Richard Henry
"Roger Gt" <not@here.net> wrote in message
through the message, at the appropriate places.
He started out on top with a general comment, then inserted his comments all"slecky" <slecky@_muck_web.com> wrote in message
: Whatever Moore's mis-perceptions or fallacies, they pale in
comparison and
: are inconsequential compared to the Bush administrations' lies
: incompetence.
: Bush is an incompetent fool, and this administration did not
protect us.
: Let's not forget: 9/11 happened on George's watch.
: Bush has had fewer press conferences than any president in
modern history.
: Becuase he simply cannot be held accountable. He had to have
Cheney hold his
: hand in front of the 9/11 comission.
: I have not seen Fahrenheit 9/11 yet, but all the critiques I
have read so
: far have done little to show me blatant misrepresentations.
: To me, it is not about Michael Moore. It is about this country's
: being held accountable. That's called a democracy, remember what
that is?
: > The reality is the bin Laden's didn't leave the U.S. until
: > airspace was re-opened
: That is not true.
: >and not at the arrangement of Bush but at the
: > urging of "terror czar" Richard Clark's of 9/11 commission
fame, who
: > informed them that the U.S. couldn't ensure their safety.
: Then why didn't we keep them at Andrews AFB for interrogation?
If my brother
: drove a plane into the Sears tower, do you think I could leave
the country
: without being questioned because I haven't talked to him in 10
years? Are
: you fuc--- kidding me??
: > You remember him. He was the guy who told reporters in an
August 2002
: > interview that Bush initiated a project, in the first week of
: > February, 2001, to "increase CIA resources, for example the
: > action, fivefold (over Clinton's efforts),
: How could it be over Cinton's efforts if Clinton was not
: > to go after al-Qaida" and then went on to make verbatim
: Show me a verbatim contradiction. I want to see it.
: >of such statements before the 9/11 commission (with his new
Bush-bash book
: just hitting the
: > markets).
: Well, since it is a Bush-bash book, then I guess nothing in it
has any
: merit, right?
: It always amazes me how engineer types can be so analytical when
it comes to
: circuits and physics, but cannot parse false rhetoric or just
: bullshit.
Here is a prime example of how to be completely neutral and
carefully analyze each and every statement of a "documentary" from
an award winning producer who is totally neutral in his politics!
No bias there! So we should all pay attention to his rambling
diatribe? Well -- Everyone should be heard! Makes things easier
to understand to have such an expert and intellectual review.
To bad he spoiled it by being a TOP POSTER!
through the message, at the appropriate places.