Driver to drive?

On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 15:13:57 GMT, Fred Bloggs <>

Frank Bemelman wrote:
"Ratch" <> schreef in bericht

It is YOU who has a problem with him. Just about every citizen of this
planet will be affected to a certain degree by what he does.

That's why it such a tragedy to see that this piece of shit is
elected for the *second* time. All Bush voters are ignorant peasants.
Fucking ignorant peasants. No fucking brains at all. Fucking
puppets on strings.

I know more than a few people who are frustrated to the point of so much
anxiety, depression, and distraction over the election and four more
years of Bush that they need therapy. I have never in my life seen this
level of discontent over a Presidential election. There is a very
serious and large scale problem here.
Hopefully, South Carolina won't start anything...

John Fields
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 15:17:58 GMT, "Ratch" <> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 03:08:51 GMT, "Ratch" <> wrote:

"John Larkin" <> wrote in
On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 21:59:51 GMT, "Ratch" <> wrote:

You behave the way you're wired, and so do they; it's only a toss of the
chromosomes that made you straight.

No one knows for sure if chromosomes are the reason or not. That's
immaterial. The point is that some people are not normal, but they have a
obligation to society not to misbehave by exhibiting certain specific

Like being Black?

Of course not. Blackness is not a behavioral abnornality. I should
have made it clear that I was talking about behavior. Ratch
Like being Jewish, then?

John Fields
On 5 Nov 2004 02:20:15 -0800, (Bill Sloman)

I note that the currency dealers have welcomed the re-election of
Dubbya by devaluing the dollar, so it will now cost you $1.2867 to buy
one euro.
But I don't want one euro. I like my Volkswagen, but it was built in

Tilmann Reh wrote:
Pinchy schrieb:

I am building a waveformgenerator. To increase the output current I
intend to use a push pull class amplifier (NPN - PNP) in the feedback
loop of the last opamp. Hence it has to go up to 100 kHz I am
looking for the most recommended transistorset to build this stage.
It should be able to provide up to 15 V / 50 ohm (output resistance)
= 300 mA in order to get an automatic shortcut protection circuit
(50 ohm acting as a load)

The combination BC547 - BC557 (100 mA) is not suitable.

Correct. Too small.

The other
BD139 - BD140 (5A) is giving trouble in high frequency range as the
junctions of these are getting pretty big.


The last option is a BC141
- BC161 (1A) but those are getting pretty old. Has anyone a better
idea (European parts)?

There are much more modern parts than these really old fashioned
types. In this application, you'd also have to look at the power
dissipation, since at heavy loads, one transistor may have to
dissipate 15V * 300mA = 4.5W. Too much for anything without heat sink.

Look at BD 237/238 and BD 437/438. They are pretty standard and rather
fast for their power ratings. AFAIR, especially the 437/438, which
also have good gains (which is handy if you want to drive them from
the OPamp directly).

I would *not* suggest MOSFETs due to their large G/S capacity,
This is misleading. A bipolar transister with an ft of say, 200Mhz, at
300ma has a Cin of around 10nf, to wit.


A small mosfet will be much, much lower than this.

and since you have to drive their gates far beyond the supply voltage
you use them in source follower circuit.
Yes, but you can use a capacitive bootstrap on both sides of the driver.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Jim Thompson wrote:

On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 10:20:11 -0500, Keith Williams <krw@att.bizzzz


The subset of VHDL used in logic synthesis is pretty easy to learn.


Keith, Can you recommend a text/tool for just the logic synthesis?


...Jim Thompson
Hi Jim,
When I was learning, I used a copy of ModelSim from Mentor, but my book
is in a box (I am moving from a cubby to a home office...) so I can't
remember what it was.

NC-SIM from Cadence is very powerful, but has a little learning curve
due to all its options. Too bad PSpiceHDL never came out. It made the
Capture-NCSIM-PSpice integration a thing of beauty (as can always be
said for vaporware!) :cool:

Edmondson Engineering
Unique Solutions to Unusual Problems
"Stefan Heinzmann" <> schreef in bericht
Everything out of the ordinary is going to bother some until they get
accustomed to it. Would a female president bother you? A black
president? A disabled president, maybe in a wheelchair? A president of
asian origin?
Well, an idiot for President would bother me.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 16:34:21 -0800, John Larkin wrote:
We know one girl who dropped out of high school, got a job in a pizza
restaurant, embezzled $32,000, and had an abortion, all in one year.
Sounds pretty successful to me!

Frank Bemelman wrote:

"Stefan Heinzmann" <> schreef in bericht

Everything out of the ordinary is going to bother some until they get
accustomed to it. Would a female president bother you? A black
president? A disabled president, maybe in a wheelchair? A president of
asian origin?

Well, an idiot for President would bother me.
Don't worry, you'll get accustomed to it. Soon it will seem as if there
never was any other ;-)

In article <418bb3d8$0$78753$>, says...
"Stefan Heinzmann" <> schreef in bericht

Everything out of the ordinary is going to bother some until they get
accustomed to it. Would a female president bother you? A black
president? A disabled president, maybe in a wheelchair? A president of
asian origin?

Well, an idiot for President would bother me.
Right. That's why we voted for GWB (not that it mattered in this
pinko-blue state).

On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 17:12:57 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 16:34:21 -0800, John Larkin wrote:
We know one girl who dropped out of high school, got a job in a pizza
restaurant, embezzled $32,000, and had an abortion, all in one year.

Sounds pretty successful to me!
In California, it is; she'll get away clean.

Asa Cannell <> wrote:
Nichia just came out with a 365nm (ultraviolet), 100mw (optical power
output) LED. Its probably the highest power UV led in the world right
now, and 365nm is especially exotic for a solid state ultraviolet
source, most are at 390 or above, few are at this short a wavelength
and next to none are at this output power, at any wavelength.
What's the current shortest wavelength from a LED source?

Have diamond LEDs been made?

(continuous, most LEDs will produce down to 200nm or so if you pulse
them. (once))
In article <>,
nick <> wrote:
becase i have a 8 variables logic circuit ,i want to find a software to solve it
any kind of freeware can do that?
Espresso, from the UC Berkely EE-CS department could do that. I found
it there about 7-8 years ago. Pretty strange data format (it was an
engine buried in some other design software for creating Programmable
Logic Array in digital ICs). It's the code used in some of the fancier
PALASM programs like ABLE and CUPL.

Mark Zenier Washington State resident
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 18:29:09 GMT, "Ratch" <> wrote:

Would you refuse to vote for her if she stood for a public office?

Not if she was circumspect. Ratch
How about if she were circumcised ?:)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Rich Grise wrote:

It'll be interesting to see if Jerry Falwell's god can beat Allah!

Or either they're in for a big surprise when the real God answers
his prayers, and really _does_ make the election come out right. ;-)
God helps those who help themselves- the US must turn out in record
numbers to vote a landslide victory for John Kerry on Tuesday Nov 2.
The GOP cabal are trying to prevent the vote- the record on the GOP is
clear- they do not want all the people to vote- just the favored few.
They have employed numerous tactics to block the vote such as conducting
bogus public service drives to gather Democratic registrations and
destroy them, publishing false information about poll locations, dates,
and times, denying registration for irrelevant and immaterial
discrepancies in applications such as paper weight, or invoking
antiquated bureaucratic rules that have long since lost their relevance
and purpose. If the GOP *actively* fights against "freedom and
democracy" here in America, by what right do they justify the Iraq war
on those grounds.
Jim Thompson wrote:

On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 18:29:09 GMT, "Ratch" <> wrote:


Would you refuse to vote for her if she stood for a public office?

Not if she was circumspect. Ratch

How about if she were circumcised ?:)

...Jim Thompson

Ratch wrote:

"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in message

On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 16:41:41 GMT, "Ratch" <> wrote:


What's wrong with being Jewish, Irish, French, or any other
nationality? That's not a behavior issue. Ratch

"Jewish" is NOT a nationality... it's a religion. "Israeli" is a

It's both.

See the Random House Websters Unabridged Dictionary. Ratch

Jew n.
1. one of a scattered group of people that traces its descent from the
Biblical Hebrews or from postexilic adherents of Judaism; Israelite.
2. a person whose religion is Judaism.
3. a subject of the ancient kingdom of Judah.

...Jim Thompson
OK, then someone who practices Judaism.


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