Driver to drive?

On Friday 08 October 2004 08:46 pm, John S. Dyson did deign to grace us with
the following:

In article <PAH9d.1686$gd1.718@trnddc08>,
Rich Grise <> writes:
On Friday 08 October 2004 03:59 pm, John S. Dyson did deign to grace us
with the following:

In article <1By9d.70$y71.52@trnddc02>,
Rich Grise <> writes:
On Thursday 07 October 2004 08:21 pm, John S. Dyson did deign to grace
us with the following:

So, you're gonna save their soul if you have to burn them at the
stake to do it, huh?

This isn't really an issue of 'saving souls' (I don't get into that
mumbo-jumbo), but an issue of incredibly disturbed people who are
effectively participants in a hate movement against the current
President of the USA.

I see. And how does this make you feel?

No emotions other than seeing the proof of leftist idiocy and mental
instability. It is best to keep the fools from mutually feeding on
their hatred, just as their right-wing cousins, the neo-nazis, tend
to mutually feed on their own hatred.

It is interesting that you ask a question that you obviously don't want
an answer. Is the dishonest asking of such a question truly indicative
of a lack of integrity?

Why is it you think that I don't want an answer?

There is little motivation for you to know how I feel.
What makes you think that you have any idea what my motivations are? Do
you think that that statement answers my question? Because it doesn't.

Why do you think that I don't want an answer?

And why do you think I have little motivation to know how you feel?

And what, exactly, is it that makes you so terrified of your own feelings?

Please answer these before going off on some tirade designed merely to

On Monday 11 October 2004 09:15 pm, Dirk Bruere at Neopax did deign to grace
us with the following:

Rich Grise wrote:

On Monday 11 October 2004 02:40 pm, John Larkin did deign to grace us
with the following:

Why are so many people getting hysterical about their perceived loss
of rights? The only thing I've personally experienced is that I can't
carry my Swiss Army Knife on planes any more.

And you see nothing at all wrong with that.

I truly weep for America.

It's OK.
If he wants a really good weapon on the international flights he can buy a
couple of bottles of high proof alcohol.

A broken bottle in one hand, and a firebomb in the other outranks a Swiss
Army Knife.
I like the Scott Adams Plan for Airline Security. A new airline company:
Atheist Airlines. There's a little booth by the gate, with icons and gewgaws
and whatnots and totems and things from every major religion on the planet.
Before you get on the airplane, you have to go into the booth and blaspheme
every one of them. Then, carry whatever weapons you want on board. Need a
bazooka? No Problem! Mini-gun? You'll have to buy a ticket for that big boy!
Grenades? Cool!

You see, atheists generally don't go around stirring up huge amounts of
trouble where there isn't a ready escape route. ;-)

Or, just issue a handgun to every adult that gets on the airplane. If
they're _all_ terrorists, of course, then the aircrew could go ahead
and crash it in a field somewhere. Unless the aircrew is even better-
armed than 160 terrorists with pistols. ;-)

But really. That's a reach even for a fantasy as grandiose as mine.

In article <>,
John Fields <> writes:
On Sat, 9 Oct 2004 15:18:58 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

In article <>,
John Fields <> writes:
On Sat, 9 Oct 2004 03:46:36 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

There is little motivation for you to know how I feel. Frankly, again,
there is serious problem on the left where they are consiously sewing the
^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^
a consciously |
What kind of needle would you use?------+

Remember this:

Perhaps the cruel and poetic justice is that those who were so very critical
against those who couldn't love Clinton because of his childish, emotionally
incompetent behavior (and in fact, illegal actions wrt court testimony),
have themselves actually fallen prey to the hate.

Remember this:

Your inability to embrace those with whom you disagree is a testament
to the weakness of your belief in yourself

The emotional need to embrace those who are hate filled and evil only
to satisfy an ignorant pressure group (nazis and people like you) show
extreme weakness and inability to stand up for what is right. I cannot
embrace your disgusting perversion because I cannot accept the horrible
wrongs that you embrace.

Frankly, one of my favorite co-workers was a communist (in the true sense),
but he wasn't hate filled and horridly destructive like you. Frankly,
I'd show you some respect, even with your beliefs, only if you personally
deserved it.

Whatever dislike that you might have for me, you don't meet my minimal
standards for respect. This means that whatever disdain that you might
have for me, you don't even meet the criteria for me to have minimal
human respect for you. You hate yourself by hating me (and others.)

In article <>,
Dirk Bruere at Neopax <> writes:
John S. Dyson wrote:

In article <>,
Winfield Hill <> writes:

Dirk Bruere at Neopax wrote...

God does the killing.

A lightning bolt from heaven striking Kerry down, no doubt.

Perhaps, perhaps not... Again, why did you think about murder?
Why is murder so forward in your mind? Have you been associating
that idea with the current president, President Bush? Are you really
considering the murder of President Bush? Don't you think that you
should talk to a psychiatrist first?

Why does he need an accomplice qualified in psychiatry?
Unless he's going to make Bush face his 'inner demons' (actually, pretty outer
ones at present) in the hope he'll shoot himself out of remorse...

Making someone 'face their inner demons' is not the same thing as the
action associated with murdering another human being. It isn't uncommon
to show anger short-term, but the long term hatred as being continually
regenerated by the hate speech from ignorant people will cause both
persistent psychiatric problems and perhaps (in the worse case) even a
national emergency.

Frankly, I doubt that Winfield Hill, John Fields or Fred Bloggs have the
courage to murder anyone, but even then, their rational selves will hopefully
stop them from doing it. If their hatred is allowed to spiral, then their
insanity might overcome their fear, and we all might have some problems.

The hate speech on this group is only a small subset of the hatred being
genned up by the Democrat party. There have already been numbers
physical attacks orchestrated by the Democrat party, and when allegedly
'educated' people are falling prey to hate speech, then there is a serious

Dirk Bruere at Neopax wrote:

Rich Grise wrote:

On Monday 11 October 2004 02:40 pm, John Larkin did deign to grace us
the following:

Why are so many people getting hysterical about their perceived loss
of rights? The only thing I've personally experienced is that I can't
carry my Swiss Army Knife on planes any more.

And you see nothing at all wrong with that.

I truly weep for America.

It's OK.
If he wants a really good weapon on the international flights he can buy
a couple of bottles of high proof alcohol.

A broken bottle in one hand, and a firebomb in the other outranks a
Swiss Army Knife.
That nutty chap in South Korea recently demonstrated that a bottle of
rubbing alcohol and a cigarette lighter can destroy 2 trains, an entire
train station and kill 400+ people (IIRC). Planes are highly flammable.....

Cheers (?!)
Rich Grise wrote:
Speaking of cheap micros, are there any that can be programmed with
nothing but a serial bit and one 5V supply? I have a development
board for the Motorola 68HC705, but it's kind of a PITA - a naked
board about 6" x 9" that just lays there on the bench, with a serial
cable and a flying ribbon cable and plug to plug into the target
system. But I've had the GUI for it up about a couple of times, and
got to the point where I could run their example blinking LED, but
I got sidetracked and it's been collecting dust for about 4 years.
Why has no one mentioned that many flash PICs have a low voltage programming
mode. You need a programmer to set it. But once set, that PIC, for ever more
(or at least until you disable it), can be programmed at operating voltage (5V
usually) and serial data.

Rich Grise wrote:


Someone else wrote:

With any signal, the product of the instantaneous values is the power.
With Sine waves, the RMS values can be multiplied but then you need to
correct for the phase.

But doesn't the multiplication of the two phase-shifted waves automagically
do that? i.e., the RMS value of the product (which is still a sine wave,
on a phase of its own, and smaller) will be the True Power, equal to
RMS volts * RMS amps * Power factor?
The product of the instantaneous, voltage and current will be the true power,
irrespective of waveform and phase.

WIth sine waves, the product of the RMS values of each waveform will still need
correcting for phase.

Which is what someone else said above.

Rich Grise wrote:

I like the Scott Adams Plan for Airline Security. A new airline company:
Atheist Airlines. There's a little booth by the gate, with icons and gewgaws
and whatnots and totems and things from every major religion on the planet.
Before you get on the airplane, you have to go into the booth and blaspheme
every one of them. Then, carry whatever weapons you want on board. Need a
bazooka? No Problem! Mini-gun? You'll have to buy a ticket for that big boy!
Grenades? Cool!

You see, atheists generally don't go around stirring up huge amounts of
trouble where there isn't a ready escape route. ;-)
What about those non-Christian "neo-con" atheist Zionists that heartily
encourage invading Iraq, and the liberal-civilizing of Islam?

It aint 'bout religion!

Here's a quote from an entertaining, hysterical "peak-oil" e-book "The
Oil-Age Is Over" you can download in time for Halloween:

We may not like to admit it, but human beings can be absolute animals.
The truth of this has been long confirmed by anthropologists. For instance, in
his book The Dark Side of Man, author Michael P. Ghiglieri writes:
War analyst Stanislav Andreski concluded that the trigger for most
wars is hunger, or even ‘a mere drop from the customary standard of
living.’ Anthropologists Carol and Melvin Ember spent six years
studying war in the late 1980s among 186 pre-industrial societies.
They focused on pre-contact times in hopes of collecting the
‘cleanest, least distorted’ data. Andreski, it seems, was right. War’s
most common cause, the Embers found, was fear of deprivation. The
victors in the wars they studied almost always took territory, food,
and/or other critical resources from their enemies.
This also holds true among modern nations. For instance, after
studying recent global conflicts, political scientists Thomas E.
Homer-Dixon, Jeffrey H. Boutwell, and George W. Rathjens
concluded, “There are significant causal links between scarcities of
renewable resources and violence. In short, many wars seem to be a
mass, communal robbery of another social group’s life-support
It seems that when humans are faced with resource shortages we react
exactly as our primate cousins do: by killing each other.
The US Army is as aware of this fact as the anthropologists are. In 1997,
Major Ralph Peters wrote in the US Army War College’s journal, Parameters,
that during the 21st century:
There will be no peace. At any given moment for the rest of our
lifetimes, there will be multiple conflicts in mutating forms around
the globe. Violent conflict will dominate the headlines, but cultural
and economic struggles will be steadier and ultimately more decisive.
The de facto role of the US armed forces will be to keep the world
safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault. To those ends,
we will do a fair amount of killing.276
And here is some advice from the author for herbivore peacenick
head-in-the-ground ostriches:

109. How am I supposed to help stop the military-
industrial complex that seems to have taken
over the world?
Are you ready to be a truly revolutionary American and put down your
wallet? The military-industrial complex has taken over because we’ve given it
our money, mostly for useless items that we don’t need. Limit your consumer
purchasing as much as you can and you will do more to slow down, and
perhaps stop, the military-industrial complex than you will ever do by
attending a peace march. Marching for peace does nothing to address the true
cause of our problems. Driving to the march and stopping at Starbucks on the
way is actually making the situation worse. All marching for peace does is
waste precious time and resources, while giving the “powers that be” the
opportunity to deny we are creeping towards fascism.
I used to participate in peace marches but once I learned about Peak Oil I
stopped. I felt like a bit of a hypocrite protesting an oil war when my lifestyle
was every bit as energy-intensive and oil-powered as the lifestyles led by most
of the pro-war folks. Ironically, the folks at the protests who use the least
amount of oil per day are most often the police, many of whom are dispatched
on bicycles.
It’s simple: the best way to stop the military-industrial complex is to pull
your money out of the market and stop buying useless crap, especially new
I have a certain respect for people with religion (atheist or otherwise)
that walk their talk!



DIY Piezo-Gyro, PCB Drill Bot & More Soon!

Those who sow excuses shall reap excuses

On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 01:34:34 +0100, Dirk Bruere at Neopax
<> wrote:

John Larkin wrote:

On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 00:59:20 +0100, Dirk Bruere at Neopax> wrote:

John Larkin wrote:

On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 00:08:53 +0100, Dirk Bruere at Neopax> wrote:

Or simply email the military secrets.

Right. One-time-pad XOR encryption can't be broken.

Nah. Send it in clear from an Internet cafe or library.
Anyway, for years I've been on the versge of doing a nice Windows prog for OTP
cryption, with a dongle random num generator. Not to mention active memories for
secure transportation of the OTPs

That would be interesting: a one-time-read RAM, where readout was
absolutely destructive.

Should be fairly easy to do with a uC with a load of flash on board.

Right! Read some flash into ram, blast that block of flash, spool out
the bits. Plus a few tricks to add comic relief.

I have a box full of HC11 stuff,including ww boards,stuffed PCB for a 'hobby
kit',BASIC11 eprom,etc.
It is/was a good general purpose micro.Lots has been coded for this chip....

I'm located near Hamilton,Ont. if you wanted to pickup the 'box of goodies'

martin griffith wrote...
Very difficult to diagnose ( well for me) on the net, but try
reading AN70 by Jim Williams on the Linear website, it has a good
section on selecting inductors, and sniffer for locating nasties
The small magnetic-field sniffer probe section in Jim's appnote is
a meaty and excellent source of information. It's appnote E101 by
Bruce Carsten Associates, Inc., 6410 NW Sisters Place, Corvallis,
Oregon 97330 541-745-3935, You can make
your probes from the drawings he provides, but they sell several
versions for $300 to $500, Looks like good investments.

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
Chris Carlen wrote:

Yesterday I went to the post office. Not yet fully adjusted to police
state living, I foolishly questioned to my wife about the poster on the
wall about "media mail." I asked my wife why it is that the government
should be able to "subject to inspection" and create a special category
of mail that is for shipping VCR tapes, CDs, DVDs, etc.
The special category is "book rate" which was created
long ago to encourage dissemination of books and reading
and education. It was almost universally accepted
as a good thing. it was always "subject to inspection"
to be sure no one cheated.

local optimization seldom leads to global optimization

my e-mail address is: <my first name> <my last name> AT mmm DOT com
"Terry Pinnell" <> wrote in message (Ryan Ashline) wrote:

I am looking for a 12 volt timer or looking to build one. What I
would like it to do is when powered wait for approx 3 mins (doesnt
have to be close 15 sec or so +- would be ok) Then trigger a light I
have for 2-3 secs shut off then repeat the entire sequence again. 3
mins off 3 secs on. Would some please point me in the right

Thanks for your time

Ryan Ashline

After switching on power, is it important that the delay before the
first 3 sec ON should be (approximately) 3 minutes?

If NO, a simple astable (oscillator) could be used, with a roughly
1:60 duty cycle (3 mins OFF, 3 secs ON).

If YES, a monostable (one-shot or timer) needs to be added. This is
because a simple astable, such as from a 555 or 1/2 x 4001 or 4011,
starts at an unpredictable position in its cycle. So the delay could
be *anything* up to 3 mins. As an added complication, if you used a
555 the delay could be over 4 mins, because the *first* cycle of a 555
astable is always 30-40% longer than all subsequent cycles.

You also need to be clear we understand your skill level. Given a
suitable astable or mono+astable circuit, can you add appropriate
lamp-driving circuitry yourself? If not, you need to specify more
details of the lamps and your power supply voltage and current.

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK

How about a compromise desig,:
1. Build an oscillator with a period of 3 seconds. Easily doable with
standard component. ( 1 ufd mylar cap + few megaohm)
2. Feed the output to a 6 bit counter.
3. Connect the reset lead of the counter to an RC network so it powers up
4. Detect the 111111 state to turn on the light.
5. This gives 192 seconds OFF, 3 seconds ON.

On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 23:12:26 -0700, the renowned "Paul Hovnanian P.E."
<> wrote:

Spehro Pefhany wrote:


The truth on this is quite innocent. "Media mail" is something like an
extension of "book rate" - a discounted rate. Some people have taken
to mailing items that do not qualify for media mail as media mail to
save a few dollars, so the USPO must reserve the right to inspect the
packages or envelopes if you want to get the discounted rate.

This makes sense. During a recent (this summer) trip overseas, it is
still quite evident that we (the U.S.) are still much more concerned
with smuggling for commercial purposes than weapons. In Europe, its the
other way around.
Coals to Newcastle...
S. hashem Aref wrote...
Please download its datasheet from this address:

and find MAR,Receiver High Performance Table and find Siemens SDR 00512Z
Vr=5v has been written on piece of paper adhered on its cover.
I couldn't find any sign of these APD diodes on the Infineon website,
do you know if the optical-detector product area went to another
company in the Siemens reorganization?

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
On 11 Oct 2004 21:43:37 -0700, (S. hashem Aref)

John Larkin <> wrote in message news:<>...
On 11 Oct 2004 07:12:45 -0700, (S. hashem Aref)

John Larkin <> wrote in message news:<>...
On 9 Oct 2004 23:38:58 -0700, (S. hashem Aref)

Winfield Hill <> wrote in message news:<>...
S. hashem Aref wrote...

Is there anyone how can design a simple circuit for Avalanch
photodiode bias.
I want to use it instead of PIN photodiode and I just need to
measure changing of light. I don't need high responsivity of APD.

Specification of APD:
Sensitivity@1310: .86 A/W

Read the "Avalanche Photodiodes: A User's Guide" article at this
site, and consider the issue of bias voltage control (figure 2).

thanks. That helped me but there wasn't any bias circuit diagram in
this whitpaper. Please let me know if evryone have any suggestion for
simple bias circuit for APD. I didn't require to detect very low level
optical signal. I have to use it becease I don't have a PIN photodiode
at now.

The APD *is* a PIN diode. If you run it at a smallish reverse bias, it
won't have any avalanche gain, and it will work like any other PIN. If
you don't need high sensitivity, just bias it at -5 or -10 and it
should work fine. Avalanche bias levels are usually higher, 60 volts
or some such.

When I run it with Vr=5v and illuminated it with laser diode @1550nm
and power=1.5mw I saw a very low voltage in output of load resistance
(RL=100 ohm) that voltage was about .04mv.
If you want to look at my circuit I can attach for you.

What kind of diode is it? If it's sensitive at 1550, you might expect
numbers like 0.5 a/w in non-avalanche mode. But that's based on using
fiberoptics or a very good focussing lens to get all the beam power
onto the sensitive part of the pd; if you just illuminate a photodiode
with a typical laser, only a minute fraction of the beam is absorbed
by the tiny pd, so you've got to reduce the 0.5a/w sensitivity by the
pd/beam area ratio.

I used a fiber pigtail Laser diode and 1.5mw is ouput of fiber
therefore I didn't need to focus laser on PD.

You should have a huge signal - a bit under a milliampere - with low
bias in pure PIN mode, unless the PD is insensitive to your

The orange reflective tape and the Y adaptor for two joysticks will
definitely make my table saw run smoother. Starting bid for $15.99? You
are trolling, right?

"KD" <> wrote in message
HUGE LOT of *NEW* RADIO SHACK parts and items. NR$15.99
vijayamurugan.P wrote:
good evening

i wish to simulate a pwm
My waveforms are
1. sine wave @ 50 Hz 16 v
2.Carrier wave - Triangular wave 40v peak to peak.

i have to implement pwm using It.
i tried using 741 Opamp.but it misfires @ several instances
Can Anybody suggest me a better circuit
Thanks in Advance


If you're using the 741 as a comparator (i.e. no feedback, you just want
the output to be high or low) consider using a _real_ comparator like an
LM339 or an LM311. For this application they're mostly like op-amps,
but you'll want to study the data sheets to make sure you're getting
something fast enough and you're plugging all the right pins into the
right places.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
Doug Goncz wrote:

In an earlier thread, "Inpedance Protection of Ceiling Fan Motor" (sic), and
other threads here and in other newsgroups, I have considered the possiblity of
using a split phase capacitor run AC motor as a generator.

I have assembled the motor to my bicycle and it runs the cranks just fine. I
don't intend to build an AC motor powered bicycle with it. After all, what
would you do when the required extension cord pulled out of the wall? :) It is
useful to have an AC motor on a bicycle. When in the shop for maintenance, all
one need do is plug in the motor and spend a few minutes tuning the
transmission for maximum shift efficiency, saving much time.

From my EET 350 (Fundamentals of Electrical Technology) textbook, "Introduction
to Electricity, Electronics, and Electromagnetism", I see that the torque curve
as a function of speed is sharply sloped near synchronous speed and understand
that it pretty much reflects across the speed axis into the region of negative
(that is, applied) torque, allowing the motor to act as a generator.

I plan to use AC excitation but don't understand how to connect the load so
that the generator will drive it. Certainly the impedance of the wall socket is
very low, while the impedance of my onboard sine wave inverter, which supplies
AC excitation to the motor, may be higher or lower. In any case, I suspect the
impedance of this impedance protected motor to be rather high.

The proposed loads are two: one, a highly efficient white LED signal light
donated by John Viselli at Dialight for this R&D project, and two, an even more
efficient high pressure sodium fixture to be purchased at The Home Depot or
from Grainger when the LED light goes on line.

The LED light is 8W, and is entirely suitable for use as a road headlight, with
its trapezoidal beam pattern, sealed construction, and easy mounting into a
fairing. It can be mounted directly to the motor, for now, it is so light. I
have fabricated one such adapter already, and two model adapters of foam to
carry the "guts" of a simlar light, a green LED traffic light. These weigh

The sodium fixture is a little heavier, but not too bad. It is rated 35 W and
is entirely suitable for navigating difficult terrain at night, at high speeds.
It's a flood light.

I finished the plastic shell for the road wheel powered DC motor/generator the
other day. This generator will power the inverter, and the inverter will excite
the AC generator. Rider power will be transormed by the generator into AC power
to power the lamp. That's a jump from 60 Hz mechanical power to 60 Hz AC, then
around 33 octaves to visible light. No, this isn't a perpetual motion machine
or a dynamic brake. The AC motor is being used as a generator with AC
excitation supplied by the inverter, which is in turn supplied by the 30 VDC,
12 A stall motor/generator. There's very little drag in the mechanicals. There
are losses, though. Compared to a CVT hub, these losses are acceptable. That
is, ridability has not been affected. I road with the AC generator on chain
drive for several miles the other day. I didn't generate any power but losses
were low.

So how do I establish load sharing between the inverter and AC generator?

That is, how do I excite the generator and seamlessly make use of the generated

The only way I can think of that doesn't use great big transformers is
to use a 4-quadrant inverter so that power flowing into the inverter
will appear as DC current coming _out_.

Then load share between the DC generator and the light.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
<> wrote in message
"Left hand down a bit number one. What's that to starboard?"

"It's the missing DLL captain."

"Hold her steady, steady... Fire!"

"I can't sir, it says 'Windaz has detected you are too pissed to
operate machinery' Sir."

"What! lemme see! Blimey they've installed "Windaz-too-thoosand (c)",
the student version for the North of England... none of us will be
able to use it, I told them to get the full home version."
Please tell me theres no truth to this at all?

"never a truer word has been spoken in jest"

Colin =^.^=

Welcome to

