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"Spehro Pefhany" <speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote in message
instantaneous power but rms power is back to the old chestnut of Hi-Fi buffs
that have no engineering degree!
RMS watts? Is there such a thing? Well there is average power andOn Mon, 11 Oct 2004 08:28:24 GMT, the renowned "Ban" <bansuri@web.de
Greg K wrote:
I need some help with the schematic/design of a digital power meter or
watt meter if you prefer. The objective is to be able to measure the
power output from an amp driving a speaker. I understand I need to
measure current, voltage, and cos(phi). The current and voltage should
be obtainable through A/D converters. Measuring the phase angle I am
not sure about yet. The output of the final result will be displayed
on 7-segment LEDs.
The way I see it is that a DMM can do voltage and current but can't
multiply them together and give you a power reading. I don't know what
chips a DMM might use to do this though. Right now I'd be happy with
some circuitry to measure voltage and current; multiply them and get a
If you need any clarifications about this, please ask.
you do not need to measure cos_phi, because it is contained in the other
measurements. If you multiply the momentary values of voltage and current
with each other, the output will be the momentary power, which you will
to process for RMS with the appropriate time constants. You could also
an analog multiplier and feed its output to the true RMS DMM. Or(best)
could use your soundcard to sample voltage and current and use some
like matlab for processing.
I like this meter:
It reads in "RMS watts", not those nasty regular watts.
instantaneous power but rms power is back to the old chestnut of Hi-Fi buffs
that have no engineering degree!