High speed strobe schematic query

Phil Allison wrote:
"Scott Coutts"

Phil Allison wrote:

I already know it and I doubt anybody else cares... you're the only one
who will see. So have you found out yet? If you were so good at finding
out all this information then you'd know already from my email address
that I'm not a student there.

** Yes you damn well are are:

Here is your personal WANKERS web page :

Jeez you're getting into the powerful hacking tools now... google is
certainly only for all those classified as genius, such as yourself!

I guess you didnt realise that the stuff you dug up is nearly 6 years
old! lol that was quite amusing actually... I forgot it was even there
it's so old. Maybe you should get yourself some up-to-date information
before you make a fool of yourself once again. So keep searching, and
you'll find something more current. It's certainly out there. But then,
you're probably the type that will only post the parts that will help
you in your strange, one-sided arguement.

By the way, I could quite easily find lots of useless information that
you (and everyone else) has left behind on the web... but I really dont
see the point. Obviously you do... so keep it up. It doesnt bother me in
the slightest. If I didnt want people to know it, I wouldnt have put it
there in the first place.


Phil Allison wrote:
"Scott Coutts"

Thanks David, that's sound pretty good. As long as it is fast enough to
stop the motion, and as long as it is bright enough, it should be good.
Basically, as long as it's at around 30us or faster, it should be OK. I'll
look it up.

* A standard photo flash ( like the Sunpak example I supplied ) will do
the job.
For reasons that you clearly have not comprehended, it will not.

You must be anencephalic not to get this.
More comedy gold... keep it coming!


"Scott Coutts" <scott.coutts@med.monash.edu.au>
Phil Allison wrote:

I already know it and I doubt anybody else cares... you're the only one
who will see. So have you found out yet? If you were so good at finding
out all this information then you'd know already from my email address
that I'm not a student there.

** Yes you damn well are are:

Here is your personal WANKERS web page :


Jeez you're getting into the powerful hacking tools now... google is
certainly only for all those classified as genius, such as yourself!

** Sure - this one has YOUR mobile phone number:


While this one give your contact number at Monash Uni.


I ** loove ** the bit that says " Title: n/a " !!!!!!

What do you do - FUCKHEAD ?

Wash tests tubes and clean the staff toilets.

Wot - no Phd ??

.......... Phil
"Scott Coutts" = fuckwit, wanker & bug peeker from Monash Uni !!
* A standard photo flash ( like the Sunpak example I supplied ) will do
the job.

For reasons that you clearly have not comprehended, it will not.

** Maybe you need a personal phone call at Monash Uni so I can personally
explain to a ASININE FUCKING DEAD HEAD CUNT how to do the bleeding
bloody obvious.

You must be anencephalic not to get this.

More comedy gold... keep it coming!

** Hey, GAY BOY *bug peeking* wanker - don't tempt me.

............ Phil
I reckon he's achieved far more than you ever did Phil.
Honours too!!, at least he finished his course....unlike
others I could name.
Phil Allison wrote:
** Maybe you need a personal phone call at Monash Uni so I can personally
explain to a ASININE FUCKING DEAD HEAD CUNT how to do the bleeding
bloody obvious.
OK sure... I'm waiting for the call.

More comedy gold... keep it coming!

** Hey, GAY BOY *bug peeking* wanker - don't tempt me.
Hopefully I am tempting you... it's great! Keep it going! It only gets
funnier when you come up with that kind of thing!


Mark Harriss wrote:

I reckon he's achieved far more than you ever did Phil.
Honours too!!, at least he finished his course....unlike
others I could name.
now throw some 5C bits at him and kick him in the nuts ..
"Mark Harriss" = another slimy, anonymous, criminal Brisbane scumbag

I reckon he's achieved far more than you ever did Phil.

** Shame your autistic idea of "achievement" is my idea of absolutely
doing SFA.

Honours too!!,

** At fucking bug peeking - ROTFLMAO !!

The pig ignorant DICKHEAD perves on microscopic bugs !!!

at least he finished his course....unlike
others I could name.

** Looks like the asinine cunt failed to get his Phd.

The bugs musta outsmarted him !!!!!

.......... Phil
"Scott Coutts" <scott.coutts@med.monash.edu.au

OK sure... I'm waiting for the call.

** Care to specify a preferred time ??

............ Phil
Phil Allison wrote:
** Looks like the asinine cunt failed to get his Phd.

The bugs musta outsmarted him !!!!!

......... Phil

That still doesn't alter the fact that he's
achieved more than you have academically. No
matter how you slice it he's better than you
Scott Coutts wrote:
Phil Allison wrote:

** Maybe you need a personal phone call at Monash Uni so I can
personally explain to a ASININE FUCKING DEAD HEAD CUNT how to
do the bleeding bloody obvious.

OK sure... I'm waiting for the call.

More comedy gold... keep it coming!

** Hey, GAY BOY *bug peeking* wanker - don't tempt me.

Hopefully I am tempting you... it's great! Keep it going! It only gets
funnier when you come up with that kind of thing!



He'll be taping the call too, from what numerous other posters
have stated about his techniques.
Phil Allison wrote:
"Scott Coutts" <scott.coutts@med.monash.edu.au

OK sure... I'm waiting for the call.

** Care to specify a preferred time ??
Nup anytime is fine.
Phil Allison wrote:
"Scott Coutts" <scott.coutts@med.monash.edu.au

Phil Allison wrote:

I already know it and I doubt anybody else cares... you're the only one
who will see. So have you found out yet? If you were so good at finding
out all this information then you'd know already from my email address
that I'm not a student there.

** Yes you damn well are are:

Here is your personal WANKERS web page :


Jeez you're getting into the powerful hacking tools now... google is
certainly only for all those classified as genius, such as yourself!

** Sure - this one has YOUR mobile phone number:


While this one give your contact number at Monash Uni.


I ** loove ** the bit that says " Title: n/a " !!!!!!

What do you do - FUCKHEAD ?
Wash tests tubes and clean the staff toilets.
Wot - no Phd ??
Keep searching Phil... you havent found the right pages yet. Since you
dont have anything to do with Monash, I'm sure you can be forgiven for
realising that those details are updated by the individual that owns them.


"Mark Harriss" = another slimy, stinking, anonymous, criminal Brisbane

Phil Allison wrote:

** Looks like the asinine cunt failed to get his Phd.

The bugs musta outsmarted him !!!!!

That still doesn't alter the fact that he's
achieved more than you have academically.

** That is NO fact - just your autistic, asinine opinion .

A posturing, gay boy, bug peeking arsehole who has never left school is
basically a worthless piece of shit.

Nevertheless, still someone for a cunt like you to admire.

No matter how you slice it he's better than you

** Only at two things - bug peeking and wasting space on this panet.

.......... Phil
Phil Allison wrote:
"Scott Coutts" <scott.coutts@med.monash.edu.au

Jeez you're getting into the powerful hacking tools now... google is
certainly only for all those classified as genius, such as yourself!

** Sure - this one has YOUR mobile phone number:
Like I said before Phil... If I was concerned about someone knowing that
stuff, I wouldnt have put it there in the first place. You think I'm
somehow upset by it?

While this one give your contact number at Monash Uni.
Again, why would I care about that? Anybody want to give me a call? Feel
free. Doesnt bother me in the slightest. Come visit me for all I care.


He'll be taping the call too, from what numerous other posters
have stated about his techniques.
Hahah really? He does this often?

Phil Allison wrote:
** Only at two things - bug peeking and wasting space on this panet.
......... Phil

Yup no matter how you slice it, analyse it and
rationalise it he's a far better man than you
Phil: you're nothing more than an oxygen thief.

I see you have raised the "gay" card pretty
early in the "debate".
Scott Coutts wrote:
He'll be taping the call too, from what numerous other posters
have stated about his techniques.

Hahah really? He does this often?


There's even been legal action too, ask the
crew over on aus.hi-fi for some examples.
"Scott Coutts"
Phil Allison wrote:

Jeez you're getting into the powerful hacking tools now... google is
certainly only for all those classified as genius, such as yourself!

** Sure - this one has YOUR mobile phone number:

Like I said before Phil... If I was concerned about someone knowing that
stuff, I wouldnt have put it there in the first place. You think I'm
somehow upset by it?

While this one give your contact number at Monash Uni.

Again, why would I care about that? Anybody want to give me a call? Feel
free. Doesnt bother me in the slightest. Come visit me for all I care.

** Exactly as revealed in your asinine posts here - Scott - you just
ain't thought through the implications.

........... Phil
"Mark Harriss"
Scott Coutts wrote:

He'll be taping the call too, from what numerous other posters
have stated about his techniques.

Hahah really? He does this often?


There's even been legal action too, ask the
crew over on aus.hi-fi for some examples.

** News to me.

How about you post some details ??

Otherwise its time to publicly admit being a total fucking LIAR !!!

......... Phil

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