EDK : FSL macros defined by Xilinx are wrong

If you are using ISE 6.1, also check the "Clock Information:" section of
your SYR (Synthesis) file. In some cases, it (erroneously) generates
additional clocks from combinatorial logic. From some of my own experience,
I've noticed this sometimes this can be cured by making sure that all
possible states are defined in your combinatorial logic.

Example - Extra clocks will be generated if the two commented lines below
are left commented, but will not be generated if they are uncommented.

if (currentState = IDLE) then
if (someTrigger = '1') then
nextState <= SOME_OTHER_STATE;
-- else
-- nextState <= IDLE;
end if;
end if;

"Jerker Hammarberg (DST)" <jerkerNO@SPAMdst.se> wrote in message
Hi all! I'd like to once again bring up the subject of state machines
running into illegal states (illegal in the sense that the state vector
not correspond to any of the states defined in the VHDL code), because
despite having spent half a day googling and reading related threads, I'm
still left with a couple of questions:

1. Most discussions cover how to recover from illegal states, but few
how it actually happens. What are the (I presume) electrical reasons to
a state machine runs into an illegal state in the first place? Is there
anything one can do to reduce the risk? Assume all FSM inputs connected to
I/O pins are synchronized with one FF each, and the whole design is
synchronous. Does anyone know of a good tutorial on this issue? I could
that in my case, the transition into an illegal state almost always happen
immediately upon startup of the system, if it happens.

2. How can I force Xilinx XST (6.2 SP3) to produce a safe FSM that
from an illegal state? A "when others => state <= IDLE;" clause doesn't
to help (which I think is stupid, isn't this problem so well known that
should make XST recognize it instead of optimizing it away?). I realize
changing coding style to "Binary" will reduce the number of illegal state
and thus the risk for it to happen, but it's not completely safe, unless
number of states is a power of two. What's more, binary coding style seems
to increase slice utilization for the whole design by up to 10%.

Thanks in advance!

Mike Treseler wrote:
rickman wrote:

I am writing some code to help me simplify simulation data display and I
want to have some SLV constants in an array. These constants relate to
defined states of a combination of signals and have names associated
with them. To get the names to show up in the simulation, I want to use
an enumerated type which then corresponds to the index of the constant
Can I directly use this enumerated type as the index?


I am still a day
or so from having some code to try. Am I barking up the wrong tree with

No, it's a good idea.

Should I convert my enum variable to an int and use that as the
array index?
subtype ALUSLV is SLV07;
subtype ALUTyp is (AD, ADC, SU, SUC, CM, CMC, AN, LOR, LXR, SR, SC,AER);

type ALUstyles is array (ALUTyp) of ALUSLV := (
"00100XX", ...

I see. Maybe like this:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity alu_test is
end alu_test;
architecture sim of alu_test is
subtype ALUSLV is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
type ALUTyp is (AD, ADC, SU, SUC, CM, CMC, AN, LOR, LXR, SR, SC, AER);
type ALUstyles is array (ALUTyp'left to ALUTyp'right) of ALUSLV;
constant init : ALUstyles := (AD => x"42", ADC => x"ff", others => x"00");
-- sim processes
end architecture sim;
Thanks. Shortly ago, I got word back from a friend who had borrowed my
one book that actually talked about this. But your example shows me I
was mixing my type def with my constant declaration.

I am unusually tired tonight and am packing it in. I see I am making
more errors than I am fixing :) I will hate to see what errors the
simulator gives me when I try to compile tomorrow.


Rick "rickman" Collins

Ignore the reply address. To email me use the above address with the XY

Arius - A Signal Processing Solutions Company
Specializing in DSP and FPGA design URL http://www.arius.com
4 King Ave 301-682-7772 Voice
Frederick, MD 21701-3110 301-682-7666 FAX
I have added a section about the LEGO motor driver on the website

You can find mesurements of the PWM output from the original LEGO RCX, a
simple schemantic
with an L283D driver and sigma-delta ADCs for back-EMF measurements.

JOP - a Java Processor core for FPGAs:
manygates asked:
GAL,PAL,PLD, CPLD,FPGA, (what else...?)

GAL : Generic Logic Array
PAL : Programmable Array Logic
PLD : Programmable Logic Device
CPLD : Complex Programmable Logic Device
FPGA : Field Programmable Gate Array

Can someone explain with comparison what is the difference between all these
GAL,PAL,PLD, CPLD,FPGA, (what else...?) logic units?

Can all these units can be programmable with VHDL ?
This could take awhile :)

The most basic thing all of these have in common is the ability to create
unique circuit configurations on a standard device, and with most, the ability
to erase these configurations, and create new ones. If we had a time machine
to go back - way back, we would find only devices with fixed architecture
elements, e.g. SSI devices(small scale integration) andgates(7408)
nandgates(7400), or gates (7432) inverters (7404) and then a big jump to MSI
(medium scale integration) like 7474(d flipflop with set/reset) counters (74161
- 4bit counter) , and the industry continues into LSI, VLSI, ASICs,
uprocessors, memories, etc....

then this idea of PLD - programmable logic device
by using fuses in an array, speicific configurations can be accomplished- by
connecting traces in the metal layers on a device, making the gates connected
to them form new circuits - unfortunately, fuses only work once :) - testing by
the manufacturer was limited - after all, how do we test a fuse?

PAL programmable array logic
early PALS were in preset configurations - where fuses could acitivate some
customization - the pal16l2, the pal16r4, had and/or gate structures, or
limited registers to certain points -
somewhere along the way - UVerasable arrived, displacing one time programmable
fuses - with a nice quartz window, so you could flood the connections with UV
to reset the programming cell - and use a nice paper label to cover it up when
programmed - and with UV, testing by the manufaturer improved, as a pattern
could be built, then removed, although with 30-60minute erase times, it was
still limited -

GALs - neat concept - all possible PAL configurations could be
accomplished,e.g., 16v8 - Variable function, as the 'macrocell' for each output
pad had both combinatorial and registered capability, and even better, these
werre electrically erasable(EECMOS) and could easily be tested and erased in

Along came FPGA and CPLD

I know I am leaving out a bunch of detail - the various vendors do a superb job
of describing in detail in their literature -

CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Device
early CPLD structures were closely related to the GAL/PAL idea, and created an
array of PALs ( think LAB, or GLB, or PALblock, or functionblock) in various
sizes and what not -
CPLDs at their most basic are this A COMPLEX LOGIC BLOCK - with anywhere from
36 to 68 inputs available per block, with a range of PTERMS(and gate) from 1 to
160, available to drive each macrocell - combinatorial or registered.
Mostly NONVOLATILE devices(EECMOS) with some newer devices also incorporating
SRAM as part of the architecture, decent clock structures, high performance for
large, single logic level functions - think statemachines, decoders, counters
etc -
Routing and interconnect is typically a single large central routing array - so
interconnecting logic has little penalty in routing - and within the LOGIC
BLOCK - there is full interconnect for the various elements

FPGA Field programmable Gate Array -
FPGAs are devices which can achieve significantly larger logic gate counts,
with each logic element TYPICALLY being built with a 4input LUT(look up table -
which allows pretty much any combination of 4 inputs ) with a combinatorial
and/or registered output available per logic element - each vendor has thier
own 'tweek' on this with additinal logic for muxes, carrychainsfor arithmetic/
counting functions, etc -I'm sure others will jump in here) - nad since the
logic element is small, a lot more fit on a device!. To interconnect these
logic cells requires significant routing, or interconnect, resources, to build
a larger function out of the many small functions. Much magic is required
here, by the silicon designers to balance resource requirements, and the SW
designers, to implement algorithms which efficiently connect the elements
FPGAs generally offer additional elements, e.g. RAM BLOCKS, so that more
complex system functions can be implemented within the single device. As
technology has moved forward, many different elements have found their way into
FPGA - processors, SERDES, DSPBLOCKS etc.

MOSTLY based on SRAM processes, they offer rapid reconfigurability as well,
with the burden of storage somewhere in the system for the datastreams required
to configure the device. There are Vendors with NONVOLATILE FPGAs as well,
running form FUSE BASED(one time programmable) to Flash and eecmos based
devices which incorporate flash and eecmos memory to carry the datastream for
configuration on chip.

I hope this was a good start - Peter, Paul, Austin, Jim, Rick, Ray, Uwe, any
others out there want to expand on these points?

Mike Thomas
Lattice SFAE NY/NJ
Dear Mikeandmax

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your very valuable posting.
I've enjoyed reading it and learnt alot in few paragraphs.


"Mikeandmax" <mikeandmax@aol.com> wrote in message
manygates asked:
GAL,PAL,PLD, CPLD,FPGA, (what else...?)

GAL : Generic Logic Array
PAL : Programmable Array Logic
PLD : Programmable Logic Device
CPLD : Complex Programmable Logic Device
FPGA : Field Programmable Gate Array

Can someone explain with comparison what is the difference between all
GAL,PAL,PLD, CPLD,FPGA, (what else...?) logic units?

Can all these units can be programmable with VHDL ?

This could take awhile :)

The most basic thing all of these have in common is the ability to create
unique circuit configurations on a standard device, and with most, the
to erase these configurations, and create new ones. If we had a time
to go back - way back, we would find only devices with fixed architecture
elements, e.g. SSI devices(small scale integration) andgates(7408)
nandgates(7400), or gates (7432) inverters (7404) and then a big jump to
(medium scale integration) like 7474(d flipflop with set/reset) counters
- 4bit counter) , and the industry continues into LSI, VLSI, ASICs,
uprocessors, memories, etc....

then this idea of PLD - programmable logic device
by using fuses in an array, speicific configurations can be accomplished-
connecting traces in the metal layers on a device, making the gates
to them form new circuits - unfortunately, fuses only work once :) -
testing by
the manufacturer was limited - after all, how do we test a fuse?

PAL programmable array logic
early PALS were in preset configurations - where fuses could acitivate
customization - the pal16l2, the pal16r4, had and/or gate structures, or
limited registers to certain points -
somewhere along the way - UVerasable arrived, displacing one time
fuses - with a nice quartz window, so you could flood the connections with
to reset the programming cell - and use a nice paper label to cover it up
programmed - and with UV, testing by the manufaturer improved, as a
could be built, then removed, although with 30-60minute erase times, it
still limited -

GALs - neat concept - all possible PAL configurations could be
accomplished,e.g., 16v8 - Variable function, as the 'macrocell' for each
pad had both combinatorial and registered capability, and even better,
werre electrically erasable(EECMOS) and could easily be tested and erased

Along came FPGA and CPLD

I know I am leaving out a bunch of detail - the various vendors do a
superb job
of describing in detail in their literature -

CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Device
early CPLD structures were closely related to the GAL/PAL idea, and
created an
array of PALs ( think LAB, or GLB, or PALblock, or functionblock) in
sizes and what not -
CPLDs at their most basic are this A COMPLEX LOGIC BLOCK - with anywhere
36 to 68 inputs available per block, with a range of PTERMS(and gate) from
1 to
160, available to drive each macrocell - combinatorial or registered.
Mostly NONVOLATILE devices(EECMOS) with some newer devices also
SRAM as part of the architecture, decent clock structures, high
performance for
large, single logic level functions - think statemachines, decoders,
etc -
Routing and interconnect is typically a single large central routing
array - so
interconnecting logic has little penalty in routing - and within the LOGIC
BLOCK - there is full interconnect for the various elements

FPGA Field programmable Gate Array -
FPGAs are devices which can achieve significantly larger logic gate
with each logic element TYPICALLY being built with a 4input LUT(look up
table -
which allows pretty much any combination of 4 inputs ) with a
and/or registered output available per logic element - each vendor has
own 'tweek' on this with additinal logic for muxes, carrychainsfor
counting functions, etc -I'm sure others will jump in here) - nad since
logic element is small, a lot more fit on a device!. To interconnect
logic cells requires significant routing, or interconnect, resources, to
a larger function out of the many small functions. Much magic is required
here, by the silicon designers to balance resource requirements, and the
designers, to implement algorithms which efficiently connect the elements
FPGAs generally offer additional elements, e.g. RAM BLOCKS, so that more
complex system functions can be implemented within the single device. As
technology has moved forward, many different elements have found their way
FPGA - processors, SERDES, DSPBLOCKS etc.

MOSTLY based on SRAM processes, they offer rapid reconfigurability as
with the burden of storage somewhere in the system for the datastreams
to configure the device. There are Vendors with NONVOLATILE FPGAs as
running form FUSE BASED(one time programmable) to Flash and eecmos based
devices which incorporate flash and eecmos memory to carry the datastream
configuration on chip.

I hope this was a good start - Peter, Paul, Austin, Jim, Rick, Ray, Uwe,
others out there want to expand on these points?

Mike Thomas
Lattice SFAE NY/NJ
skrev i en meddelelse news:Q0qZc.555637$6p.104886@news.easynews.com...
On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 12:36:04 +0200, Rune Christensen
rune.christensen@adslhome.dk> wrote:

Does anyone know if it's possible to build a VGA to ethernet converter? A
device that converts a VGA signal to a digital videostream.
I want to be able to operate a computer from a remote position also when
computer boots. So I will be able to change bios settings, starting mode
Windows, etc.

Some "server management" cards do just this. Needs to either snoop the bus
for VGA
accesses or fully emulate a VGA adapter (i.e. they /are/ the VGA adapter
for the
machine). Quite expensive to buy, quite hard to make...


'Milk below!'
I think that this must the easiest solution to the problem. Create a VGA
card that transfer the screen to ethernet instead of a screen. Maybe a PCI
FPGA card could be used to do this.

To the people on comp.arch.fpga have anyone tried to create a VGA card on a
PCI FPGA card?

Rune Christensen

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.746 / Virus Database: 498 - Release Date: 31-08-2004
We done similar projects, the critical point is if many VGA standard need be


"Rune Christensen" <rune.christensen@adslhome.dk> a écrit dans le message de
skrev i en meddelelse news:Q0qZc.555637$6p.104886@news.easynews.com...
On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 12:36:04 +0200, Rune Christensen
rune.christensen@adslhome.dk> wrote:

Does anyone know if it's possible to build a VGA to ethernet converter?
device that converts a VGA signal to a digital videostream.
I want to be able to operate a computer from a remote position also
computer boots. So I will be able to change bios settings, starting
Windows, etc.

Some "server management" cards do just this. Needs to either snoop the
for VGA
accesses or fully emulate a VGA adapter (i.e. they /are/ the VGA adapter
for the
machine). Quite expensive to buy, quite hard to make...


'Milk below!'

I think that this must the easiest solution to the problem. Create a VGA
card that transfer the screen to ethernet instead of a screen. Maybe a PCI
FPGA card could be used to do this.

To the people on comp.arch.fpga have anyone tried to create a VGA card on
PCI FPGA card?

Rune Christensen

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.746 / Virus Database: 498 - Release Date: 31-08-2004
On Fri, 03 Sep 2004 12:02:36 +0200, Rune Christensen wrote:

Does anyone know if it's possible to build a VGA to ethernet converter? A
device that converts a VGA signal to a digital videostream.
I want to be able to operate a computer from a remote position also when
computer boots. So I will be able to change bios settings, starting mode
Windows, etc.
some 'server' type computers have a BIOS that will allow you to do
the basics over a serial port. After the computer comes up you
can run something like windows' RDP or VNC for a remote desktop.

Some "server management" cards do just this. Needs to either snoop the bus
for VGA
accesses or fully emulate a VGA adapter (i.e. they /are/ the VGA adapter
for the
machine). Quite expensive to buy, quite hard to make...


'Milk below!'

I think that this must the easiest solution to the problem. Create a VGA
card that transfer the screen to ethernet instead of a screen. Maybe a PCI
FPGA card could be used to do this.

To the people on comp.arch.fpga have anyone tried to create a VGA card on a
PCI FPGA card?
This isn't all that simple - assume your video stream is
800x600x8bits per pixel x 60 hz (~230 mbits/sec). To make it
work, you'll have to run gigabit ethernet, drop bits or frames,
compress or some mixture of these.

Next problem is how to get at the screen data - you could implement a
whole vga subsystem (don't forget BIOS and drivers), snoop the PCI bus
(need to track the state of a real vga chip which can be tricky), get a
digital copy of the VGA output data (not all vga chips have digital out)
or recapture the data from an analog copy (probably don't have access to
the pixel clock, so you need PLLs to recapture the data).
Rune Christensen wrote:
I think that this must the easiest solution to the problem. Create a VGA
card that transfer the screen to ethernet instead of a screen. Maybe a PCI
FPGA card could be used to do this.

To the people on comp.arch.fpga have anyone tried to create a VGA card on a
PCI FPGA card?
There are VGA capturing solutions, but it's probably easier to do with DVI.

Doing a VGA card is pretty difficult; VGA is a pretty complex thing. It
is probably easier to have a standard video chip which outputs DVI or
some kind of LCD interface, and then capture it and send out the
Ethernet in whatever protocol you wish.

Look at Lattice's XPLD. They have in each XPLD 2 PLL's that you can
use at will, and you don't consume logic to build the DLL.


On 16 Sep 2004 08:46:23 -0700, sch@elpro.at (Kriki) wrote:

I need to program a digital PLL in a CPLD.

I tryed to use an external Clock Generator @ 24.576 MHZ, but the data
signal is not exactly that frequency.

So can anyone help me with that problem ???
On Sun, 2004-09-19 at 18:04 +0000, Andre Bonin wrote:
cristian wrote:


I do agree with Symon, specially if you have a software background. Be
careful when trying to synthesize (HARDWARE) your software.

The goal of the project is ADPCM encoding and a 10x10 integer matrix
multiplication, i think that could be done within the FPGA. it would be
*nice* to be able to implement any C algo within hardware but i do
accept their are limitations. Though for some odd reason VHDL seems
more apt and less 'picky' about these kinds of loops. Or am i being

Anyway, below is an example of how to implement a while_loop in VHDL.
I added some comments reagarding the conditions under which the
whil_loop is implemented;

Thank you for this piece of code, it helps me get started and play
around with VHDL. VHDL seems more 'higher level' then verilog. For
this type of task, do you reccomend VHDL or Verilog? VHDL is an older
standard but my work with verilog gives me the hint that its lower level.

There is always Handel-C which supports most of the C constructs
(for, while, arrays, pointers, functions, etc) in FPGA hardware.
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kondums matt parker alias eric_lindt pricks matt parker alias ericvanlindt_herzog money matt parker alias evan_lindt matt parker alias e vonlindtherzog matt parker alias ericvan lintherzog matt parker alias erik vanlindthout matt parker alias pure matt parker alias eric_vanlunsenherzog farted matt parker alias bestday isnow matt parker alias e vonlunsen lust nudity foreign matt parker
alias erikvanlindt exhibitionism matt parker alias ericvonlint_herzog matt parker instigates hackers and other criminals against clients and competitors matt parker alias e_von_lunsen_hout matt parker alias evonlint_herzog matt parker alias p crew beastial matt parker alias ericvonlunsen_hout matt parker alias chess base matt parker alias erikvonlindt hout fucked matt parker alias
erikvon_lintherzog if this were not true matt parker would not bother to react to this statement matt parker was born on 13 september 65 matt parker alias erikvan_lunsenherzog matt parker alias erik_von_lindt matt parker alias eric van lindt herzog matt parker alias best_day_isnow perversion matt parker alias eric vanlinthout matt parker alias evlhevlh fetish anybody providing proof of
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alias eric_vonlint_hout matt parker alias e_von_lunsen_herzog matt parker alias erikvonlint_hout western union matt parker alias sam_smith matt parker alias s machines matt parker alias erikvanlunsen matt parker alias erikvan_lint the scam site trueloves.com is owned by the pervert matt parker from cottage grove oregon matt parker spams the shit out of clients and newsgroups matt parker
alias erikvon_lindt_hout matt parker alias evanlindthout
matt parker alias evonlint hout matt parker alias e_von_lindtherzog
schemes matt parker alias eric_vanlinthout matt parker alias tatjana
dchenka matt parker alias s machine matt parker alias n zaitzeva matt
parker alias erikvonlint_herzog any useful information leading to the
arrest of matt parker will be rewarded matt parker alias
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activism matt parker alias erikvanlunsenhout matt parker alias eric van lunsenhout matt parker is scum in a waste piece of skin matt parker alias erikvonlint shitings matt parker alias best day isnow matt parker alias ag matt parker infects computers with a nasty trojan virus matt parker alias bestday_isnow matt parker alias c base nympho matt parker alias eric_vanlindthout matt parker
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parker alias evon lunsen hout the date of birth of matt parker is 13 sep 65 scams matt parker alias erik_von_lindt_hout matt parker alias e_vonlunsen_herzog frauds matt parker alias erik von lunsen hout sexual matt parker alias e_vanlint amateur videos matt parker alias vvf matt parker alias erik von linthout jack-off never submit true personal data to trueloves.com matt parker alias
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alias tatjana dochenkova the only purpose of antiscam.org is to lead
users to the commercial sites of matt parker matt parker alias eric
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ejaculate amateur women matt parker alias eric_van_lunsen_herzog matt parker alias sam smith matt parker sells underage mail order brides on the web matt parker alias evan lindt matt parker alias erikvon lintherzog matt parker alias erikvon_lunsen matt parker alias best_dayis_now matt parker alias e vanlunsen hout matt parker alias tdochenkova anal matt parker alias c_cct matt parker
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are unlikely to admit joining such sites by complaining cyberfucking
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alias erikvon lint matt parker alias e_vanlint_hout matt
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parker alias evonlunsenherzog matt parker alias erikvan_lindt_hout members of eurobrides.com have access to adult material depicting minors in sexual acts matt parker alias eric von lint hout matt parker alias tanya dochenkova matt parker alias n_zaitzeva orgasims matt parker alias jerryjones matt parker alias sergejsmith matt parker alias annaparker matt parker alias eric vonlinthout
matt parker alias eric vanlunsen herzog matt parker alias erik_lindt matt parker alias erikvan lintherzog matt parker alias erik_van_lint_herzog matt parker alias e van lindthout matt parker alias erikvan lunsen herzog matt parker alias e vanlunsen herzog fucking matt parker alias e_vonlint matt parker alias erikvonlunsen_hout matt parker alias erik vanlint matt parker alias
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cyberfucked matt parker alias super_machine matt parker alias jjones
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or refute it matt parker alias erikvanlintherzog matt parker alias e
lindt matt parker alias e_van_lint_hout matt parker alias elindt matt
parker alias skydesigns.com matt parker alias evanlint_hout
matt parker alias ericvanlunsenherzog shitty matt parker alias tatyanadochenkova matt parker alias e_vanlunsenhout matt parker alias erik_vanlindt_herzog do not believe any of the lies matt parker posts in this forum in reality his name is matthew parker from cottage grove oregon and that is that horny matt parker alias eric_von_lindt matt parker alias eric_von_lindt_herzog matt parker
alias ssmith matt parker alias eric von lunsen hout bitching cocksucked matt parker alias evon lint matt parker alias erik_van_lint twat matt parker alias erikvanlint matt parker alias erikvon_lint_herzog matt parker alias eric_vanlunsen matt parker alias erik van lint herzog cyberfuckers matt parker alias erik van lunsen hout matt parker alias chesslib motherfucks matt parker is
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alias e_von_lindt_herzog cocksucker matt parker alias
e_vonlunsen_hout matt parker alias groot_aap matt parker alias gaap
matt parker alias ericvan_lunsen_hout never submit a real email
address to trueloves.com faggs the dismissed employees filed an
official complaint against matt parker with the us embassy matt parker
alias eric_von_lunsen_herzog matt parker alias eric vanlintherzog matt
parker illicitly publishes personal data that he steals from hacked mailboxes sex matt parker alias kparker matt parker alias e parker matt parker alias evon linthout matt parker alias erik von lindt herzog matt parker alias erik_vonlint_herzog matt parker alias e_von_linthout matt parker blackmails clients by coercing them to delete complaints from newsgroups matt parker alias evan
lunsenhout kums matt parker alias e_parker matt parker alias kim parker matt parker alias erikvanlint_hout matt parker alias erikvon_lunsenhout ejaculating pussys matt parker alias ericvanlinthout matt parker is belgian about forty years old with dark hair and lives in cottage grove oregon matt parker alias erik_van_lindt oral matt parker alias eric_van_lintherzog matt parker alias
nadzaitz matt parker alias chessbase matt parker alias ericvan_lint matt parker alias evan lunsenherzog matt parker alias erik vanlint herzog krgyzstan matt parker alias e vanlindtherzog his mailbox is matt parker alias erik vanlint smolders pl 1 pb 223 leuven 3000 belgium penis matt parker alias tanja_dochenkova pisser dink matt parker alias erik van lint matt parker alias ccc_t matt
parker alias kimberleyparker matt parker alias evonlinthout matt parker alias r miller phuk fuckme pissed matt parker alias mattparker matt parker alias nadejda_zaitzeva matt parker alias evanlunsenherzog matt parker alias deep shredder matt parker alias ericvan_lunsen_herzog cyberfuc mothafuckin masturbate romance matt parker alias erikvonlindt nudity matt parker stalks and tracks down
clients to scam and blackmail them matt parker alias erik_van_linthout matt parker alias sergeysmith matt parker alias phrozencrew matt parker alias ericvon lindt herzog matt parker alias eric_vanlint_hout matt parker is a gay masochist whose ass will be raped by gangs of fat black jail bubbas matt parker alias kim_parker matt parker alias ericvan_lint_herzog cumming matt parker alias
erik parker rip off matt parker alias e vonlindt hout matt parker alias frank_quisinsky matt parker alias ericvonlinthout matt parker alias ericvonlint herzog matt parker alias e lunsen matt parker alias evan_lunsen matt parker alias sexmachine matt parker alias evon_lindt_hout his real address is matthew s. parker 1505 ash ave cottage grove 97424 oregon usa matt parker alias erik
vanlintherzog sluts matt parker alias g_aap spunk matt parker alias erikvon lint hout matt parker alias e_vonlint_herzog matt parker alias eric von lunsenherzog matt parker alias c cct copulation matt parker alias e_van_lindt_herzog matt parker alias erikvonlintherzog live couples motherfuckin matt parker alias eric_vanlunsen_herzog faggot fistfucking matt parker alias tatyana_dchenka
mothafuckings matt parker alias e_lunsen matt parker alias evon lindt blowjob matt parker alias ccctournament matt parker alias e_van_lunsen matt parker alias erik_vonlindt_herzog matt parker alias r_miller doobie matt parker alias evon_lunsen matt parker alias e_van_lunsenhout matt parker alias erikvon lunsenherzog matt parker alias evanlint hout matt parker alias e van lunsen matt
parker alias tanja_dchenka matt parker alias kimberley parker matt parker alias eric vonlindt hout matt parker alias tatiana dchenka matt parker alias evonlindt matt parker alias erikvanlint_herzog matt parker alias philipcrew cheaters matt parker is a filthy piece of shit that likes role playing dungeons and dragons whore matt parker alias evanlintherzog matt parker alias e van lindt
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matt parker alias eric van
lindthout matt parker alias eric von lunsen herzog matt parker alias bestdayis_now matt parker alias robert_miller matt parker alias evan lintherzog matt parker alias erikvonlindthout matt parker alias chess_lib matt parker alias sex machine matt parker alias eric_vonlintherzog matt parker alias ericvonlunsenhout matt parker alias e_von_lint_herzog asses matt parker alias ericvanlindt
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parker alias sergey_smith matt parker alias erik vonlunsenhout matt
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eric_van_lunsen_hout matt parker alias erik von lindt matt parker
alias t_dochenkova
matt parker alias erikvan_lunsen_hout matt parker alias e vonlinthout matt parker alias f_quisinsky dinks matt parker alias e_van_lindthout matt parker alias erikvanlint herzog matt parker alias evon_lint_herzog matt parker alias erikvan lint herzog matt parker alias gerald jones orgy matt parker alias evlh matt parker alias phillipcrew matt parker alias deepshredder matt parker alias
tdchenka matt parker alias evan lint matt parker alias erikvan_lint_herzog cuntlicking matt parker illicitly distributes the private data of clients on the web matt parker alias eric_vanlindt matt parker alias eric vanlunsen hout matt parker alias samsmith matt parker alias ericvon lunsen cuntlick pussy screw matt parker alias eric vonlindtherzog matt parker alias ws matt parker alias
eric vanlint matt parker alias e von lunsenherzog ejaculation matt parker alias eric vonlindt herzog matt parker alias phrozen_crew matt parker alias tania dchenka matt parker alias e vanlint hout matt parker alias erik_vanlunsenherzog matt parker alias tatjanadochenkova matt parker alias eric parker one of the dismissed university employees committed suicide matt parker alias eriklint
matt parker alias e vanlindt matt parker alias erik_von_lunsen matt parker alias evon_lindt_herzog matt parker alias mparker matt parker alias elunsen matt parker alias phillip crew matt parker alias erik_van_lunsen_hout matt parker alias e_vanlindt_hout bitchers never believe anything matt parker says or writes matt parker alias ericvon lintherzog matt parker alias best_day_is_now matt
parker alias eric_van_lindt_hout matt parker alias
e_van_lindt matt parker alias anja_parker matt parker alias evan
lunsen hout dildos matt parker alias e vonlint matt parker alias
willow matt parker alias evon lunsenhout matt parker is a dangerous
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love matt parker alias eric vanlint herzog matt parker alias erikvon lindt herzog matt parker is guilty of illegal people trafficking and will be prosecuted fingerfuckers matt parker alias k parker mothafucka matt parker alias p_crew appeal to do physical material and moral harm to matt parker his wife and loved ones matt parker alias eric_von_lint_hout buttfucking matt parker alias
kimberlyparker exhibitionists matt parker alias eric_von_lunsenherzog anna parker is a russian whore wanted by the police for prostitution matt parker alias ericvon_lunsenherzog matt parker of rainypasslodge.com supports illegal arms trafficking and terrorist activities matt parker alias eric_vanlindtherzog matt parker alias eric_von_lindtherzog matt parker alias ccc t matt parker alias
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parker alias eparker fingerfucked matt parker alias an dyc matt parker alias eric von lint matt parker alias erik lindt matt parker alias ericvan lunsen matt parker alias anna_parker mothafuck ukraine matt parker alias ericvonlindt herzog matt parker alias rmiller matt parker alias erik_von_lunsenhout matt parker alias erik_van_lindt_herzog matt parker alias frankquisinsky matt parker
alias jerry_jones russia matt parker alias erikvon_linthout matt parker alias evonlindt herzog farty personal ads matt parker alias ericvonlindt_herzog matt parker alias e_von_lindthout matt parker alias erik van lindt hout pen pals matt parker alias eric van lint herzog matt parker alias erik_vanlunsenhout matt parker alias eric vanlindtherzog matt parker alias eric_vonlunsenhout cock
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is exterminating dissatisfied clients bitches matt parker alias eric
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alias dgeorg matt parker alias e lint matt parker alias erik_von_lint
this is hard evidence that matt parker spams the net
with childporn http://tinyurl.com/5h6rh matt parker alias erik_van_lunsenherzog matt parker alias super machines shitter matt parker alias eric vonlintherzog matt parker alias erik_von_lunsen_hout motherfucked matt parker hacks mailboxes what constitutes violation of the confidentiality of mail matt parker alias super machine beastiality matt parker alias supermachines matt parker alias
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parker alias ericvon_lunsen_herzog matt parker alias erik von lunsenhout matt parker alias eric_lint matt parker alias e_vonlunsenhout matt parker alias eric van lintherzog matt parker alias erik_vanlindt matt parker alias evon_linthout matt parker alias evanlunsen herzog matt parker alias ann parker matt parker alias matthew_parker matt parker alias best day is now matt parker alias
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alias evanlunsenhout matt parker alias ericvan lint herzog
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von lunsen
matt parker alias peacenow matt parker alias ericvonlint
hout matt parker alias evon lindt herzog matt parker alias evanlunsen
hout matt parker alias erikvon lunsen matt parker alias sergej smith
matt parker alias eric lindt matt parker alias e van lunsenhout matt
parker alias erikvanlint.com registers domains with the name of his
clients to impersonate them matt parker alias eric_lunsen
matt parker alias erik_vonlint_hout kum matt parker alias aniaparker matt parker alias evanlint_herzog matt parker alias ericvon lint hout matt parker alias eric_van_lunsenherzog matt parker alias e_vonlindtherzog matt parker distributes illegal software and warez that infringe the copyright law matt parker alias eric vanlindt hout matt parker is the husband of anna parker from cottage
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Followup to: <5c1de958.0306261459.7fe34c7d@posting.google.com>
By author: gregs@altera.com (Greg Steinke)
In newsgroup: comp.arch.fpga
For either device, you do not need to compute the PLL values - if you
tell Quartus the requirements it will compute the PLL settings for
I've had problems with Quartus II 4.1 (Web Edition SP0-2) and getting
the PLL values to make sense. In particular, if I feed it:

fin = 50 MHz
c0 = 4/1 = 200 MHz
c1 = 1/4 = 12.5 MHz

.... it says it cannot make the desired PLL. 2.x and 3.x both did this
correctly, and if I lie and specify fin = 75 MHz it builds the correct
PLL and it works correctly with a 50 MHz input. The timing analyzer
spits out a message that the input frequency has been overridden (by
specifying clkin = 50 MHz as a timing constraint) and does the right

This is for a Cyclone EP1C20F400C7 device.

"H. Peter Anvin" <hpa@terminus.zytor.com> wrote in message
For either device, you do not need to compute the PLL values - if you
tell Quartus the requirements it will compute the PLL settings for

I've had problems with Quartus II 4.1 (Web Edition SP0-2) and getting
the PLL values to make sense. In particular, if I feed it:

fin = 50 MHz
c0 = 4/1 = 200 MHz
c1 = 1/4 = 12.5 MHz

... it says it cannot make the desired PLL. 2.x and 3.x both did this
correctly, and if I lie and specify fin = 75 MHz it builds the correct
PLL and it works correctly with a 50 MHz input. The timing analyzer
spits out a message that the input frequency has been overridden (by
specifying clkin = 50 MHz as a timing constraint) and does the right

This is for a Cyclone EP1C20F400C7 device.

Hello Peter,

Quartus configures PLLs that satisfy all the device constraints (e.g.
VCO range, PFD range, etc), which is why it cannot build the specific
configuration you suggested for a Cyclone device (though it can be built
in Stratix/StratixGX/StratixII devices).

In Cyclone devices, the VCO frequency must be between 490 Mhz and 1000
Mhz. For the example you gave, the resulting PLL's VCO frequency for a
75 Mhz input would be 600 Mhz (since the M counter is 8, and N counter
is 1). But if you manually bypass this safeguard and feed in a
frequency of 50 Mhz, the PLL's VCO frequency would be 400 Mhz, which is
outside the supported range for Cyclone PLLs.

In the situation described above (75 Mhz input selected, but
50Mhz actual) the PLL is operating outside the specified range, so
jitter performance and static phase shift may be adversely affected.
This limit was set in Quartus II 3.0 SP2 for the first time, as a result
of characterization of the Cyclone devices. Previously, in Quartus II
3.0, the limit was 300 Mhz, based on preliminary simulation results.

Hope this helps.
- Subroto Datta
Altera Corp.
sruthi <sruthi.teja@rediffmail.com> wrote in message news:<ee893ae.-1@webx.sUN8CHnE>...
I would like to implement Cache memory in to
FPGA / CPLD. I would like to use LRU replacement policy for that.
SO could any one suggest me whiich cache placement policy is best suited
for that, whether the fully associative or 2- way set assosiative.

Is it possible to implement LRU fully assosiative
cache in to any FPGA or CPLD device family.
Using LRU for 2 way only means 1 bit toggle per set line, but 4 way
requires 4.3.2 states more trouble than its worth. Given all the
states involved, it is indeed possible but the simpler schemes will
give almost as good a result. Intel used a 3b (1,1,1) toggle hierarchy
with almost as good a result called pseudo LRU for 1 of their 4way

If you are starting out in cache design in FPGA you should probably do
a direct mapped (1 way) with random replacement. From there on
onwards, it gets more complex for each extra feature.

Fully associative cache is really out of the question for both FPGA &
ASIC as the assoc row decode adds dearly to access times. But the
various 2,4,8 way mapped schemes work almost as well.

I have a Cache book by Jim Handy which goes from very light reading to
quite deep once it gets into the more interesting issues but it never
addresses the special issues regarding FPGA design, being written for
TTL to ASIC readers.

There is a way to get fully associative without requiring complex fast
HW but it involves a more SW like approach ie hashing addresses into a
somewhat empty table. The access time will be a faster cycle * some
factor between 1-inf with an avg that can be close to 1.5 cycles for a
50% full ram. You trade 1 problem for varying acceess times and must
keep memory table atleast 30% empty. This has been used for Inverse
Page Table MMUs by IBM too. I am using it too since varying cycles
don't bother me much. In more complex typical cache designs for
multiple cpus trying to maintain cache coherancy, they already must
get into varying timings depending on snoop, bus interference as well.


If you are starting out in cache design in FPGA you should probably do
a direct mapped (1 way) with random replacement. From there on
onwards, it gets more complex for each extra feature.

What do you mean with random replacement in a direct mapped cache? With
direct mapped you don't have a decision which block gets replaced. The
block is determined by the address. That's one reason why direct mapped
is simpler and a suitable choice for FPGAs.

JOP - a Java Processor core for FPGAs:
On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 18:41 -0400, Jason Berringer wrote:
Hello all,

I have a general question regarding asynchronous and synchronous resets.
Does an async. reset slow down the speed of a circuit? Is it better to use a
synchronous reset, or if possible no reset at all to speed up a design? I'm
just curious as I have a larger project which has a single async reset to a
lot of different blocks using the typical:

if (reset = '0') then
elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
end if;

Not all block require the reset since they are downstream of earlier ones
with a reset and their state isn't critical, I have just always included
them. That being said I want to speed up the design, and in one block I took
out the reset and it seemed to boost the performance slightly.

Any comments would be appreciated.

If you are using Xilinx FPGAs then they have a nice techxclusives
article about just this.

On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 04:01 -0700, Srinivas wrote:
I'm looking to integrate a FPGA based program into a PC based
I understand i need to write a serial interfacing code on the FPGA
side and an API on the PC side,considering i intend to use a RS 232
serial interface bet'n the PC and the FPGA board.
I need help regarding the PC side API programming.I'll be using a 'C'
program and would like to call the FPGA based functions.
Can anyone suggest how i go about this?any references?

It would depend on your operating system. If it is Windows, then there
are a couple helpful documents in Microsoft's MDSN site. Search for
"Serial Communications C" or something like that. It will probably take
2 to 3 pages of code to setup the serial channel.
Coding serial communication for DOS is simple since you can control the port registers directly, however it's not easy task in windows unless you familiar with C/C++, win32 API, MFC...if you own a VSC++ develope studio, there's some good examples, check for the project TTY

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