Driver to drive?

Norm Dresner wrote:

Were the Current Regulating Diodes simply a good idea that never made it in
the marketplace?
I think they were a ruse to sell more FETs. ;-)

On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 16:06:23 -0600, John Fields wrote:

On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 21:48:39 +0100, "Frank Bemelman"> wrote:

"John Fields" <> schreef in bericht
On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 12:12:51 +0100, "Frank Bemelman"> wrote:

That's exactly how it is. It's not a matter of Kerry being the
solution to everything, which he is not, and nobody is, but what
counts is to get that disgusting piece of shit named Bush out of
office and preferably behind bars. Or cut into pieces and fed
to the dogs.

Is that you, Lee Harvey Bemelman?

No, you don't understand. It's strong figurative language.

OK, I get it. You didn't _really_ mean it, but you had to paint that
picture in order to get your point across to those of who are so thick
that we wouldn't be able to comprehend your rage if you said it in any
other way?
Yes. That's exactly it. The mechanism has one notable name that I use,
and that's "symbolism." And yes, it's an effort to paint a word picture
to impart a concept that words alone, linearly, fail to impart, for
whatever reason.

Another, similar tool, is "satire," albeit it's generally intended
to relieve the pain through laughter, rather than simple revenge

Theo van Gogh, a brilliant Dutch cineast and writer, sort of
our version of Michael Moore, was a great master of figurative
language. I say 'was' because he was killed this morning.
I guess by someone who didn't understand him either.

Perhaps the lack of understanding was on van Gogh's part?
Evidently. One of his own denials got him.

Rich (Ken Smith) wrote in

In article <>,
R. Steve Walz <> wrote:
He regarded the entire Vietnam WAR as an atrocity, but only in

The subject he was refering to was a little more specific. He was
refering to the "free fire zones". That is what this is all about.
Kerry opposed the war, but I don't think you can find a reference
where he said that the who thing was an atrocity. He was refering to
more specific items than this.
Actually,Kerry was intentionally general in his accusations.
It's harder to prove such generalizations,and consistent with the Kerry
modus operandi.

Jim Yanik (Ken Smith) wrote in

In article <cm7ujm$27gl$>,
John S. Dyson <> wrote:
You are expressing wishful thinking based upon only one claim. Kerry
has pointed towards his misbehavior over and over again (in the past.)

Yes and he was specific about what actions he regretted.
He said on Meet The Press that he was guilty of the SAME crimes others
committed;that's not very specific,and he painted veterans as being "war
criminals".That would include himself.
Of course,that was just all BULLS__t from Kerry.Nothing ever came of it,and
Kerry never filed any charges against anyone himself,because he couldn't.It
was all made up for the media campaign that the N.Vietnamese in Paris
counselled(directed) him to do,as their "useful idiot".

Jim Yanik
nico@puntnl.niks (Nico Coesel) wrote in (Klaus Kragelund) wrote:


Tektronix has recently launched a new TPS2000 series cheap scopes that
provide isolation between the inputs and ground by default:,,3M-17750-INTRO_EN,00.html?wt=510&link=/si

Does anyone know how they acchieve the 600VRMS isolation with the aid
of the P5120 passive probe? (30VRMS with a standard P2220 probe)

How is the isolation done inside the scope? Its quite cheap, around
5k$ with 4 probes and with nice 200MHz bandwidth performance.....

How about a differential input amplifier?
Too complex;look at the 7A13 diff amp plug-in for 7000 series lab scopes.
I suspect it's done along the lines of an A6902 isolation system.

Jim Yanik
On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 20:41:14 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"
<> wrote:

Dear Paul,

Like your contemporaries and products of the educational system, you
over-complicate matters. Looking in advance for problems where none probably
exist. Which signifies a degree of lack in self-confidence.
You're undoubtedly right; certainly in matters electronic, anyway.

Who needs Kirchoff and the other theorem writers? Myself I've hardly ever
heard of Kirchoff except in these newsgroups. If you want to convince me in
a technical argument, quoting Kirchoff or Terman is wasted effort. I doubt
if it convinces others.

When was the last time Kirchoff or Terman ever solve one of your (or anybody
else's) genuine PRACTICAL problems?
I assume you mean Thevenin? His is a useful way to visualise some
basic resistance/impedance stuff. I do resort to it quite frequently.
Kirchoff, very much less so.

Things worked out OK for me. But then, I take a different viewpoint - I'm
self-educated. Beyond reading and writing up to the age of 14 I am not a
product of the 40-years debased UK technical educational system.

I'm sure you appreciate I have not the slightest ill-will against your
only-to-be-expected views. But you may wish to take into account that I have
just consumed a bottle of cheap plonk - a claret.
In vino veritas, Reg; in vino veritas.

I have grave doubts that I'm cut out for higher electronics. I can't
see things the way you intuitive types can (could the skill be
cultivated somehow?) My natural talents lie in other areas but
electronics is a life-long interest and I'd like to do a little better
at it than I do!

Any tips and suggestions readily welcomed!

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 00:02:14 +0000, Pooh Bear wrote:

Norm Dresner wrote:

Were the Current Regulating Diodes simply a good idea that never made it in
the marketplace?

I think they were a ruse to sell more FETs. ;-)
Since they're essentially a JFET at zero bias, they're probably that
expensive to characterize, or it could be just lack of demand.

Although, it might be interesting to measure a batch of jellybean JFETS
and see what you'd get.

Just short the gate to the source, and see what its current is. :)

On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 01:12:39 +0000, Paul Burridge wrote:

I have grave doubts that I'm cut out for higher electronics.
WTF is "higher electronics?" There's electronics, and there's stuff that's
not. :)

I can't
see things the way you intuitive types can
'tain't necessarily so! It isn't really "intuitive," it just seems like
it after embedding oneself in it for some time. :)

(could the skill be
cultivated somehow?)

My natural talents lie in other areas but
electronics is a life-long interest and I'd like to do a little better
at it than I do!
I wouldn't worry about the "talents" a lot of us have a lot of different
talents. If you're interested, that's really all the motivation you need,
and it keeps it fun as a hobby. :)
Any tips and suggestions readily welcomed!
Get a meter and a soldering iron and some parts and a proto-board or
one of those 101-in-1 kits, and read a lot. I always used to hang out at
621.384 in the Library. :) And I think the book that I knew as "The
Radio Amateurs' Handbook" goes by a different name now, and I'm sure
that someone will help out here. A lot of people say a lot of good
stuff about AoE, but I can't speak at that, other than that I highly
respect Win Hill and am consistently impressed with his knowledge
and the way he presents it.

Have Fun, and welcome to the snake pit! ;-)
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 01:07:16 +0000, Jim Yanik wrote: (Ken Smith) wrote in

In article <cm7ujm$27gl$>,
John S. Dyson <> wrote:
You are expressing wishful thinking based upon only one claim. Kerry
has pointed towards his misbehavior over and over again (in the past.)

Yes and he was specific about what actions he regretted.

He said on Meet The Press that he was guilty of the SAME crimes others
committed;that's not very specific,and he painted veterans as being "war
criminals".That would include himself.
Please be so kind as to show us where you see John Kerry "paint[ing]
veterans as being 'war criminals'".

If you can.

And I don't mean take "atrocities" and change it to "war crimes" with
your text editor - that is just plain and simple dishonesty. I mean
his actual words, that can be independently verified.


Of course,that was just all BULLS__t from Kerry.Nothing ever came of it,and
Kerry never filed any charges against anyone himself,because he couldn't.It
was all made up for the media campaign that the N.Vietnamese in Paris
counselled(directed) him to do,as their "useful idiot".
On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 15:49:50 -0800, Tom Seim wrote:

Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...
Tom Seim wrote:

... (murderinging
civilians, for instance).

"murderinging"?! Complete brain death is just a few more hours away for
you. You can't even hack three syllable words anymore, but you think you
can hack the long haul of global war- typical insubstantial little arm
chair warmonger.

That's murder by multiple means.
It sounds more like either inducing others to become murderers on your
behalf, or the splutterings of a nazi sympathizer who has, once again,
let his hatred drive him beyond the limits of his little willess mind.

Rich Grise wrote:

On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 00:02:14 +0000, Pooh Bear wrote:

Norm Dresner wrote:

Were the Current Regulating Diodes simply a good idea that never made it in
the marketplace?

I think they were a ruse to sell more FETs. ;-)

Since they're essentially a JFET at zero bias, they're probably that
expensive to characterize, or it could be just lack of demand.
I can think of *one* instance when I saw one in a practical design and it wasn't a
high volume product. It was *loud* though - a guitar amp.

Although, it might be interesting to measure a batch of jellybean JFETS
and see what you'd get.

Just short the gate to the source, and see what its current is. :)
Indeed - nice and simple. You become the 'ATE'

Graham ;-)
Joel Kolstad wrote:

"Joerg" <> wrote in message
I think you have a point there. The same goes for some of those 'panacea
chips' that try to solve a whole barrage of tasks at once but only for a
tiny sliver of a market. They often tend to be short-lived as a product.

I'm constantly amazed at how many different voltage references, regulators
with fixed output voltages, watchdog timers with preset timeouts, etc. that
the likes of Maxim and Analog Devices put out these days. Unless you're
buying 50,000 for a lifetime purchase, it seems pretty iffy whether or not
that 2.834V reference is still giong to be around in a year or two.
Use a TL431 ! You'll be in good company.

In article <Xns9594C7F7FF3E9jyanikkuanet@>,
Jim Yanik <> wrote: (Ken Smith) wrote in

In article <>,
Tom Seim <> wrote: (Ken Smith) wrote in message
In article <>,
Tom Seim <> wrote:
Just listened to Kerry admit to atrocities in Vietnam this morning
on Meet the Press. Who is being duped by whom?

I heard the same show. Clean the wax out of your ears.


Here's the transcript (notice the repeated "yes"):

(Videotape, April 18, 1971):

MR. KERRY: There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say
that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands
of other soldiers have committed.

Note the "as thousands of other soldiers" and the fact that he did not
say that he committed "war crimes". He is confessing to being a part
of something he now regrets not confessing to any type of crime. It
is very clear.

Still,Kerry said clearly that HE committed atrocities(that were war
crimes).That's what the whole Kerry testomony was about;WAR CRIMES.

Please stop weaseling,you're too much like Kerry.
The die is cast there is nothing we can do about it anymore so the debate
is now meaningless.

-- forging knowledge
In article <>,
Yzordderex <> wrote:
I am trying to develop a current sensor that will detect ground fault
currents. These currents are to protect a 50amp IGBT. Not to protect
a human being.

I am using a smd hall effect sensor which is mounted very close to the
current carrying tracks. The sensitivity is marginal and I would like
to concentrate the flux by gluing a small ferrite disc on the opposite
side of the board.

So I am looking for a small disc. Diameter should be about 1/8" to

Anybody know of a manufacturer who produces small discs?

Does it really have to be a disk?

Coil craft makes inductors that are two disks with a very short rod core
between them. The whole thing is less than 1/8" thick and surface mounts.
You could try one of them.

-- forging knowledge
In article <L0Uhd.58115$>,
Norm Dresner <> wrote:
I could use an LM334 Adjustable Current Source -- that's only $0.75 + one
resistor but more board space.
I think they aren't as good as the CLD at high frequencies.

-- forging knowledge
On 2 Nov 2004 18:08:53 -0800, (Dummy) wrote:

There are two VHF (136-174MHz) radios and two UHF (438-470MHz) radios.
For UHF radios, some kind of noise appeared at receiver radio's
speaker when key chain is jingled at the transmitting radio. This
happened even when the microphone was disabled/unplugged from the
transmitting radio. I don't see any way that the noise could be
coupled to the microphone. The noise amplitude (as audible) was much
more lower when antenna was detached. What actually happened there? No
such peculiar phenomena was been observed in VHF radios though. I
suppose it's the interaction between the key chain and RF radiation
field, and caused VCO pulling?
Vibrating keys causing Doppler modulation in the near field if the Tx
antenna. Are the receivers FM?


Boris Mohar

Got Knock? - see:
Viatrack Printed Circuit Designs
"Fred Bloggs" <> schreef in bericht
Paul Burridge wrote:
It's a funny old world where a guy can get re-elected having taken his
country to war over nothing but a Big Lie.

Well what did you expect- barring some major voting scandal- the United
States is finished.
Well, honestly, I did not expect it at all. There must be something
in the drinking water that kills common sense.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
In message <>, Yzordderex
<> writes
I am using a smd hall effect sensor which is mounted very close to the
current carrying tracks. The sensitivity is marginal and I would like
to concentrate the flux by gluing a small ferrite disc on the opposite
side of the board.

So I am looking for a small disc. Diameter should be about 1/8" to
Not a disc, but how about a surface-mount ferrite inductor? Don't
connect the coil but use it as a lump of ferrite. Farnell has loads,
for example 305-6510 is 0805 size.

Keith Wootten
Scott Stephens wrote...
Jesus might say a tree is known by its fruit, and those judging
should be judged with the measure they judge with ...

Are you being a good little hippie and stopped using your petro-
dollars, burning gasoline, and smoking imported weed that fuels
our fascist military-industrial complex?
And yours is an open mind?

- Win
On 2 Nov 2004 19:25:45 -0800, (Tom Seim) wrote:

Barack is a very welcome addition to the Dems.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

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