kensmith wrote:
I don't know if that was meant as a joke in view of another failed thread that
I started tonight, but either way it made me laugh.
Yes, or use a PIC.In article <20041028211649.25170.00003294@mb-m04.aol.com>,
ChrisGibboGibson <chrisgibbogibson@aol.com> wrote:
chickenwing2010 wrote:
Dear All,
I'm investigating how a PFM signal can be converted into PWM signal by
hardware. Any suggestions would be very appreciated.
Sounds like homework but what the hell...
Signal into a monostable, LP filter it, remodulate it to PWM using a
and triangle waveform.
Or, use a PIC.
I don't know if that was meant as a joke in view of another failed thread that
I started tonight, but either way it made me laugh.