On Jul 10, 1:13 pm, greg <g...@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
most when it's half-on (still has some internal resistance),
is that right? Slow switching means it spends more time
in that zone so it heats up more...?
I imagine in my ignorance that the transistor heats upfungus wrote:
With three batteries and four turns my little transistor heats up
That suggests the circuit is operating inefficiently
due to the transistor switching time being a significant
fraction of the pulse time.
most when it's half-on (still has some internal resistance),
is that right? Slow switching means it spends more time
in that zone so it heats up more...?
No idea, sorry. I pulled it out of a junker PC.Also, do you know what kind of ferrite your ring is
made of?