On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 12:45:39 PM UTC-4, George Herold wrote:
well, yes, asbestos, but there is another 20,000 that are not. I was trying to
zero in on the "cancer scare industry" in which carcinogens abound.
The best guy to listen to about this is Prof. Bruce Ames, originator of the
"Ames Carconogen test." He now says that all the dangerous carcinogens is just
a bunch of bunk. (bruce ames yourtube) He is THE main man on carcinogens, and
at age 80, says his life work (or that part of it - he did work on
mitochondrial aging and aging in general which is very current.) -was mistaken.
more later
On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 12:29:38 PM UTC-4, wrote:
LIBERAL HOAX #3 - Carcinogens
I want to add the area of carcinogens in the environment. This piece of flim-flam
Huh? Asbestos is nasty stuff.
George H.
is beloved of the government because they can "protect us" and make us passive
in the face of a major threat. Centralized government is desperate to find a way
to be useful, because it makes them look good, and maybe in some there is a
twinge of guilt about their theft of money from the economy.
I mean, it is more attractive to say to your grand-children, "I helped save a
million people from environment-caused cancer," than "I stole millions based on
pure hokum, and now we have this nice house?"
The carcinogens hoax has been used to drive major parts of the US economy out of
business - and to China. Examples abound, but nearly all our vitamins are made
in China, because regulations have forced US manufacturers out of business,
based on carcinogens and other myths.
The myth of carcinogens has been one of the more destructive of the modern
scientific scams fostered by the government-academic complex.
well, yes, asbestos, but there is another 20,000 that are not. I was trying to
zero in on the "cancer scare industry" in which carcinogens abound.
The best guy to listen to about this is Prof. Bruce Ames, originator of the
"Ames Carconogen test." He now says that all the dangerous carcinogens is just
a bunch of bunk. (bruce ames yourtube) He is THE main man on carcinogens, and
at age 80, says his life work (or that part of it - he did work on
mitochondrial aging and aging in general which is very current.) -was mistaken.
more later