Here's some, IMHO, relevant info the OP wrote, which seems to go agreeYou really are pretty torqued about this, aren't you?
Phil Hobbs
Perhaps! I'm thinking of writing a book, "America's Worst
Engineering" and quoting from this public forum... citing names along
with the examples
The "bootstrap", as presented, works only with a capacitive sensor and
is crap otherwise.
with your last line.
The input impedance doesn't matter--the input
source is a low-impedance highly capacitive transducer.
It has nothing to do with gyrators, feedback, etc. Those all totally
miss the boat.
As far as the original problem which inspired this--which is entirely
irrelevant to the thread, and which was never going to use this ckt
anyhow--all I wanted was a spike out when the transducer got pinged.
That wasn't my assumption; I assumed a capacitive, low-impedance
freq as spec'd in the drawings and all the results--40KHz. Source
impedance WAG'd @ 10nF, e.s.r. unknown (believed < 100r).
I looked at about seven 40khz transducers they were all ~2000pf.
10nf seems high???