Driver to drive?

Tom Seim wrote: (Rolavine) wrote in message news:<>...

Subject: Re: If Kerry is elected...
From: (Tom Seim) (Rolavine) wrote in message

From: (Tom Seim)

It's been that way for some time now. When Clintoon was making a
mockery of the White House the typical lib refrain was "That was
between two consenting adults". Compare that to the libs demand that
DeLay resign as Majority Leader because of an "admonishment" by the
ethics committee.

Yeah, he only offered $100K to a congressmans son for his political


for a vote. Heck nothing wrong with that right, wrong! This is not a bridge


you district this is a bribe!

So, your admitting your wrong on this one?

Then take the case of Trent Lott, who made the fatal
sin of praising a man who had been a racist, Strom Thurmond. No
apology by Lott could placate the libs, who smelled blood in the

I think it was the Republican leadership and not the libs that told Trent

to go

for a walk!

You are correct, but only after a hue and cry from every corner of the
liberal world, including politicians, actors and pretend reverends.

Oh, yeah, no real Black people were offended at all, they were too busy looking
for chickens and growing watermellon, right Tom?

Boy, you sure are disrespectful to African-Americans. I am surprised
you wrote that. Personally, I would be ashamed if I had written that.
Why? It is a statement of your attitudes. You are very transparent as an
arrogant elitist and racist. You better not go walking into a black
neighborhoods if you know what's good for you.

personally thought the GOP leadership misplaced their collective
backbones on this one.

I did too, and that was strange, maybe they had some other stuff on Lott and
this was just a good place to dump him, who knows.
Nah- he deserved to be dumped for that single statement criticizing the
past 50 years of Federal civil rights policy in this country.

I think most liberals were suprised because we didn't think what he
said was so bad.

That is precisely the point I am making. The vitriol coming from the
lib camp on this issue was truely amazing.

No, it wasn't, the Bush admin made a preemptive strike on Lott.

Maybe Bush thought he could get some black votes.

Bush thought he could, and did, get black votes before this "event".
And Bush's polling among blacks have doubled since 2000.

Yeah up to 18%, whopping increase.

Only a resignation would do. And the bastards got it!

Libs are not bothered in the least by an obvious, blatant lack of
balance in their statements and positions. This is the way it is, get
used to it because it ain't gonna change.

You right wing idealogues are really something. You mentioned Clinton, the


that you righties hounded for years, and shut down the federal govt. for a


I did think it was wrong for Clinton to shut down the government.

Yeah, he should have resigned, however the rabid foaming in their pants
Republican lynch mob was so completly out of line with the actual wrong doing
in this case, that it makes the basis for your point nearly invisible by

to do your political attack work. Are neocons born without the concept of
hypocrisy in addition to being dishonable?


I agree conservatives aren't as hypocritical or dishonorable as
liberals by orders of magnitude.

Not only have you proven my point, you doubled before I made my contract.
Everything you side says is wrong, every charge you make against the other side
is twice as valid when leveled back against you.

In truth, your just a bunch of wankers that are out to look and talk tough, and
pretend there are simple solutions to complex problems.


What is a "wanker", anyhow?

I follow a principal that has been proven valid over and over again:
KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid!
We can see that- you have successfully become both simple and stupid.

There are so many simple solutions that people tend to overlook them.
For years conservatives have been saying that the solution to welfare
moms is to put them to work. Liberals kept on resisting, coming up
with excuses for these people. Well, finally one President saw the
light. And guess who that was: Clinton! Now, the majority of these
moms are back to work and we have broken the cycle of welfare
enslavement. This was probably one of Clinton's greatest achievements.
And I salute him for it.

Clinton's welfare reform was wholly different from any Republican
proposal, it is nothing the GOP can take credit for.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:

Sounds like you're off your meds again, fredfraud. Dems have been
playing the race card for years, and it's really getting old. Blacks
are beginning to wise up to the scam.

Have they "been playing the race card"? You think you're smart but
you're arrogant, stupid, and ignorant. You have been shot to hell with
the facts and as usual you try to slither away. You are a despicable
little fairy coward and government parasite- now that is a fact- and

Name calling seems to be your idea of "facts", fredfraud.
Facts are wasted on you- and so /you/ don't rate any.

like most unemployables you are all about smokescreens. Are you denying
that most of the racist elements of the Democratic Party migrated to the
Republican Party?

The racists dominate the Democratic Party. By "racist" I mean someone
who makes an unsubstantiated accusation of racism - this called
"playing the race card."
Unbelievable. Nobody really cares about your opinion anyway. Go get
steamed- you are a minority voting block where you live.

If you will recall, which, given your intellect isn't likely, it was
Lincoln and the Republicans that freed the slaves.

No he didn't, the Emancipation Proclamation freed only those slaves
outside of Federal controlled areas. The Republican party of Lincoln
has no resemblance to the Republican party of today. Lincoln would have
had you hanged.

What a news flash! Guess we'll have to tear down the Lincoln memorial!

You think you're smart, but here's the deal- your days on USENET are
almost over- you will be hounded to hell even in your glider NG- I fully
intend to destroy that place- easily done to look at the moron mentality

We've had other assholes show up there, too. They don't last long;
they get tired when people stop paying them any attention. You are
trying your "best" to destroy this news group. Typical reaction of
someone with an inferior intellect. Threat and intimidation: stock in
trade for Dems.
What do you know about this NG- nobody ever saw you until you started in
on your trash lies and Bush propaganda. You have nothing to offer this
NG or its readers. Go away.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:

Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:

Since you asked me in such a polite way, I'll tell you. While you were
doing drugs I was involved in top secret national defense projects at
the Hanford Nuclear Reservation after graduating from Oregon State U.
in 1969. I am not a vet and never pretended to be one.


Right- another boondoggle job in a joke of a facility that has created a
500,000 year toxic wasteland-very unimpressive resume.

Well you better hope were are more competent than you would have us to
believe and dealing with high-level radioactive waste. Otherwise a
whole shit-load of some very nasty stuff is heading downstream your

Recent developments (last week):

All nuclear fuel has been moved out of the K Basin storage pool.

Successful test of the Vitrification plant using real high-level
radioactive waste.

You idiots screw everything up you get your hands on- no hope at all
except for disaster.

Such exceptional insight: now I have a better idea how a schizophrenic
thinks, and it's kinda scary. Hope you aren't operating a nuke plant,

I've seen what you wimps call "product"- no insight required, and yes,
be scared- you're a timid little fairy draft dodger so many things do
scare you.

Is that the best you can do? Your brain seems drained of decent insults, fredfraud.
Haha- and that is why you adopt them? How much of a barren wasteland is
that PNNL hell hole anyway? You do know that you are incredibly dull.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:

Mac <> wrote in message news:<>...

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 12:20:23 -0700, Tom Seim wrote:

If they can't even get supporters out for Cher, how are they going to
get them to vote?


I think you are creating a false contradiction. Most of the people I know
are planning on voting (not necessarily for Kerry).

Of those friends and relatives of mine who are registered Democrats and
Kerry supporters, I don't think any of them would go to a rally to see


Hey Mac, what I am creating is sarcasm (sort of). I guess those Dem
organizers were too busy getting their thugs to the polling places.

Nah- the only "thugs" at the polling places are called "poll"-ice, or
pol-lice might be better. The Nazi scum blew their one time deal when
they stole the election in 2000 and this will NEVER happen again. It's
up to the Democratic Party to be the last line of defense for proper
elections in America, they will be stationed across the US ready to
collect evidence and pursue litigation. The weasel conservative thieves
and frauds, like many so-called election officials in Florida, are being
forced to hide and stay out of sight. Mental midgets like you calling
the observers "thugs" is very much like a bunch of plague carrying rats
calling the public health department murderers.

The only votes "stolen" in 2000 were those of over-seas military.

Also, recent voter registration analysis show thousands of Florida
Democrats illegally double registered, typically in New York.
The Congressional investigation concluded that voter fraud took place in
Florida- that the data was such as to indicate less than 5% chance of
happening by accident- and this is 100's of thousands resident voters
deprived of their rights. The absentee ballot was insignificant.

All of my friends and family are going to vote too, so I wonder who
the other half of the electorate is?

Load your "family" into a bus and drive off a cliff.

Hey, VERY CLEVER, fredfraud. Where did you learn that, in the half way
house? Given the amount time you spend spewing your trash I bet you're
single, probably divorced.
Unlike you, I am much faster- it takes no time to trash everything you
say for the lie that it is. You are quite stupid and inferior. That is
the price you pay for being a career parasite- you have never been
challenged to develop your abilities and so now you have none- what
little potential you may have had is now withered and atrophied
irrecoverably. This is more than evident from your posts, very lazy,
weak, and small little one or two statement garbage. Get a clue, you are
absolutely nothing.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message

Tom Seim wrote:

I agree conservatives aren't as hypocritical or dishonorable as
liberals by orders of magnitude.


Conservatives don't seem to have any problem with stealing
elections, preventing millions of people from voting, starting
major international wars on false pretexts, or passing laws that
remove fundamental protections under the Bill of Rights. You can
continue to argue over alleged and trivial personal standards,
because that's all your capable of handling, but must people who
/use/ their intellect are disturbed much more by so-called
conservative actions.

You keep repeating those tired old lies, fredfraud. Time to learn a
new tune.

On the contrary, all of those assertions are verified and understood by
the majority of America. You have no arguments left- just more of your
smokescreens. People around here are tired of you and your kind.

You typically make accusations w/o any evidence. Tired old Dem ploy:
just keep repeating the same lies and, just maybe, somebody will
believe you.
Nope- that is your approach- what else can you do- all you know are junk
info sites like Drudge. The Democratic supporters have posted numerous
links. You know all this- but being the weakling liar that you are- you
even lie about that. Can't get a job? It's no wonder- no one would hire
you. It would be obvious to anyone that you are untrustworthy.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Rolavine wrote:

We got three investigations going on in the US now about Republican backed
groups that were doing voter registration, and just threw out registrations
from the Democrats.

That sounds worse to me. However, all Bush voters should be yelled at, though
it seems unlikely anything less than use of hammers would have any effect on
their thick skulls!


No one was yelling at the voters- the whole story is a fraud. The record
of behavior during this campaign is clear- the Bush supporters and
police are prone to violence and shouting down dissent. They are so
paranoid of free thought that they stop just short of requiring a DNA
sample to gain entrance to any of their rallies. The GOP is all about
exclusion, punishment, and abuse, the most recent atrocity in
Jacksonville, Oregon illustrates just how far they will go. Now when
they are confronted with Democratic Party representatives who are
prepared to confront them, they shrink, cringe, and run away. The
bullies have been punched squarely in the nose. It is no wonder these
types so naturally inclined to cowardly behavior insist on this fiction
about a "strong" leader, they are anything but strong themselves, so it
is really a big brother that they want. Man- in addition to all their
other problems, they get duped big time as well- a miserably impotent
group of people for sure.

Admit it fredfraud, your Dem punks are intimidating Florida voters.
There is no such intimidation taking place- and what's more, the
Democrats are organizing transportation to the polls for all the voters
regardless of their support.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:

Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:
[...snip bs...]

A quick search on stories written by Brittany Wallman shows that she's
incites hysteria- she's a cheap little marketeer who lives to sell papers.

Shoot the messenger, keep the facts to an absolute minimum, "Bloggs".

Right- let's talk about the facts- there are none to be found in that
article. Every bit of it is bombastic exaggeration from questionable
sources- it is anything BUT journalism. I hope the unemployable Wallman
likes working for small time huckster ad sheet disguising themselves as
a newspaper, because she's good for little else and her job prospects in
mainstream journalism are zilch- she's your counterpart IOW. Everything
about you is just so cheap and shoddy- well heck TAWDRY is the
word-"...that feeds on the low taste of the mob."

Nice try; keep trying to divert the topic from Dem hypocrisy -
accusing GOP of voter intimidation and then fielding an ORGANIZED
There is no "try" to it- the woman's articles are available on the web-
she is definitely material for some Sinclair news reader job- until she
gets old and ugly -haha. There are no "goon squads"- and once again
you're so dumb , all you know are cliches- it is more that the wimpy
little Bush supporters feel unsafe being out alone- they think their
political opposition will react the way they themselves have been
misbehaving. Talk about being scared of their own shadow!-LOL.
Tom Seim wrote:

Apparently the morons Seim, Clarence, Durban, Dyson , and other riffraff
can't tell the difference between news and editorial. This goes a long
ways towards explaining why they have been dumb enough to be duped by
the Bush campaign machine. It's one thing to be duped on facts, but
quite another to be duped into believing a moral agenda. It is no
coincidence all these people are sorry-assed excuses for engineers.
Tom Seim wrote: (Rolavine) wrote in message news:<>...

That sounds worse to me. However, all Bush voters should be yelled at, though
it seems unlikely anything less than use of hammers would have any effect on
their thick skulls!


Thanks for proving my case, Rocky.
You haven't stated a case since you started posting here- you're just a
smug little phony wannabe bs artist, and you are just another alienated
freak in your home state.
On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 10:45:56 +0100, "Leon Heller"
<> wrote:

"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in message
On 24 Oct 2004 16:23:13 -0700, (Tim Shoppa)
As long as we're on the subject, have you ever posted a schematic of
the MC1648 or discussed the AGC mechanism it uses?


No I haven't, but it looks like I should... the publicized schematic
seems to be with errors.

When I have some free time (I'm up to my ears in work right now), I'll
post a description of how it works.

I've played about with two transistors in the same oscillator circuit (from
AoE) but couldn't get anything like a sine wave out of them. I suppose that
is achieved via the AGC.

What page of AoE? It's pretty hard to not get a sine wave when you
use a tank, you just get a far better noise floor when you use AGC
(rather than limiting) to control amplitude.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On 25 Oct 2004 07:48:23 -0700, (Tim Shoppa)

Jim Thompson <> wrote in message news:<>...
As long as we're on the subject, have you ever posted a schematic of
the MC1648 or discussed the AGC mechanism it uses?

No I haven't, but it looks like I should... the publicized schematic
seems to be with errors.

When I have some free time (I'm up to my ears in work right now), I'll
post a description of how it works.

Casting about via Google I eventually found a datasheet:

My understanding is that AGC gain is set by varying the current through
Q6/Q7's emitter-coupled tail. What confuses me at the moment is how
VEE actually goes to the base of Q8 and the whole "bottom line"
of the schematic, which I would expect to be Vee, seems to be modulated
by AGC (maybe that should be thought of as the AGC line?)

I *think* this would really limit the swing range of everything,
which seems to be a bad thing for good spectral purity.

Is one of the mistakes in the schematic that pin 8 (V_EE) really deserves
a dot to the bottom line? Or should I think of that as what the AGC
actually modulates?

Both VEEs lack a dot. See my patent for an explanation.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Jim Thompson wrote...
Both VEEs lack a dot. See my patent for an explanation.
Number? Or is it on your web-site?

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
Kevin Aylward wrote:

Tim Wescott wrote:

Dbowey wrote:


Does anybody knows a RLC model for telephone line?
I need to simulate a SLIC in a real environment so need spice model
for telephone line.

What gauge? 22, 24. 26? Mixed gauge? Is any bridge-tap permitted?

A HREF="">Wilcom Inc. - Test
Equipment Catalog</A

You may want to look at the T-240.


That gives you a physical model, but how do you connect the darn thing
to a SPICE simulation?

Easy. Spice has direct support for transmission lines.

The recommended piece of equipment is a physical thing that you hold in
your hand, not a subcircuit file. Which plug on the back of my PC is
designed to connect this box to SPICE, and where do I get the necessary
drivers to make it work? What circuit cards do I need to type into a
SPICE program to make it interact with a physical thing? Doesn't the
"S" in "SPICE" stand for "Simulation"?
I do not think a real telephone line is going to be amenable to
simulation with a simple RLC. It's going to act like a transmission
line, with a characteristic impedance somewhere centered around 100
ohms but varying widely from one to the next, a widely varying
reflection coefficient, a great deal of loss, also varying, and with
a length that can be anywhere from a few feet to a few miles.

Spice has a real T line that has RLC parameters.

addition you'll have some bonus signals injected from neighboring
lines, free of charge.

This is a bit more trickey but it can be modelled.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
I'm sure that a telephone line can be modeled in SPICE -- I was just
pointing out the difficulties in hopes that someone who'd actually done
it would be willing to cough up a model.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:20:53 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

Look at the
two-fold symmetry of our bodies and nearly everything around us and
it's easy to see. Well, either easy or difficult...
Ever notice that animals have 2-fold symmetry and plants have radial

Reply in group, but if emailing add 2 more zeros and remove the obvious.
On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 16:55:20 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

How does one go about getting an advance to write a book?
Usually, one has to contact a publisher who might be interested in the
subject matter and find out what their requirements are.

Don't be surprised if you're asked to submit, to even be considered,
a _detailed_ table of contents and a chapter.

Here's a start:

John Fields
Rich Grise wrote:

I've decided I'm going to write a book. Screw it, I sit here
and claim I have a theory that explains everything, dammit,
I ought to have the hairs to put my mouth where my mouth is.

Now the big question, which will, of course, be everyone's
first objection: If I know everything, howcome I can't figure
out how to get money?

Well, I have an answer, and of course, from the POV of the
people who have the money, it sounds just like nothing but
more of the same whining from the people who don't have the

The people who have the money will resist the theory because
it tells how the people without money can theoretically get
money, but the people with the money are terrified that if
they let loose of any of their money at all, it will all
be sucked up by the infinite abyss of the money hole, and
they will die horribly, a pauper in the streets like the
ones they're so desperately trying to avoid becoming in
their own right.

So, I guess I'll have to resort to the old-fashioned way,
of getting a job - although I would like to think that it's
within the realm of possibility within known reality that
I could find some employer who wants me for my mind instead
of just my body. ;-)

Or - one of the things of "magic" that so few people actually
try - to simply ask for some:

How does one go about getting an advance to write a book? I
am lazy, after all, and it does happen, and there might be
some eccentric out there, or it could be about as successful
as the left-handed microwave oven. Which, by the way, if
anybody takes that one to market, I'd appreciate a buck or
two thrown my way for thinking of it.

But, I'm certainly not going to sit here and wait for somebody
to show up with a check! I think I can handle "starving writer"
for awhile - actually, that's what I already am, because
if anyone were to look into it, my current "job title" (I'm
a contractor, so don't really have a title or anything, except
maybe "misc.") is "Tech Writer," and I'm poor, albeit not
literally starving.

And if worse came to worst, standing on the street with a sign
that says "Bum" pays about $15 bucks an hour. ;-)

So, off to the grindstone!


First: Rich, put down the joint, go drink some water and lie down.

Second: The way that you get an advance is to sell your idea to a
publisher, who issues you a book contract and may or may not advance you
some money on anticipated revenues.

Or, to restate this from your point of view, you go to some of the folks
who have money, and you say "excuse me sir, I have an idea for how to
help members of the great unwashed to reach into your till, but I need
some money from that selfsame till to get the idea fully articulated --
will you help?"

Not to say that you won't get it published, but you may want to start by
selling articles -- start picking up periodicals that have similar ideas
to yours (start with Mother Jones and look for bibliographical
references, perhaps?). Once you've read some, start writing articles
that either articulate your idea, or that impact your idea, or that you
just think will sell. Do this for a while in your spare time. The
recommendation that I have (that I wished I'd followed) is to start your
book when you have sold a book's worth of material.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in message
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 20:44:38 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"> wrote:

It began with Enola Gay.


Bush and Blair are mere puppets it the hands of the Multinational
Corporations, Insurance Companies, Bankers and the Media IT Controllers.


You missed the Trilateral Commission.

Bwahahahahahaha, What an idiot ;-)
And the Bilderbergers (sp?) and Rothschilds and the CFR and Illuminati and
the Free Masons. I'll bet the pilot of the Enola Gay was a Free Mason.

Reply in group, but if emailing add 2 more zeros and remove the obvious.
"Tom Seim" <> skrev i en meddelelse

$40 will buy you a contract that yields $100 on a Kerry victory. This
is down from $46 just a week ago.
Bah - 2-way bets are for loosers;

*Here* is something:

My guess is that there is about a 5% chance of a 2000% win - *if* the annual
report from Ericsson keep up the growth!
Minimum bet is one block of 2000 units; or about USD 10 plus trading costs
of USD 7. Maybe USD 100 should be Ok?
On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 17:48:55 GMT, the renowned "Clarence" <>

"Tom Del Rosso" <> wrote in message
"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in message
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 20:44:38 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"> wrote:

It began with Enola Gay.


Bush and Blair are mere puppets it the hands of the Multinational
Corporations, Insurance Companies, Bankers and the Media IT Controllers.


You missed the Trilateral Commission.

Bwahahahahahaha, What an idiot ;-)

And the Bilderbergers (sp?) and Rothschilds and the CFR and Illuminati and
the Free Masons. I'll bet the pilot of the Enola Gay was a Free Mason.

Reply in group, but if emailing add 2 more zeros and remove the obvious.

Well it isn't mentioned in his Biographical information.

But he was an impressive person.
*Is*, no?

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward" Info for manufacturers:
Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers:
You are both idiots.

Use email to carry on with this crap.

This whole damn newsgroup has gone to hell with OT.

Welcome to

