High speed strobe schematic query

Phil Allison wrote:
Again, why would I care about that? Anybody want to give me a call? Feel
free. Doesnt bother me in the slightest. Come visit me for all I care.

** Exactly as revealed in your asinine posts here - Scott - you just
ain't thought through the implications.
Well, Phil, you can think whatever you like... but I really could not
care less what you find about me on the net. Anybody can use google...
anybody can find this stuff.


"Scott Coutts"
Phil Allison wrote:

Again, why would I care about that? Anybody want to give me a call? Feel
free. Doesnt bother me in the slightest. Come visit me for all I care.

** Exactly as revealed in your asinine posts here - Scott - you just
ain't thought through the implications.

Well, Phil, you can think whatever you like... but I really could not care
less what you find about me on the net. Anybody can use google... anybody
can find this stuff.


** The pathetic dude just does not have the tiniest clue - does he ??

........... Phil
Phil Allison wrote:
"Mark Harriss"

Scott Coutts wrote:

He'll be taping the call too, from what numerous other posters
have stated about his techniques.

Hahah really? He does this often?


There's even been legal action too, ask the
crew over on aus.hi-fi for some examples.

** News to me.

How about you post some details ??
Otherwise its time to publicly admit being a total fucking LIAR !!!
Yeah, having done a quick check of my own, and having read your posting
history, and the multitudes of posts about you, Phil, I see that posting
information about others is your forte. Well like I said... I dont care.

Phil Allison wrote:
** News to me.

How about you post some details ??

Otherwise its time to publicly admit being a total fucking LIAR !!!

........ Phil

Oh yeah?? prove it!!!!
"Scott Coutts"

While this one give your contact number at Monash Uni.

Again, why would I care about that? Anybody want to give me a call? Feel
free. Doesnt bother me in the slightest..

** So: " 0423 109 509 " is a valid, mobile number for Scott Coutts

Or would you rather be called out of hours at home ??

........... Phil
"Mark Harriss"
There's even been legal action too, ask the
crew over on aus.hi-fi for some examples.

** News to me.

How about you post some details ??

Otherwise its time to publicly admit being a total fucking LIAR !!!

......... Phil

Oh yeah?? prove it!!!!

** The claim re: " legal action " was made by you - cunt brain.

How about you post some details ??

Otherwise its time to publicly admit being a total fucking LIAR !!!

......... Phil
Phil Allison wrote:
"Scott Coutts"

While this one give your contact number at Monash Uni.

Again, why would I care about that? Anybody want to give me a call? Feel
free. Doesnt bother me in the slightest..

** So: " 0423 109 509 " is a valid, mobile number for Scott Coutts

Or would you rather be called out of hours at home ??
Any time... ring right now if you want.

Phil Allison wrote:
"Mark Harriss" = another slimy, anonymous, criminal Brisbane scumbag

I reckon he's achieved far more than you ever did Phil.

** Shame your autistic idea of "achievement" is my idea of absolutely
doing SFA.

** At fucking bug peeking - ROTFLMAO !!
The pig ignorant DICKHEAD perves on microscopic bugs !!!
How remarkably short-sighted and narrow minded of you.

at least he finished his course....unlike
others I could name.

** Looks like the asinine cunt failed to get his Phd.
The bugs musta outsmarted him !!!!!
.... you'd better keep searching Phil.


Phil Allison wrote:

"Scott Coutts"

Phil Allison wrote:

Admit i9t silly , you are green with envy Some one who actually achieved
a finality to their degree and didnt fail so badly as you have on so
many front and is happy to prove it , now what year did you drop out of
your degree again ?.
"Mark Harriss" <billy@blartco.co.uk> wrote in message
Scott Coutts wrote:

He'll be taping the call too, from what numerous other posters
have stated about his techniques.

Hahah really? He does this often?


There's even been legal action too, ask the
crew over on aus.hi-fi for some examples.
I'll second that. Phil Allison has a reputation of being a net-stalking
fruit cake.
Yes, he does publish vexatious and libellous (mostly incorrect) information
about people in public forums like UseNet for example. I'm sure after
reading this post he will once again write some totally fictitious bull shit
about me for just posting here.

"Alan Rutlidge" = net stalker & criminal LIAR
"Mark Harriss" = net stalker & criminal LIAR

There's even been legal action too, ask the
crew over on aus.hi-fi for some examples.

I'll second that.

** The only "legal action" ever taken over postings on "aus. hi-fi " was
by Mr Philip Vafiadis of VAF Research against Mr Rick Stadelmaier of
Equinox Audio. It was over an allegation of misrepresentation of
performance specs.


Alan Rutlidge ( aka the WA Arse Bandit ) has the deserved reputation of
being a pathological, net-stalking fruit cake.

Yes, he does publish vexatious and libellous (mostly incorrect)
information ....

** Like the Arse Bandit's problem human import from Thailand - " Phouc
Yu" ??

The slimy cretin actually posted the story himself.

............ Phil
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
"Alan Rutlidge" = net stalker & criminal LIAR

"Mark Harriss" = net stalker & criminal LIAR

There's even been legal action too, ask the
crew over on aus.hi-fi for some examples.

I'll second that.

** The only "legal action" ever taken over postings on "aus. hi-fi " was
by Mr Philip Vafiadis of VAF Research against Mr Rick Stadelmaier of
Equinox Audio. It was over an allegation of misrepresentation of
performance specs.


Alan Rutlidge ( aka the WA Arse Bandit ) has the deserved reputation of
being a pathological, net-stalking fruit cake.

Yes, he does publish vexatious and libellous (mostly incorrect)
information ....

** Like the Arse Bandit's problem human import from Thailand - " Phouc
Yu" ??

The slimy cretin actually posted the story himself.

........... Phil
As predicted, the net-stalker from Summer Hill has proved yet again he
really is the Pavlov's Dog of UseNet.
Throw out a bone and he comes salivating and barking..... Gee Phil your
such a source of petit amusement.

Notice how Phil carefully edits your info in the post when he replies in a
desperate and pitiful attempt to shift the discussion out of context. Then
has the audacity to have a go at others who do the same to his. Proves he
really is a fruit cake. Oh well not much of the full moon left. Perhaps
he will be over the "fever" in a few days and leave us all in
peace........... sigh...


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