Daniel Haude
On 2 Nov 2004 04:19:51 -0800,
Winfield Hill <Winfield_member@newsguy.com> wrote
in Msg. <cm7u170gkc@drn.newsguy.com>
pollution, a main ingredient for the greenhouse effect. Much more
effective than burning oil on the ground. So ... less flying, less
pollution. Good news, no?
"With me is nothing wrong! And with you?" (from r.a.m.p)
Winfield Hill <Winfield_member@newsguy.com> wrote
in Msg. <cm7u170gkc@drn.newsguy.com>
Massive air traffic is the principal source of high-altitudeWhat, that tickets are dirt cheap, or that we don't fly much anymore?
pollution, a main ingredient for the greenhouse effect. Much more
effective than burning oil on the ground. So ... less flying, less
pollution. Good news, no?
"With me is nothing wrong! And with you?" (from r.a.m.p)