Driver to drive?

Phil Hobbs wrote...
On 12/26/2016 09:14 PM, John Cohen wrote:
Lasers are used to engrave metal. It seems one of
these Laser heads might do it.

Just to add, we have a 35W CO2 laser cutter,
and usually light is simply reflected when
encountering metal, defeating efforts to cut.

- Win
Winfield Hill <> wrote:

Phil Hobbs wrote...

On 12/26/2016 09:14 PM, John Cohen wrote:
Lasers are used to engrave metal. It seems one of these Laser heads
might do it.

Just to add, we have a 35W CO2 laser cutter,
and usually light is simply reflected when
encountering metal, defeating efforts to cut.

150 Watt CO2 Metal Cutting Laser by KERN LASERS

co2 laser cutting metal, metal laser cutting, 150W co2 laser cut
metal, FL-1325M

The pipe cutting is most impressive:

Kern Laser Systems Pipe Cutting with 150W CO2 Laser Kern Lasers offers a pipe cutting laser
system capable of cutting up to 5" diameter steel pipes. A 150W and
400W version are available. The 150W will cut up to 0.080" walls and
the 400W will cut up to 1/8" walls. Knock outs, end profiles and
joint cutting are just a few of the projects this machine is capable
of performing. Take it one step further and etch serial numbers
around the pipe before it is cut.

The nice thing about laser cutting is the lack of distortion in the cuts.
I think the only other way to get the same result is with EDM machining,
but this is much slower.
Tim Wescott wrote:
On Tue, 27 Dec 2016 09:53:56 -0500, Phil Hobbs wrote:

On 12/26/2016 09:14 PM, John Cohen wrote:
The vacuum tubes are 26HU5 and 36LW6.

Both vacuum tubes have an internal connection between the cathode&

I noticed Laser engravers on Ebay and the heads are sold separately.

I would like to use these tubes in Grounded Grid configuration. Vacuum
tubes operated in this manner the screen is grounded and the cathode is

Cannot do that with these tubes due to this visible from the outside of
the tube

internal connection. The wire connection internally is very thin. Maybe
a low

power Laser might just cut it.

Lasers are used to engrave metal. It seems one of these Laser heads
might do it.

Any suggestions help appreciated.

Best John

I cross-posted this to because there are some old
time tube guys there.

Doing that with a laser will be difficult and dangerous for an amateur,
and then you still have the problem of how to ground the screen, which
would then be floating with no external connection, right?

First, assuming for the moment that the data sheet shows the cathode/
screen coming out to more than one pin, and that the data sheet indicates
that the connection between cathode and screen is "breakable" into two
independent circuits, you cannot assume that the real tube is constructed
that way -- even if you had a magic way of breaking a wire inside the
tube, there's no guarantee that you'd be able to get the connections you

Second, by and far away the most common laser for cutting is the CO2
laser, and I'm pretty sure that glass is opaque at CO2 laser wavelengths
-- this means that not only could you not get through to the interior, if
you tried you'd cut the envelope.

Even if you _could_ find a way to cut things inside the envelope (using
lasers and methods that would be exceedingly dangerous to your vision,
and that of anyone around you), you'd vaporise a part of the wire, and
the stuff that came off would plate itself on to anything nearby. You
may end up with a viable tube in the end, but I suspect not.

You'd be in for much less work and expense if you just find a suitable
tube for your experiments, and buy some.

....or build your own.

BTW,what is wrong with using the good old acorn tubes made for
grounded grid?
NumberDude I love your idea. Let me know if you turn it into a reality. If so, I'd be one of your first buyers if your price is reasonable. You can message me at Leah Edwards (Leah Leahy) family of 5 picture on Facebook. Happy New Year
On Saturday, December 31, 2016 at 4:32:39 PM UTC-5, bitrex wrote:

Most states (MA for example) prohibit flashing, blinking, or oscillating
lamps of any type on passenger vehicles outright (except DOT-approved
amber strobes for work vehicles with a permit), and I think a scrolling
message board would definitely fall into that category.

The original poster did not say that it had to scroll.

Sounds like in Mass. it would be illegal to tap your brakes as that would create blinking tail lights

All aftermarket lamps also have to be DOT or SAE-approved and I don't
think there's any commercially available message board that has such

Can you provide a cite?

On 12/31/2016 03:22 PM, wrote:
NumberDude I love your idea. Let me know if you turn it into a reality. If so, I'd be one of your first buyers if your price is reasonable. You can message me at Leah Edwards (Leah Leahy) family of 5 picture on Facebook. Happy New Year

Well, someone will probably message you, dear Google Groups-er. Though
it might not be exactly who you want...

Also AFAIK that type of lighting system would be illegal in all 50 US
states on a passenger vehicle.

(who even knows what this Googler is replying to)
On 12/31/2016 3:45 PM, bitrex wrote:
On 12/31/2016 03:22 PM, wrote:
NumberDude I love your idea. Let me know if you turn it into a
reality. If so, I'd be one of your first buyers if your price is
reasonable. You can message me at Leah Edwards (Leah Leahy) family of
5 picture on Facebook. Happy New Year

Well, someone will probably message you, dear Google Groups-er. Though
it might not be exactly who you want...

Also AFAIK that type of lighting system would be illegal in all 50 US
states on a passenger vehicle.

(who even knows what this Googler is replying to)

Then how do you know it would be illegal?

I get tired of people tailgating me on single lane roads where there is
just nowhere to go even if they pass me. I've thought of making an LED
board to tell them to back off. I think if it is red and connected to
your brakes, it would be entirely legal in the US.


Rick C
On 12/31/2016 04:04 PM, rickman wrote:
On 12/31/2016 3:45 PM, bitrex wrote:
On 12/31/2016 03:22 PM, wrote:
NumberDude I love your idea. Let me know if you turn it into a
reality. If so, I'd be one of your first buyers if your price is
reasonable. You can message me at Leah Edwards (Leah Leahy) family of
5 picture on Facebook. Happy New Year

Well, someone will probably message you, dear Google Groups-er. Though
it might not be exactly who you want...

Also AFAIK that type of lighting system would be illegal in all 50 US
states on a passenger vehicle.

(who even knows what this Googler is replying to)

Then how do you know it would be illegal?

I get tired of people tailgating me on single lane roads where there is
just nowhere to go even if they pass me. I've thought of making an LED
board to tell them to back off. I think if it is red and connected to
your brakes, it would be entirely legal in the US.

Most states (MA for example) prohibit flashing, blinking, or oscillating
lamps of any type on passenger vehicles outright (except DOT-approved
amber strobes for work vehicles with a permit), and I think a scrolling
message board would definitely fall into that category.

All aftermarket lamps also have to be DOT or SAE-approved and I don't
think there's any commercially available message board that has such

Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let them
pass as soon as it's safe to do so.
On 12/31/2016 3:32 PM, bitrex wrote:
On 12/31/2016 04:04 PM, rickman wrote:
On 12/31/2016 3:45 PM, bitrex wrote:
On 12/31/2016 03:22 PM, wrote:
NumberDude I love your idea. Let me know if you turn it into a
reality. If so, I'd be one of your first buyers if your price is
reasonable. You can message me at Leah Edwards (Leah Leahy) family of
5 picture on Facebook. Happy New Year

Well, someone will probably message you, dear Google Groups-er. Though
it might not be exactly who you want...

Also AFAIK that type of lighting system would be illegal in all 50 US
states on a passenger vehicle.

(who even knows what this Googler is replying to)

Then how do you know it would be illegal?

I get tired of people tailgating me on single lane roads where there is
just nowhere to go even if they pass me. I've thought of making an LED
board to tell them to back off. I think if it is red and connected to
your brakes, it would be entirely legal in the US.

Most states (MA for example) prohibit flashing, blinking, or oscillating
lamps of any type on passenger vehicles outright (except DOT-approved
amber strobes for work vehicles with a permit), and I think a scrolling
message board would definitely fall into that category.

All aftermarket lamps also have to be DOT or SAE-approved and I don't
think there's any commercially available message board that has such

Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let them
pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

It should be programmable from your phone, you can change it while
your driving!

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 15:51:34 -0600, amdx <> wrote:

>On 12/31/2016 3:32 PM, bitrex wrote:


Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let them
pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

It should be programmable from your phone, you can change it while
your driving!

Once, in Massachusetts, as a 20-year-old student at MIT, I acquired a
tail-gater (after dropping my wife off at Honeywell Datamatic), so I
did a both-feet braking event... ran him off the road. He chased me
all the way into Cambridge... never quite catching up... how can a
craphead in a Dodge catch a Renault Dauphine in Boston traffic >:-}

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson | mens |
| Analog Innovations | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| STV, Queen Creek, AZ 85142 Skype: skypeanalog | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |
On 12/31/2016 4:32 PM, bitrex wrote:
On 12/31/2016 04:04 PM, rickman wrote:
On 12/31/2016 3:45 PM, bitrex wrote:
On 12/31/2016 03:22 PM, wrote:
NumberDude I love your idea. Let me know if you turn it into a
reality. If so, I'd be one of your first buyers if your price is
reasonable. You can message me at Leah Edwards (Leah Leahy) family of
5 picture on Facebook. Happy New Year

Well, someone will probably message you, dear Google Groups-er. Though
it might not be exactly who you want...

Also AFAIK that type of lighting system would be illegal in all 50 US
states on a passenger vehicle.

(who even knows what this Googler is replying to)

Then how do you know it would be illegal?

I get tired of people tailgating me on single lane roads where there is
just nowhere to go even if they pass me. I've thought of making an LED
board to tell them to back off. I think if it is red and connected to
your brakes, it would be entirely legal in the US.

Most states (MA for example) prohibit flashing, blinking, or oscillating
lamps of any type on passenger vehicles outright (except DOT-approved
amber strobes for work vehicles with a permit), and I think a scrolling
message board would definitely fall into that category.

I don't know about "most states". I see a number of fairly obnoxious
vehicles with stop lights that flash a few times when first applied,
then they remain on solid. My thinking is I can do something similar or
perhaps set is so that when I pump the brakes it triggers the sign.

All aftermarket lamps also have to be DOT or SAE-approved and I don't
think there's any commercially available message board that has such

Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let them
pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

What if there's no place to pull over... I guess I could take a turn off
the road, then find a place to turn around and get back on the road.
This is a road with two lanes and one mostly solid white line down the
middle. The shoulder is maybe a foot wide and many places have either a
high bank or a sharp dropoff. Actually, I don't usually find terrible
tailgaters on that stretch of road, just once in a while. The part
that is worse is again, two lanes with no real shoulder, but there are
signs of civilization where I could pull over.

Just last week some guy was so close I could read the serial number on
his engine and would not back off. I often slow a bit just before
starting down a hill. Then I pick up a bit of speed at the bottom and
let him accelerate up the hill. Usually people will get the idea. No
this guy. I had to turn my mirror to keep the glare from his headlights
out of my eyes. As I approached a small town with a gas station (the
gas station pretty much *is* the town) I slowed a *lot* before I turned
off. Come to find out his sign price was for cash and the credit price
was a dime more! Joke was on me... lol But of course the tailgater
was gone. That was when I decided to look at building a sign.


Rick C
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 15:51:34 -0600, amdx<> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 3:32 PM, bitrex wrote:


Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let them
pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

It should be programmable from your phone, you can change it while
your driving!

Once, in Massachusetts, as a 20-year-old student at MIT, I acquired a
tail-gater (after dropping my wife off at Honeywell Datamatic), so I
did a both-feet braking event... ran him off the road. He chased me
all the way into Cambridge... never quite catching up... how can a
craphead in a Dodge catch a Renault Dauphine in Boston traffic>:-}

...Jim Thompson
Better yet,just slow down and continue to slow down - take your time
doing that, until they HAVE to pass.
If you stop, then wait until they come to your window. Slowly roll it
down, and say something like "Oh,it is YOU!" and take off like a bat.
On 12/31/2016 8:52 PM, Robert Baer wrote:
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 15:51:34 -0600, amdx<> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 3:32 PM, bitrex wrote:


Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let
pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

It should be programmable from your phone, you can change it while
your driving!

Once, in Massachusetts, as a 20-year-old student at MIT, I acquired a
tail-gater (after dropping my wife off at Honeywell Datamatic), so I
did a both-feet braking event... ran him off the road. He chased me
all the way into Cambridge... never quite catching up... how can a
craphead in a Dodge catch a Renault Dauphine in Boston traffic>:-}

...Jim Thompson
Better yet,just slow down and continue to slow down - take your time
doing that, until they HAVE to pass.
If you stop, then wait until they come to your window. Slowly roll it
down, and say something like "Oh,it is YOU!" and take off like a bat.

I've tried that before, but even on a four lane, divided highway there
are some people who won't pass. But they will ride your bumper. Nuts.


Rick C
On 12/31/2016 8:09 PM, wrote:
On Saturday, December 31, 2016 at 4:32:39 PM UTC-5, bitrex wrote:

Most states (MA for example) prohibit flashing, blinking, or oscillating
lamps of any type on passenger vehicles outright (except DOT-approved
amber strobes for work vehicles with a permit), and I think a scrolling
message board would definitely fall into that category.

The original poster did not say that it had to scroll.

Sounds like in Mass. it would be illegal to tap your brakes as that would create blinking tail lights

That is clearly BS. How long do you have to let off the brake before
you can reapply? I'd just like to see a cop try to prosecute a ticket
for *using* your brakes.

All aftermarket lamps also have to be DOT or SAE-approved and I don't
think there's any commercially available message board that has such

Can you provide a cite?



Rick C
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 16:04:05 -0500, rickman <> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 3:45 PM, bitrex wrote:
Also AFAIK that type of lighting system would be illegal in all 50 US
states on a passenger vehicle.

Then how do you know it would be illegal?

I get tired of people tailgating me on single lane roads where there is
just nowhere to go even if they pass me. I've thought of making an LED
board to tell them to back off. I think if it is red and connected to
your brakes, it would be entirely legal in the US.

It was illegal in California during the late 1960's, when I was in
college and doing such things with incandescent #47 pilot lights. Even
buses are expected to turn off their signs while at freeway speeds to
avoid creating a distraction.

Applicable section of the California Vehicle Code:
Sect 25353 and 25354 contains the details of what MIGHT be allowed on
a bus or commercial vehicle after the conclusion of a rather lengthy
field trial.

25351(d) Identification lamps are not permitted on passenger vehicles,
except housecars and ambulances, regardless of width.

An "identification lamp" also include lighted sign boards,
advertising, etc.

Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
On 12/31/2016 08:52 PM, Robert Baer wrote:
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 15:51:34 -0600, amdx<> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 3:32 PM, bitrex wrote:


Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let
pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

It should be programmable from your phone, you can change it while
your driving!

Once, in Massachusetts, as a 20-year-old student at MIT, I acquired a
tail-gater (after dropping my wife off at Honeywell Datamatic), so I
did a both-feet braking event... ran him off the road. He chased me
all the way into Cambridge... never quite catching up... how can a
craphead in a Dodge catch a Renault Dauphine in Boston traffic>:-}

...Jim Thompson
Better yet,just slow down and continue to slow down - take your time
doing that, until they HAVE to pass.
If you stop, then wait until they come to your window. Slowly roll it
down, and say something like "Oh,it is YOU!" and take off like a bat.

Yes, an excellent way to get a gun pulled on you; it hasn't happened to
me but it did happen to a friend of mine many years ago.

Aggressive tailgating/driving and keeping a gun in the car probably
correlates pretty well. I don't fuck with MA drivers - they're nuts.

We have low levels of gun violence in MA most likely because of our
strict laws wrt ownership, not because we're intrinsically such nice
people. ;-)
On 12/31/2016 08:02 PM, rickman wrote:

Just last week some guy was so close I could read the serial number on
his engine and would not back off. I often slow a bit just before
starting down a hill. Then I pick up a bit of speed at the bottom and
let him accelerate up the hill. Usually people will get the idea. No
this guy. I had to turn my mirror to keep the glare from his headlights
out of my eyes. As I approached a small town with a gas station (the
gas station pretty much *is* the town) I slowed a *lot* before I turned
off. Come to find out his sign price was for cash and the credit price
was a dime more! Joke was on me... lol But of course the tailgater
was gone. That was when I decided to look at building a sign.

You have to remember that people who aggressively tailgate are likely
legit fucked in the head. They're willing to risk their own lives, the
lives of other drivers, and thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in
property just because they're impatient or in a bad mood.

I don't fuck with people who are fucked in the head, I just use the most
expedient method available to get them the hell away from me.
On 12/31/2016 10:20 PM, rickman wrote:
On 12/31/2016 8:09 PM, wrote:
On Saturday, December 31, 2016 at 4:32:39 PM UTC-5, bitrex wrote:

Most states (MA for example) prohibit flashing, blinking, or oscillating
lamps of any type on passenger vehicles outright (except DOT-approved
amber strobes for work vehicles with a permit), and I think a scrolling
message board would definitely fall into that category.

The original poster did not say that it had to scroll.

Sounds like in Mass. it would be illegal to tap your brakes as that
would create blinking tail lights

That is clearly BS. How long do you have to let off the brake before
you can reapply? I'd just like to see a cop try to prosecute a ticket
for *using* your brakes.

I believe they mean flashing/blinking lights which are not standard
equipment. I think there are some brake lights on production cars that
blink rapidly when you aggressively apply the brakes, those would
probably be allowed as they're standard equipment and I imagine they're
approved by some regulatory body somewhere.

Your choices for colors would be limited here. If you're fitting new
lighting which doesn't either go in the 3rd "high" brakelamp position or
the standard tail lamp positions, red is certainly out. Blue is
definitely out. Green is a no-go, that's for security/sheriff/medical
examiner vehicles.

You can certainly see a lot of cars out there with aftermarket lighting
of different types. Going by the book, though, 99% of it isn't legal for
use on public roads.
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 15:51:34 -0600, amdx <> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 3:32 PM, bitrex wrote:


Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let
them pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

It should be programmable from your phone, you can change it while
your driving!

Once, in Massachusetts, as a 20-year-old student at MIT, I acquired a
tail-gater (after dropping my wife off at Honeywell Datamatic), so I
did a both-feet braking event... ran him off the road. He chased me
all the way into Cambridge... never quite catching up... how can a
craphead in a Dodge catch a Renault Dauphine in Boston traffic >:-}

You also have to consider the possibility that the tailgater is a cop
goading you to go faster. Cops always tailgate. When it happened to me
I just got a warning because I had no moving violations in 20 years and
maybe because I was going a lot slower when he first came up to me.
Slamming on the brakes would get you arrested.
On 1/1/2017 12:40 PM, bitrex wrote:
On 12/31/2016 08:52 PM, Robert Baer wrote:
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 15:51:34 -0600, amdx<> wrote:

On 12/31/2016 3:32 PM, bitrex wrote:


Of course, it's only illegal if you get caught. I think antagonizing
tailgaters is a bad idea overall - I usually just pull over and let
pass as soon as it's safe to do so.

It should be programmable from your phone, you can change it while
your driving!

Once, in Massachusetts, as a 20-year-old student at MIT, I acquired a
tail-gater (after dropping my wife off at Honeywell Datamatic), so I
did a both-feet braking event... ran him off the road. He chased me
all the way into Cambridge... never quite catching up... how can a
craphead in a Dodge catch a Renault Dauphine in Boston traffic>:-}

...Jim Thompson
Better yet,just slow down and continue to slow down - take your time
doing that, until they HAVE to pass.
If you stop, then wait until they come to your window. Slowly roll it
down, and say something like "Oh,it is YOU!" and take off like a bat.

Yes, an excellent way to get a gun pulled on you; it hasn't happened to
me but it did happen to a friend of mine many years ago.

Aggressive tailgating/driving and keeping a gun in the car probably
correlates pretty well. I don't fuck with MA drivers - they're nuts.

We have low levels of gun violence in MA most likely because of our
strict laws wrt ownership, not because we're intrinsically such nice
people. ;-)

Are you saying that gun control works?


Rick C

Welcome to

