Maynard A. Philbrook Jr.
In article <liij1p$tnl$1@news.datemas.de>, panteltje@yahoo.com says...
I have a couple of current clamps for scopes or DMM coming that can
do like 20mA up to 65 or 650 Amps scaled to mV.
These only have 20khz response time but close enough for what I want
them for and the price is acceptable since the upper units can't seem to
do much better, so why pay for them?
On a sunny day (Mon, 14 Apr 2014 20:57:11 -0700 (PDT)) it happened panfilero
panfilero@gmail.com> wrote in
I'm interested in sensing AC and DC currents, 0-8A nominally, but up to 160=
A for 10msec current surges from both AC and DC sources... I'm after the be=
st resolution I can get... I don't know if it's possible to do this for bot=
h AC and DC off the same current sense circuit... I was thinking a shunt th=
rough a current sense amplifier then to an RMS to DC converter IC... but I'=
m not sure if this is the best approach... any suggestions?
much thanks!
I have some nice Hall sensor based DC sensors....
No shunt losses.
There are lower current models too.
I have a couple of current clamps for scopes or DMM coming that can
do like 20mA up to 65 or 650 Amps scaled to mV.
These only have 20khz response time but close enough for what I want
them for and the price is acceptable since the upper units can't seem to
do much better, so why pay for them?