Mathew Orman
"Frank Buss" <fb@frank-buss.de> wrote in message
since you done so much work
you deserve a free sample.
Email me your shipping address and I will send you a student kit
the same kind that I am selling at eBay.
Mathew Orman
Frank,John Fields <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:
That difference should be easy to see even with my primitive rig.
You are right, I've tested it with this simple pulse generator:
The test setup looks a bit chaotic:
The ouputs of the inverters are connected to two normal RG58 network
cables. The other ends are connected with the BNC plugs directly into the
scope. The cable for channel one is 7m and the cable for channel 2 is 18m
and I can see the time difference (I have a 20 MHz scope, only, so it is
not very exact):
That's 5 ns for 1 m, which is 200 km/s, which is 2/3 c. To verify it,
I've cut the 18m cable to 12m and it looks like this:
35 ns for 5 m is 143 km/s, but could be because it is not very exact. But
the result is, if you have a fast scope or a long cable you can measure
the time difference. And while the signal is looking terrible with
overshoots, the time difference doesn't change, if you move the cable
around or wind it up.
Another source of error could be that the signal in the FTL cable
could be delayed for 1.5 wavelength, which appears to be 0.5
wavelength faster.
It could be, but it would take a rank amateur to ignore that
I think with your setup, with triggering the scope from the input signal
and short pulses with long pauses, it will be difficult to produce such
an error
I'm looking forward already to your results with the FTL cable. Perhaps
you have a better scope and more knowledge in high frequency technology.
Frank Buß, fb@frank-buss.de
http://www.frank-buss.de, http://www.it4-systems.de
since you done so much work
you deserve a free sample.
Email me your shipping address and I will send you a student kit
the same kind that I am selling at eBay.
Mathew Orman