Driver to drive?

On 1/1/2017 2:17 PM, Tom Del Rosso wrote:
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 15:51:34 -0600, amdx <> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 3:32 PM, bitrex wrote:


Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let
them pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

It should be programmable from your phone, you can change it while
your driving!

Once, in Massachusetts, as a 20-year-old student at MIT, I acquired a
tail-gater (after dropping my wife off at Honeywell Datamatic), so I
did a both-feet braking event... ran him off the road. He chased me
all the way into Cambridge... never quite catching up... how can a
craphead in a Dodge catch a Renault Dauphine in Boston traffic >:-}

You also have to consider the possibility that the tailgater is a cop
goading you to go faster. Cops always tailgate. When it happened to me
I just got a warning because I had no moving violations in 20 years and
maybe because I was going a lot slower when he first came up to me.
Slamming on the brakes would get you arrested.

This is central Virginia where cops don't pull that shit. They are
decent folk for the most part. Likely just the opposite, tailgaters are
likely people not from the area. I used to be a bit like them wanting
to go faster all the time. But driving that road a few times teaches
you a lesson that there is no point. Pass a car and they pull up to
your bumper at every light. There's just no point and local people
figure that out.


Rick C
On 1/1/2017 1:01 PM, bitrex wrote:
On 12/31/2016 10:20 PM, rickman wrote:
On 12/31/2016 8:09 PM, wrote:
On Saturday, December 31, 2016 at 4:32:39 PM UTC-5, bitrex wrote:

Most states (MA for example) prohibit flashing, blinking, or
lamps of any type on passenger vehicles outright (except DOT-approved
amber strobes for work vehicles with a permit), and I think a scrolling
message board would definitely fall into that category.

The original poster did not say that it had to scroll.

Sounds like in Mass. it would be illegal to tap your brakes as that
would create blinking tail lights

That is clearly BS. How long do you have to let off the brake before
you can reapply? I'd just like to see a cop try to prosecute a ticket
for *using* your brakes.

I believe they mean flashing/blinking lights which are not standard
equipment. I think there are some brake lights on production cars that
blink rapidly when you aggressively apply the brakes, those would
probably be allowed as they're standard equipment and I imagine they're
approved by some regulatory body somewhere.

Your choices for colors would be limited here. If you're fitting new
lighting which doesn't either go in the 3rd "high" brakelamp position or
the standard tail lamp positions, red is certainly out. Blue is
definitely out. Green is a no-go, that's for security/sheriff/medical
examiner vehicles.

The rear window *would* be the "high" brake light position.


Rick C
On Sun, 1 Jan 2017 14:17:54 -0500, "Tom Del Rosso"
<> wrote:

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 15:51:34 -0600, amdx <> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 3:32 PM, bitrex wrote:


Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let
them pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

It should be programmable from your phone, you can change it while
your driving!

Once, in Massachusetts, as a 20-year-old student at MIT, I acquired a
tail-gater (after dropping my wife off at Honeywell Datamatic), so I
did a both-feet braking event... ran him off the road. He chased me
all the way into Cambridge... never quite catching up... how can a
craphead in a Dodge catch a Renault Dauphine in Boston traffic >:-}

You also have to consider the possibility that the tailgater is a cop
goading you to go faster. Cops always tailgate.

Cops don't do that around here. The _average_ speed on the freeways
is 80+ even though it's posted as 65.

When it happened to me
I just got a warning because I had no moving violations in 20 years and
maybe because I was going a lot slower when he first came up to me.
Slamming on the brakes would get you arrested.

My tailgater was in Massa2shits and certainly wasn't a cop.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson | mens |
| Analog Innovations | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| STV, Queen Creek, AZ 85142 Skype: skypeanalog | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |
On Sun, 1 Jan 2017 12:40:32 -0500, bitrex
<> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 08:52 PM, Robert Baer wrote:
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 15:51:34 -0600, amdx<> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 3:32 PM, bitrex wrote:


Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let
pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

It should be programmable from your phone, you can change it while
your driving!

Once, in Massachusetts, as a 20-year-old student at MIT, I acquired a
tail-gater (after dropping my wife off at Honeywell Datamatic), so I
did a both-feet braking event... ran him off the road. He chased me
all the way into Cambridge... never quite catching up... how can a
craphead in a Dodge catch a Renault Dauphine in Boston traffic>:-}

...Jim Thompson
Better yet,just slow down and continue to slow down - take your time
doing that, until they HAVE to pass.
If you stop, then wait until they come to your window. Slowly roll it
down, and say something like "Oh,it is YOU!" and take off like a bat.

Yes, an excellent way to get a gun pulled on you; it hasn't happened to
me but it did happen to a friend of mine many years ago.

Aggressive tailgating/driving and keeping a gun in the car probably
correlates pretty well. I don't fuck with MA drivers - they're nuts.

I challenge you to find such a correlation.
We have low levels of gun violence in MA most likely because of our
strict laws wrt ownership, not because we're intrinsically such nice
people. ;-)

There is no such correlation.
On 01/01/2017 03:02 PM, wrote:
On Sun, 1 Jan 2017 12:40:32 -0500, bitrex> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 08:52 PM, Robert Baer wrote:
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 15:51:34 -0600, amdx<> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 3:32 PM, bitrex wrote:


Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let
pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

It should be programmable from your phone, you can change it while
your driving!

Once, in Massachusetts, as a 20-year-old student at MIT, I acquired a
tail-gater (after dropping my wife off at Honeywell Datamatic), so I
did a both-feet braking event... ran him off the road. He chased me
all the way into Cambridge... never quite catching up... how can a
craphead in a Dodge catch a Renault Dauphine in Boston traffic>:-}

...Jim Thompson
Better yet,just slow down and continue to slow down - take your time
doing that, until they HAVE to pass.
If you stop, then wait until they come to your window. Slowly roll it
down, and say something like "Oh,it is YOU!" and take off like a bat.

Yes, an excellent way to get a gun pulled on you; it hasn't happened to
me but it did happen to a friend of mine many years ago.

Aggressive tailgating/driving and keeping a gun in the car probably
correlates pretty well. I don't fuck with MA drivers - they're nuts.

I challenge you to find such a correlation.

We have low levels of gun violence in MA most likely because of our
strict laws wrt ownership, not because we're intrinsically such nice
people. ;-)

There is no such correlation.
On Sun, 1 Jan 2017 14:17:54 -0500, "Tom Del Rosso"
<> wrote:

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 15:51:34 -0600, amdx <> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 3:32 PM, bitrex wrote:


Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let
them pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

It should be programmable from your phone, you can change it while
your driving!

Once, in Massachusetts, as a 20-year-old student at MIT, I acquired a
tail-gater (after dropping my wife off at Honeywell Datamatic), so I
did a both-feet braking event... ran him off the road. He chased me
all the way into Cambridge... never quite catching up... how can a
craphead in a Dodge catch a Renault Dauphine in Boston traffic >:-}

You also have to consider the possibility that the tailgater is a cop
goading you to go faster. Cops always tailgate. When it happened to me
I just got a warning because I had no moving violations in 20 years and
maybe because I was going a lot slower when he first came up to me.
Slamming on the brakes would get you arrested.

"You didn't see that squirrel?
On 01/01/2017 02:17 PM, Tom Del Rosso wrote:
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 15:51:34 -0600, amdx <> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 3:32 PM, bitrex wrote:


Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let
them pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

It should be programmable from your phone, you can change it while
your driving!

Once, in Massachusetts, as a 20-year-old student at MIT, I acquired a
tail-gater (after dropping my wife off at Honeywell Datamatic), so I
did a both-feet braking event... ran him off the road. He chased me
all the way into Cambridge... never quite catching up... how can a
craphead in a Dodge catch a Renault Dauphine in Boston traffic >:-}

You also have to consider the possibility that the tailgater is a cop
goading you to go faster. Cops always tailgate. When it happened to me
I just got a warning because I had no moving violations in 20 years and
maybe because I was going a lot slower when he first came up to me.
Slamming on the brakes would get you arrested.

Cops all drive the same vehicle around here, either a black Explorer PI
with bar lights on the top, or a "low profile" black Explorer PI that
looks the same as a regular police Explorer except without bar lights on

My local PD also seems to have a single Crown Victoria PI squad car but
it's always sitting around at the depot, I can't recall ever seeing it
out on the road.
On 12/31/2016 01:04 PM, rickman wrote:

I get tired of people tailgating me on single lane roads where there is
just nowhere to go even if they pass me. I've thought of making an LED
board to tell them to back off. I think if it is red and connected to
your brakes, it would be entirely legal in the US.

Remember the peace sign motorcycle taillights of the 70s? I can't find a
single one on ebay.
But there are some more up-to-date F*** YOU lights.

On Monday, August 10, 1998 at 5:00:00 PM UTC+10, wrote:
I have a 1000 watt amp which I use to drive a subwoofer for my band's sound
system. The amp is kinda cheap and I think the transformer dosen't supply
enough power for the output stage. The Filter caps in the power supply are
10,000 uf I was wondering if increasing the value to 20,000 or 30,000 uf
would help with the sound quality, and decrease the strain on the

If I remember right caps are like batteries: two 10,000 uf
50V caps in series will yield a 20,000 uf 50Vcap. And two 10,000 uf 50V caps
in parallel will yield a 10,000 uf 100V cap. Is this right?

Aaron Doss
Computer Programmer/Musician

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

it will not do any harm with thew following warning you need to put in a suitable bleeder resister, use long leads to to test first
On Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, wrote:

I will probably replace the transformer if it gives me more problems, where
can I get a 1kVA toroidal transformer? The largest that I have seen are
330VA toroid for $70.

Aaron Doss Computer Programmer/Musician

Where are you located? Sometimes I run across some torodial transformers that look like about 1 kw. I could probably check the part no on the internet and got all the specs.


On Thursday, January 5, 2017 at 10:06:15 PM UTC-5, wrote:

Where are you located? Sometimes I run across some torodial transformers that look like about 1 kw. I could probably check the part no on the internet and got all the specs.



Like others I missed the fact that the thoad was started so long ago. But if anyone in this century is looking for good sized toroidal transformers let my know.

On Thu, 05 Jan 2017 18:46:35 -0800, btainsh wrote:

On Monday, August 10, 1998 at 5:00:00 PM UTC+10,
I have a 1000 watt amp which I use to drive a subwoofer for my band's
sound system. The amp is kinda cheap and I think the transformer
dosen't supply enough power for the output stage. The Filter caps in
the power supply are 10,000 uf I was wondering if increasing the value
to 20,000 or 30,000 uf would help with the sound quality, and decrease
the strain on the transformer.

If I remember right caps are like batteries: two 10,000 uf
50V caps in series will yield a 20,000 uf 50Vcap. And two 10,000 uf
50V caps in parallel will yield a 10,000 uf 100V cap. Is this right?

Aaron Doss
Computer Programmer/Musician

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

it will not do any harm with thew following warning you need to put in a
suitable bleeder resister, use long leads to to test first

Hmm. 18 & some-odd years. Is that a record?


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

I'm looking for work -- see my website!
On Monday, August 10, 1998 at 5:00:00 PM UTC+10, wrote:

If I remember right caps are like batteries: two 10,000 uf
50V caps in series will yield a 20,000 uf 50Vcap. And two 10,000 uf 50V caps
in parallel will yield a 10,000 uf 100V cap. Is this right?

No, exactly reversed.
On Thu, 05 Jan 2017 20:56:23 -0600, Tim Wescott
<seemywebsite@myfooter.really> wrote:

On Thu, 05 Jan 2017 18:46:35 -0800, btainsh wrote:

On Monday, August 10, 1998 at 5:00:00 PM UTC+10,
I have a 1000 watt amp which I use to drive a subwoofer for my band's
sound system. The amp is kinda cheap and I think the transformer
dosen't supply enough power for the output stage. The Filter caps in
the power supply are 10,000 uf I was wondering if increasing the value
to 20,000 or 30,000 uf would help with the sound quality, and decrease
the strain on the transformer.

If I remember right caps are like batteries: two 10,000 uf
50V caps in series will yield a 20,000 uf 50Vcap. And two 10,000 uf
50V caps in parallel will yield a 10,000 uf 100V cap. Is this right?

Aaron Doss
Computer Programmer/Musician

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

it will not do any harm with thew following warning you need to put in a
suitable bleeder resister, use long leads to to test first

Hmm. 18 & some-odd years. Is that a record?

In fact it is a good idea to discuss such old postings and check what
is relevant now due to technical advances.

If the band is doing gigs, it is preferable to have as light equipment
as possible.

For that reason, a Class-D amplifier would be simplest.

If analog amplifiers are preferred, e.g. due to some overload
distortion behaviors, at least use a switching mode power supply
(SMPS) which are much lighter. With proper power factor compensation
this will reduce the current harmonics on the mains. These harmonics
could cause problems to other equipment on the stage by getting into
microphone lines etc.

The OP was talking about 50 V capacitors, which would suggest a
+/-50Vdc amplifier feed. To get 1 kW continuous power, this would
require a 1 ohm load or 4 ohm load, if a bridged configuration is
used. The continues power rating is relevant for subwoofers, not some
pink noise signals.
On 1/5/2017 10:11 PM, Don Y wrote:
On Monday, August 10, 1998 at 5:00:00 PM UTC+10,

If I remember right caps are like batteries: two 10,000 uf
50V caps in series will yield a 20,000 uf 50Vcap. And two 10,000 uf
50V caps
in parallel will yield a 10,000 uf 100V cap. Is this right?

No, exactly reversed.

Not exactly reversed, just wrong.

Caps in series add voltage, but reduce capacitance. In parallel caps
add capacitance and voltage is the same.


Rick C
Don Y wrote:
On Monday, August 10, 1998 at 5:00:00 PM UTC+10, wrote:

If I remember right caps are like batteries: two 10,000 uf
50V caps in series will yield a 20,000 uf 50Vcap. And two 10,000
uf 50V caps in parallel will yield a 10,000 uf 100V cap. Is this

No, exactly reversed.

Still no cigar.
Two 10000uF/50V capacitors in series will yield a 5000uF/100V capacitor.
Two 10000uF/50V capacitors in parallel will yield a 20000uF/50V capacitor

Dave M
On 1/6/2017 9:06 AM, Dave M wrote:
Don Y wrote:
On Monday, August 10, 1998 at 5:00:00 PM UTC+10, wrote:

If I remember right caps are like batteries: two 10,000 uf
50V caps in series will yield a 20,000 uf 50Vcap. And two 10,000
uf 50V caps in parallel will yield a 10,000 uf 100V cap. Is this

No, exactly reversed.

Still no cigar.
Two 10000uF/50V capacitors in series will yield a 5000uF/100V capacitor.
Two 10000uF/50V capacitors in parallel will yield a 20000uF/50V capacitor

Dave M

If he added the caps and after 18 years he's still blowing fuses at
power up, he might add a high wattage low ohm resistor before the caps,
or a soft start circuit.
But hopefully he has made it as a musician, has bought better
equipment and has roadies to move it around.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
On Saturday, January 7, 2017 at 2:06:39 AM UTC+11, Dave M wrote:
Don Y wrote:
On Monday, August 10, 1998 at 5:00:00 PM UTC+10, wrote:

If I remember right caps are like batteries: two 10,000 uf
50V caps in series will yield a 20,000 uf 50Vcap. And two 10,000
uf 50V caps in parallel will yield a 10,000 uf 100V cap. Is this

No, exactly reversed.

Still no cigar.
Two 10000uF/50V capacitors in series will yield a 5000uF/100V capacitor.

Only if they are tight tolerance parts. Back in 1998 I worked out that +/-20% parts couldn't be guaranteed to do better than 83V or 4000uF.

> Two 10000uF/50V capacitors in parallel will yield a 20000uF/50V capacitor


Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Thu, 05 Jan 2017 20:56:23 -0600, Tim Wescott
<seemywebsite@myfooter.really> wrote:

"References: <6qnj4h$gff$>"
Hmm. 18 & some-odd years. Is that a record?

So does a dejanews server really have 18yrs retention?
I'm lucky to get 60 days.

On Saturday, January 7, 2017 at 6:33:02 PM UTC+11, legg wrote:
On Thu, 05 Jan 2017 20:56:23 -0600, Tim Wescott
seemywebsite@myfooter.really> wrote:

"References: <6qnj4h$gff$>"

Hmm. 18 & some-odd years. Is that a record?

So does a dejanews server really have 18yrs retention?
I'm lucky to get 60 days.

Google groups does. Actually digging out ancient posts is painful, but it can be done.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

Welcome to

