Rod Speed
"The Family" <someone@somewhere.com> wrote in message
Mindlessly superficial."Rod Speed" <rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote in message
"Phred" <ppnerkDELETETHIS@yahoo.com> wrote in message
In article <34umg2F4fguqoU1@individual.net>, "Rod Speed"
rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote:
"Phred" <ppnerkDELETETHIS@yahoo.com> wrote in message
In article <34teq5F4bbsq7U1@individual.net>, "Rod Speed"
rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote:
"The Family" <someone@somewhere.com> wrote in message
"Mathew M." <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
In article <41e533cc$1@duster.adelaide.on.net>,
"The Family" <someone@somewhere.com> wrote:
1 hour is an extraordinarily long outage on a bright summer day. It
shouldn't be that way if your distributor is using modern technology
live wire maintenance.
Bullshit. Plenty of cases where they have to turn it off, like
poles etc.
Not at all.
Poles have a L-O-N-G lifetime, like 30 years. Usually they can and are
replaced with the power flowing. Except in an emergency like a car
most power line work is accomplished live.
There are very few situations that require the power to be turned off.
a very reliable service provided proper maintenance is done, though
maintenance is something that the government owners in Qld and NSW don't
to do. Private owners take much better care of their assets.
More pig ignorant drivel.
Dunno about those private blokes, but the good citizens of the tourist
ghetto of Cairns have long suffered from a combination of poor
maintenance and under-capacity of the retail distribution network --
always assuming I can take the whinges in the daily tabloid at face
Bet its mostly under capacity retail distribution network.
Yeah, I have the impression it's mostly that -- but they have had
quite a few poles simply fall down in the past couple of years due to
lack of maintenance/replacement.
OK, thats certainly poor maintenance. Just got one myself, my
personal power pole is whiteant riddled. Still pretty solid. Corse
we dont know that they wouldnt have replaced it before it fell down.
Second rate poor quality material in the first place.
But fucks the enviroment.Cement is far more solid and doesn't deplete forests either.
Not a fucking clue, as always.NSW has a habit of building cheap infrastructure then suffering for it.
Also a number of insulator failures attributed to "the drought"
by the spin doctors. (May be something in this one -- they
seemed to believe it themselves enough to hire
helicopters to go around and wash the bloody things!)
Yeah, its a real problem. Doesnt actually cause mains
failure, just a damned nuisance interference wise.