Republicans urged to sign Nader petitions to get him on the ballot!
Repub financed voter drives toss registrations from Democrats!
Repubs openly discuss supressing votes.
Repubs try and put citizen questioners into polling places to slow up the lines
making it harder to vote, and I'm sure they would be in democratic districts.
Repubs gerrymander Texas to get more repub house members.
Tom Delay openly bribes a congressman for a vote by offering $100,000 for the
election campaign of the congressmans son.
In oregon a Republican party lawer is demanding that all newly registered
voters supply writen proof of citizenship in their first mail in ballot.
In Florida a newspapers investigation stops the state from resticting tens of
thousands of mostly Black voters for being felons when they are not. Only a few
Hispanics are on this list. They pulled this same shit in 2000, and they tried
it again this year.
In Oregon the Republican party mailed out a booklet that looked just like the
offical Oregon Voters Booklets.
You Repubs have shown us all what pissing on the constititution is. You
Righties just love to accuse the other side of all your fauts. You really are a
bunch self blind one trick attack ponies.
Republicans urged to sign Nader petitions to get him on the ballot!
Repub financed voter drives toss registrations from Democrats!
Repubs openly discuss supressing votes.
Repubs try and put citizen questioners into polling places to slow up the lines
making it harder to vote, and I'm sure they would be in democratic districts.
Repubs gerrymander Texas to get more repub house members.
Tom Delay openly bribes a congressman for a vote by offering $100,000 for the
election campaign of the congressmans son.
In oregon a Republican party lawer is demanding that all newly registered
voters supply writen proof of citizenship in their first mail in ballot.
In Florida a newspapers investigation stops the state from resticting tens of
thousands of mostly Black voters for being felons when they are not. Only a few
Hispanics are on this list. They pulled this same shit in 2000, and they tried
it again this year.
In Oregon the Republican party mailed out a booklet that looked just like the
offical Oregon Voters Booklets.
You Repubs have shown us all what pissing on the constititution is. You
Righties just love to accuse the other side of all your fauts. You really are a
bunch self blind one trick attack ponies.