On 9 Dec, 21:49, Marra <cresswellave...@talktalk.net> wrote:
Do you really not realize how the internet works?
1) Look up this email thread via google.
2) Click on your email.
3) Click on "view profile"
4) Your entire newsgroup activity is there for the world to see.
You either talk nerdish stuff about train spotting, pretend you've
bought some great cad software on ebay for under 20 quid or pretend
that you've written some great CAD program (and are therefore an
expert) which you sell on ebay for under 20 quid.
Maybe you have another alter ego where you also complain about MI5
MarraOn 9 Dec, 03:33, "Joel Koltner" <JKolstad71HatesS...@yahoo.com> wrote:
"Marra" <cresswellave...@talktalk.net> wrote in message
"I run some CAD software I got off ebay and that does it for less than
Ł20 !"
I hope it's not PCBCab21... it's written by a guy who continually spams
newsgroups and often poses as someone other than the author giving
"independent" advice to people to use it it. He also tends to make a big deal
on his web site about the current version being, e.g., the "2008 latest
version!" since the software looks a lot like something from the 1980s....
Oh, wait, it's you Marra...
Pardon ?
No its Seetrax !
Do you really not realize how the internet works?
1) Look up this email thread via google.
2) Click on your email.
3) Click on "view profile"
4) Your entire newsgroup activity is there for the world to see.
You either talk nerdish stuff about train spotting, pretend you've
bought some great cad software on ebay for under 20 quid or pretend
that you've written some great CAD program (and are therefore an
expert) which you sell on ebay for under 20 quid.
Maybe you have another alter ego where you also complain about MI5