Driver to drive?

Product developer wrote:
Did you see the pic of Teresa yesterday on Drudge with the beers in
hand? What a double bagger. This dame looks like a lush with a mouth
like Hiliary. I can't imagine a first lady this undesirable. Here's a
woman who got all her dough from her late husband making fun of Laura
Bush. Go figure.
Sorry, you just aren't as funny as Rush. Might be the delivery. Or,
perhaps it's your implicit notion that all women should be sex objects
that makes it hard to laugh "with you". Hard to say.

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.
Scott Stephens wrote:

Dirk Bruere at Neopax wrote:

Scott Stephens wrote:

Dirk Bruere at Neopax wrote:

Scott Stephens wrote:

Dirk Bruere at Neopax wrote:

Anyway, my choice is Asatru.
"Asatru (Norse) - Hank started a motorcycle gang...

Sounds like it, in the short-run anyways. And we're all dead in the
long run.

So there is no long run for any of us.

That depends on how we define our "life". Is your legacy important to
you? I could argue those that consider their legacy important have a
certain evolutionary advantage. Those that do not value their legacy
may have a role to play in culling the heard.

Cattle die, kindred die,
Every man is mortal:
But the good name never dies
Of one who has done well

Cattle die, kindred die,
Every man is mortal:
But I know one thing that never dies,
The glory of the great dead

"One who has done well", the "glory of the great dead"? These imply
valuing qualities (honor, achievement, et.) over quantities (lifespan).
Destroying what is evil or creating good.
No society can survive that applauds betrayal, greed, selfishness, lies and

I wouldn't want to be a cop, the social equivalent of a psychiatrist,
spending days wallowing in other peoples shit.

Its ironic, perverse, that I say that. I've wandered from interests in
technology into studying politics, history, psychology, philosophy and
religion. All of which are sciences of what we think, why we think and
how we think, then consequently what, why and how we act.

Hank in his diverse forms kicking my ass brought me down to this. I
guess you can run, but you can't hide from Hank in his diverse
malevolent forms. I'm becoming an Objectivist!
Maybe you're just realising, as I did rather late in life, that people run this
planet. And politicians run people (by various methods).


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
We got three investigations going on in the US now about Republican backed
groups that were doing voter registration, and just threw out registrations
from the Democrats.

That sounds worse to me. However, all Bush voters should be yelled at, though
it seems unlikely anything less than use of hammers would have any effect on
their thick skulls!

From: (John S. Dyson)

Yep -- the Democrat plan does take advantage of the rather 'traditional'
and respectful behavior of the typical GOPer.
LOL, like the Republo thugs that disrupted vote counts in FL in 2000? You must
be blind as well as stupid!
Hi Bob,

I think Augat used to make these, but not many people wirewrap any more.

What are people using instead? It's been about four years since I used
one for a design. ...

The good old soldering iron, solder, wire and a nice pair of strippers
(not the kind you see on some TV channels...). Another technique that I
like is wire that has an insulation that looks like shellac but isn't.
It melts when soldering. Needs good ventilation.

Actually this is the way I have done it for many decades, since age 12
or so. I don't believe in wire wrap. Never have.

Also I think I remember the board had tiny caps
without leads attached to reduce the noise.

Being an RF guy I have never used boards or sockets with built-in caps.
I wanted to know what performance my caps had. Also, the stuff with the
included caps was usually very expensive. It's like cooking where the
results are usually best when creating it all from scratch. More
healthy, too.

Regards, Joerg
Do you think some engineer stuck it in there as an in house gag? If
this goes wrong it emits the international distress call.

Paul C

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 20:55:31 -0400, Boris Mohar
<> wrote:


Boris Mohar

Got Knock? - see:
Viatrack Printed Circuit Designs

void _-void-_ in the obvious place
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 05:10:00 UTC, (John S. Dyson)

Really, look at the attackers against free speech (e.g. even trying
to suppress silly Ann Coulter) that you apparently support. That is a
kind of free-speech suppression that results from people who aren't
'man' enough to do what they really wish to do...
The US is already doing a lot to suppress free speech despite being
led by one of the most right wing presidents in history. If you're
interested search on google for: home office indymedia

Some unkown organisation requested the US to make an order to take
down an independent news site hosted in London. The US government
won't even reveal who the organisation is.

Perhaps you can tell me again how the US defends free speech?

Jim Backus OS/2 user since 1994
bona fide replies to j <dot> backus <the circle thingy> jita <dot>
demon <dot> co <dot> uk
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:

If they can't even get supporters out for Cher, how are they going to
get them to vote?

Did you and the Drudge idiot overlook the fact that the CROBAR is a gay
club in a gay district? Cher's monologue should have been a giveaway.

"Cher to Work Pro Bono In Miami Diva Cher will participate in a Q&A
discussion on October 21 at Crobar Miami that will follow a screening of
the documentary "The Ground Truth: The Human Cost of War." The
documentary looks at the long-term and often invisible effects the war
in Iraq is having on thousands of nameless, undecorated Americans. Cher
will address young people, college students and undecided Florida voters
as part of’s nationwide “Feel a Draft?”
campaign. Crobar will also screen the well-received documentary "Going
Upriver," which highlights John Kerry’s experiences during the
Vietnam War and the leadership of the veterans and students during the
anti-war movement. Admission for the event is free."

Sounds like the perfect place for Dems.
It was NOT an event organized by the DNC- so we have caught you in
another lie. It is no wonder that you're so ignorant when you get your
news from places like the Drudge idiot- "news" for the simple-minded.
Simplification can be good- but not when the price you pay is omission
of so much essential information that there is nothing left. It is clear
from your mentality that you have been doing this for entirely too long,
the vegetablization is apparently complete- hence the mindless Bush
support- and very dull character.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:
[...snip bs...]

A quick search on stories written by Brittany Wallman shows that she's
incites hysteria- she's a cheap little marketeer who lives to sell papers.

Shoot the messenger, keep the facts to an absolute minimum, "Bloggs".
Right- let's talk about the facts- there are none to be found in that
article. Every bit of it is bombastic exaggeration from questionable
sources- it is anything BUT journalism. I hope the unemployable Wallman
likes working for small time huckster ad sheet disguising themselves as
a newspaper, because she's good for little else and her job prospects in
mainstream journalism are zilch- she's your counterpart IOW. Everything
about you is just so cheap and shoddy- well heck TAWDRY is the
word-"...that feeds on the low taste of the mob." (Terry) wrote:

Hacked a motion detector for a Halloween prop. Shows 24 volts when I
measure the two wires I soldered on the detector circuit board. When
the detector detects someone, the voltage drops to zero.

Put together a standard non-retriggerable timer circuit using a diode
off the second output to control the non-triggerable duration per
responses to a previous message. Running this circuit at 9 volts.

When I fasten the positive from the detector directly to the triggers
and the negative to the common ground of my circuit, it reads 24 volts
until something detected and then drops to only 7.5 volts. This is not
enough to set off the timers.

Not being an electrical genius, can someone explain to me why the drop
to 7.5 volts instead of 0 when I hook the detector to my circuit?
What's the best way to hook up this detector to the circuit to trigger
the timers?

Thank you for any help.

Can't say without seeing your schematic. In particular, you've not
stated what supply voltage you're using for the timer circuit. I'm
assuming not 24V, which would be beyond the 555's capability.

Possibly you're not edge-connecting the trigger(s)? IOW, using a
capacitor to isolate the DC voltage level and just pass the negative
edges to the 555 trigger(s). A simple example is shown here:

If correctly configured, a brief 24V to 0V pulse from your motion
detector should satisfactorily trigger a 555 mono using a lower supply
(e.g. 9V). BTW, to be on the safe side, I'd also connect a diode from
the 555 trigger(s) to the +ve supply. (I assume you *have* connected
the grounds of both sections?)

If you post/publish your schematic, we can probably be more helpful.

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
Terry wrote:
Hacked a motion detector for a Halloween prop. Shows 24 volts when I
measure the two wires I soldered on the detector circuit board. When
the detector detects someone, the voltage drops to zero.

Put together a standard non-retriggerable timer circuit using a diode
off the second output to control the non-triggerable duration per
responses to a previous message. Running this circuit at 9 volts.

When I fasten the positive from the detector directly to the triggers
and the negative to the common ground of my circuit, it reads 24 volts
until something detected and then drops to only 7.5 volts. This is not
enough to set off the timers.

Not being an electrical genius, can someone explain to me why the drop
to 7.5 volts instead of 0 when I hook the detector to my circuit?
What's the best way to hook up this detector to the circuit to trigger
the timers?

Thank you for any help.

You don't think it's important to tell us what you have hanging off the
555 TRIG input besides that diode? Whatever it is, it's loading the
motion detector output with too much current. If you are using the
standard 555 , then the diode is all that you need- you can run the
24VDC line directly through the diode to pin 2 TRIG of the IC and
nothing else (no pullup to Vcc required)- it makes no difference what
power supply you use for the 555 just so long as it is less than 24V.
This will cause the 555 monostable to output a pulse that is the longer
of the motion detector and the 555 RC network. You do notice that the
diode has a *band* on it and this is the cathode which connects to the
motion detector.
On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 01:33:54 GMT, the renowned Fred Bloggs
<> wrote:

Tom Seim wrote:
If they can't even get supporters out for Cher, how are they going to
get them to vote?

Did you and the Drudge idiot overlook the fact that the CROBAR is a gay
club in a gay district?
<LOL> That's the bar where they separate the men from the boys?

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward" Info for manufacturers:
Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers:
Spehro Pefhany wrote:
On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 01:33:54 GMT, the renowned Fred Bloggs> wrote:

Tom Seim wrote:

If they can't even get supporters out for Cher, how are they going to
get them to vote?

Did you and the Drudge idiot overlook the fact that the CROBAR is a gay
club in a gay district?

LOL> That's the bar where they separate the men from the boys?

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
I have to hand it to Cher, that gal does have stamina. She is of
Armenian decent, so I'm sure she is aware of family stories of murder
by those barbaric Turks- and therefore would be inclined to protest
Karl-Hugo Weesberg wrote:
He hates them, so he will outlaw them if elected.
Okay- thnx for the insight Weaselberg- how about you just go away and die.
On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 05:32:50 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:20:13 +0000, Ken Smith wrote:

In article <>, Fred Bloggs <
wrote: [...]
Conservatives don't seem to have any problem with stealing elections,

Please don't confuse the "neocons" with the conservatives. The "neocons"
are not conservatives. Neocons are about as conservative as National
Socialists are socialist.

What would a conservative socialist look like?

John Fields
In article <>,
Paul Burridge <> wrote:

Same here. Some days during the summer there are airshows around
the south coast and I sometimes see a couple of the last
remaining flying Spits pass overhead on their way to do another
display. For a brief moment I'm transported back to 1940. I'm not
an emotional guy, but there is something very moving about the
experience. Think I must have been a Spit pilot in my previous
I'm BoF enough to just about remember my Nan pointing out
the mess of contrails from dogfights above London. I heard
but don't remember if I saw the doodlebug she was also trying
to show me.

Strange days...... Nan always made sure that she always said
goodbye to someone on a nice note, because there was a chance
that they might never see each other again.

Tony Williams.
Clarence wrote:
"Frank Bemelman" <> wrote in message

"Clarence" <> schreef in bericht

"Frank Bemelman" <> wrote in message

Again contributed nothing of value.

Drop dead, you miserable piece of shit.

Indicated his childish tenancy toward foul language yet again.
Tenancy? You're not even close- what kind of brain damaged idiot spells
using phonics on a speech impediment?
On 24 Oct 2004 09:24:22 -0700, Winfield Hill
<> wrote:

The opamp voltage-current converter in this circuit is unusual.


No. It was recently discussed here as a power amplifier method. And
it was used in hybrid circuits as early as the mid-60s.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

John Larkin wrote:

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 01:33:54 +0100, Paul Burridge> wrote:

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 19:18:20 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

I liked the P38.
Saw a lot of them at the training base.
Flew half a mile to one side of my house when landing.

The P38 was a double-action Walther 9mm semi-automatic pistol commonly
issued to German troops during WW2. They don't fly - unless you throw

P38 Lightning, the Fork-Tailed Devil. It wasn't that useful over
Europe, but it wreaked hell against the Japanese. It was a flight of
seventeen P38's that ambushed Yamamoto near Bougainville on April 15,


The p38 was much like you- A PIECE OF SHIT!- the Jap zeroes tore them up
big time- no competition. Then the Grumman HELLCAT came along and
turned that picture around -big time- end of story for the Jap Zeroes.

You are amazingly misinformed for a veteran. The label "Fork-Tailed
Devil" was the Japanese term. The superior altitude, speed, armament
and armor of the P38 rendered the Zero defenseless

"On my first confrontation with the P-38, I was astonished to find an
American aircraft that could outrun, outclimb, and outdive our Zero
which we thought was the most superior fighter plane in the world. The
Lightning's great speed, its sensational high altitude performance,
and especially its ability to dive and climb much faster than the Zero
presented insuperable problems for our fliers. The P-38 pilots, flying
at great height, chose when and where they wanted to fight with
disastrous results for our own men. The P-38 boded ill for the future
and destroyed the morale of the Zero fighter Pilot."...Saburo Sakai,
Japanese Ace
Note that your quote is from a Japanese "ace"- well they all became
extinct after the HELLCAT came on board:)
Subject: Ultimate left wing kook Bush rumor
From: (Product developer)

Do a google search on "martial law nov 1".

It seems that Bush is going to declare Martial law and blame it on

I received a phone call from a client tonight from New Zealand
stating that people are actually leaving the U.S. over this one. I
looked it up and it's a big time story on the web in left wing kook
sites. I am surprised Dred Floggs hasn't paraded here as fact yet.

Small number of paranoids, vs. a huge number on your side that just knows Kerry
will give the US to the UN, lol.

And for kooks, wasn't Tim MacVey on your side too? And all his militia buddies?
And your side has Limbaugh, Ingraham, Savage, Drudge, etc, and they are all
extremist kook, true believers, that have abandoned any truth to preach. And
then we have your head, Bush the 2nd, and he is the bull goose looney kook, he
looks us straight in the face and says, "75% of Al Qaida leaders have been
captured or killled".

You know, a kook like that is hard to top! I've never head anything that was
more of a lie from anyone wearing a tin foil hat and talking about alien mind



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