High speed strobe schematic query

"Alan Rutlidge"

** How many giant kicks in the arse would you like - Scott ??

Or maybe you are a gay boy, uni fuckwit ???

Phil, you still got this thing for gay boys?

** Scott may just be looking for a really stoopid, aging gay dickhead to rip
off his credit card and savings account to the shithouse. Just like "
Phouc Yu " did to YOU - Alan Rutlidge - in 1997.

Shall I supply him your phone number and address ???

.............. Phil
Phil Allison wrote:
"Scott Coutts"

** This fucking pimply faced uni puke, POS is just asking for it.

From the OED:

A. adj., an electric light that can be made to flash on and off rapidly
and automatically; also (U.S.), an electronic flash for a camera"

** I see the qualification "U.S. " there.

Plus there is the *small matter* of context.

The term can be used differently depending on your field.

** We are not pro photographers here.

That does not change the fact that the term 'strobe' has more than one

** Depending on context and country.

This is NOT the USA and the context is not pro photography - FUCKHEAD !!

Make less stupid assumptions.

Then you will not look such a damn fool.

** Correct - industry jargon is not for export.

See the above definition once again.

** Go fuck yourself - you dumb, gay boy uni puke.

There is no question that I am not familiar with high voltage circuitry.
I stated that from the outset. That doesnt mean that I am sufficiently
ignorant or incompetent that I will hurt myself with it.

** That is your very silly opinion.

I stated no opinion.

** Liar.

Now, go fuck yourself - you dumb, gay boy uni puke.

It may need modifying to produce single flashes on cue.
But all the hard work is is done for you.

So they dont use high-voltage to trigger the xenon tube?

** Now you have graduated to being an outright smartarse.

I asked you a serious question.

** Go fuck yourself - you dumb, gay boy uni puke.

First you tell me not to deal with devices such as these,

** I said not to try building the dangerous one shown on that site -

and then you tell me to modify a device which also contains a xenon tube.

** Totally different kettle of fish - you gay boy uni FUCKHEAD !!!

That unit runs on batteries !!

You do not have to build it.

I've become tired of you now that I realise what you are.

** Lemme tell you what you are - Scott Coutts from Monash Uni ,

You are one, totally obnoxious, bullshit puking, vile, know nothing,
autistic uni wanker that needs a 40 foot flag pole shoved up your arse.

Oh my god! Now I'm really scared! Must have taken you a whole ten
seconds to find that out! Well since you now know that I'm from
Melbourne and that I work at Monash University (I dont care that you or
anybody else knows it), what are you going to do Phil? Going to drop in
and visit me? That'd be fun. We could go have a drink and discuss the issue.

This is hillarious! It's so funny watching your kind do their thing! I
wasnt going to reply anymore, but now that I know you have nothing
useful to contribute, it's fun - and so easy - just stirring you. You,
Rod Speed, Miro, Al... you're all so alike that I woudlnt be surprised
to hear that you're the same. You need not say a single other thing...
your posting history speaks for itself.

Go on... keep it going... it's quite funny. Lets see how many you'll
post, shall we?
He has a thing about us Uni Students, some deeply
buried resentment of one kind or another.
Mark Harriss wrote:
He has a thing about us Uni Students, some deeply
buried resentment of one kind or another.
Yeah, he's certainly a strange one. But also amusing in the way that all
these 'ranters' are. I wonder if he thinks I'm a student, or whether he
hates anyone that is associated with universities.
Scott Coutts wrote:
Mark Harriss wrote:

He has a thing about us Uni Students, some deeply
buried resentment of one kind or another.

Yeah, he's certainly a strange one. But also amusing in the way that all
these 'ranters' are. I wonder if he thinks I'm a student, or whether he
hates anyone that is associated with universities.

There are detailed explanations in this newsgroup and other aus.*
groups about the sad story, which I won't detail here.
Mark Harriss wrote:

He has a thing about us Uni Students, some deeply
buried resentment of one kind or another.
Certainly since Roddles won't play and a plethora of young university
student continue to reject phills advances its become patently obvious
to even me that he doesn't take sexual rejection well even when informed
the physical relationship he proposes if just plain "wrong" .
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 20:55:29 +1000, Mark Harriss wrote:

Scott Coutts wrote:
Mark Harriss wrote:

He has a thing about us Uni Students, some deeply
buried resentment of one kind or another.

Yeah, he's certainly a strange one. But also amusing in the way that all
these 'ranters' are. I wonder if he thinks I'm a student, or whether he
hates anyone that is associated with universities.

There are detailed explanations in this newsgroup and other aus.*
groups about the sad story, which I won't detail here.

** You *know* fuck all about me!!!????!!!

*** I was almost a fucking genius!!! I could have been a Nobel Prize

** You make me puke @@#$$%^&*&.

.......... Phil (love and kisses)
Phil Allison wrote:
** You *know* fuck all about me!!!????!!!

*** I was almost a fucking genius!!! I could have been a Nobel Prize

** You make me puke @@#$$%^&*&.

......... Phil (love and kisses)

Damn it's getting harder and harder to tell the Phils apart.
Maybe they reproduce by cellular fission.
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 22:38:38 +1000, Mark Harriss wrote:

Phil Allison wrote:

** You *know* fuck all about me!!!????!!!

*** I was almost a fucking genius!!! I could have been a Nobel Prize

** You make me puke @@#$$%^&*&.

......... Phil (love and kisses)

Damn it's getting harder and harder to tell the Phils apart.
Maybe they reproduce by cellular fission.
Nuh. Just turn the nearest rock over.
Phil Allison wrote:
** You *know* fuck all about me!!!????!!!
*** I was almost a fucking genius!!! I could have been a Nobel Prize
HAHAHA Oh this gets better and better. Keep going Phil - this is gold.
"Scott Coutts"

Well since you now know that I'm from Melbourne and that I work at Monash
University (I dont care that you or anybody else knows it), what are you
going to do Phil?

** So you work there do you.

We'll see.

........... Phil
On Sun, 24 Jul 2005 02:02:08 +1000, Phil Allison wrote:

"Scott Coutts"

Well since you now know that I'm from Melbourne and that I work at Monash
University (I dont care that you or anybody else knows it), what are you
going to do Phil?

** So you work there do you.

We'll see.

.......... Phil

Hey Phil!

I have a free travel voucher for you, on the London underground. Only
condition is that you have to dress like a Brazilian. Deal?

.......... Phil (the other)
Scott Coutts wrote:
Phil Allison wrote:

** You *know* fuck all about me!!!????!!!
*** I was almost a fucking genius!!! I could have been a Nobel Prize

HAHAHA Oh this gets better and better. Keep going Phil - this is gold.

There are a few Phil impersonators at the moment Scott, as
his sparkling personality has left it's mark on Usenet.
Electronics Aust designed a 'strobe' unit for taking pics of things like a
bullet in flight or hitting a light bulb etc - if you can find some back
issues it might be worth checking out - there is probably a kit available
from one of the kit suppliers - whether it is fast enough for you ???


Scott Coutts wrote:

Has anyone ever tried making something like this?


I need a high-speed strobe for photographing moving objects with a
duration of around 15-30 microseconds. I'm having a bit of trouble
finding some parts and also interpreting what some of the parts actually
are from the hand-drawn schematic. My electronics skills arent that
great... more the 'follow the instructions' type :) Can anyone help me
sort out what I actually need for this?


Phil Allison wrote:
"Scott Coutts"

Well since you now know that I'm from Melbourne and that I work at Monash
University (I dont care that you or anybody else knows it), what are you
going to do Phil?

** So you work there do you.

We'll see.

.......... Phil

Forwarded to a Govco interested party .
Phil Allison wrote:
"Scott Coutts"

Well since you now know that I'm from Melbourne and that I work at Monash
University (I dont care that you or anybody else knows it), what are you
going to do Phil?

** So you work there do you.
We'll see.

.......... Phil
I already know it and I doubt anybody else cares... you're the only one
who will see. So have you found out yet? If you were so good at finding
out all this information then you'd know already from my email address
that I'm not a student there.

quietguy wrote:
Electronics Aust designed a 'strobe' unit for taking pics of things like a
bullet in flight or hitting a light bulb etc - if you can find some back
issues it might be worth checking out - there is probably a kit available
from one of the kit suppliers - whether it is fast enough for you ???

Thanks David, that's sound pretty good. As long as it is fast enough to
stop the motion, and as long as it is bright enough, it should be good.
Basically, as long as it's at around 30us or faster, it should be OK.
I'll look it up.

"Scott Coutts"
Thanks David, that's sound pretty good. As long as it is fast enough to
stop the motion, and as long as it is bright enough, it should be good.
Basically, as long as it's at around 30us or faster, it should be OK. I'll
look it up.

* A standard photo flash ( like the Sunpak example I supplied ) will do
the job.

You must be anencephalic not to get this.

........... Phil
"Scott Coutts"
Phil Allison wrote:

I already know it and I doubt anybody else cares... you're the only one
who will see. So have you found out yet? If you were so good at finding
out all this information then you'd know already from my email address
that I'm not a student there.

** Yes you damn well are are:

Here is your personal WANKERS web page :


I'm a postgraduate student at Monash University. I completed a Bachelor of
Science degree majoring in microbiology and genetics. In 1999 I managed an
Honours degree (Class I) in Genetics, which is part of the Department of
Biological Sciences. Under the excellent supervision of Associate Professor
Viji Krishnapillai, I was studying an aviulence gene and a heat shock gene
in Ralstonia solanacearum. Now I'm studying in the Department of
Microbiology: I've just started the second year of my PhD by research,
funded by a scholarship from Intervet International. My main research
interests lie in the molecular aspects of virulence mechanisms in bacteria.
My research project deals with membrane proteins and virulence factors in a
pathogenic bacterium called Brachyspira hyodysenterae, which is a very
cool-looking bug (spirochaete).

I work in the laboratory headed by Professor Ben Adler. Several of my
friends also work in the same lab, and one of them is my co-supervisor, Dr.
Dieter Bulach. There's also Paul Cullen who works on the same bug and me.
He's also looking at Leptospira interrogans (which, incidentally, isn't
nearly as cool looking as B. hyodysenteraie!). David Boucher also works with
us in the lab, but he's researching aspects of Pasteurella multocida
(definitely not as cool as B. hyodysenteriae!). They've become good friends
in the relatively short time that I have known them.

None of my other friends have web pages other than Michael Platt, Although
he is also a slacker, he's not quite as slack as the rest of them, so you
can check out his web page too!

I have two brothers and one sister. My sister is the eldest of my siblings
and she is a freelance illustrator. She owns and manages Lisa Coutts
Illustration (plug plug). She and her boyfriend David Rafferton recently
announced their engagement! David owns and manages Vidman Design (a design
company) and TRT Racing (a motorbike racing clothing & design company). My
older brother, Evan, works in the research and development department at
Varian Inc., makers of quite expensive lab instruments. My younger brother
Shaun is studying for a Bachelor of Science, also at Monash University.

I have two pets. A relatively new one, called Kuja. He's a Rhodesian
Ridgeback dog that we recently bought as a pup. Until recently, we had
another dog named Louie, short for N'Kaalu (that's an epiglottal stop
between the N and the K - so chances are, if you dont come from Zimbabwe you
wont be able to pronounce it properly... I know I cant!). Louie was a very
old Rhodesian Ridgeback. Our other dog is called Jessie and she's a Maltese.
We also had another Rhodesian Ridgeback, the nephew of Louie, but he's gone
too. He was called Zak (short of Zakuma).We also have some zebra fish, but
they're pretty dull.

I enjoy photography, but I dont really see myself as any great artistic
tallent! I have the technical skills and I know what I'm doing, but my
Sister has all the artistic tallent in our family. I have a growing
collection of camera things. A Konica camera (APS format), which I think is
quite good (for an instant camera) and very compact but rarely sees use
anymore since I recently bought a new SLR camera, the Canon EOS 30 (35mm
format). I think it's a great camera. Slightly related to this is an
interest I've just recently developed as a result of my research, and that's
electron microscopy. I also like driving my car, but not being driven. I
watch all types of movies but I prefer more off-beat and surrealistic
movies. I also like surrealist art. I waste far too much time on the
internet, having blown a sizeable chunk of my hard earned scholarship money
on a cable modem. I figure I'd better get my money's worth...

I love the music that I like, and hate what I don't. Everything else just
gets passed by. Anything that has some sort of meaning or inspires an
emotion is great. I like something that sounds a bit different. I hate
musicians that are 'just in it for the money'. Top 40... ugh.

Although I like to listen to music, I dont play any instruments (properly),
but I'm attempting to learn the scottish small pipes... I havent gotten very
far yet. I'm sure my family will kill me before I do. If you've every heard
any kind of celtic pipes played badly, you'll know what I mean. Most people
dont think they sound good even when they are played properly!

.... And that's it for now.

Scott J. Coutts

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