Fred Bloggs
Tom Seim wrote:
arrogant elitist and racist. You better not go walking into a black
neighborhoods if you know what's good for you.
past 50 years of Federal civil rights policy in this country.
proposal, it is nothing the GOP can take credit for.
Why? It is a statement of your attitudes. You are very transparent as anrolavine@aol.com (Rolavine) wrote in message news:<20041024144220.00243.00001632@mb-m26.aol.com>...
Subject: Re: If Kerry is elected...
From: soar2morrow@yahoo.com (Tom Seim)
rolavine@aol.com (Rolavine) wrote in message
From: soar2morrow@yahoo.com (Tom Seim)
It's been that way for some time now. When Clintoon was making a
mockery of the White House the typical lib refrain was "That was
between two consenting adults". Compare that to the libs demand that
DeLay resign as Majority Leader because of an "admonishment" by the
ethics committee.
Yeah, he only offered $100K to a congressmans son for his political
for a vote. Heck nothing wrong with that right, wrong! This is not a bridge
you district this is a bribe!
So, your admitting your wrong on this one?
Then take the case of Trent Lott, who made the fatal
sin of praising a man who had been a racist, Strom Thurmond. No
apology by Lott could placate the libs, who smelled blood in the
I think it was the Republican leadership and not the libs that told Trent
to go
for a walk!
You are correct, but only after a hue and cry from every corner of the
liberal world, including politicians, actors and pretend reverends.
Oh, yeah, no real Black people were offended at all, they were too busy looking
for chickens and growing watermellon, right Tom?
Boy, you sure are disrespectful to African-Americans. I am surprised
you wrote that. Personally, I would be ashamed if I had written that.
arrogant elitist and racist. You better not go walking into a black
neighborhoods if you know what's good for you.
Nah- he deserved to be dumped for that single statement criticizing theI
personally thought the GOP leadership misplaced their collective
backbones on this one.
I did too, and that was strange, maybe they had some other stuff on Lott and
this was just a good place to dump him, who knows.
past 50 years of Federal civil rights policy in this country.
We can see that- you have successfully become both simple and stupid.I think most liberals were suprised because we didn't think what he
said was so bad.
That is precisely the point I am making. The vitriol coming from the
lib camp on this issue was truely amazing.
No, it wasn't, the Bush admin made a preemptive strike on Lott.
Maybe Bush thought he could get some black votes.
Bush thought he could, and did, get black votes before this "event".
And Bush's polling among blacks have doubled since 2000.
Yeah up to 18%, whopping increase.
Only a resignation would do. And the bastards got it!
Libs are not bothered in the least by an obvious, blatant lack of
balance in their statements and positions. This is the way it is, get
used to it because it ain't gonna change.
You right wing idealogues are really something. You mentioned Clinton, the
that you righties hounded for years, and shut down the federal govt. for a
I did think it was wrong for Clinton to shut down the government.
Yeah, he should have resigned, however the rabid foaming in their pants
Republican lynch mob was so completly out of line with the actual wrong doing
in this case, that it makes the basis for your point nearly invisible by
to do your political attack work. Are neocons born without the concept of
hypocrisy in addition to being dishonable?
I agree conservatives aren't as hypocritical or dishonorable as
liberals by orders of magnitude.
Not only have you proven my point, you doubled before I made my contract.
Everything you side says is wrong, every charge you make against the other side
is twice as valid when leveled back against you.
In truth, your just a bunch of wankers that are out to look and talk tough, and
pretend there are simple solutions to complex problems.
What is a "wanker", anyhow?
I follow a principal that has been proven valid over and over again:
KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid!
Clinton's welfare reform was wholly different from any RepublicanThere are so many simple solutions that people tend to overlook them.
For years conservatives have been saying that the solution to welfare
moms is to put them to work. Liberals kept on resisting, coming up
with excuses for these people. Well, finally one President saw the
light. And guess who that was: Clinton! Now, the majority of these
moms are back to work and we have broken the cycle of welfare
enslavement. This was probably one of Clinton's greatest achievements.
And I salute him for it.
proposal, it is nothing the GOP can take credit for.