Driver to drive?

"Spehro Pefhany" <speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote in message
On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 08:28:24 GMT, the renowned "Ban" <

Greg K wrote:
I need some help with the schematic/design of a digital power meter or
watt meter if you prefer. The objective is to be able to measure the
power output from an amp driving a speaker. I understand I need to
measure current, voltage, and cos(phi). The current and voltage should
be obtainable through A/D converters. Measuring the phase angle I am
not sure about yet. The output of the final result will be displayed
on 7-segment LEDs.

The way I see it is that a DMM can do voltage and current but can't
multiply them together and give you a power reading. I don't know what
chips a DMM might use to do this though. Right now I'd be happy with
some circuitry to measure voltage and current; multiply them and get a

If you need any clarifications about this, please ask.

you do not need to measure cos_phi, because it is contained in the other
measurements. If you multiply the momentary values of voltage and current
with each other, the output will be the momentary power, which you will
to process for RMS with the appropriate time constants. You could also
an analog multiplier and feed its output to the true RMS DMM. Or(best)
could use your soundcard to sample voltage and current and use some
like matlab for processing.

I like this meter:

It reads in "RMS watts", not those nasty regular watts.
RMS watts? Is there such a thing? Well there is average power and
instantaneous power but rms power is back to the old chestnut of Hi-Fi buffs
that have no engineering degree!

On Monday 11 October 2004 11:39 am, John Larkin did deign to grace us with
the following:

On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 18:59:06 +0100, Dirk Bruere at Neopax> wrote:

John Larkin wrote:

On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 17:16:20 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

Unless they're stopped, of course. Don't be fooled by the fact that the
US used to be the land of the Free - this is where the nazis have taken
up residence, except for the handful or so that are running Israel.
Can't happen here? Open your eyes, folks.

Better you should take your meds.

Don't worry.
In the neocon New World Order everyone will be forced to take their meds,
and pay for them directly at multinational jacked up monopoly prices.

It does indeed sound like facism is on the march in America:

Frankly, it sounds more like Boss Tweed.

On Monday 11 October 2004 02:40 pm, John Larkin did deign to grace us with
the following:

Why are so many people getting hysterical about their perceived loss
of rights? The only thing I've personally experienced is that I can't
carry my Swiss Army Knife on planes any more.

And you see nothing at all wrong with that.

I truly weep for America.
Rich Grise wrote:

On Monday 11 October 2004 02:40 pm, John Larkin did deign to grace us with
the following:

Why are so many people getting hysterical about their perceived loss
of rights? The only thing I've personally experienced is that I can't
carry my Swiss Army Knife on planes any more.

And you see nothing at all wrong with that.

I truly weep for America.
It's OK.
If he wants a really good weapon on the international flights he can buy a
couple of bottles of high proof alcohol.

A broken bottle in one hand, and a firebomb in the other outranks a Swiss Army


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
I read in that Product developer
<> wrote (in <>) about 'OT: If America Were Iraq', on Tue, 5 Oct 2004:

You could make a fortune on a game show. Is there a topic that you do
not possess in depth knowledge of?
For me, a lot of this stuff is history I've lived through. I used to
have a very retentive memory (well, I suppose I still have except that
it's full and won't easily accept new input; maybe defragging would
help) and of course if you remember the key words you can easily check
on the web.

But I wouldn't do well on a big-ticket quiz show, because they find out
the areas you don't know about and ask questions on those subjects -
unless you are the one they've picked as the winner. For me, popular
music and the visual arts are the no-go areas.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
"Wouter van Ooijen (" <> wrote in message
- Win

Now that is an answer from a source that I trust :)

On to the next question, which is less well-defined I am afraid. The
term master-slave flip flop, should this describe

1. Two flip-flops, which (in my idea) are edge-triggered (level
triggered would be a latch), so the total thing would be edge
triggered with a delayed output, or

2. Two latches, so the total thing is an edge-triggered FF.

To summarize: is a MS-FF one FF, or two FFs?
The master-slave flip-flop consists of two 'level triggered'
latches that are cascaded with respect to data and parallel
with respect to the clock and which become transparent
for opposite levels of the clock. At one level, the input
latch can accept data (is transparent) but the output is
held. At the other level, the output latch can accept
data, but the input latch holds its value. Hence, there
can be at most one output transition per clock (as long
as certain race conditions related to the two clock paths
are precluded by design, a task made much easier in IC's
where relative delays are well controlled.)

--Larry Brasfield
Above views may belong only to me.
On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 11:31:34 -0700, the renowned John Larkin
<> wrote:

On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 14:18:14 -0400, Spehro Pefhany
speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote:

On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 10:43:14 -0700, the renowned John Larkin> wrote:

On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 13:09:53 -0400, Mike Monett <> wrote:

Spehro Pefhany wrote:

Well, Daimler-Chrysler and Hewlett-Packard have a whack of mine, but
it doesn't really take that much lead length to affect the accuracy of
a Pt100 sensor. DIN-curve units change 385 mOhms per K. AWG16 wire has
a resistance of 4.2 ohms per 1000 feet at 25°C, so it only takes about
50' of relatively thick wire (or 8' of AWG24) to cause a
temperature-sensitive offset of 1°C. The sensor elements are stable to
far better than that, of course.

There are also less standard sensors as low as 25 ohms. I don't get to
pick the nominal resistance, it's an industry standard. Field tweaking
of the calibration is unthinkable in most situations. We just want the
instrument and sensor to work together, interchangeably, with no fuss.

The more picky scientific applications use a Kelvin setup, but for
industrial applications, a first-order correction is good enough.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Golly - 50' of microvolt level signals in an industrial environment? You
must have some horrendous noise problems.

RTDs deliver huge signals... millivolts per K, depending on the
excitation current. Thermocouples are more interesting... close to
three orders of magnitude lower.



Cough? Had your flu shots?
No rush here, the vaccine doesn't come from Chiron- it comes from ID
Biomedical in Vancouver and from Aventis Pasteur in Lyon. I didn't
bother popping into the local clinic for a free shot last year. Got a
nasty cough that isn't going away very fast though- almost two months
now- something resembling epiglottitis in symptoms-scary. A course of
mid-range antibiotics didn't have any effect except adding to my CC
balance. 8-(

BTW, isn't it typically (1mA Pt100, base metal T/C) more like one
order of magnitude difference (385uV/K vs. ~40uV/K)?

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward" Info for manufacturers:
Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers:
"Dave VanHorn" <> wrote in message
All those registers and still its possible to run out of them :)
I'm not too good of a programmer, though.

Well. I always run out of registers. I start off, in small jobs, trying to fit
everything into the registers. If I can't then I start using SRAM. Some apps
I've been able to keep all register, then I can use the Tiny-11 at $0.25 ea.

I'm tempted to go the PIC way just for one particular project because
they seem to be available at higher speeds.

Check carefully.
That 20 MHz PIC looks a lot like a 5 MHz AVR to me.
And that's before we deal with the single W register, paging, etc.
Thanks for clearing this up. How's ARM architecture? I've noticed
that even some of cheap ones use PLL clock multipliers resulting in quite
high clock, on the order of 60MHz. I wonder how many cycles per

Tom Seim wrote:
Dirk Bruere at Neopax <> wrote in message news:<>...

John S. Dyson wrote:

In article <>,
John Woodgate <jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> writes:

I read in that John S. Dyson <
wrote (in <ck3eut$okr$>) about 'The Rational Mind of
Fred Bloggs', on Thu, 7 Oct 2004:

Hatred is

No, it's not 'problematic'. That's 'touchy-feely' woolly-mindedness.
Hatred is a manifestation of evil, and the simplest way to explain what
the concept of 'evil' is.

Perhaps I was understating the problem from the Bush haters. Even
being 'soft' in the description of that hate-illness results in insane
responses from the leftist hate-filled creatures.

You are being melodramatic.
We don't 'hate' Bush - merely dislike him, those who surround him pulling his
strings, and his counterproductive and dangerously ineffective policies.

I can relate to that... with Clinton. Never hated the guy personally,
just thought that his moral compass had been discarded decades ago, if
he ever had one (it was replaced by the trial balloon). There was only
one person pulling Clinton, and that was Hillary (and she wasn't
pulling his "strings" either!).
I can imagine Hillary doing for the US what Margaret Thatcher did for Britain.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Spehro Pefhany wrote:

The truth on this is quite innocent. "Media mail" is something like an
extension of "book rate" - a discounted rate. Some people have taken
to mailing items that do not qualify for media mail as media mail to
save a few dollars, so the USPO must reserve the right to inspect the
packages or envelopes if you want to get the discounted rate.
This makes sense. During a recent (this summer) trip overseas, it is
still quite evident that we (the U.S.) are still much more concerned
with smuggling for commercial purposes than weapons. In Europe, its the
other way around.

Paul Hovnanian
Ask me about my vow of silence.
John S. Dyson wrote:
In article <>, Fred Bloggs> writes:

John Woodgate wrote:

I read in that Winfield Hill> wrote (in>) about 'The Rational Mind of Fred
Bloggs', on Fri, 8 Oct 2004:

Fine, but let's be _very_ clear, just because John S. Dyson
plunks the "leftist hate-filled creatures" label down on the
table and so very hatefully applies it to me and others here in
this group, does not make it so. We're trying to have a
discussion and air our opinions at a time when it's sorely
needed and relevant, and the evil characterizations from John
S. Dyson are not helpful.

As far as I know, he started it some time after Fred Bloggs
posted equally distasteful material. I suppose that you do not
support Fred's approach to serious debate, either.

Hmmm- I will call you on that, Mr. Woodgate. Cite any post in which
I defamed the character of the entire support base for Bush. I do
admit to using such terms as "duped morons" and this descriptor did
seem to have some scientific justification in the polling results
that 70%+

The use of the term "duped morons" isn't proven by you. Considering
the fact that Bush had been fed inaccurate information from the
leftist-damaged CIA and other intelligence agencies from many
countries, then it would be quite accurate to make a statement
without use of lazy shortcut terms like 'duped morons.'

Perhaps it would be just as accurate as your 'duped morons' to claim
the traitorous actions of those who had purposefully damaged the
intelligence community (including traitors like John F Kerry and all
of his knowledgeable supporters) as being the true root cause for the
war/liberation of Iraq. Other aspects of the justification for the
liberation (e.g. for the eventual betterment of the Iraqi people, one
less dictator with aspirations of attacking the US (info provided by
Putin)), stopping Saddam's ongoing support of terror activities (even
acked by the most vehement leftist who is honest), and other
side-justifications are just icing on the cake.

Using sloppy language like 'duped morons' is obviously insufficient
for several reasons. Perhaps the strongest reason is that your claim
about 'duped morons' is much much less true than the observation of
'traitorous' behavior of Kerry and his knowledgeable supporters.

Using 'value judgement' instead of simple observation (I tend to try
to avoid 'value judgement' and make observation so that refuting
based upon perverse values is almost impossible), it is clear that
the knowing damage to our country by the Kerryite traitors shows
intent to do harm. There is NO EXCUSE for the misbehavior. On the
other hand, the relatively small numbers of truly 'duped morons' are,
by implication, more 'innocent' because of the relative inability to
form the intent.

It is quite obvious that the knowing damage against America is fully
realized in the psyche of the Kerry supporters, otherwise those
supporters would be the true morons. It is clear that the deeply
manifest lack of intellectual honesty keeps the admission of the
hateful intent against our (collective) nation from being expressed,
and helps to protect the agenda of the Kerry supporting traitors from
being openly discussed and from being impeded. (Not all Kerry
supporters are traitors, simply because there are duped morons who
don't realize Kerrys damaging agenda.)

I am not talking about any of the crap you go on about. I was
specifically talking about a polled electorate that strongly feels a
certain policy is right but has no clear idea of what that policy is.
This is very strange- it does indicate that a large group of people are
not using their intellect. Now I could develop this theme more fully
with citations to Gallup pre-campaign polls that provide a scientific
strategic basis for the Bush campaign- and ample evidence of outrageous
remarks made by Bush/Cheney on numerous occasions to *exploit* the
*emotional* vulnerabilities of the electorate, but you're a waste of time.
In article <>, (Product developer) writes:
Winfield Hill <> wrote in message news:<>...
John S. Dyson wrote...

My own interest is in HELPING those who are so very consumed by hatred,
and NOT trying to totally redirect or modify their general position.
The 'hatred' is an overly strong manifestation of partisanship, and
seems to result from very immature personalities.

You can take your "help" and shove it up your ass.

There seems to be a recurring theme in your responses of late. Did you
experience any trauma during potty training or were you ever an alter

He seems to have had personality degradation, or perhaps was always
very hate filled. If purchasing something that funds hatred, it is
good to find an alternative. For example, I would avoid purchasing
any kind of good (e.g. literature, books) from someone who is going
to fund hate of any kind. I wouldn't purchase anything that would
fund "nazis" of either a right wing or left wing bias.

boki wrote:
Dear All,
These days I try to implement some baseband remote control, I
was feeling that is possible to complete control home devices within
baseband communications,
By this I assume you man by "Baseband" as non modulated carrier, low
frequency type stuff.

Why RF? for distance?
You cant get any radio waves with a short antenna at low frequencies.
Secondly, if you could, the authorities wouldn't allow you to.

Why Bluetooh? for handshake?
Because its set at frequencies and uses a method that the authorities
will allow your to use unlicensed. End of story.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
I guess you will never find such an extra wideband VCO. Best models have an
octave bandwidth or so (ie 100 to 200MHz for example, see or similar suppliers). In order to have a full coverage
from 1MHz to 200MHz you have I think two solutions :

1/ Heterodyne generator : Use for example a fixed 300MHz oscillator and a
300 to 500MHz VCO, send to two signals to a mixer, low-pass filter the
output to 200MHz, and you have a DC to 200MHz signal (in theory...)

2/ DDS generator : I guess it will be by far the easiest method. Look at
solutions from analog devices, they offer DDS chips with clock rates far
above 400Msps (up to 1Gsps I think), enough to generate a clean sine signal
up to 200MHz with impressive resolution.

If you need more help with this design, just ask...
Friendly yours,
Robert Lacoste
ALCIOM - The mixed signal experts

"Marco" <> a écrit dans le message de
Hi to all,
in my research activities I need a suitable VCO working in the
frequency range between 1MHz - 200MHz.
Please, let me know what IC can be useful to this purpose.
Thank you in advance.
On Monday 11 October 2004 06:35 pm, Ken Smith did deign to grace us with the

In article <FeEad.3671$y77.792@trnddc05>, Rich Grise <
On Monday 11 October 2004 11:39 am, Tweetldee did deign to grace us with
the following:
Isn't it also true that taking the product of the instantaneous values
(i.e., analog multiplier), as long as it's a sine wave, automagically
gives you the same answer as RMS? That is "real power", after all, isn't

With any signal, the product of the instantaneous values is the power.
With Sine waves, the RMS values can be multiplied but then you need to
correct for the phase.
But doesn't the multiplication of the two phase-shifted waves automagically
do that? i.e., the RMS value of the product (which is still a sine wave,
on a phase of its own, and smaller) will be the True Power, equal to
RMS volts * RMS amps * Power factor?

BTW: I think many of the micros on the market contain ADC that are fast
enough that doing the converting and multiplying in the micro may save you
some money.
Oh, I wouldn't worry about that at all. I was doing it 10, maybe 15 years
ago - they'll be plenty fast. :)

On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 15:30:43 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

On Thursday 07 October 2004 07:30 pm, Don Taylor did deign to grace us with
the following:

Differential entrainment of electroencephalographic activity by weak
complex electromagnetic fields. Perceptual & Motor Skills, V84(2),
Apr 1997, pp527-536.

This is work done by Michael Persinger. He and some of his grad
students have been publishing a string of papers describing the
effects of low level varying magnetic fields. Some of the papers
are looking at odd things but others seem very conventional.
I asked another prof in the neuroscience field if this was all
just made up. He responded that it didn't appear so, some other
folks have replicated some of these results but nobody knows quite
what to make of some of this yet.

I do, but nobody wants to hear it. )-;
Has anyone here tried walking around with a powerful magnet attached
to the top of their head?

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
In article <>,
John Fields <> writes:
On Sat, 9 Oct 2004 03:46:36 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

There is little motivation for you to know how I feel. Frankly, again,
there is serious problem on the left where they are consiously sewing the
^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^
a consciously |
What kind of needle would you use?------+

Snipped the rest of the blah blah blah bullshit...

Your silly "English lesson" shows that you have nothing to say WRT the
truth that I have exposed to you.

Your mental illness shows (and your exposed PERSONAL INVOLVEMENT with
the corrupt Democrats is well known.)

Joerg <> wrote:

Excellent advice. When stuff goes past the one minute marker these 4000
logic choices are clearly better than some RC combination on a one-shot.

Regards, Joerg
Not for the application and precision requested by the OP. Quite
unnecessary. The 555 itself is capable of 1% accuracy (2 secs in 3
mins). With a modern low-leakage electrolytic as timing capacitor, and
reasonably careful construction, you could expect close to that even
for monostable or astable periods of the order of an hour.

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
On Sat, 09 Oct 2004 14:05:33 GMT, Roy McCammon
<> wrote:

Don Pearce wrote:
On Sat, 09 Oct 2004 11:59:21 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"
The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is *only* the value
of the lines input impedance when terminated by its characteristic

For other loads, the input impedance wil *not* be given only by its
x/Length spec.

This simply isn't so. The impedance of the transmission line does not
change in response to the load on the end of it. What does change is
the impedance of the entire *network* as seen by the source.

I'm pretty sure that what you mean by
"impedance of the entire *network* as
seen by the source." is what Kevin
means by "lines input impedance"
So if I have, say, a 1k resistor and I put another 1k resistor in
parallel with it, has the value of the first resistor changed? No, it
is the resulting network that is now 500 ohms. The situation is just
the same with the transmission line. The impedance of the line does
not change, no matter what you hang on the end.

Pearce Consulting

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