Commander Kinsey
I\'m talking about the bug zappers. I have a mains one which makes 2000V. I have a USB one which makes 1700V. I can and have measured those. The mains one is very effective, I see it frying wasps. I haven\'t had the opportunity to see the USB one in action yet and I\'m wondering if it will do anything useful. How much current is required to kill the insect? I know 80mA+ is needed to kill a human through the heart, but I get the feeling with insects the death requires evaporation, not just stopping the heart. I could connect a milliammeter across the USB one\'s output, but I don\'t want to break the meter if there\'s a strong pulse to start with. The USB one states 1A 5V input, so the output couldn\'t continuously exceed only 3mA, unless it drops to 100V and gives out 50mA, and the output drops from 1700V to 0V immediately I turn it off (with an antique electrostatic voltmeter connected which may draw a bit).