Driver to drive?

On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 16:43:16 -0800, Winfield Hill wrote:

Ratch wrote...

2) He is homophobic like I am. Now I believe most of us homophobes would be
understanding and willing to help those unfortunate individuals, because
they have a disorder and perversion. But when the queers contend that their
lifestyle and practices are just another alternative way of living, then no,
my hand is against them.

Your hand is against Cheney's daughter?
No, no, she's not a fag, she's just a dyke. And girl-girl is some of
the most popular porno.

Hi Steve,

steve wrote:
I have a need to fit a printed circuit board into a small cabinet, I
basically need two sides of the board to bend at 90 degrees
(connectors are an option with seperate PCB's, but the fit is very
tight). I was thinking about rigid flex pcbs. Any experience with
them? Whats the minimum size of the flexible portion, for instance?
What are the general concerns with these hybrid boards?
Price shouldn't be a concern since the boards are very small and the
parts on them are very high price. thanks!
Try soldering the boards together using pads on each board like this:

Jamie Morken
Rich Grise wrote...
John S. Dyson wrote:
Jonathan Kirwan writes:
Winfield Hill wrote:

I'm troubled by the progress of these conversations. Bush supporters
rattle off a quick lying damning accusation against Kerry, turn it into
a sound bite and repeat it ad nauseam. Someone, News Hounds and then
Robert in this case, researches and carefully presents the truth, which
is generally the total opposite of the Bush camp's sound bite. Although
this truth completely refutes the Bush follower's lies, it's barely
noticed, and the sound bite lives on, growing louder and louder.

The understanding comes from behaviorism, which traces its roots to the
early 20th century.

Remember -- Kerry's supporters are more pathetic than Kerry and his lies.

Remember ... feh. I'm tired of that game.

For spin -- remember, that Holbrooke admitted (and another of Kerry's
people admitted) that the truth isn't known by them. On the other hand,
Kerry keeps on asserting the non-facts as the truth.

John repeats the Bush operative party line, effectively a lie, "Holbrooke
admitted ... that the truth isn't known by them," which was clearly answered
by Robert Monsen and by the News Hounds, per Robert's link in this thread,
and here we see John nicely illustrating my point above, "Although this truth
completely refutes the Bush follower's lies, it's barely noticed, and the
sound bite lives on, growing louder and louder." That's simply amazing.

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
On 30 Oct 2004 22:24:14 GMT,
(ChrisGibboGibson) wrote:

Are you American lot aware that your tax system operates differently for

I worked there for 18 months as a (legal) immigrant and I paid *substantially*
higher taxes than US citizens did on the same income.


Maybe you didn't read the manual ?:) Income taxes don't
differentiate on immigrant status, though there are slight benefits
for _our_ soldiers while serving overseas.

Or maybe it was the UK taxing you as well?

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 02:51:27 GMT, "Charles W. Johson Jr."
< past to present> wrote:

"John Crighton" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 22:48:27 GMT, "Charles W. Johson Jr." past to present> wrote:

JC you need to realize that Unions don't work the same world wide.


What makes you say that?
We are talking basics operation here
not nitpicking procedural differences.
Which union have you been a member of?
John Crighton

No JC the Union rules in the US are not the rules that Unions follow
elsewhere. You really should look them up before you continue to argue with
those that have run across them. Try google and teamsters, or "Safeway,
california, strike" and you'll discover the way Unions tend to work inthe
US. I am not 100% anti union but I see that many if not all unions have
twisted the original purpose to gainning power over the owner. I have never
been and most likely never will be a union member, when I worked
construction I was the owner as a security I was in a non union company, and
presently I'm self employed as a programming consultant and customer help


thankyou for your reply.
I have listened to a few people on this international forum
and not one of them has been a member of a union or
association to do with electronics and electrical work
including you. So you can't really talk to me about
rules, unless you can produce a rule book, what you
are telling me is hearsay.

You asked me to look at teamsters. Why not bakers and
pie makers? What has teamsters got to do with electronics
or electrical work? Lets stick to relavent unions that
cover people who read this forum. We are not all merkins
on this group. The world extends beyond the USA.

I still thank you for your opinion.

John Crighton
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 00:58:31 GMT, wrote:

I assume this is NOT the 4024 CMOS chip? I am in desperate need of some 4024s
in the metal can package (they are no longer made).

On 24 Oct 2004 11:33:35 -0700, (Tim Shoppa) wrote:

I just found a Metric Buttload of MC4024's (1978/1979 date codes). Mostly
MC4024P plastic DIP packages, a few MC4024L ceramic DIP packages. Found
the datasheet on Jim Thompson's website, stuck

Isn't the CMOS 4024 a counter and NOT a VCM (voltage-controlled
multivibrator), which the MC4024 is?

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Terry Given wrote:
Kevin Aylward wrote:
Terry Given wrote:

Kevin Aylward wrote:

Rich Grise wrote:

On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 12:56:43 +0000, Kevin Aylward wrote:
[about FET current sources]

Vt\Vp can vary several hundred percent so this one off batch
means nothing. You can expect huge variations. Your "design" is
an accident waiting to happen.

So, in other words, are you saying, as was I, that coming off the
line, even with care in the production process, there is still so
much variation in the cutoff current

V Pinch off/V Threshold and Idss

that makes it such that you'd have
to individually test each unit? (which, of course, jacks the price
up a bunch)

Yes. Unless, of course your design can stand say, at least a
+100%/-50% variation in current.

Kevin Aylward

Which it probably cant, not if you wanted a "constant" current
source (sink) in the first place.

This is actually a different issue. A constant current can be
constant, yet vary:)

The constant bit refers to its ability to remain fixed with respect
to its applied voltage.

Although I suppose if I tried hard enough I
could think of an application where the stability was important but
not the magnitude, just not off the top of my head.

Driving a zener is one application where its actual magnitude might
not be important over a wide range. This would be for obtaining a
very good PSRR on a reference.

thats what I initially thought of, but mostly when I've done this I
have biased the zener with a particular current to achieve a known
(sometimes near zero, other times not) tempco, for overall
temperature stability in addition to PSRR. +100%/-50% blows that out
of the water.
Its useful for audio power amps where you just want the rejection, and
the exact current is not that important.

How stable over temperature Kevin?

Er... Data sheet...

er...I'm very lazy, I figured you could rattle some numbers off the
top of your head :)
Indeed. How about looking at spice model data:)

Typically jfets are set to Vtotc=-2.5m (Vto temp co) and Betatce=-500m
(transconductance exponential temp co). i.e. ID = Beta.(Vgs-Vto)^2

Note: Beta = Beta_0 x 1.01 x exp(Betatce.(T-Tnom)). This is the PSpice
formula, and implemented in SS, but probably not implemented in most
other spices other than LTSpice. However, the last time I checked
LTSpice did not implement this PSpice specific temp co for
gasfets/mesfets, unlike SS:)

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Kevin Aylward wrote:
Vt\Vp can vary several hundred percent so this one off batch
means nothing. You can expect huge variations. Your "design" is
an accident waiting to happen.

So, in other words, are you saying, as was I, that coming off the
line, even with care in the production process, there is still so
much variation in the cutoff current

V Pinch off/V Threshold and Idss

that makes it such that you'd have
to individually test each unit? (which, of course, jacks the price
up a bunch)

Yes. Unless, of course your design can stand say, at least a
+100%/-50% variation in current.

Kevin Aylward

Which it probably cant, not if you wanted a "constant" current
source (sink) in the first place.

This is actually a different issue. A constant current can be
constant, yet vary:)

The constant bit refers to its ability to remain fixed with respect
to its applied voltage.

Although I suppose if I tried hard enough I
could think of an application where the stability was important but
not the magnitude, just not off the top of my head.

Driving a zener is one application where its actual magnitude might
not be important over a wide range. This would be for obtaining a
very good PSRR on a reference.

thats what I initially thought of, but mostly when I've done this I
have biased the zener with a particular current to achieve a known
(sometimes near zero, other times not) tempco, for overall
temperature stability in addition to PSRR. +100%/-50% blows that out
of the water.

Its useful for audio power amps where you just want the rejection, and
the exact current is not that important.
And you can count the number of audio amps I have designed on the
fingers of one foot.

How stable over temperature Kevin?

Er... Data sheet...

er...I'm very lazy, I figured you could rattle some numbers off the
top of your head :)

Indeed. How about looking at spice model data:)

Typically jfets are set to Vtotc=-2.5m (Vto temp co) and Betatce=-500m
(transconductance exponential temp co). i.e. ID = Beta.(Vgs-Vto)^2

Note: Beta = Beta_0 x 1.01 x exp(Betatce.(T-Tnom)). This is the PSpice
formula, and implemented in SS, but probably not implemented in most
other spices other than LTSpice. However, the last time I checked
LTSpice did not implement this PSpice specific temp co for
gasfets/mesfets, unlike SS:)

Kevin Aylward
And not only do I get some interesting numbers, but learn something in
the process. Ta.

On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 03:56:51 GMT, "Ratch" <> wrote:

That's got to be one of the dumbest theories/explanations I ever heard.
Let me get this straight. If I deplore stealing, cheating, bullying, or any
other antisocial act, then I probably participate in one or more of the
above? Do you realize how you come across on your last post? Whether you
agree with my position on the original topic or not, your explanation really
sounds stupid. Ratch
I agree with you Ratch. These liberals can't accept the simple truth.

You are just a dangerous bigot. No need to try to put a sympathetic spin
on you.
Winfield Hill wrote:
Robert Monsen wrote...

John S. Dyson wrote:

It is interesting that Holbrooke doesn't seem to agree with Kerry's
claims. Holbrooke (sp), Kerry's foreign policy advisor, seems not
to be sure about the status of the so-called 300+tons of high explosives
in Iraq, but Kerry is making cocky and absolute claims. In this case,
Holbrooke seems more realistic than Kerry's obvious lies.

Here is what he really said:

On yesterday’s Big Story with John Gibson, Ambassador Richard Holbrooke
discussed the missing explosives situation. During the interview he made
a statement that the Bush surrogates have taken out of context and are
now repeating ad nauseam to every newsperson who sticks a microphone in
their face. Here are some excerpts from that interview:

In response to Gibson’s statement that the NBC crew didn’t see any UN
seals on any explosives when they traveled near the Al Qaqaa munitions
site, Holbrooke says “That’s not accurate” and goes on to say that the
NBC reporter noted that “they didn’t look very hard and then they moved
on and she didn’t see anything. And that was three weeks later. You and
I don’t know what happened...I do know one thing. In most
administrations the buck stops in the Oval Office. The White House press
spokesman, Scott McClellan, says that President Bush was only aware of
this ten days ago and I’m a little troubled by that..” Later he said:
“You don’t know the truth. I don’t know the truth....If this stuff’s
missing, it’s a direct threat to Americans.”

Later still:

HOLBROOKE: “...But, the President said in the first debate that “Senator
Kerry had the same intelligence that I had.” Do you believe that, John?
I worked in the White House. I worked in the government for 40 years...

GIBSON (interrupts): You’re saying the President knew more than Kerry
learned at the UN, when he went to meet the Security Council?

HOLBROOKE: Of course. The President of the United States - our
commander-in-chief - has

GIBSON (Interrupts again): You’re saying he knew there were no WMD?

(FOX starts playing its “get that guest off in a hurry” music.)

HOLBROOKE (patiently, as if explaining to a particular dense child): No.
I’m saying that when George Bush says that John Kerry had the same
intelligence he - the President of the United States - had, that’s
completely untrue. The fact is that Presidents have intelligence in a
way that no one else has. (Gestures to Gibson) Wait a second - I’m gonna
finish - and secondly that it’s his intelligence. You didn’t have it. I
believed there was WMD. You believed. John Kerry. John Edwards believed
it, but it was the administration’s intelligence.


On today's Big Story White House spokesman Dan Bartlett jumped all over
Holbrooke's one statement "I don't know the truth" to impugn John Kerry
for attacking the President.

To his credit Gibson did read back the quote and offered his own
explanation for what Holbrooke meant, i.e., that the ultimate
resonsibility for knowing about this lay with the President.

I'm troubled by the progress of these conversations. Bush supporters
rattle off a quick lying damning accusation against Kerry, turn it
into a sound bite and repeat it ad nauseam. Someone, News Hounds and
then Robert in this case, researches and carefully presents the truth,
which is generally the total opposite of the Bush camp's sound bite.
Although this truth completely refutes the Bush follower's lies, it's
barely noticed, and the sound bite lives on, growing louder and louder.
I told you people long ago that it was a waste of time to engage in
discussion with these unnerving and ignorant scum, it was clear to me
what their tactics were. They are timid little sh_t people generally and
it is all they can do to peck out their mindless retorts on usenet. I
have seen how they act in public- and these people are anything BUT
strong, they are superficial shills and hacks, and mindless. They hide
behind banners, slogans, large crowds, and lately the police. They are
so much like that defective scum we read about with Hitler's Brown
Shirts that I can't really believe this is happening here. They WILL NOT
steal the election for a second time, we will see something very big
happen if they try it.
Joel Kolstad wrote:
I wasn't aware that Karnaugh maps could be (systematically) used for more
than 5 variables? Can they be? Back when I was in school we used the
'table method' (I've forgotten the real name) beyond 4.

And 4 is enough to convince people of the value of HDLs, I think! :)
Use 'folding' rules. Draw the map so you can see the major transitions
easily (i.e. where the Gray code mirrors), then fold the map around
these lines - in your head of course. You can then group across the
layers according to the ususal rules, except instead of sqaures you get
cubes. As I said, cumbersome.

Paul Burke
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 14:41:00 GMT, Fred Bloggs <

Jim Thompson wrote:
Just on the news...

Kerry concedes in call to Bush.

Daschle loses Senate race!

"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.

Methinks I read Bloggs as a terrorist. Time to track his ass down and
turn him in.

...Jim Thompson
Time for someone to get a hunting rifle with scope and train it on
a fat bastard in Phoenix.

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
In article <cm1d1r$37e$>,
"Reg Edwards" <> writes:
Since when has the American or any other government ever been concerned
about loss of life in their armed services?

War sucks, and war sucks badly. However, the overly simplistic
leftist party line (as espoused by Soros and as practiced by Kerry's
behavior -- not his rhetoric doesn't accurately describe the
situation. It is obvious that the leftist party line (being over simplified)
does help to create the black/white attitude that is so common on the left
nowadays. The idea of liberalism and 'shades of grey' is totally dead on
the left. Unfortunately, the current president also
doesn't/cannot adequately explain the situation, but usually each
current president doesn't have to expose all of America's policies. The
problem here against American freedom is the leftist, doctorinare press,
and the total lack of help being given (unlike in WWII, which is the
last conflict that showed a significant, direct hot-war threat against
the US) and the lack of pro-America patriotism (not propaganda.) Too
often, the press has ceded the responsibilities of their citizenship
and responsibilities to other Americans to a larger world leftist viewpoint
(like Soros's). Instead
of the press being a slave to American government propaganda, the press (and
the leftist lackeys) are being a slave to anti-America propaganda. Note
that the propaganda is NOT just targeted against the current governmental
representatives (that is perfectly okay), but people like Soros are
being anti-America as demonstrated by ongoing hate speech. Even if I was a
leftist instead of a committed centrist (accepting reasonable left and right
wing causes), anyone with ANY SELF RESPECT would be embarassed to align
themselves with the leftist propaganda mongers. (Further examples of
leftist intolerance is that unless you follow exactly their party line,
then they act like in a hive mentality against you... There is NO
liberalism in the American left... This is one example of the ineptness
of the American right and people like Rush who keep on describing the
doctorinare left as 'liberal.')

Ceding the moniker "liberal" to the American left is idiocy, only because
it isn't true. This silly acceptance of misuse of the word 'liberal' to
describe the left gives them too much credibility for being 'balanced', when
the leftist hive mentality is almost stronger than in a cultist church.

There is a big difference between expressing patriotism and providing
propaganda, and it is quite true that the leftist press is NOT showing
patriotism, but also is providing anti-America propaganda (much much
wider and stronger than just being partisan.) Soros, for example, with his
megabucks, has chosen to pollute the political system with his over whelming
hate speech (e.g. moveon.) It is very true that the right isn't quite
as motivated by hate, and the center just doesn't get their 'dander up'
and feel a need to respond to the hate speech. (Actually, it seems that
the right is more motivated by a positive message, and isn't really so
interested in destroying any leftist, unlike the ongoing emotional attitude
to destroy certain non-leftists.) (Hint, our political system doesnt'
really normally throw-out even the most disgusting people -- like Clinton...
I wasn't for his ouster, but the impeachment did show that there is a limit
even for the presidency.)

Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:

Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:

This is a REAL SIMPLE question, why don't you answer it?

I'm getting fed the f_ck up with your lack of comprehension. Wasn't my
first question to you about getting specific:"What statements in
particular do you have in mind?" And this was after you asked:"do you
REALLY think that EVERYTHING Kerry has told you is the truth?" If this
is some retarded way of asking about credibility, then the answer is
that Kerry is orders of magnitude more credible than Bush. The simple
reason for this is that Kerry can explain every issue to any degree of
depth necessary, whereas Bush is so shallow as to be nearly
dimensionless with statements like "I am President so I don't have to
give a reason why" and "I just know it in my heart"- he is true idiot-
hard to imagine anyone trusting him with a paper route job- he
epitomizes the low point of the most thorough moral corruption of
American society:grab the idiot with a name and put him out front. And
he will tell /me/ a reason "why"- or he can go to hell as far as I'm

Your evasiveness shouts the answer: no you don't. But I'm surprised
that you didn't lie and say yes.

More of your one-liners, sickening little puke weakling? Answer the

You are never answering the question. Instead you turn it into another question.


I have no way of knowing EVERYTHING Kerry says- I do believe all the
statements on his platform- yes.

ok, a QUALIFIED yes (ONLY Kerry's platform!). How many times did I
have to ask, 4 or 5. The conviction in your answer bowls me over!
It is not a qualified "yes", your question made no sense. Can you tell
me if you believe *everything* Bush says? If that was addressed to me it
would have to be *anything* Bush says....
John S. Dyson wrote:
In article <>,
Rich Grise <> writes:

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 14:44:57 -0700, Tom Seim wrote:

That's ok, you've been blaming Bush for everything but daylight savings
time anyhow.

Show me.

The 'YOU' is the collect 'YOU' of American-style, Al Queda supporting
leftism. That is mostly a cabal of liars, with people like Soros
interjecting, funding and polluting political discussion with hate
speech. If you notice, Soros is the kind who wishes
to 'change' or modify the status-quo, and his power mad mentality
has lots of followers... Kerry is yet another spawn of evil intent

Maybe- but Bush is a dangerous idiot and a liar.
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 02:03:42 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

In article <>,
Winfield Hill <> writes:
John S. Dyson wrote in, Re: Winfield Hill seems to have a hate problem

Winfield Hill writes:
Fred Bloggs wrote...

Osama Bin Laden is only confirming what the prescient George Soros
stated yesterday to the National Press Club, he will escalate any amount
of violence which then induces more violence from us and thus the
proverbial vicious circle. Americans would be wise to read the
philosophy at before
casting their vote, and then do the reasonable thing which is to vote
for John Kerry.

A vote to throw George Bush out of office is what's important here.

Yes, your vote based upon hatred does help to prove your moral
deficiency and corruption. Voting to 'throw' someone out of office,
when there is no justification is quite different than the careful
judgement ... [ snip massive hatred oozing from John S. Dyson ]

I don't hate GWB, never gave any indication I did. It's hard to
hate someone who's as stupid as he is, and who can't help himself.

Thank you for further proof -- you try to use transparent sophistry,
and you call yourself an author? Of course, you basically repeat other
peoples design ideas, right? You also seem to repeat the Democrat
and/or Socialist party line, right?

Your hate speech (and earlier comments about killing people) is showing
that you might have a serious problem.

I like that... AoH ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 19:23:53 -0700, Tom Seim wrote:

The bottom line in all of this was that Holbrooke was honest in his
statement that he didn't know what happened to the weapons.

Contrast that to Kerry's statement that the weapons had been absolutely
stolen by Al Quaeda, right from under Bush's nose. Kerry's REPEATED
charges where, and are, irresponsible. This is vintage Kerry.

Now it is very apparent that there is no way that terrorists could have
moved even a fraction of this ammo could have been moved.

And guess what, Kerry has stopped talking about it. He must have listened
to Clinton's former advisor Dick Morris, who flat out predicted that this
misguided attack by Kerry will cost him the election.

You guys keep on focusing on meaningless issues (which is ok by me), most
of which have been fabricated, while ignoring the big picture. Kerry
should be concentrating on why he is a better choice for president than
Bush. I hear VERY LITTLE from him on this.
The primary reason is that he's not the Antichrist.

Rich Grise <> wrote:

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:34:53 +0100, Terry Pinnell wrote:

"Steve" <> wrote:

My group and I built the following dc motor control circut:

I replaced the SK100 transistor with NTE262 and the SL100 with TIP110

That seems an odd choice. The circuit (duly modified as suggested by
nospam and Terry Given to correct the drawing error) will need further
changes if you use those types.

The SK100 and SL100 are a complementary pair of general purpose medium
power transistors, with max current around 500 mA and power rating of 800
mW. Plainly inadequate for your 2A motor (and presumably hard to find), so
you're obviously right to change them.

The NTE262/TIP110 are up to the job but that pair is not complementary.
And both are Darlingtons, so cannot be expected to be straightforward
replacements. Also, if you want to use Darlingtons (to eliminate the
2N2222s?), then why not use the *pair*? IOW, either the TIP110/115 or the

I'm wondering if the resulting 4 E-B drops in series with the motor will
have to be taken into consideration.
Yes, that's the main impact I had in mind. At the very least it will
mean increasing Vcc if the motor's full speed range is required.

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK

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