Robert Monsen
Product developer wrote:
perhaps it's your implicit notion that all women should be sex objects
that makes it hard to laugh "with you". Hard to say.
Robert Monsen
"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.
Sorry, you just aren't as funny as Rush. Might be the delivery. Or,Did you see the pic of Teresa yesterday on Drudge with the beers in
hand? What a double bagger. This dame looks like a lush with a mouth
like Hiliary. I can't imagine a first lady this undesirable. Here's a
woman who got all her dough from her late husband making fun of Laura
Bush. Go figure.
perhaps it's your implicit notion that all women should be sex objects
that makes it hard to laugh "with you". Hard to say.
Robert Monsen
"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.