bitrex <> wrote in
Yeah, I can hear SloTard bellering like an elephant now.
I think that efficient small, portable gas turbines might be the
'camping gear' carry along of the future. Comparatively superior
'small footprint' aspect.
It could...
Heat a grill for cooking.
Produce electrical power for those unable to separate themselves
from their gadgetry.
Heat your tent space in colder weather.
Hell, it could run a heat pump and cool your tent space in hot
And , ultimatrley, it could slow charge your EV battery pack.
Soon, well have Electric quad runners for 'campers'.
A hell of lot easier wading through the needles on a quad than any
vehicle. A Chevy Luv barely fits. Anything else is too big.
For extremely long but rare trips, why not convert the EV to a
series hybrid by taking a portable gen-set on-board for the long
trip only ?
lol you are so going to get it
Yeah, I can hear SloTard bellering like an elephant now.
I think that efficient small, portable gas turbines might be the
'camping gear' carry along of the future. Comparatively superior
'small footprint' aspect.
It could...
Heat a grill for cooking.
Produce electrical power for those unable to separate themselves
from their gadgetry.
Heat your tent space in colder weather.
Hell, it could run a heat pump and cool your tent space in hot
And , ultimatrley, it could slow charge your EV battery pack.
Soon, well have Electric quad runners for 'campers'.
A hell of lot easier wading through the needles on a quad than any
vehicle. A Chevy Luv barely fits. Anything else is too big.