Driver to drive?

Tom Seim wrote:
Where were you?


Since you asked me in such a polite way, I'll tell you. While you were
doing drugs I was involved in top secret national defense projects at
the Hanford Nuclear Reservation after graduating from Oregon State U.
in 1969. I am not a vet and never pretended to be one.


haha- I like that "involved with" and don't forget "associated with" -
these are typical governmentese expressions meaning you did damned
little other than attend vugraph presentations and get confused- you
were part of a mass of parasitic bureaucratic overhead that produced
nothing except interference and delays in your never ending quest to
achieve presence by making noise. You fool no one- you are worthless now
and always have been.

fredfraud, why don't you tell us what you've been "involved with"
besides illegal drugs?

I certainly am not going to discuss top secret programs on the
Internet, let alone with jerks like you.
There you go again with your pompous and arrogant attitude. You are an
absolute nobody- I'm just not very impressed with your resume. Yawn.
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 10:44:59 -0700, Jim Thompson
<> wrote:

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 09:57:34 -0700, John Larkin> wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 16:43:17 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 16:34:59 -0700, John Larkin> wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 16:13:36 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 23:07:12 GMT, Robert Monsen> wrote:


That whole AMT argument is specious. Both campaigns have pledged to
prevent AMT from affecting the tax rates of the middle class. The only
problem is that AMT is not indexed to inflation, which is an easy fix.

I'm beginning to think it would be good if Kerry is elected... a
super-carbon-copy of Carter's presidency... prevent the Bitch from
running and put the Democrat party right where it belongs... dead !-)

...Jim Thompson

But at least think about the Supreme Court first.


I'm a hawk, but on personal items I'm a Libertarian. I think a super
right wing "supremey" would be terrible.

...Jim Thompson

OK, but be prepared for hoards of hungry trial lawyers circling your
house, just outboard from the union pickets.


Don't you tire, after awhile, of all the extreme right wing crap about
abortion and gay rights? I really don't give a damn what other people
do, as long as they don't bother me. Just call it "civil union" and
I'll be happy. Most major companies recognize it as such already for
benefits, etc. Most cities in Arizona recognize such arrangements and
provide benefits.

...Jim Thompson

My company sure does.

Tom Seim wrote:
If they can't even get supporters out for Cher, how are they going to
get them to vote?
Did you and the Drudge idiot overlook the fact that the CROBAR is a gay
club in a gay district? Cher's monologue should have been a giveaway.

"Cher to Work Pro Bono In Miami Diva Cher will participate in a Q&A
discussion on October 21 at Crobar Miami that will follow a screening of
the documentary "The Ground Truth: The Human Cost of War." The
documentary looks at the long-term and often invisible effects the war
in Iraq is having on thousands of nameless, undecorated Americans. Cher
will address young people, college students and undecided Florida voters
as part of’s nationwide “Feel a Draft?”
campaign. Crobar will also screen the well-received documentary "Going
Upriver," which highlights John Kerry’s experiences during the
Vietnam War and the leadership of the veterans and students during the
anti-war movement. Admission for the event is free."
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 15:32:03 -0700, Steve Sands wrote:

Shamelessly cut and pasted from

At the final presidential debate, Bush said Kerry had passed only five
bills during his career, and Kerry said he had passed 56. Actually, we
found eleven measures authored by Kerry have been signed into law,
including a save-the-dolphins law, a law naming a federal building, a
law giving a posthumous award to Jackie Robinson last year, and laws
declaring "world population awareness weeks" in 1989 and 1991.


Wow that's quite a career! If you subtract the completely meaningless
bills, Bush was right declaring 5 bills total for Kerry. That's one
bill every 4 years. One would have to conclude that the Senator's
positions were too extreme for 20 years having both party's in a
majority in congress. This man is not a concensus builder by any
If you want to know the truth (which, apparently, a WHOLE LOT of
people don't), a man who only votes in favor of five new laws in 20
years is exactly the kind of man we need in government, now more
than ever.

If there's anybody who doesn't know by now that "too much government" is
the primary cause of most societal problems, they are in serious need of
medical attention.

Rich Grise wrote:


It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me laugh and cry simultaneously,
I've done that twice. The first was when my first daughter was born. The most
powerful, emotional, confused moment in my entire life. The second time it
happened was when I shagged her mum's sister 3 months later. Needless to say
we're not together any more.

Rich Grise wrote:
On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 21:13:21 -0400, Dave Holford wrote:

Guy Macon wrote:

Dave Holford <> says...

Before political correctness there was superstition.

A senior FCC official did not like the idea of 13 channels and ordered
that one was to be deleted - in accordance with his directive ONE was

Urban Myth. See

Good grief, I hope this didn't get to be an urban myth that fast!

In buildings with no 13th floor, have you ever noticed if it takes
the same amount of time to go from 12 to 14 as, say, 11 to 12 or
14 to 15? On the elevator, of course. It'd be a little hard to hide
a whole floor from a stairwell. ;-)
A whole floor, yes. But what about a half floor?

Watch 'Being John Malkovich' for an explaination.

Paul Hovnanian
Time is the best teacher; Unfortunately it kills all its students.
Andrea wrote:
Does anyone know why there isn't a channel 1 on American TV dials?
I've seen many different answers, but which is right?
I don't know where '1' went, but they can come and get 2 through N any
time. I wouldn't miss them.

Paul Hovnanian
Dyslexics have more fnu.
Dr. Polemic wrote:
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 04:08:31 GMT, Fred Bloggs <

Dr. Polemic wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 15:50:56 GMT, Fred Bloggs <

Dr. Polemic wrote:

Let's see; the web site quoted below says that the first of 102
B52H's was delivered in May 1961, and the last was delivered in
October 1962. It also says that only the H model is still in the Air
Force inventory. Therefore in 2044 *all* of the planes still in the
inventory will be slightly more than 80 years old. Looks like John
got it right to me.

That 80 year nonsense is some kind of fuzzy-headed anthropomorphism of
the actual bomber and has nothing to do with the engineering reality.

What does engineering reality have to do with the age of the
planes? The planes were built in about 1961 and John said that they
would be 80 years old in 2044. He didn't say anything about
accumulated flight hours, operational life or anything else of the
sort. He just said they would be 80 years old. Is this not true?

Have you ever in your miserable life heard of something called scheduled
replacement maintenance?

Can't you answer a direct question? Will the planes be 80 years
old in 2044 or not? Replacing some parts doesn't change the age of
the planes, does it? I suppose if they replaced the whole plane
maybe, but that's not what you're talking about, is it?
I keep telling you , there is no such thing as "the" plane.

The Air Force logistics O&M is in fact 90 years- and that is all that
matters. The existing fleet could top out in four years of high
intensity conflict.
Fred Bloggs wrote:
There are no such plans to increase the tax burden. If you think there
are then cite your resource. How damned dumb are you that you should
think anyone accepts your pronouncements without annotation?
Tony & his cronies said no tax rises. They still managed to load us with
60 of them in only 2 terms of government. If Kerry's anything like Tony,
you're in for some whoppers. And some tax rises too.

Mike Page BEng(Hons) MIEE
Quiet! Tony's battling the forces of conservatism, whoever we are.
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:32:31 +0200, "Frank Bemelman"
<> wrote:

"John Fields" <> schreef in bericht
Do you believe that Saddam Hussein and company are something other
than a self-serving malignancy with no concern for anything but

If you do, then I suggest that your loyalties lie with our enemies.

Well, well, the world as John Fiels see it. Go fuck yourself and
perform a pre-emptive strick on your own person.
Cranky, Frankie?-)

John Fields
"John Popelish" <> wrote
we are doing some solar air heating work and would like
to monitor 9 spots...on the idea is to make 8 sensors and
run wires to spot where temperature display unit is located....either
have wires run to switch or hook up manually one by one when readings
are taken....My understanding (limited) is that I can run thermistors
to a volt meter and temps can be calculated from this
correct....we would like to eventually log them with a computer but
that is down the road a bit...thanks again.
Most, if not all answer to temperature measurement can be found at:

Omega is very good source for temperature measurement equipment and
will sell to anyone with a credit card.

ebay is not a bad source for industrial instrumentation and control,
with the stuff often going for ten cents on the dollar.

If you can severely over-heat a building with the present
setup (~100C) I would advise not doing anything 'on the cheap'.

I had posted before assuming you were using an RTD
when you used the term 'thermistor'. If you are indeed using
a true thermistor then please ignore most of the previous postings.

OTOH, I would advise using an RTD or thermocouple to measure
temperature with acceptable accuracy and stability. Feed the
temperature sensors into strip-chart data logger - ebay. You should
also have an emergency shut-down and alarming system.

Nicholas O. Lindan, Cleveland, Ohio
Consulting Engineer: Electronics; Informatics; Photonics.
Remove spaces etc. to reply: n o lindan at net com dot com
psst.. want to buy an f-stop timer?
"Frank Bemelman" <> wrote in message
"Rich Grise" <> schreef in bericht
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 02:08:12 +0200, Frank Bemelman wrote:

"Clarence" <> schreef in bericht

"Frank Bemelman" <> wrote in message
Fred talks about the situation in Iraq *before* the invasion.
You mean back in the "Good Old Days" when rape, pillage, and murder was
fun for Saddam and his boys?

Fred does not support such behaviour, and you damn well know that. If
try to be funny or smart, well, you failed. Why do you need to point to
events that happened 12 or more years ago? Why not repeat the more
event, such as the behaviour of American prison wards in Iraq? That's
an equally silly argument. The point is, there was no reason to invade
Iraq. Admit it or drop dead, after you have closed the door behind you.
I am sick and tired of your kind of disgusting characters.

I get the impression Clarence and his ilk are of the attitude, "Well,
he killed lots of people, so it's OK for us to kill lots of people too!"

The point is, if a dictator *somewhere* kills thousands, you go in
immedeately, if you want to pretend playing the good sameritan. Give
or take a few months to get organized. But it is not a valid excuse
after 12 years. It is as simple as that.

Like you don't empty your rubbish bin over the neighbours fence, because
he played loud music 12 years ago.
No, but if he was murdering innocent people and I told him to stop and he
continued, I might empty my S&W into him!

Since you are too dense to understand. Why do you continue to draw attention
to yourself?
"Frank Bemelman" <> wrote in message
You are so incredibly stupid that you can't understand that one can be
against Saddam and also against an invasion. There is no black or white.

Drop dead, you anonymous turd of shit in your country of freedom.
Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)

More insightful color blind commentary from the illustrious Bemelman.

He artistry in insults has no peer, nor does any intelligent person seek to
equal his wit!
In article <>,
"Tam/WB2TT" <t-tammaru@c0mca$> writes:
"yar" <> wrote in message

I want build a power amplifier for a video signal from a ccd camera
I don't know what is the information I need to do this ?
&what is the steps?

note : I want make it as push-pull amplifier and I select the
transistor c1815 as the 1st stage & 2n2222 as the 2nd stage if this
is wrong what the right transistor number I can use & how I select it

thank you for any help

Don't know anything about the C1815, but I have built wideband amplifiers
and found the 2N2369 to be much superior to the 2N2222 as far as bandwidth
goes; that is, if you can live with the 15 V breakdown.

My memory might be defective, but isn't the 2N2369 a gold doped transistor?
(Gold doping apparently used to be used to mitigate some of the storage
issues for saturated switching?) AFAIR, the gold doping would also likely
increase the noise from the part (probably LF noise). For full 1V
video, that isn't likely a major problem, but I wouldn't use a gold
doped part even for moderately low noise apps. (This is from deep, dark
recesses of my memory, and might be confused with something else.)

I do remember that I had played with the old, one/two transistor FM
transmitter thingies (this was about 40yrs ago), and the 2n706 (also
a gold doped part) seemed to be fairly noisy at audio, even though
it was the oscillator.

Again, I know that the circuit might not be used in an application
where low noise is very important, but it is possible that such a
component MIGHT have some small effect on SNR if you are using less
than full 1V vidoe levels.

On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 03:35:23 +0000, Rich Grise wrote:

Well, you might or might not have noticed, somebody mentioned this new
movie, and I had qualms that they might be making the wrong statement.

Imagine my surprise to find out how wrong I was. ;-)

The world situation, and American politics, and all that crap, is nothing
but the movie's Setting.

Their real statement is a rag on the "Film Actors' Guild", or F.A.G., of
which Alec Baldwin is in charge, who did not in any way give his
permission or allow his likeness to be used in the movie, along with
about two dozen other F.A.G. actors, who are mentioned in the disclaimer
at the end of the flick.

Technically, it was superb, almost up there with "Total Recall" or "The
Fifth Element."

It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me laugh and cry simultaneously,
which, when you get down to it, is the hallmark of good storytelling.

The marionette sex alone is worth the price of admission.


And I LOVE the theme-song: "America! Fuck Yeah!"


I just saw it today, too. In spite of my earlier misgivings, my wife and I
worked it out. We went to a multiplex and she watched another movie while
I watched _Team America: World Police_

I laughed pretty hard. I don't think I've seen much of Southpark, so I'm
not sure how similar in tone the movie is, but the movie really made me

Of course, if you have been conditioned into noticing political
incorrectness, it could be hard to enjoy the movie. The way the middle
easterners and Kim Jong Il spoke would be deeply offensive to culturally
sensitive people. (Kim Jong Il babbled in Chinese-sounding intonations,
but Korean is not an intonated language. When he spoke English
he had a cartoonishly exaggerated accent. Meanwhile, all of the middle
easterners, when they were supposed to be speaking arabic, I guess,
grunted incoherently except for when they said "jihad" and "allah.")

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:58:34 +0000, Ken Smith wrote:
In article <>, Rich Grise
I think if they see the troops really going, most of them might be
persuaded to back off - they only want their homes and churches back,
after all.

Some shots will still be fired at their backs.
So Make a Statement. Have all the soldiers lie face-eown on the ground,
and belly-crawl out of the country. Make a _STATEMENT_. "To show the
sorrow and humiliation that we feel in the admission of the atrocities
committed by the insane former commander, we will leave the country on
foot, and ask that you please not shoot leaving soldiers in the back,
because the World knows you're better than that, and the individual
soldiers were only following orders."

Then arrest the ringleaders of the neocon cabal and turn them over to the
World Court for trial, conviction, and hanging. No, actually, I should
just say "execution," because beheading might be more appropriate for
some of them.

And, yes, John Larkin, Yes, I'm advocating killing them. But it's OK,
since they've been turned by Evil, and their Will was lost already anyway.
Unless they make the Conscious Act of Choice, and Redeem their own Denial
Light, of course. Which would make them stop killing, AFAIUI.

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:51:44 +0000, Ken Smith wrote:

In article <>, Rich Grise> wrote:
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:00:29 +0000, Ken Smith wrote:

In article <>, Rich Grise> wrote: [...]
Yes, but is there a way that they can stop the killing TODAY?

If you kick a dog and then stop kicking it, it is still likely to bite
you. Even if the US started doing everything right, deaths would
continue for some time.

And this attitude of yours of considering these people to be dogs, is
very very ill, and probably evil.

I don't see how you get that from my post. I was making an analog between
the situation in Iraq and the person who kicks the dog. ie: It would be
fairer to say I characterized someone as the sort who would kick a dog.
OK, sorry. I misread your POV here.

If I get it now, you're denigrating the kicker, and the kicker's attitude.
In that case, we're in line here.

But still, the sane way to deal with a dog, angry or not, is _NOT_ to keep
taunting it and swatting at it and claiming moral superiority over it and
doing all heavens knows what-not that's against his nature, under the
banner of bringing him your own personal flavor of what you think
"freedom" is supposed to be.
(not you, Ken, I hope I've made clear - I mean "them.")

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:20:13 +0000, Ken Smith wrote:

In article <>, Fred Bloggs <
wrote: [...]
Conservatives don't seem to have any problem with stealing elections,

Please don't confuse the "neocons" with the conservatives. The "neocons"
are not conservatives. Neocons are about as conservative as National
Socialists are socialist.
What would a conservative socialist look like?

"Spehro Pefhany" <speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote in message
On 17 Oct 2004 16:40:26 GMT, the renowned Jim Yanik> wrote:

Except that the people the US is killing mostly deserve it.
They actually go looking for it.
Those Iraqis with RPGs are not your average Iraqi citizen.

Mostly young male weapon-owning patriots with some military
experience. Probably a lot like a younger version of you.

The place will be better off with them removed.
Can't get a free country with a bunch of thugs trying to take over.
"John Larkin" <> schreef in
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:48:12 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

"Frank Bemelman" <> wrote in message

You are so incredibly stupid that you can't understand that one can be
against Saddam and also against an invasion. There is no black or

Drop dead, you anonymous turd of shit in your country of freedom.
Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)

More insightful color blind commentary from the illustrious Bemelman.

He artistry in insults has no peer, nor does any intelligent person seek
equal his wit!

Yes, there's definitely an evolution going on here. Interesting.
Only interesting? No fun?

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)

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