with better brands?

We've looked at Tek's probes, but it seems the actual tip isn't
replaceble (not the hook tip, I know you can get those).

We don't need anything over around 100MHz, X1/X10 switchable is

I bought nice 100mhz tek probes on ebay. they are switchable x1 x10
and I found them nice.
here is their web site

they also sell on ebay.

You should register to the Yahoo-Group TekScopes2!

Good luck in your repair

"Cees Keyer" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
Dear all,

I am looking for a pdf'ed service doc for the Tektronix 2710 Spectrum
Good someone give me a pointer where to download it...

tnx in advance
# A brainstorm to one person could be a slight draft to the other one.
# Cees Keyer, Amsterdam school of technology (change -at- in @ in E)
# dept. Electronic Engineering, Weesperzijde 190, 1097DZ Amsterdam, NL
# Voice: (+31)20-5951639, Fax: (+31)20-5951420
You should register to the Yahoo-Group TekScopes2!

Good luck in your repair

"Cees Keyer" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
Dear all,

I am looking for a pdf'ed service doc for the Tektronix 2710 Spectrum
Good someone give me a pointer where to download it...

tnx in advance
# A brainstorm to one person could be a slight draft to the other one.
# Cees Keyer, Amsterdam school of technology (change -at- in @ in E)
# dept. Electronic Engineering, Weesperzijde 190, 1097DZ Amsterdam, NL
# Voice: (+31)20-5951639, Fax: (+31)20-5951420
In article <>,
Tony Miklos <> wrote:
Jim Yanik wrote:

your $40 coupons are only good for a limited time.

I guess I'll wait to order mine.

the DTV converter everybody is waiting for is the Echostar TR-40,due out in
June or July,last I heard.

Is there some place these have been rated already? I'd like to see why
everyone is waiting for them. Any idea if it uses a Microtune brand tuner?
<> is a comparison
table which indentifies the maufacturer of the guts of most units.

Mark Zenier
Googleproofaddress(account:mzenier provider:eskimo domain:com)
"Green Xenon [Radium]" <> wrote in message

Some video websites say that spatial aliasing causes jaggies, other say
it causes the Moire effect, still others say it causes pixelation. Who
is right? What does spatial aliasing look like?

Also, which video specs are measured in "Hz" -- regardless of whether the
video is analog or digital? I believe "frame rate" is one of them.

In digital video, what specs are measured in Hz?

What specs are measured in Hz in analog video?


Do you know how bad you have to be to be kicked off

Please don't encourage or feed "Radium".

"JANA" <> wrote in message
The 700 W rating is the maximum load that can be used from the UPS
without any damage to it, or it with it being over-loaded. Normaly, the
maximum load should not exceed about 60% of the maximum capacity of a

In the instruction manual for the UPS, they usually give a chart of how
long it will supply power with different loads. The effect of the load
may not be exactly linear because the load is being run from an
inverter. This inverter itself uses a certain amount of base current to
operate. It's efficiency may not be very linear.

In theory, a 120 Amp Hour battery should be able to put out 120 Amps for
one hour. Normaly, when a battery is under load, when the voltage of
the battery has decreased to about 10% below the nominal rating of the
battery voltage, the battery is considered weak.
Most battery manufacturers specify Ah capacity for the 10 hour discharge
rate - a 120Ah battery loaded at 120A will be discharged in somewhat less
than 1 hour.
"JANA" <> wrote in message
The 700 W rating is the maximum load that can be used from the UPS
without any damage to it, or it with it being over-loaded. Normaly, the
maximum load should not exceed about 60% of the maximum capacity of a

In the instruction manual for the UPS, they usually give a chart of how
long it will supply power with different loads. The effect of the load
may not be exactly linear because the load is being run from an
inverter. This inverter itself uses a certain amount of base current to
operate. It's efficiency may not be very linear.

In theory, a 120 Amp Hour battery should be able to put out 120 Amps for
one hour. Normaly, when a battery is under load, when the voltage of
the battery has decreased to about 10% below the nominal rating of the
battery voltage, the battery is considered weak.
Most battery manufacturers specify Ah capacity for the 10 hour discharge
rate - a 120Ah battery loaded at 120A will be discharged in somewhat less
than 1 hour.
I made up a wideband linear amplifier a couple of decades ago that put out
about 5 watts at 30 dB gain from 20-500 MHz. flat. It was built around a
Mini-Ckts module, and if you think that may be what you are looking for,
I'll tear it apart to see what the module part number is. If you need to go
lower than 20, I'm not sure what the current options are, but a second LF
unit wouldn't be all that hard to incorporate into the same chassis.


"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it."

"Joerg" <> wrote in message
At clients I usually rent an ENI amplifier for that but they are really
bulky, heavy and overkill. And expensive. When testing a bus for
susceptibility one rarely needs more than 30Vpp into 100 ohms or so, up to
500MHz. The other amps I've got are the usual wideband amps that cannot
produce more than about +20dBm.

Is there a booster amp that's smaller, like 10W or less?

Regards, Joerg

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"Joerg" <> wrote in message
Ok, it's the old PCMCIA but it will be only a small step to swing that to
USB if the market is there.
Not bad... I wonder what the cost is?

I'm about to lug a spectrum analyzer over to our annex... you're up for
providing design advice on that USB-based version, right? :)
"Joerg" <> wrote in message
Ok, it's the old PCMCIA but it will be only a small step to swing that to
USB if the market is there.
Not bad... I wonder what the cost is?

I'm about to lug a spectrum analyzer over to our annex... you're up for
providing design advice on that USB-based version, right? :)
"Joerg" <> wrote in message
IIRC the programming part required about 20 minutes.
I expect you'd spend more time on the Windows GUI than on the actual hardware
design. :)
So what bottom end do you need? You didn't specify in the OP.


"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it."

Yes, that's feasible with Mini-Circuits modules. But it won't go below
20Mhz :-(
"Joerg" <> wrote in message
It's a Twinhead Durabook and I purposely selected that one because it's
ruggedized and carries legacy ports such as RS232.
I made a mistake and bought a "gaming" laptop towards the beginning of this
year. It is fast with a great graphics card, but doesn't have a docking
station nor an RS-232 port.

I replaced it with a used HP Compaq nw8440
( for
$600 via eBay. 2.16GHz CPU, 2GB RAM, 1920x1200 15.4" (!) display, docking
port, and RS-232. It's a beautiful thing to behold, I tell you -- especially
given the price! I had assumed that when HP acquired Compaq all their
"business" laptops would go away and therefore HP was only making cheesy
low-end laptops... nice to have been wrong there...

"John Larkin" <> wrote in message
The 1" resolution isn't compatible with a 1 ns risetime step. These
people are confused.
Maybe they're thinking alumina? :) Let's see... c = 11.8"/ns in free space,
so ~3.7"/ns for Er=10... hmm... still a bit of a stretch...
That sounds like an HF homebrew job. Helge Granberg (Motorola) wrote some
very good articles on HF linear rigs about twenty years ago. I can research
the pertinent AN numbers if you like. As I recall, his bottom end was


"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it."

"Joerg" <> wrote in message
RST Engineering (jw) wrote:
So what bottom end do you need? You didn't specify in the OP.

Sorry. Ideally 150kHz but up to a MHz would do.

Regards, Joerg

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"sal2" <> wrote in message
Greetings All

I would like to vary an ultrasonic mist maker like this one
using my audio sound card.

I want to produce complex waves using my sound card 4000Hz square wave
combined with some 1000 hz sine waves etc.. I would like to be able
to vibrate the ultrasonic mist maker transducer at this rate. Is this

I can create the audio waves easily but I'm not sure how to drive/control
the vibration of the ultrasonic mist maker using the signal coming from
my sound card. Does anyone have any recommendations? I'm trying to keep
this as cheap as possible and use a ultrasonic transducer off the shelf.

tia sal2
"amdx" <> wrote in message
"sal2" <> wrote in message
Greetings All

I would like to vary an ultrasonic mist maker like this one
using my audio sound card.

I want to produce complex waves using my sound card 4000Hz square wave
combined with some 1000 hz sine waves etc.. I would like to be able
to vibrate the ultrasonic mist maker transducer at this rate. Is this

I can create the audio waves easily but I'm not sure how to drive/control
the vibration of the ultrasonic mist maker using the signal coming from
my sound card. Does anyone have any recommendations? I'm trying to keep
this as cheap as possible and use a ultrasonic transducer off the shelf.

tia sal2

Most of the mist makers I'm familiar with run at 1 to 2 Megahertz.
Your sound card frequency is way to low. What are you trying to do
with the ultrasound?

I'd in the past a 496P very similar but only 1.8Ghz. And have repaired a
friend's 492 with the 496 manuals!...
May be the input mixer is burnt out!? I don't know...
Firstly get the two service manuals. It's a priority to maintain this
"Tekguy". could help, I've verified they have for sell
these manuals.
Then subscribe to the forum and you'll be able to
discuss with poeple who're expert in Tek equipments.

This is what I can tell you to help.

Good luck.

"mimmobn" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

I have a spectrum analyzer Tektronix 492 and not have the manual for

my problem is:
turns on and seem to work well, but no analyzes the input signal is
displayed only noise.

please help me by searching the handbook of service for repair?

thank you
Try putting the fog generator between two speakers or one speaker and a
wall. Might be interesting to see if you can see visible standing waves
"instantwow" <> wrote in message
I recently purchased an oscilloscope on Ebay. It is a 100Mhz model. I
was configuring the scope using the calibration output, which is a
1Khz 2 volt square wave. The horizontal line drawing on the scope
looks good, however, the vertical trace portion on this wave is barely
visible at the highest brightness setting. Is the normal, or is there
a problem with the scope? Is this common with analog scopes? This is
my first oscilloscope, so I’m not sure. Here’s a photo I took. Any


That looks more or less normal but to be on the safe side, turn down the
brightness so you don't burn holes in the phosphor and select a slow sweep
speed so you can easily follow the spot as it crosses the screen and adjust
the astigmatism (Astig) until the spot is as near to perfectly round as you
can get it.

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