EAGLE Netlist conversion

"Frank Bemelman" <f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote in message
974 Isrealis, 3426 Palestines.

But look at how many of the Israelis that have been killed are civilians,
women and children
and at how many of the Palestinians killed were shooting at people.
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 18:46:40 +0100, "Frank Bemelman"
f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote:

"Jim Thompson" <thegreatone@example.com> schreef in bericht
Fox News Reports Arafat Dead

Let us hope that his successor is peace-thinking.

Let us hope that his successor is peace-thinking too.


And let us also hope that Israel starts acting normal.

Frank! Frank! Frank! If Arafat was a reasonable man there would
already be a Palestinian state.
Nope. He was a pragmatist, realizing that the politics on both sides are
driven by their respective radical factions. Itzak Rabin was an idealist
and for that, he was assassinated by a radical Israeli.

Whoever replaces Arafat has to deal with the same factions. Since Israel
has made it impossible for the P.A. to build up an effective police
force, Hamas and others will have any future leader out-gunned.

Paul Hovnanian mailto:paul@Hovnanian.com
100 buckets of bits on the bus
100 buckets of bits
You take one down,
and short it to ground
FF buckets of bits on the bus
"I got a slug"
"Does it talk?"
"Well, no, not really."
"Scarcely a replacement, then, is it?"

And above all, remember the pallindrome for Bolton would be Notlob - it
wouldn't work

"Mike Engelhardt" <nospam@spam.org> wrote in message

Fox News Reports Arafat Dead

Let us hope that his successor is peace-thinking.

Yeah, I heard that in German public radio, but there
are still denials active. Good stuff for a remake
Monty Python's "Dead Parrot".


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.783 / Virus Database: 529 - Release Date: 25/10/2004
"Terry Given" <my_name@ieee.org> wrote ...
Tom MacIntyre wrote:
Terry Given <my_name@ieee.org> wrote:
Dennis M. O'Connor wrote:
"Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, the Dark Remover"" <> wrote...
"Dennis M. O'Connor" <dmoc@primenet.com> wrote ...
And show me someone from either side that is willing to let
competent adults make their own decisions about what they
eat, drink, breath, smoke or inject into themselves !

To quote your own words, "> What bullshit."

I see no meaning in your response.

Is Israel a socialist country?

Just because something is a common thing in socialist countries, does
that mean that it can't happen in non-socialist countries? Is it the
defining thing that makes a country socialist?

Of course not. But if something happens in socialist countries, as well as
non-socialist countries in not-too-dis-similar amounts, then blaming it on
socialism is ingenuous to say the least.
I didn't blame socialism. See how the paragraph starts
"And show me someone from either side ..." ?

So your response, above, is complete nonsense.
Learn to fucking read, please.
Dennis M. O'Connor dmoc@primenet.com
You've got to be more careful with those trailing whitespaces on URLs;
Mozilla tacked on a %20, just as it was instructed
(I assume other browsers did as well)

Nope, OE works *properly*.
Tim Williams

IIRC, when you click on a link that starts with "http" in Outbreak Express
it opens Internet Exploder--even if it's not your default browser[1],
so it's not really OE that's "working properly" now is it?
....or did you mean IE?

See attached.

If that don't take the cake.
A guy who adds attachments to newsgroup posts.

Which reminds me... if you're an antiestablishmentalist,
why the hell are you reading news from a BROWSER?!?

It's a quirk.

Moz or IE, who the hell cares... no fucking UNIX!?
(Trails off mumbling about compunazis...)

It's known that MSIE is more forgiving of badly-written HTML,
which makes it an interesting tool--if you're a coder who writes buggy HTML;
it's bad if you're Joe Average and want a secure Web browser.)

I have no clue what you're on about concerning UNIX.

[1] This is why you can delete every shortcut to MSIE
and still be stuck having an insecure browser open up.
There are other hard-wired associations as well, but that's another rant.
Rich Grise wrote:
On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 02:54:53 +0000, R. Steve Walz wrote:

Charles Schuler wrote:

Here is truth:

Conservatives want to control your life, but will let you keep
your money.
Conservatives want to keep your wages so low that you can never
afford to oppose thempolitically, invest your money and keep the
interest for themselves, and control your life by extracting monthly
tribute, rent/mortgage, for property that by birthright you should
have inherited.

Nah. That's the nazis. Ordinary conservatives just want to make
sure that nobody's having any fun, since fun is a sin.
Lots of what fools call fun is not, it's merely their own brainwashed
self-destructiveness from their abuse as a child. But the religiously
superstitious are against ACTUAL fun, like sexuality, but they seem
to support "sins" that are self-destructive, as being somehow better
than those that are NOT!

Liberals want to control your money, but will let you keep your
Liberals want to take the money from the wealthy to disempower them,
and give it BACK to you who actually WORKED for it!

Well, yeah, this is a very noble ideal, but exhorting the monied
to do the right thing has been shown, repeatedly, for thousands of
years, to be futile. Sigh.
The moneyed are a minority. I'm exorting the Majority!
Fully half of ALL wealth and property in the USA is owned by fewer
than 2% of the people, did you KNOW that? Beyond that, the top 25%
own or receive 80% of our gross national product!! Now how long should
the Majority tolerate that, when they could change it TOMORROW if they
wished. The only obstacle is over-coming the disinformation that this
Majority believes!

Gee, we sure see this differently and, of course, point of view is
everything. To me, liberals seem to be the ones who know how everyone else
should live. They support ridiculous policies that would quickly turn off
the electricity and the oil supplies.
No, those are just alarmist lies that the rich tell you to frighten
you out of disempowering them. The rich are NOT the magical reason
why the lights stay on. You'd have to be an ignorant victim-boob-serf
to believe crap like that!

Well, Yeah! Of course! So, are you, like I have been, still stuck on
the idea that exhortations could convince them to change their rapacious,
albeit profitable, ways?
I'm not working to convince the rich of anything, They KNOW why they
lie to the resst of us, they PAY for the best liars and own the media!
Why would they even BOTHER to own and control the media if they did
NOT need to LIE to the rest of us to keep us down!!!

They seldom have a clue as to what
keeps their lights on or their automobiles running.
But they want to give the power back to you worker-victims. Are
you simply too stupid to accept it?

I don't understand this bit. The liberals want to see the tables
turned, not realizing that there is a very serious risk of turning
oneself into that thing that one hates. Is that it?
Liberals don't ALL believe in Socialism, but MOST of them do.
Rightist Reactionaries want crypto-Feudalism, where the strong
own and run everything for their advantage, and the rest of us
arethe equivalent of serfs. That *IS* what "Market" econimics
is, essentially, is, the assertion that whoever can cheat others
the best should be the richest/most powerful.

Conservatives want to shift all the money to their camp. They seldom have
even a single care for disadvantaged folks and have a smug and nasty
tendency to label them with disparaging terms.
Yup. It's called organized crime, they just pay millions to keep the
people who own printing presses and TV stations from saying that!

Pretty much, yeah.

Shitty choice (between liberal and conservative), in my humble opinion. I
don't much care for either label and prefer to discuss politics with folks
who understand the scientific method and who like to analyze rather than
spout party line crap.
This delusion on your part indicates that the Right has successfully
brainwashed and terrified you out of voting against them. The Rich
pay vast fortunes to convince people that nothing they can do will
help them, and that everyone who says they will is lying. It's very
important to despirit the slaves.

Well, the rich find themselves in the enviable position of controlling
all the resources. (BTW, I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from
capitalizing "The rich". My name is Rich, and I'm not one of them.)
Okay ;-> The Wealthy only control what we LET them control. If a
Majority became fully aware of their power to stop LETTING them,
then they can change that overnight. The Majority can simply decide
the wealthy ownership of other's property is in abeyance, and it
will be so!

And de-spiriting the slaves is very, very easy for them, since they
have already stolen all of the resources that the slaves have access
to, except for Will.
And there lies the rub, Majority Will can ONLY be undermined by

And distribution of resources is trivial, in the face of
institutionalized murder.
The Majority can do whatever it wants, as soon as it WANTS!

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Charles Schuler wrote:
You'd have to be an ignorant victim-boob-serf
to believe crap like that!

you simply too stupid to accept it?

This delusion on your part indicates that the Right has successfully
brainwashed and terrified you out of voting against them.

Three "personal" slams
Only if you TAKE it "personally", WHINER!

and you are out, my friend!
Nobody cares.

No Whining!

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
"noblis oblige" (nobility obligates)...
This social pressure (along with social graces??) has fallen by the wayside,
it appears.

Doesn't Bill Gates donate a lot of money to computer literacy projects, etc.
Tom MacIntyre
What's a lot to a guy wih $50B?
When I hear him say "Ouch" I'll be impressed.
Rich Grise wrote:
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 16:36:19 +1300, Terry Given wrote:

Paul Hovnanian P.E. wrote:
DAW wrote:

Remember 9/11 twit.

Number of Palestinians involved in the 9/11 hijackings: 0

Number of Saudi hijackers: 15

How do "they" know? The hijackers got kinda dead, too.

They kno exactly. You should read more.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Rich Grise wrote:
On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 09:50:02 -0700, Mark Fergerson wrote:

Fred Bloggs wrote:

Jim Thompson wrote:

Just on the news...

Kerry concedes in call to Bush.

Daschle loses Senate race!

"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.

And what price will the Dems pay for their similar behaviors?

You do mean, "notwithstanding they haven't perpetrated any discretionary
assault that has resulted in the deaths of thousands in the last four
Isn't the saddle on that hobbyhorse of yours getting a
bit lumpy? I was referring to the "seriously underhanded and
criminal behavior" of the Dems in re: the election.

Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.

Oh, BTW, which party was in charge when the French ought
to have repelled the invaders at Normandy? After all, they
should have been "protecting their homes" too, right?

Mark L. Fergerson
On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 13:51:13 -0800, JeffM wrote:

exhorting the monied to do the right thing
has been shown, repeatedly, for thousands of years, to be futile.
Rich Grise

Not entirely accurate. In the not-so-distant past,
there was a concept called "noblis oblige" (nobility obligates)
where the richest guy in town was also the most generous,
using his money and influence to promote the general welfare.
The sharpest guys realized that if it wasn't for the serfs, little would get done.
Well, this is actually a pretty good idea, and in general, people
are pretty generous when their "cup runneth over." But, of course,
it's when the liars, cheats, and thieves found out that they could get
into government and steal with impunity, in the name of noblesse
oblige, that the system starts getting f'ed up.

i.e., when Da Gubmint takes by threat of force, that which would
have gone to charity, it seems to damp the impulse to generosity.

This social pressure (along with social graces??) has fallen by the wayside,
it appears.
It appears so. I'd say the dividing line is, is coercion necessary
to implement a given plan?

I'm wondering how far the divide will have to get
before the Poor realize that the Wealthy are edible.
Pretty far - you can eat surprisingly well dumpster-diving in Palos


On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 09:01:14 -0700, uvcceet wrote:

In <418B3FEF.17CF@armory.com>, on 11/05/04 at 08:48 AM,
"R. Steve Walz" <rstevew@armory.com> said:
Nazi's are Rightists, like Republicans, YOU go read history!


You come flying in here this AM with twenty posts spouting all kinds of
misinformation and that is okay. Everyone seems to want to publicly embarass
themselves in this group, why would you be any different.

I realize you won't change your mind, and you will probably respond with some
really mean spirited comments, but I will take my turn on the soap box and ask
if it might be possible for all of us, not just you, but all of us, to knock
off the comments that have to include the accusation that someone is a Nazi?

I am all for free speech, and the use of the word does not offend me, but what
does offend me is the selective political correctness we suffer from, for if I
was to constantly throw out the word 'nigger' many would be up in arms. Would
they be justified? I don't know, but frankly, if there is going to be a
reasonable dialog, there might ought to be some rules, and if its considered
wrong to call someone a nigger, then perhaps its wrong to call someone a
nazi. Fair is fair.
I'd think that that would depend on if the recipient of the comment
actually is a nigger, or nazi.

Then again, I use "nigger" in the pure form, which isn't really
determined by skin color, but by behavior and attitude.

But that's apparently far too advanced a concept for "the sheeple"
to grasp.

Mozilla is a browser, news reader, mail reader, html authoring,
and javascript debugging program.
Chuck Harris

After my PC shat itself just recently, I got my PC guy to set me up
Mozilla Firefox & thunderbird, and open office. And it works
surprisingly well - prior to that I used IE/outlook express (win2k),
those two programs used to crash on a regular basis - at least
Terry Given
Once a clone of M$ Exchange is available, OE is cooked.
With a utility that will extract your data from MICROS~1's proprietary
I can't imagine anyone with half a brain using that virus vector any

The number of folks who are switching from MSIE to Moz is reassuring.
It was the rare occasion when IE lasted for me for 3 days without
--often much, much less (that was years ago).
I use the Seamonkey suite 1.7.2 (one release back)
and it does have a memory leak, so I have to shut it down now and
but it's orders of magnitude over what I got from IE.

What sold me was the configurability.
I tried Firefox, but they removed some of the options and that bugged
The HTML editor (Composer) is handy for touching up pages for
What I really love are the plug-ins,
especially DownloadWith, FlashBlock, and AdBlock.


On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 13:10:41 +1300, Terry Given <my_name@ieee.org>

Tom MacIntyre wrote:

On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 10:58:10 +1300, Terry Given <my_name@ieee.org

Dennis M. O'Connor wrote:

"Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, the Dark Remover"" <NOSPAM@dslextreme.com

"Dennis M. O'Connor" <dmoc@primenet.com> wrote ...

"hamilton" <hamilton@deminsional.com> wrote...

Here is truth:
Conservatives want to control your life, but will let you keep your


Liberals want to control your money, but will let you keep your


What bullshit. Kerry is advocating a draft ("mandatory service")
for all young adults. No "Conservative" is doing that.

Umm, the draft's already mandatory. It's part of the law.

No, registration for the draft is mandatory, and only for men.
The draft itself is inactive. No one is being drafted NOW.

But Kerry proposed mandatory service for all high school students.
And Democrat Rep. Charles Rangel of NY pushed a bill in Congress
for mandatory military service.

Forced servitude to the state is a common thing in socialist countries,
so it is no surprise that the Democrats are pushing it.

And show me someone from either side that is willing to let
competent adults make their own decisions about what they
eat, drink, breath, smoke or inject into themselves !

To quote your own words, "> What bullshit."

I see no meaning in your response.

Is Israel a socialist country?

Just because something is a common thing in socialist countries, does
that mean that it can't happen in non-socialist countries? Is it the
defining thing that makes a country socialist?


reverse your argument, and apply it to your statement re. forced servitude.

To paraphrase you:
banning gay marriage is a common thing in islamic countries,
so it is no surprise that the Republicans are pushing it.

there is no causal relationship, its just pointless rhetoric.
No, it is pointing out that mutual exclusivity is rare.


On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 22:56:05 -0600, "Tim Williams"
<tmoranwms@charter.net> wrote:

"Chuck Harris" <cf-NO-SPAM-harris@erols.com> wrote in message
Why wouldn't one use it to read the news?

Don't ask me, I'm not one of the freaks who require Agent or whatever
standalone reader.

You misspelled "prefer".

On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 07:06:38 -0500, Lou wrote:

"E. Rosten" <look@my.sig> wrote in message news:418B66F6.6080205@my.sig...
Jim Thompson wrote:
Fox News Reports Arafat Dead

Let us hope that his successor is peace-thinking.

...Jim Thompson

It would appear he's not dead yet. Whether the coma is permenant or not
still seems to be up for debate.


Wishful thinking on some people's behalf OR shoddy reporting - as is usually
the case. Even as late as last night, there was news only of his "coma". One
did say he was "brain" dead.... which if that is the case, all but completes
his physical death. That is IF that is true. I did hear he was on Life
Support, but they didn't specify why, so if he isn't "brain" dead yet -
either, then he is not dead - yet! Many go on Life Support and live to tell
about it. While his age and perhaps "unknown" condition may dictate
otherwise in the end, we can't count him down and out until he is OUT.
Maybe they should have Mr. Spock do a mind-meld to get the Swiss Bank
Account number(s).

That's as logical as any of the other hysteria around the issue.

"Mark Fergerson" <nunya@biz.ness> schreef in bericht

Now, once again, I ask you to tell me what exactly the
9-11 events were supposedly a "righteous" response to.
Bin laded explained that quite clear in his latest video.

IMO it boils down to the continious interfering in the middle
east, such as financial aid to Isreal, and to Egypt perhaps.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)

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